Data Science MPS

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Nishtha Ranpara Statement Of Purpose MS in Data Science

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit."
- Aristotle

We are right now amidst an innovative and computing revolution that will definitely transform
us and possibly reclassify being human. I had an eagerness for computer since my childhood,
and I have been doing various activities to explore, pondering PCs and the hidden applications.
With the ascent of the advanced computing industry, I can detect that there are as yet colossal
improvements to come in this field. My essential motivation for seeking after Bachelor’s in
Computer Engineering was my own experience which urged me to find out increasingly more
about the field. I would even say that no other age before our own has seen such an enormous
volume of information which is expanding exponentially, constantly and consistently. With the
increasing impact of data on various organizations strengthens my belief that the demand for
techno-expert in public agencies, business organizations and non-profits would be rising
shortly. So, it is my focal objective to proceed with my education in a progressively focused,
elite, and international environment.

I was always encouraged to compare myself with only myself. That helped me to excel in
school and I aced my 10th and 12th grade with First Class marks due to which I was able to opt
my interested field of Computer Engineering for my Bachelor’s and completed it with 9.81
CGPA. During my undergraduate course, I was exposed to various subjects like Software
Engineering, Database Technology, Data Warehousing and Mining, Artificial Intelligence. I
learned how Computers has inspired and given rise to many innovations that were thought to
be practically impossible a few decades back. This learning is enlarged as a result of the
projects, I have undertaken. I started with a basic Blood Bank System utilizing C++ and found
data as a spine. The framework was simple, however, it gave me the principal knowledge into
the crucial idea of information in applications. Apart from it, I have undertaken other different
projects like the Plotter website and the Metal Scrap website, in which I used HTML and CSS
for designing front end and incorporated back-end through the use of the WAMP server and
PHP scripting language. These tasks helped me to peruse and investigate the developing
noteworthiness of data in basic leadership. It is fundamental to have the option to recover
relevant data as required, break down it and then make feasible solutions. Anxious to
accomplish more, I originally chose to add to my skills.

Hence, I took up a certification course in C++, JavaScript, Java, Advance Java and .Net with
Dhvani Computer Classes. The back end and API use of Java in making web applications were
very fascinating. I expected to experience this and decided to take a Shopping Cart project in
the 6th semester. I worked with two different individuals for this task. We utilized Java,
JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and Tomcat Server to develop a site. Moreover, I have also published
a research paper along with my classmate on "Functioning and Enciphering of Enigma
Machine" in the IJCRT journal, approved by UGC.

Furthermore, I desired to gain exposure to the software industry, and this prompted me to take
up an internship during my final semester. During this internship of 5 months at "Optimus
DM", the Ahmedabad based company, I had been involved in project management and
designing part of various projects of the company. My internship role included Graphic
Designing part which made me familiar with various software and designing tools like Adobe

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Nishtha Ranpara Statement Of Purpose MS in Data Science

Photoshop, Corel Draw, etc. Additionally, I also worked on my final year project titled
"Creeda", which is a web application developed on the platform, designed to manage
and organize various sporting events. Simultaneously, my active participation in the
extracurricular activities ensured my overall personality development and brought my
leadership and managerial abilities to the fore.

My scholarly experience up to this point has furnished me with a wide scope of down to earth
information and aptitudes that will be colossally helpful when concentrating abroad at the
alumni level. I easily detected what more is possible in the future. Data help humans in better
and faster decision making-process, Live updates on destinations, tracking clients and also
provides suggestions based on choices made in the past. It's become a generally accepted fact
that cutting edge organizations are flooded with data and thus, I soon realized that utilizing data
efficiently is one of the vital elements in any process. Tim Berners-Lee, Inventor of the World
Wide Web said that “Data is a precious thing and will last longer than the system themselves”
and I truly believe this. Thus, a formal Master’s Degree in Data Science will be a venturing
stone towards understanding my fantasies.

There is just one logical destination for my postgraduate studies: the USA, a nation that remains
at the focal point of the computing universe. The US has been the central driver of progression
in preparing, and the most imaginative and viable organizations in this field are based there.
The USA is perceived for its quality training around the world. A Master's degree from the
USA is recognized around the world. It has a well-structured education framework giving a
wide scope of projects to look over, combined with the adaptability of subjects, rigorous
information, and scope of increasing practical aptitudes. It is also called the land loaded with

To get this excellence I need to seek after MPS in Data Science at the University of Maryland,
Baltimore. The particular and broad educational program will assist me with understanding the
significance of data and beats crude information into important bits of knowledge. The purpose
of picking UMBC is the MPS degree, it prepares students to react to the developing interest for
experts with data science information, aptitudes, and capacities. It helps students to exceed
expectations in data science jobs through practical experiences, thorough scholastics, and
access to a strong system of proficient industry experts. The course also offers a deep
knowledge of machine learning, and other core courses impart moral and lawful implications
encompassing data science. The educational plan just as the extracurricular activities developed
my excitement of getting yielded in UMBC. In the end, I am convinced and well prepared for
the challenges of studying in a master's program and I foresee the graduate experience as an
essential achievement in my career that will loan me important experience and information to
turn into an effective and creative expert.

Thanking you,
Yours Sincerely,
Nishtha Ranpara

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