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Practice Problem.

1. An 18,000kw geothermal plant has a generator efficiency and turbine efficiency of 90%
and 80%, respectively. If the quality after throttling is 16% and each well discharges
220,000kg/hr, determine the numbers of wells are required to produce if the change of
enthalpy at entrance and exit of turbine is 500kj/kg. Ans. 5.11 wells

2. In a 10MW geothermal power plant, the mass flow of steam entering the turbine is 20
kg/s. The quality after throttling is 25% and enthalpy of ground water is 750 kj/kg.
Determine the overall efficiency of the plant. Answer. 16.67%

3. A liquid dominated geothermal plant with a single flash separator receives water at
204°C. The separator pressure is 1.04 Mpa. A direct contact condenser operates at
0.034Mpa. The turbine has a polytropic efficiency of 0.85. For a cycle output of 40MW,
what is the mass flow rate of the well water in kg/s? Answer. 1725.31 kg/s

4. Ground water in geothermal plant has a ground water flow of 46kg/s. if the quality of hot
water entering the flash tank is 12%, find the mass of steam entering the turbine.
Answer. 5.52 kg/s

5. In a 13MW geothermal power plant, the mass flow of steam entering the turbine is
27kg/s. The quality after throttling is 23% and enthalpy of ground water is 730KJ/kg.
Determine the overall efficiency of the plant. Answer. 15.17%

6. An 18,000 KW geothermal plant has generator efficiency and turbine efficiency of 90%
and 80% respectively. If the quality after throttling is 20% and each well discharges
400,00kg/he, determine the number of wells are required to produce if the change of
enthalpy at entrance and exit of turbine is 500KJ/kg. Answer. 3 wells

7. Mass flow rate of ground water in a geothermal power plant is 1,800,000kg/hr and the
quality after throttling is 35%. Determine the brake power of turbine if the change of
enthalpy of steam at inlet and outlet is 700KJ/kg. Answer. 122.5MW

8. The enthalpy entering the turbine of a geothermal power plant is 2850KJ/kg and mass
rate of 1kg/sec. The turbine brake power is 1000KW, condenser outlet has enthalpy of
210KJ/kg. If temperature rise of cooling water in condenser is 8°C, what us the mass of
cooling water requirement? Answer. 48.96 kg/s

9. A geothermal power plant draws pressurized water from a well at 20Mpa and 300°C. To
produce a steam water mixture in the separator, where the unflashed water is removed.
This water is throttled to a pressure of 1.5Mpa. The flashed steam which is dry and
saturated passes through the steam collector and enters the turbine at 1.5Mpa and
expands to 1 atm. The turbine efficiency is 88% at a rated power output of 10MW.
Calculate the overall plant efficiency. Answer. 7.54%
10. A flashed steam geothermal power plant is located where underground hot water is
available as saturated liquid at 700Kpa. The well head pressure is 600kpa. The flashed
steam enters the turbine at 500kpa and expands at 15kpa when it is condensed. The
flow rate from the well is 29.7kg/sec. Determine the power produced in kw. Answer.
431.93 kW

11. A certain geothermal power plant shows that 1,700,000kg/hr of pressurized ground
water is available at 17.5Mpa and 330°C. The water will be throttled to a pressure of 1.7
Mpa to produce wet steam and this mixture will be passed through a water separator to
remove the water droplets so that saturated steam at 1.7Mpa is available at the entrance
of the turbine. Other data are as follows: discharge pressure of the turbine-85kpa vac;
turbine efficiency-73%; mechanical loss=2% of shaft power; generator efficiency= 95%.
Determine the mass flow rate of steam entering the turbine. Answer. 516000 kg/hr

12. A geothermal energy system consist of a water well, flasher and a 15MW turbine power.
The pressurized ground water at 17.5Mpa, 300°C leaves the well to enter the flasher
maintained at 1.3Mpa. The flashed vapor passes through the separator and collector to
enter the turbine as saturated vapor at 1.3Mpa. The turbine exhaust at 1bar. Find the
hourly amount of ground water required in kg. Answer. 471472.27 kg/hr

13. An experimental geothermal energy system consists of a hot water well, a

flasher-separator- collector, and a 10MW rankine engine. The pressurized ground water
at 17.24Mpaa, 282°C leaves the well to enter the flash chamber maintained at 1.38Mpaa
(hf=829KJ/kg, hfg=1961KJ/kg). The flashed vapor passes through the separator and
collector to enter the turbine as saturated vapor at 1.38Mpaa; turbine exhaust at
0.1Mpaa. The unflashed water runs to waste. Determine the hourly quantity of ground
water required for continuous operation. Answer. 484566.5 kg/hr

