Chem2 Finals

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1st SEMESTER 2021-2022

NAME: _______________________ DATE: __________ SCORE: _______

COURSE AND YEAR: __________ EXAMINATION PERMIT NO: ______________

_____ 1. Which of the following is not an organic compound?

B. CaO
C. Petrol
D. Wood

_____ 2. Alkenes are known as____ hydrocarbons because they contain a carbon-to-carbon double bond.
A. unsaturated
B. saturated
C. carbonated
D. pasteurized

_____ 3. Which of the following is true?

A. propene is more reactive than propane
B. an alkane with three carbons is called pentane
C. alkenes are all saturated
D. the addition of bromine to an alkane produces a color change.

_____ 4. Which of the following statements is false?

A. the functional group in alcohols is the hydroxyl group.
B. Alkenes reacted in the air from alkenes
C. Burnt hydrocarbons produce water and carbon dioxide
D. Linear hydrocarbons have higher melting temperatures than their branched isomers

_____ 5. ______ is the addition of hydrogen to an alkene in the presence of a catalyst.

A. saturation
B. esterification
C. isomerism
D. nota

6-13. The naming of compounds: Write the correct name for the following chemical formulas.

6. NO3 ____

7. SO4 ____

8. CO3 ____

9. OH ____

10. PO4 ____

11. CO ____

12. HCl ____

13. HNO3 ____

14. H2SO4 ____

15. H20 ____

16. NH4 ____

17. CO2 ____

18-33: Balancing chemical equations.


Ba + O2 → BaO


Br2 + CuI → CuBr + I2


KBr +Pb (NO3)2 → KNO3 + PbBr2

_____ 32. What is the name of the acid this acid CH3COOH
A. boric acid
B. ethanoic acid
C. acetic acid
D. sulfuric acid

_____ 33. Pure water, Lemon juice, Fairy liquid, Sodium hydroxide, Battery Acid.
Which list below has the pH of the items above in the correct order?
A. 7,3,14,9,1
B. 7,1,9,14,3
C. 7,9,3,14,1
D. 7,3,9,14,1

_____ 34. Which of the following statements is true?

A. alkalis have a lower pH than bases
B. soap is alkaline, and standard rain is acidic
C. lime reacts with water in the soil to produce calcium dioxide, which is alkaline
D. acids have OH – ions, and alkalis have H3O + ions

_____ 35. Which of the following statements is true?

A. when an acid is added to a metal carbonate, the gas collected will ignite a flaming splint
B. gold will react with a concentrated acid
C. an acid forms OH- ions in a solution
D. the oxides of non-metals are usually acidic

36-41. 2 POINTS Each: Write the complete formula for the following reaction.

36-37. Magnesium reacts with Hydrochloric Acid to form magnesium chloride and Hydrogen

38-39. Potassium carbonate and Sulphuric acid react to form Potassium Sulphate, Carbon Dioxide, and Water.

40-41. The reaction between Aluminium Oxide and Potassium forms Aluminium and Potassium Oxide.

42- 50. Place either SODIUM OR POTASSIUM on the following descriptions, which correctly describe the stated
elements. Place Na for SODIUM and K for POTASSIUM.

42. Larger radius

43. Smaller radius
44. Less reactive
45. Harder
46. Softer
47. Higher melting point
48. Lower melting point
49. Forms a white oxide on its exterior
50. Forms a purplish/white oxide on its exterior

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