Computer Lab Minimum Requirements

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Computer lab minimum requirements:

Name of the
S/N Number Configuration Brand
1 PC 25 Core-i5 Ram-8GB SSD-256GB Intel
2 Teachers’ computer Intel
01 Core-i5 Ram-8GB SSD-256GB
miniPC preferred
3 Projector or 1920 x 1200 resolution supported
01 Any well brand
Large Screen 50-inch large display
4 Sound system 01 n/a Any well brand
5 Network Switch 01 24/28 ports [minimum] Any well brand
6 UPS 26 650VA Any well brand

Facilities for computer lab:

1. A lab Assistant
2. ID card access door lock for unauthorized access
3. Each PC with Windows 10 and MS Office 2016/19.
4. UPS support for each PC.
5. Internet connection for each PC.
Current lab design:

Disadvantages of wall facing computer lab:

1. Limited visibility: When the teacher's back is facing the students, it becomes challenging for
them to monitor the students' activities and provide immediate assistance. This lack of visibility
can lead to potential distractions, off-task behavior, or misuse of resources without timely

2. Reduced interaction: In a classroom where the walls face the students, the teacher may have
limited eye contact and face-to-face interaction with the students. This setup can hinder effective
communication, collaboration, and engagement between the teacher and students.

3. Difficulty in instruction: When the teacher cannot easily observe students' screens or reactions,
it becomes harder to provide personalized instruction and address individual needs. It can also
be challenging for the teacher to demonstrate procedures or explain concepts effectively, as their
back is turned towards the students.

4. Safety concerns: In some cases, students may use the lack of visibility as an opportunity to
engage in inappropriate online behavior or misuse the computers. It can be difficult for the
teacher to promptly address such issues or notice signs of potential problems.
5. Limited classroom management: With the teacher's back turned, it may be more challenging
to establish a sense of authority and effectively manage the classroom. Classroom management
techniques, such as redirecting student behavior or maintaining discipline, may be less effective
due to reduced visibility.

6. Inefficient use of resources: In a computer lab setup where the teacher's back is facing the
students, it may be harder for the teacher to monitor and manage the usage of computer
resources. Students may be more likely to engage in non-educational activities or fail to follow
the instructions due to the limited supervision.

Proposed computer design:

Advantages of teachers facing computer lab:

1. Enhanced supervision: When the teacher faces the computer lab, they have better
visibility and can closely monitor students' activities. This allows for more effective
supervision, reducing the likelihood of off-task behavior, inappropriate use of resources, or
2. Improved instruction: Facing the students enables the teacher to provide direct
instruction, demonstrations, and explanations effectively. Students can easily follow the
teacher's guidance, observe demonstrations, and ask questions, fostering a more engaging
and interactive learning environment.

3. Personalized assistance: With a clear view of students' screens, the teacher can readily
identify areas where individual students may be struggling. They can provide immediate
assistance, answer questions, and address challenges, promoting personalized learning and
individual progress.

4. Effective classroom management: Facing the computer lab allows the teacher to establish
a stronger presence and maintain better control over the classroom. They can easily identify
and address behavioral issues, redirect student attention, and enforce appropriate computer
usage policies.

5. Facilitates collaboration: When the teacher faces the computer lab, it becomes easier to
organize and facilitate group work or collaborative activities. The teacher can move around
the lab, observe and support student collaboration, and foster teamwork among students.

6. Improved engagement and participation: Facing the students encourages better eye
contact, non-verbal communication, and overall engagement. Students are more likely to
stay focused, actively participate, and feel a stronger connection with the teacher, which
can positively impact their learning experience.

7. Enhanced safety and security: By facing the computer lab, the teacher can promptly
identify any misuse or safety concerns, such as inappropriate online behavior or
unauthorized software installations. They can intervene and address these issues in a timely
manner, ensuring a safer and more secure learning environment.

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