April - June 2023 Newsletter

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Hola friends, we are starting off the winter Planting Seeds: Another opportunity to share the Gospel and

season by celebrating our 38-year wedding show the Love of Christ in a tangible and sustainable way.
anniversary. We look much different today, André’s father, Angel Gomezcoello launched
than we did back in 2010 when this photo his project agriculture in several of our
was taken for our first brochure. communities with parents from our Bible
clubs. Your donations help provide for his
Transportation – not a problem: travel expenses and provide the seedlings,
People arrive to fertilizer, and other materials the students
our ministry center walking, pushed need. In this project, the students learn to grow fruits and
in wheelchairs, on crutches’, in taxis, veggies. This will help provide food for
on scooters, and in buses. It is not their family, and what they do not eat,
uncommon to see 5 or 6 people on a they can sell to provide income and buy
motorcycle. Some families make new seeds. It is very sustainable. All the
several get the whole family to our while, sharing the Gospel with them and
ministry center. disciplining them. Little do they
New Bible Clubs: We have started new Bible know they are planting and
clubs in two communities close to our ministry harvesting in agriculture, but we are planting seeds
center in Olón and Manglaralto. Our hope is of the Gospel and harvesting souls for the Kingdom
that the people from the community will come of God. Seen in the photo, a student reading her
to the ministry center for the Sunday night devotional, we gave after one of the lessons.
service and Tuesday night outreach. Good news: We are running about 26-30 people, not
National Kid’s Day: Your donations helped to including our staff, in our Sunday night Bible Study, and over
purchase these bucket hats for this 250 people in our Tuesday night evangelical outreach to the
year’s gift to the children for National Glory of God. It’s beginning to look like a church on Sunday.
Kid’s Day. They were Prayer: Please pray for Staff. We need more Bilingual
so excited to receive Ecuadorian staff and gringos to help with other outreaches,
their own hat. This such as teaching ELS (English as a second language) and drug
gift is so beneficial rehabilitation classes. Also, pray for our leaders and our Bible
because the hats clubs, including the Sunday night Worship Service, the
provide great sun Tuesday night community evangelistic outreach, and that the
protection. people of these communities will come to Christ!
Wheelchair for faithful gentleman: We have a Venezuelan
gentleman that faithfully attends our Thank you for your support! We are grateful for each one of
Sunday night service and Tuesday night you, for your continued prayers, and financial support to the
outreach. He has polio and walks on ministry. Your donations support the work of the Gospel
crutches for the long walk to our building. being shared in the Southern Andes mountains and on the
He was so happy to receive a donated coast in Ecuador.
wheelchair. This is a tangible way to show Blessings, Gary & Dena Pate
the Love of Jesus Christ.

Easy ways to give to Pate Ministries & For the children Ecuador,
1) Mail a check: Inc.
2) Bill Pay through your Bank: 2) Cash App 3) Venmo & PayPal
Pate Ministries, Pate Ministries, $PateMinistries pateministries@gmail.com
PO Box 893, Callahan, PO Box 893, No Fees Assessed *Fees Assessed
FL 32011 Callahan, FL 32011 Visit the apps or our website under the “Donate” tab.

For more information: check out our website at www.pateministries.org or on social media: Pate Ministries Facebook page,
Instagram, and our Pate Ministries YouTube channel, or contact us by telephone or email (see above).
Please like us on Facebook & share our newsletter FTCE is a 501(c)3, non-profit organization; all gifts are tax deductible.

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