14. In a certain geothermal area, studies show that 1,800,000 kg/hr of pressurized ground
water is available at 2500psi and 620°F. The water will be throttled at 250psia to produce
wet steam and this mixture will pass through a water separator to remove the water
droplets so that saturated steam at 250psi is available at the entrance of the steam
turbine for the plant. Plant data are as follows: discharge pressure of turbine is 23 in Hg
vacuum; turbine efficiency is 75%; mechanical loss is 1.5% of the shaft power; generator
efficiency is 97%. Determine the maximum amount of power in MW, the plant can
generate. Assume Patm is 30 in Hg. Answer. 76.93MW

15. A geothermal plant has a combined efficiency of 79%. Ground water at 175bar and
280°C leaves the well entering the flasher maintained at 14bar. The steam collected
enters the turbine at 14 bar and exhaust at 1 atm. If one well discharges 150,000 kg/hr
of hot water, how many wells are required if it has an output of 15MW? Answer. 5 wells
16. Ten tones per hour of boiling water at 200°C and 15.42atma is to be double-flashed into
a turbine, the condenser of which is maintained at a temperature of 52°C (102mm Hg
abs). Determine the optimum flashing temperature at the first stage. Answer. 150.67°C

17. Ten tones per hour of boiling water at 200°C and 15.42atma is to be double-flashed into
a turbine, the condenser of which is maintained at a temperature of 52°C (102mm Hg
abs). Determine the optimum flashing temperature at the second stage. Answer.

18. In a certain geothermal area, studies show that 1,500,000 kg/hr of pressurized ground
water is available at 2500psi and 620°F. The water will be throttled at 250psia to produce
wet steam and this mixture will pass through a water separator to remove the liquid
droplets so that saturated steam at 250psi is available at the entrance of the steam
turbine for the proposed power plant. Other plant data are as follows: discharge pressure
of turbine is 25 in Hg vacuum; turbine efficiency is 78%; mechanical loss is 1.6% of the
shaft power; generator efficiency is 97%. Determine the maximum amount of power in
MW that the plant can generate. Assume Patm is 30 in Hg. Answer. 70.63MW

19. A liquid dominated geothermal plant with a single flash separator receives water at
204°C. The separator pressure is 1.04Mpa. A direct contact condenser operates at
0.034Mpa. The turbine has a polytropic efficiency of 0.75. For a cycle output of 50MW,
what is the mass flow rate of the well water in kg/s? Answer. 2444.19 kg/s

20. A 20MW geothermal plant has a generator efficiency and turbine efficiency of 97% and
82%, respectively. If the quality after throttling is 18% and each well discharge
200,000kg/hr, determine the numbers of wells are required to produce if the change of
enthalpy at entrance and exit of turbine is 500KJ/kg. Answer. 5 wells

21. In an 18MW geothermal power plant, the mass flow of steam entering the turbine is
50kg/s. The quality after throttling is 35%. Determine the ground water enthalpy if the
overall efficiency of the plant is 65%. Answer. 193.85 kj/kg

22. In a 59,250kW geothermal power plant, the mass flow of steam entering the turbine is
50kg/s. The quality after throttling is 28%. Determine the ground water temperature if
overall efficiency of the plant is 89%. Answer. 89.04°C

23. Ground water in a geothermal plant has a flow rate of 147600kg/hr and enthalpy of
174.35kcal/kg. If the change in enthalpy the turbine is 501.55kcal/kg, find the mass of
steam entering the turbine in kg/s, if the overall efficiency is 56%. Answer. 7.98 kg/s

24. A 50,000kw geothermal plant has a generator efficiency and turbine efficiency of 94%
and 88%, respectively. If the quality after throttling is 18% and the change in enthalpy at
the turbine is 800KJ/kg. Determine the discharge in each well in kg/hr, if there are 8 wells
being utilized. Answer. 18890.23 kg/hr

25. A geothermal plant has an overall efficiency of 45% with a throttling quality of 38%.
Determine the turbine work having a flow rate of 25ips if the ground water temperature is
at 78°C. Answer. 9668.66 kW

26. A geothermal power plant rate of flow is 320kg/min, the flasher quality after throttling is
16% of the flow. Determine the brake power of turbine if the inlet pressure is at 500Kpa
and exit of 15Kpa. Answer. 2869.68 kW

