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Jamille Fye P.

IV BSBA Legal Management
CO 201910866

The COVID-19 pandemic really took a toll on many people’s lives as it caused different
struggles for people. There were many who lost their jobs, many who lost their loved ones because
of the virus, many were separated from their family because of the lockdown, and many struggled to
live their lives because of having no resources for their daily necessities such as food. The encyclicals
that I read discussed social problems that are really prevalent nowadays just as workers who are not
compensated enough for the work that they do, meaning they were underpaid. It also discussed
human rights violations which are also rampant in different places just like what happened in the
Philippines when there was still extrajudicial killing that are happening, also the wars that happened
in different countries affected many people causing them to lose their jobs, lives, and family
members. Men from their families were forced to serve the country and risk losing their lives to
protect their loved ones by fighting during the wars. However, even before these wars and the
CoVid-19, there are already people who are struggling to get by their daily needs, or whose lifestyle
was referred to as “isang kayod, isang tuka”, so imagine the difficulty they experienced during the

So, as students who are part of different communities, social organizations, and Parish, we
can do different ways in helping the government system to educate people in following the health
protocols. One is that we should be responsible for ourselves, as individuals we must know that
these health protocols are to be followed to prevent the virus from spreading. Another is that within
our organization, we conduct different outreach activities that cater to different beneficiaries for
each event to help many people. Recently in our organization, we gave hygiene kits to pedicab
drivers to help them know the importance of maintaining proper hygiene in the midst of the
pandemic. Another is that we gave necessities such as diapers to a community where they are taking
care of lolos and lolas. For calamities, our organization gave monetary donations to another
organization that managed a drive that benefits those who were affected by the recent typhoon that
flooded many places. Aside from these, we want to help not only people but also animals wherein
we will be feeding stray dogs and cats to soothe their hunger and thirst because, during these trying
times, people are not only the ones who are in a tough situation but also abandoned animals who
were just left on the roads to find their way to live their lives.

With those that were mentioned in the preceding paragraph, I can say that I have no regrets
whatsoever in accomplishing something in helping other people because I believe that these acts are
sufficient in helping others because as an individual I also do simple acts that would help other just
like making other people go in front of the line at the cashier if they have fewer items than mine, or
helping an old person climb on the jeepney, and others. This is because helping others does not
mean grand events or huge monetary donations, but this can also mean simple acts that would help
them get through their simple activities in life. Acts of kindness do not have any standard
requirement for them to be considered valid or helping because as long as you are doing something
to alleviate their struggle then that is already a big thing to do.

As for future plans of action, 5 to 10 years from now, I want to hire unemployed people if
ever I will be having a business that needs employees. This will benefit those who are in need of
resources or money to support themselves or their families. As we all know, the inflation rate here in
the Philippines has constantly been increasing which is why the goods and services are also
increasing, making it difficult for people who have just enough money to support their needs.
Another is that I want to donate to orphanages or homes for the aged communities to provide them
with at least a small act of help such as providing their needs like diapers, food, clothes, and
monetary donations. These are the plans that I have to help people rebuild their lives from the effect
of the CoVid-19 pandemic.

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