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1. Answer
Although food and eating became a prominent public preoccupation in Australia during the late 20th
century, it was earlier a private activity confined to the matters of supply, distribution and price.
2. Answer
San, short Southern African people with yellowish brown skin color and prominent cheekbones, are
living in primitive ways and small hunting bands previously lived in southern and central Africa
3. Answer
The origin of ecology, the study of interactions of organisms among themselves and with their
environment, and climatology, the study of the physical state of the atmosphere, is attributed to
Aristotle and Theophrastus, but their modern beginnings trace back to natural history and plant
geography, with naturalists and geographers saw changes in vegetation while exploring new regions and
laying the foundation for ecology and climatology as they sought explanations for these geographic
4. Answer
During the Presidential elections in the USA, candidates who are nominated by their political parties
start campaigning a year in advance to influence the public as public’s perception leads to caucuses and
primaries in few months.
5. Answer
Mammals can be one of the hardest-hit groups by habitat loss, with a lot of research carried out to find
the best ways to conserve mammal diversity, much of which has focussed on large-scale changes in land
use and the impacts on mammal diversity, and researchers have identified previously logged forests as
an overlooked source of refuge for mammals, which should be better protected.
6. Answer
Although some developing countries, such as China, become competent in the production green
industries because they have a comparative advantage over the United States, in producing labour
intensive goods due to the relatively lower-priced labour, the United States still has a comparative
advantage enabled by innovation in the production at the early stage of the development of a new
7. Answer
As a farming technique in West Africa can convert nutrient-poor rainforest soil into fertile farmland,
researchers discovered enduringly fertile, carbon-rich black soils named ‘African Dark Earths’, and
similar soils in pre-Columbian eras have also been discovered although the techniques are unknown, so
researchers in the West Africa study were able to live within communities as they created their fertile
soils, which could be the answer to mitigating climate change and revolutionizing farming across Africa.
7. Answer
As a farming technique in West Africa can convert nutrient-poor rainforest soil into fertile farmland,
researchers discovered enduringly fertile, carbon-rich black soils named ‘African Dark Earths’, and
similar soils in pre-Columbian eras have also been discovered although the techniques are unknown, so
researchers in the West Africa study were able to live within communities as they created their fertile
soils, which could be the answer to mitigating climate change and revolutionizing farming across Africa.

8. Answer
Astronomers have discovered the smallest star called EBLM J0555-57Ab, 600 light years away from
Earth, having 300 times more gravitational force than of Earth and is also likely to help detect new Earth-
sized worlds; however, the method used in this discovery is usually meant to locate planet.
9. Answer
The reasons why you must let the land rest if you hope to continue farming there in the long-run, which
is letting the field go fallow are that this allows the land to replenish many of its nutrients, the root
networks of various grasses or ground covers have a chance to expand and grow, and there are many
beneficial flora and micro-fauna.
10. Answer
Many countries favor compulsory voting due to one or the other reason, by evaluating results from
these countries, it is possible to assess the mechanics and positive effects of compulsory voting to make
a nation better.

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