Operation Research Model Paper 2

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No: Subject Code: 18MEMET7010


January/Feb - 2021
IV B.Tech. I Sem Regular Examinations
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
1. Answer all question from Part-A. Each question carries one mark
2. Answer one full question from each unit in Part-B. Each full question carries 12marks
a Discuss the phases of OR L1 CO1 [1M]
b What are the essential characteristics of a linear programming model? L1 CO1 [1M]
With the reference to the transportation problem define the following: i)
c L1 CO2 [1M]
Optimal solution; ii) Basic feasible solution.
d Give the mathematical formulation of an assignment problem L1 CO2 [1M]
1 e What are various types of sequencing problems L2 CO3 [1M]
f Discuss briefly the various types of replacement problems. L1 CO3 [1M]
g Explain the significance of EOQ. L1 CO4 [1M]
h How do you represent a queue mathematically? L1 CO4 [1M]
i What is rectangular game? L1 CO5 [1M]
j Define and explain CPM? L1 CO5 [1M]
a Explain engineering application to optimization Technique L4 CO1 [4 M]
Use simplex method to solve Maximize Z = 3x1 + 2x2+5x3
Subject to the constraints x1 + 2x2 + x3 ≤ 430
b 3x1 +2x3 ≤ 460 L2 CO1 [8 M]
x1 + 4x2 ≤ 420
x1, x2, x3 ≥ 0
a What are the limitations of LP problem? L1 CO1 [4M]
Use the graphical method to solve the problem: Maximize Z=10x1 + 20x2
3 Subject to X1 + 2X2≤ 15
b X1 + X2 ≤ 12 L4 CO1 [8M]
5X1 + 3X2≤ 45
X1, X2≥0
Find the Total cost using North-west corner method. Also find the optimal
W1 W2 W3 W4 Capacity
a F1 95 105 80 15 12 L4 CO2 [5M]
4 F2 115 180 40 30 7
F3 195 180 95 70 5
Requirement 5 4 4 11
What is degeneracy? How do you overcome degeneracy in transportation
b L2 CO2 [7M]
a Write short notes on assignment maximization problem. L1 CO2 [4 M]
Solve the following travelling salesman problem
A - 4 7 3 4
b B 4 - 6 3 4 L4 CO2 [8 M]
C 7 6 - 7 5
D 3 3 7 - 7
E 4 4 5 7 -
Find the sequence that minimizes the total time required in performing the
following jobs on three machines in order A-B-C as shown in the below
table. Also find the total elapsed time.
a L4 CO3 [4 M]
1 2 3 4 5 6
Machines A 8 3 7 2 5 1
B 3 4 5 2 1 6
C 8 7 6 9 10 9
We have 5 jobs each of which must go through the machines A, B and C
in the order A-B-C. Determine sequence for job that will minimize the
total elapsed time and idle time for each machine.
Processing time in hours
b L4 CO3 [8 M]
1 2 3 4 5
A 5 7 6 9 5
B 2 1 4 5 3
C 3 7 5 6 7
a What is a replacement problem? When does it arise? L2 CO3 [4M]
A machine costs Rs. 10,000. Its operating cost and resale values are given
below, determine at what time it could be replaced?
Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
b Operating 1000 1200 1400 1700 2000 2500 3000 3500 L4 CO3 [8 M]
Resale 6000 4000 3200 2600 2500 2400 2000 1600
The annual demand for an automobile component is 36,000 units. The
carrying cost is Rs.0.50 per unit per year, the ordering cost is Rs.25 per
order and the shortage cost is Rs.15 per unit per year. Find the optimal
a L1 CO4 [6M]
values of the following i) Economic order quantity ii) Maximum
inventory iii) Maximum shortage quantity iv) Cycle time v) Inventory
period(t1) vi) Shortage period(t2)
8 In a manufacturing model without shortages an automobile manufacturing
industry needs a particular type of gear within the factory. This gear is
used in the final assembly. The particulars of this gear are: demand rate(r)
b is 14,000 units/year, production rate (k) is 35,000 units/year, set-up cost L4 CO4 [6M]
(Co) is 500 per set-up and carrying cost is 15/unit/year. Find the
economic batch quantity, period of production, period of consumption,
cycle time and number of set-ups per year?
State some of the important distributions of arrival intervals and service
a L4 CO4 [5M]
The arrival rate of ships at the harbour follows Poisson distribution and
the unloading time for the ships follow exponential distribution and
hence, the service rate also follows Poisson distribution. The arrival rate
and service rate are 8 ships per week and 14 ships per week, respectively.
Find the following
b L4 CO4 [7M]
a) Utilization factor of the dock
b) Average number of waiting ships in the queue
c) Average number of waiting ships in the system
d) Average waiting time per ship in the queue
e) Average waiting time per ship in the system
Use the graphical method for solving the following game and find the
value of game?
Player A Player B
a L4 CO5 [4 M]
10 A1 2 2 3 -2
A2 4 3 2 6

Explain the following: i) Competitive games; ii) Two-person zero sum

b L4 CO5 [8 M]
a State the difference between PERT and CPM in project management. L2 CO5 [4 M]
A project has the following time schedule:
Time in Time in
Activity Activity
weeks weeks
1-2 2 4-6 3
1-3 2 5-8 1
1-4 1 6-9 5
b 2-5 4 7-8 4 L4 CO5 [8 M]
3-6 8 8-9 3
3-7 5
Construct PERT network and compute
i. TL and TE for each event
ii. Float for each activity
iii. Critical path and its duration


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