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“Tonight is the night!” said Lumiere as Beast was getting ready for the big night.

“I’m not sure I can do this,” said Beast.

“You don’t have time to be timid,” said Lumiere, “You must be bold, daring.”

“Bold, daring,” repeated Beast.

“There will be music,” said Lumiere, “Romantic candlelight, provided myself, and when the time is right,
you confess your love.”

Beast was inspired for a moment, but then he hesitated, “No, I can’t.”

“You care for the girl, don’t you?” asked Lumiere.

“More than anything,” answered Beast.

“Well, then you must tell her,” said Lumiere.

Beast took a bath and had his hair cut by Coatrack. He looked a bit funny.

After Lumiere saw him, he said, “You look so… so…”

“Stupid,” said Beast.

“Not quite the word I was looking for,” said Lumiere, “Perhaps a little more off the top.”

Then Cogsworth entered the room and said, “Ahem, ahem, ahem. Your lady awaits.”

Beast went to the grand staircase and saw Belle dressed in a glittering gold ball gown, ready for dinner.
They went to the ballroom after the dinner and started to dance as Mrs. Potts sang.

After they finished dancing, Belle and Beast went to the balcony under a starry night.

“Belle? Are you happy here with me?” asked Beast.

“Yes,” said Belle, but she was hesitant. Beast noticed it.

“What is it?” he asked.

“If only I could see my father again, just for a moment,” said Belle, “I miss him so much.”

“There is a way,” said Beast and handed Belle his magic mirror, “This mirror will show you anything,
anything you wish to see.”

“I’d like to see my father, please,” said Belle and looked in the magic mirror. It revealed Maurice lost in
the woods, coughing. Belle became very concerned.

“Oh, no,” she said, “He’s sick, he may be dying, and he’s all alone.”


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