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Scheme and Schedule of Gender Studies

Lecture No.1 ( 22 July ):Orientation; key terminologies and

concepts(Cont.); Understanding of the nature of subject
Lecture No.2 ( 23rd July): Key concepts and terminologies used
in Gender Studies. Introduction to main philosophers and
writers in the field of Gender Studies.
Lecture No. 3 (29th July): Feminist Theories and practice

Lecture No. 4. (30th July): Waves of Feminism

Lecture No. 5. (5th August): Colonial and Capitalist

Perspectives or Gender and Gender and Globalization
Lecture No. 6. ( 6th August): Gender Analysis of Development
Lecture No. 7. ( 12th August): Gender Approaches to
Lecture No.8. (13th August): Status of Women in Pakistan

Lecture No.9 (19th August): Gender and Governance

Lecture No. 10 (20th August): Gender Based Violence

Lecture No.11. (26th August): Case Studies

Lecture No. 12. (27th August): Sharing of Fact Book and

discussion on past papers and paper attempting techniques.
Mock Test: 30th August 2023

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