2015-04-12.1 BCM Kuwait Presentation Wolfgang Mahr

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Dr. Wolfgang H. Mahr, M.Sc.


governance & continuuuity gmbh

CH-8408 Winterthur, Switzerland
LinkedIn, XING, Twitter


© 2015 Kuwait Business Continuity Conference Page1

20-22 April 2015
 Why a BIA?
 BIA in the BCM Lifecycle
 Outcomes of the BIA
 BIA supporting BCM Goals
 ISO 222317 on the BIA
 BIA Approaches
 Challenges when doing a BIA
 Sokrates Maps –what’s this?
 Sokrates Maps Benefits and Applications
 Sokrates Maps for the BIA
 BIA Critical Success Factors


© 2015 Kuwait Business Continuity Conference Page2

20-22 April 2015
This contribution underlines the fundamental importance of the one of the most important
phases in the BCM lifecycle – the BIA.

Other - subsequent - phases such as selecting one or more business continuity strategies
or the formulation of a BC plan, exhibit a much smaller space of choices than the BIA,
which is primarily an information gathering stage, charged with understanding the

Critically important information needs to be unearthed and, ideally, not one important
aspect must be omitted or forgotten. This is the reason why ISO TC 292 (formerly 223),
after developing ISO 22301 and ISO 22313, has embarked on developing a standard on
the BIA: ISO 22317. It is being presented in another contribution at this conference.

This paper focuses on a visualization and presentation method newly applied to the BIA
process, in order to better understand a company’s processes, resources and their


© 2015 Kuwait Business Continuity Conference Page3

20-22 April 2015
 BCM is a cyclic process
 BCM is based on continuous improvement
 BIA makes you know your processes better
 BIA is the base for the subsequent development of one or more
Business Continuity Strategies
 …


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20-22 April 2015
 Increasing the efficiency of the organisation
 Evaluate alternative strategic planning options
 Assist in long-term strategy decision making
 Assist in developing a risk analysis
 …


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20-22 April 2015
BIA in the BCM lifecycle

Reference: The Business Continuity Institute


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20-22 April 2015
BIA in the BCM lifecycle

Reference: ISO 22301:2012


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20-22 April 2015
 Major outcomes include:
◦ Validation of the organisation’s BC programme scope
◦ Identification of requirements the organisation
◦ Determination of impacts, over time (of disruptions)
◦ Identification of relationships between
 Products/services
 Processes
 Activities
 Resources
◦ Resources needed to perform prioritised activities
 Such as facilities, people, assets, supplies, financial resources
◦ Dependencies and interrelationships
◦ …


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20-22 April 2015
BIA supporting BCM Goals
 Protecting company value and reputation
 Safeguards the reputation and future of the company in an
 Increase shareholder value and demonstrates commitment by
 Assures the survival of the company in the case of a serious incident
 Minimize financial losses in case of an incident or emergency


© 2015 Kuwait Business Continuity Conference Page9

20-22 April 2015
ISO/TS 22317 on BIA
 Developed by ISO TC292 (“Security and Resilience”)
 Currently as DTS (Draft Technical Specification)
 To be published within the next couple of months
 Based on ISO 22301, ISO 22313 and ISO 22300
 Focus on Performing the BIA:
◦ Project Planning and Management
◦ Product and Service Prioritisation
◦ Process Prioritisation
◦ Activity Prioritisation
◦ Analysis and Consolidation
◦ Top Management Endorsement of BIA Results
 Annexes on
◦ Terminology Mapping
◦ Information Collection Methods

© 2015 Kuwait Business Continuity Conference Page10

20-22 April 2015
BIA Approaches

 Gold, Silver, Bronze

 Strategic / Tactical
 Iterations
 Questionnaires
 Workshops
 Interviews
◦ Middle Management
◦ Process Owners


© 2015 Kuwait Business Continuity Conference Page11

20-22 April 2015
Challenges when doing a BIA
 Commitment
 Level of effort
 “Right” effort
 Correctness /Completeness
 No excessive overlap / no white spots


© 2015 Kuwait Business Continuity Conference Page12

20-22 April 2015
Sokrates Maps – what’s this?


© 2015 Kuwait Business Continuity Conference Page13

20-22 April 2015
Sokrates Maps – what’s this?


© 2015 Kuwait Business Continuity Conference Page14

20-22 April 2015
Sokrates Maps – what’s this?


© 2015 Kuwait Business Continuity Conference Page15

20-22 April 2015
Sokrates Maps – Benefits
 Benefits
◦ Foundation of method
◦ Psychological background
◦ Common view across hierarchies and disciplines
◦ Discover new:
 Ideas
 Facts
 Relationships
 Dependencies
 Communicate & visualize
 Hierarchical view on complex situations
 Electronic representation, communication and archiving


© 2015 Kuwait Business Continuity Conference Page16

20-22 April 2015
Sokrates Maps - Applications


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20-22 April 2015
Sokrates Maps - Applications
 Board Level view of a
 Get the big picture
◦ Based on details


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20-22 April 2015
Sokrates Maps - Applications


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20-22 April 2015
Sokrates Maps for BIA
 Visualisation of the standards (psychological foundation)
◦ ISO 22301, ISO 22317 (maturity model)
 Assessment tool, BIA support tool
◦ Presentation of BIA findings (electronic representation,
communication and archiving)
◦ Usage as questionnaire (maturity model, psychological foundation)
 Single person or in workshops
◦ Visualisation (hierarchical, common view across disciplines)
 Overlaps (discover ideas, facts, relationships, dependencies)
 Gaps (discover ideas, facts, relationships, dependencies)
 Redundancies (discover ideas, facts, relationships, dependencies)
◦  Enhanced BIA quality and maturity


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20-22 April 2015
BIA Critical Success Factors
 Follow best practices such as
◦ BCI’s Good Practice Guidelines and/or
◦ ISO Standards such a ISO 22301, ISO 22313 and ISO/TS 22317
 Obtain top management commitment
 Apply project management methodologies
 Follow a BIA approach fit for the selected type of BIA
 Use an approach compatible with the company’s structure
 Deploy tools helping to obtain a “true and fair” representation of
products, services, priorities, dependencies and requirements
 Develop a hierarchical view on complex situations
 Use electronic representation, communication and archiving


© 2015 Kuwait Business Continuity Conference Page21

20-22 April 2015
Thank you


© 2015 Kuwait Business Continuity Conference Page22

20-22 April 2015

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