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SUBJECT;- Foundation of nursing

TOPIC:-Oxygen Administration


PLACE: First year GNM classroom

DURATION: 1 hour

GROUP: 1st Year GNM

TEACHING METHOD: Lecture, Discussion and Demonstration

A.V AIDS: Black board, PPT presentation

LANGUAGE: English.



At the end of the topic the students will be able to gain knowledge about ,

∞ oxygen therapy

∞ oxygen administration


on completion of class students,

∞ Explain about indication of oxygen therapy
∞ Discuss about methods of oxygen administration
∞ Discuss about hazards of o2 inhalation
∞ Explain about nursing responsibilities’
∞ Demonstrate the oxygen therapy
05 MIN OXYGEN ADMINISTRATION:- Lecture cum Listening & Whiteboard What is oxygen
discussion participating therapy ?
Patients with respiratory dysfunctions are
treated with oxygen inhalations to relieve
"Anoxaemia' or hypoxaemia (deficiency of oxygen
in the blood). The normal amour in the arterial
blood should be in the range of 80 to 100 mm of
Hg. If it falls below 60 mm of Hg, irreversible
physiologic effects may occur.
The cerebral cells receive 20 percent of the
body's oxygen supply and can live only for a few
minutes (5 to 7 minutes) if their O, supply is cut
off. The O, administration treats the effects of O,
deficiency but does not correct the causes.
05 MIN Explain about INDICATIONS: Lecture cum Listening & Whiteboard What are the
indication of oxygen discussion participating & PPT indication of
therapy (1) Cyanosis:- Bluish colour of the skin, nail beds oxygen therapy?
and mucus membranes, resulting fromdecreased
amount of O2 in the haemoglobin of blood.
2) Breathlessness or labored breathing- may be
caused by certain diseases such asthma,
emphysema, pulmonary embolism coronary
insufficiencies. as thrombosis and other cardiac
(3) Anaemia:- It is the deficiency of either quality
or quantity of red cells in blood.
(4) Poisoning with chemicals that alters tissues
ability to utilize oxygen eg. cyanide poisoning.
(5) Severe respiratory distress (e.g., acute asthma
or pneumonia)
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
(7) An environment low in oxygen content eg. high
(8) Atelectasis, Pneumenectomy, thoraplosty
(9) Pulmonary Oedema, chest trauma

(10) Acute myocardial infarction (heart attack)

(1) Short-term therapy, such as post-anesthesia
(12) Shock and circulatory failure.
(13) Haemorrhage and air hunger.
(14) Patients under anesthesia.
(15) Patients who are critically ill.
(16) Psychologically induced breathlessness.
(17) Asphyxia.

10 MIN Discuss about methods METHODS OF OXYGEN Lecture cum Listening & Whiteboard Which are the
of oxygen ADMINISTRATION: discussion participating & PPT methods used in
administration oxygen therpy?
Oxygen can be administered by nasal
cannula, mask, and tent. Hyperbaric oxygen
therapy involves placing the patient in an airtight
chamber with oxygen under pressure.

(1) Oxygen by nasal catheter- The nasal catheter is

inserted into the nostril reaching up to the uvula
and is held by adhesive tapes. The catheter does
not interfere with the patient's freedom to eat, to
talk and to move in bed. Flow of 1 to 4 liters of O,
will be sufficient to maintain the concentration of
22 to 30% O₂.

2) Oxygen by Mask:- O, mask covers the patient's

nose and mouth. Masks advantageous for those
patients who are unable to breathe through the
nose. Flow of 86 liters of O₂ will maintain the
concentration of 25 to 60% O₂
A. SIMPLE FACE MASK: rate of 5 to 10
L/minute can deliver oxygen concentrate from 40
to 60 percent with a simple face mask.
partial rebreather mask uses a reservoir to capture
some haled gas for rebreathing. Vents on the sides
of the mask allow room air to mix with any It can
deliver oxygen concentrations of 50 percent or
nonrebreather mask has one or both side vents
closed to the mixing of room air with oxygen. The
vents open to allow expiration but remain closed
inspiration. The reservoir bag has a valve to store
oxygen for inspiration but does not al entry of
exhaled air. It is used to deliver oxygen
concentrations of 70 to 100 percent Whe patient is
using a partial rebreather or nonrebreather mask,
ensure that the reservoir is net allowed to collapse
to less than half full.
D. VENTURI MASK: A Venturi mask is
used for the patient who requires precise
percentages of oxygen, such as the patient with
chronic lung disease with CO2 retention. A
combination of valves and specified flow rates
determines oxygen concentration.It fits lightly over
the nose and mouth. Oxygen flowing at a high
velocity in the form of a et through a narrow
orifice to the base of the mask creates negative
pressure, entraining atmospheric air through the
perforations in the face piece.