27. The enthalpy entering the turbine of a geothermal power plant is 2800KJ/kg and mass
rate of 2kg/sec. The turbine brake power is 3MW, condenser outlet has enthalpy of
240KJ/kg. Determine the temperature rise if the mass flow rate of water is 30kg/sec.
Answer. 16.88°C

28. The throttling quality of geothermal plat is 18% extracting 50kg/s generating a turbine
output of 2MW. The enthalpy entering the turbine is 2420KJ/kg. If the cooling medium
has flow rate of 3kg/s with temperatures entering and leaving of 27°C and 39°C,
respectively. Determine its outlet enthalpy. Answer. 2002.38 kj/kg

29. The power grid receives 150MW of power coming from different sources; one of it is
from Mahanagdong geothermal power plant which produces 8MW less than 4% efficient.
If the inefficiency of the turbine is 12% more than the generator, determine its output.
Answer. 9.92MW

30. The power grid receives 150MW of power coming from different sources, one of it is
from Mahanagdong geothermal power plant which produces 8MW less than 4% efficient.
If the inefficiency of the turbine is 12% more than the generator; determine the change of
energy per kilogram of the turbine of the turbine if the quality after throttling is the same
as that inefficiency extracting 20kg/s from the well. Answer 3100 kj/kg

31. The power grid receives 150MW of power coming from different sources; one of it is
from Mahanagdong geothermal power plant which produces 8MW less than 4% efficient.
The inefficiency of the turbine is 12% more than the generator and the entering enthalpy
of turbine is 2500KJ/kg. The quality after throttling is the same as that inefficiency
extracting 20kg/s from the well. If the heat received by the condenser is 1800KW,
determine the condenser outlet enthalpy.

32. A geothermal power plant shows that 1,700,000kg/hr of pressurized ground water is
available at 17.5Mpa and 330°C. The water will be throttled to a pressure of 1.7Mpa to
produce wet steam and this mixture will be passed through a water separator to remove
the water droplets so that saturated steam at 1.7Mpa is available at the entrance of the
turbine. Other data are as follows: discharge enthalpy of turbine= 2210KJ/kg; generator
efficiency= 95%. Determine the turbine output. Answer. 91.8MW
33. A geothermal power plant draws pressurized water from the well at 20Mpa and 300°C.
This water is throttled to a pressure of 1.5Mpa. The flashed steam which is dry and
saturated passes through the steam collector and enters the turbine at 1.5Mpa and
expands to 1 atm. The turbine efficiency is 85% at a rated power output of 15MW.
Calculate the overall plant efficiency? Answer. 7.29%

34. The throttling quality of geothermal plant is 18% extracting 50kg/s generating a turbine
output of 2.5MW. The enthalpy entering the turbine is 2420KJ/kg. The turbine efficiency
is 83%. If the cooling medium has flow rate of 35kg/s with temperatures entering and
leaving of 27°C and 39°C respectively, determine its outlet enthalpy. Answer. 1889.93

35. If the mass flow rate of hot water is twice as the mass flow rate steam. Determine the
turbine efficiency of the planet generating 8.5MW if the change of their enthalpies is
700KJ/kg. Assume mass extracted from the well is 30kg/s. Answer. 80.95%

36. Ten tones per hour of boiling water at 200°C and 15.34 atma is to be double-flashed into
a turbine, the condenser of which is maintained at a temperature of 52°C (102mm Hg
abs). Determine the quantity of the flash steam in the first stage. Answer. 1.03 tons/hr

37. Ten tones per hour of boiling water at 200°C and 15.34 atma is to be double-flashed into
a turbine, the condenser of which is maintained at a temperature of 52°C (102mm Hg
abs). Determine the quantity of the flash steam in the second stage. Answer. 0.836
tons/ hr

38. Ten tones per hour of boiling water at 200°C and 15.34 atma is to be double-flashed into
a turbine, the condenser of which is maintained at a temperature of 52°C (102mm Hg
abs). Determine the residual water in the first stage. Answer. 8.96 Tons

39. Ten tones per hour of boiling water at 200°C and 15.34 atma is to be double-flashed into
a turbine, the condenser of which is maintained at a temperature of 52°C (102mm Hg
abs). Determine the potential power in kW. Answer. 228.99 kW ≈ 230 kW

40. If the enthalpy at 100°C is approximately equal to Cpt, what would be the difference in
temperature using the same formula if enthalpy at 204°C is determined to be
871.51KJ/kg. Answer. 3.91

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