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Product Strategy Canvas

[Product Name] Designed for: Date:

Tip: Feel free to fill this canvas in any order. Strategy is an integrated set of choices that reinforce each other.


How can I inspire people to get up every Trade-offs define what NOT to do.
What do we optimize for? What competencies and resources do we
day and come to work? Define a set of distinct activities in
need to acquire? Do we need suppliers?
IKEA doesn't sell assembled furniture and creating, producing, marketing, and
Do we optimize for low cost, like Southwest
What are we aspiring to achieve? What limits available choices (e.g., materials). delivering your product.
Airlines, or for unique value, like Are there any systems necessary to
values do we uphold?
Starbucks? support our strategic choices?
Trade-offs create focus, amplify the value For IKEA: flat packs, warehouses attached
Start with something simple. Your vision and make the strategy difficult to copy by to the stores, in-store restaurants, delivery
Low costs might be a priority, but they do What resources will we need to
will evolve along with other elements of others without sacrificing their existing outsourced to the customers, etc.
not necessarily mean having low prices. communicate our strategy effectively?
the strategy. businesses.


How will we communicate our Value
Proposition to the customers?
The market is defined by the problems people have. For Define a few key metrics to measure
how your product is doing and whether
example, IKEA’s market: people that want to get high-quality What are the benefits that customers
the strategy is working.
home furnishings at low prices. would derive from our key features? How
can we prove that?
Consider the North Star Metric and One
What key customer needs/jobs do we want to solve? Metric That Matters (OMTM)..
What are the customer's problems (needs, jobs) worth solving What stories and emotions does our
product evoke?
(low satisfaction, high importance)? Within the market, there are Which of these do we want to address significantly better than
groups of people with similar, more specific needs/jobs, goals, our competitors?
and success metrics.
How, at a high level, do we plan to solve them? GROWTH ASK YOURSELF
Why do we want to compete in this market, not others? Have we Will customers say, 'This is special, I'd be delighted to pay more'?
How do we envision growth? Is it PLG or What makes us think competitors can’t or
analyzed Porter’s 5 forces or performed PESTEL analysis? Do we See The Value Curve. Sales-Led Growth? won’t copy our strategy?
know TAM, SAM, SOM, Average Annual Growth Rate, ARPU,
What are our preferred Sales and Do the various elements of our strategy fit
Average CAC, and Average Churn Rate? Marketing channels? together and reinforce each other?

Are there any constraints, e.g., geography, language? Will we rely on Social Media, SEO, What needs to be true for this strategy to
Influencers, or Resellers? work? How can we validate these

26th Jan, 2023 Ⓒ Paweł Huryn

How to work with the Product Strategy Canvas?
1. Analyzing the market and the industry: 4. Other templates and frameworks: The Product
a. [Template] Porter’s Five Forces (+video) Frameworks Compendium: Value Chain Analysis, Ansoff
b. [Template] PESTEL Analysis (+video) Matrix, McKinsey 7S Framework.
c. [Template] SWOT Analysis (+video)
d. [Template] Ansoff Matrix (+video)
5. Growth
e. [Template] Competitive Analysis
a. [Book] Hacking Growth (+video)
2. Discovering the market (customers, needs): b. [Book] Product-Led Growth (+video)
a. [Book] The Lean Product Playbook (+video) c. [Book] Product-Led Onboarding (+video)
b. [Book] Value Proposition Design (+video) d. [Book] Hooked (+video)
e. [Book] Crossing the Chasm (+video)
3. Creating and testing Value Proposition:
a. [Book] The Lean Product Playbook (+video) 6. Related posts and websites:
b. [Book] Value Proposition Design (+video) a. How to Achieve Product-Market Fit?
c. [Book] The Right It (+video) ■ Part I: Market and Value Proposition
d. [Template] Value Proposition Canvas ■ Part II: Product and Business Model
e. [Template] The Value Curve b. MVP: Everything you need to know
f. [Book] Testing Business Ideas (+video) c. The North Star Framework 101
d. Prototyping Techniques by Alberto Savoia
e. Validation Patterns - How to validate your ideas
1. The Product Strategy Canvas is based primarily on the work of Michael Porter and Martin Roger, in particular their books
Understanding Michael Porter and Playing to Win and articles.
2. In Bad Strategy & Good Strategy Richard Rumelt suggested that strategy should contain Coherent Actions. I chose to
exclude this idea, as it does not align with the definitions provided by Porter and Martin. They posited that a strategy is an
integrated set of choices, not a plan or a set of activities.
3. In Product, we tend to split Product Vision and Product Strategy. However, I am persuaded by Roger Martin's argument that
you need to define your vision ("Winning Aspiration") alongside the other elements of the strategy, rather than
4. Some distinguish between Product Vision and Product Mission. Vision and Mission are often interchanged, causing
confusion. I advocate for using a single term because I don't see any value in separating these statements. I've explained
this in more detail in this post. I also recommend reading an article by Prof. Roger Martin. You can also see how LinkedIn
confuses those terms.
5. The Business Model (the exact method of generating revenue) is not a strategy. A strategy informs you about your relative
costs and revenues. The Business Model evolves from the Strategy. Both elements are crucial.
6. The Unique Value Proposition alone is not a Strategy. Tus, The Blue Ocean Strategy Canvas is not a Strategy Canvas, but
rather a Value Curve. This viewpoint aligns with the work of Porter and Martin..

Editable PPTX & more PM templates:

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summary form at By utilizing this Product Strategy Canvas, you acknowledge and agree that you have read and agree to be bound by the terms
of the Attribution Share-Alike license of Creative Commons.

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