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CLASS: VI History - Lesson 3 and 4
1.Fill in the blanks.
1. Most of our knowledge of the Indus Civilisation comes from excavation at_____________
and ____________.
2. The people of the Indus Valley were believed to have worshipped ______________, an early
form of Shiva.
3. The statue of a bearded man found in Mohenjodaro is also known as the________________
4. The civilisation which came up between the rivers Tigris and Euphrates is called
__________________ civilisation.
5. The Indus people mixed copper and tin to make ____________.
6. The world’s oldest wheel was discovered at ___________ in Iraq.
2.True or False.
1. In the Indus Valley Civilisation, only women wore ornaments.
2. Large memorial stones that mark burial places are known as megaliths.
3. Money was used for trade during the Indus Civilisation.
4. Goddess worship was prevelant during the Neolithic Age.
5. Neolithic pottery in northern India had a glossy finish.
3.Multiple Choice Questions.
1. The earliest civilisations were all located near
a. mountains b. rivers c. plateaus d. coastal areas
2. The most striking feature of the lndus civilisation is
a. the well planned cities b. the rectangular tank called the Great Bath
c. a well planned drainage system d. all of these
3. The Neolithic Age is characterised by the
a. beginning of farming and herding b. beginning of pottery
c. invention of axle d. all of these
4. Urbanisation is the process of
a. people moving from the mountains to the plains
b. people moving from villages to cities
c. people moving from cities to villages
d. people moving from one country to another
4. Define the following terms.
1. Megalith 2. Food gathering 3. Steatite
5.Answer in brief.
1. What is meant by division of labour?
2. What was unusual about the Neolithic houses found in Burzahom, Kashmir?
3. What were the two parts into which the Indus cities were divided?
4. Write two examples for the advancement of arts in the Indus civilization.
5. Write a summary on the religious beliefs of the people of Indus civilization.
6. Name any five Neolithic settlements in India.
6.Identify the given pictures.

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