Consists of a canopy over the patients bed
that may cover the patient fully or partially and it
is connected to supply of oxygen.
Certain advantages and disadvantages for using an
oxygen tent.
a) It provides an environment for patient with
controlled O, concentration,regulation and
humidity control.
b) It allows freedom for free movement in bed.
c) Create feeling of isolation.
d) It requires high volume of O, (10 to 12 litre per

e) There is increased chances of fire. f) It requires

much time and effort to clean and maintain a tent.


1) Always use cylinder of metal case to prevent

danger of falling and breaking
2) O, cylinder should be placed at head end of the
3) Any source of fire should be kept away from
cylinder for fear of fir
4) O, cylinder should be placed at cool
5) When cylinder is empty, always mark i.e.
"empty' and send for filling.
6) Inspect the apparatus at frequent intervals and
make sure for its good working
7) To test any leakage in the regulator, soap leather
may be used.
10 MIN Discuss about HAZARDS OF O, INHALATION: Lecture cum Listening & Whiteboard What are the
hazards of o2 discussion participating hazars of oxygen
inhalation 1) Infection inhalation?
2) Combustion (fire) - O, supports combustion
3) Drying of the mucus membranes of the
respiratory tract
4) O, toxicity
5) Atelectasis
6) Oxygen induced apnea
7) Retrolental fibroplasia
8) Asphyxia

05 MIN Explain about nursing NURSE'S RESPONSIBILITY FOR Lecture cum Listening & Whiteboard What are the
responsibilities’ ADMINISTRATION OF OXYGEN : discussion participating & PPT nursing
1) Check the name, bed number and other responcibilities
identification of the patient. during oxygen
2) Check the diagnosis and the need for O, therapy. administration?
(3) Check the doctors order for the initiation of the
therapy, the dosage etc.
4) Check the doctors order for specific precautions
regarding the movement of the patient.
5) Assess the patient for any sign of clinical
analysis eg.: cyanosis.
6) Check the patients' vital signs.
7) Check the results of arterial blood gas analysis.
8) Note any signs of pulmonary dysfunction.
9) Check the patients mental state and the ability
to follow instructions.
10) Check the articles available in the unit. Check
O, cylinder for its accessories and their
working condition.

20 MIN Demonstrate the PROCEDURE : Demonstration watching & Whiteboard How to perform
oxygen therapy cum participating oxygen therapy?
Articles discussion
Articles A Tray Containing:

a) Nasal catheter/cannula/O, mask app/disposable

type in a covered cylinder.
b) Water soluble lubricating jelly.
c) Adhesive tape.
d) A bowl of water.
e) Swab sticks and normal saline.
f)No smoking indication.

Oxygen cylinder with stand, central supply O, with

a flow meter, humidifier/connecting tubing.



1) Wash hands,
2) Attach Cannula/catheter mask to O₂ tubing &
humidified O, source adjusted
to prescribe flow rate.
3) Place tips of cannula into the patients nares. If
mask apply snuggly to face. 4) Check
cannula/equipment every eight hours..
5) Keep the humidifications jar filled at all times.
6) Observe the patients nares & superior surface of
both ears and skin.
7) Check the O, flow rate & the physicians
corders every 8 hours.
8) Wash hands before removing the O, mask or
9) Inspect the patient for relief of symptoms
associated with hypoxia.
10) Record procedure in the nurse's record.

Stay with patient. –

keep the patient warm & comfortable. –
Evaluate the patients progress by observing the
vital signs/symptoms.
Watch the patient for any deteriorating symptoms
after the removal of o, inhaletion
- record date & time.
- requests for an arterial blood gas analysis..
Take all articles to utility room.
- clean nasal catheter with cold water, then warm
soapy water & finally with clean water. Boil, store
and send them for sterilization.

05 MIN BIBLIOGRAPHY Lecture cum Listening & PPT

discussion participating
BT Basavanthappa,nursing foundation fo koob
txeT srehsilbup lacidem srehtorb eepyaJ yb
dehsilbup"(p) LTD page no:

CP Baveja, " gnisrun rof ygoloiborcim fo koob

txeT "5th edition2005 publised by arya publishing
company page no: 52

potter and perry,s,of nursing latnemadnuf fo koob

txeT" published by elsevier page no:483 Rajendra
prasad seervi abhishek soni " Text book of nursing
foundation. lacidem srehtorb eepyaj yb dehsilbup " page:


NURSING" VOL. 1published by N.R. Publishiung
house page no:

Valsamma joseph and susmma varghese, gnisrun

publications frontline foundations" published by.

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