Atlas Cargo Master Design

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Atlas Cargo Master

Atlas Cargo Masters are the primary cargo vessel of Zeuss Shipping, a sector-wide corp operating in the Spinward
downport shuttles makes these vessels the mainstay of long term contracts with poorer and low population worlds
relies on the tried and true 30-ton modules of the modular cutter and carries 42 of them. The ship will typically leav
when the ship arrives.

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Cargo Master

Atlas Cargo Master TL-12

component description tons cost (MCr) TL

hull self-sealing close hull 2,000 90 9
structure 60% modular 0 54
structure 40x 30 ton cargo module 1,200 0
armor none 0 0
M-drive thrust 2 42 84 10
J-drive jump 2 110 165 11
power plant fusion (TL12) 58 58 12
fuel fuel tanks 426 0
bridge normal bridge 40 10
computer computer 5/bis 0 0.045 7
software jump control/2 0 0.2 11
software library 0 0 7
software manoeuver/0 0 0 12
sensors civilian grade sensors 1 3 14
weapons 5x double turret pulse laser 5 12.5 9
accommodation stateroom, single-occupancy 80 10
accommodation common areas 20 2
internal system medical bay 4 2
external system 2x docking clamp type II 10 2
craft 2x modular cutter (50 tons each) 0 20.574
weapons beam laser each modular cutter 0 1
cargo cargo space, all remaining tons 4 0

totals 2,000 514.319

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Cargo Master

power plant 870

notes power used 866
component power
basic ship systems 400
included in hull cost M-drive 420
J-drive 420
for ship and craft on docking clamps civilian grade sensors 1
for ship and craft on docking clamps 5x double turret pulse laser 45
medical bay 1
jump 2 plus 4 weeks operations
hull points 880

10 bandwidth 20
0 bandwidth crew position crew
0 bandwidth captain 1
DM-2 electronics(comms/sensors) pilot 1
astrogator 1
engineer 7
mechanic 2
medic 1
99 ton ship maximum, used for modular shuttles gunner(turret) 5
connected to docking clamps modular cutter pilot 2

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Cargo Master

minus jump drive

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