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Practical 1: Designing a Profile Page

Objective: To design a profile page using HTML, which includes a heading,

horizontal rule, three links, and a photograph.


1. Create a new HTML file using a text editor.

2. Define the HTML document structure using the <!DOCTYPE html>
3. Add the <html> tag to open the HTML document.
4. Define the <head> section and add the <title> tag to specify the title of
the page.
5. Add the <body> section to define the visible content of the page.
6. Add a heading to the page using the <h1> tag.
7. Add a horizontal rule using the <hr> tag.
8. Add a photograph to the page using the <img> tag and specifying the
source attribute.
9. Add three links to the page using the <a> tag and specifying the href
10. Save the HTML file and open it in a web browser to test it.


<html> <head> <title>My Profile Page</title> </head> <body> <h1>My Profile</h1> <hr>
<img src="my_photo.jpg" alt="My Photograph"> <br><br> <a href="document1.html">Link
1</a><br> <a href="document2.html">Link 2</a><br> <a href="document3.html">Link
3</a><br> </body> </html>

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