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1 - Anthony Robbins - Living health.


Speaker 1 [00:00:17] Hi, this is Tony Robbins. Listen, I want to thank you for making this
investment in yourself because of all the subjects that you and I could tackle to make a
difference in the quality of our lives. Help. Is it because if you don't feel good, your
relationship certainly doesn't tend to grow and expand and its quality. Neither does your
career, your economics, your ability impact your kids. I mean, really, energy is life. And the
more of it we have, the better we feel. I don't know why you picked up this program. If
you're one of those people that wants to lose weight and finally said, I've had it, I'm taking
my life to another level. Or if you're doing really well and you just want to increase your
energy, or if you want those people that are underweight, you're saying, you know what, I
want to absolutely shape my body when needs to be whatever your goals are. You need to
understand that health is the goal. I know a lot of people that are fit, but they're unhealthy.
So this program is how do we get so healthy that our body will adjust to its natural weight,
that our energy becomes the vibrant daily aspect of living that we expect rather than
something we build up to psychically by pumping ourselves up emotionally or
psychologically? This is a natural state for all of us, but what we've got to do is follow some
simple laws and we follow those. We don't have to give up our life. We don't have to
become crazy or fanatical to be able to have the energy we deserve. And with that, the
sense of excitement about waking up in the morning, the sense of excitement about all the
aspects of your life. So I'm thrilled that you're here with me, and I'm very excited to share
this format with you because it's a live seminar format. And most of my tapes, you know, is
me talking directly to you. And I actually like that form immensely. But we've had so many
requests and could we please hear a live seminar because he's a maniac in that
environment. So if you're willing to deal with the maniac, you'll find these days rather
interesting. And I really, really want to say to you, don't just listen, do what we're talking
about here. And if some of it is different than your own beliefs, I totally respect that. You
don't have to do everything I teach, but try it for ten days, because if you do what I'm
talking about for ten days, you'll be able to judge by results in your own body. In addition,
I'm also very excited to introduce you to a man named Dr. Robert Young. Dr. Young is a
research scientist and one of the most brilliant people that I've found in this area. And he's
made a radical shift in some of my own thinking about some fundamental principles in
terms of how to increase that level of energy. And so at the end of this program, I have a
powered talk interview with Dr. Young. And I have to tell you, no matter who I put him in
contact with, I've seen a transformation in their health at a level that before I would never
think was possible. And the science of what he's created, I think will definitely hook you.
So be sure when you're done listening to the Normal Living Health Program live to
continue with those bonus tapes of Dr. Young. That'll give you a great foundation for
knowing how to implement this level of energy that I know you're committed to. So without
further ado, let's get started. Let's go live to our living health program. I wish you all the
best. Let's rock. Today is the subject that I started my career with. Health and to me,
health sounds kind of wimpy health. What it really wants for me is energy. Yeah. Or maybe
even a better description of today. Today is about the power of the ultimate force that
exists in your universe. That force that gives you life. That force that makes your heart
beat 100,000 times a day without you ever having to think about it. Making about 3 to 5000
trips through a thousand miles of arteries and capillaries, That's what's inside of me. It took
them all out, living side by side. It's amazing. And it's all happening. You got this little lump
of matter called a brain that weighs about £3 and it runs the most magnificent system on
the face of the earth. And it does it with less exposed power than anything else that would
exist in terms of computer power. It can store more information. Your little brain. Besides
running everything perfectly simultaneously, you can store more information than you can
put in the World Trade Centers. With today's technology, which is a miniaturized, as you
can imagine, it would take the Hudson River to try and keep it cool. And yet our bodies do
that every moment with all the demands we make on it. We have like bam, liver cells that
are working right now. There are 50,000 enzymes in each liver cell doing its job more than
a thousand times a second. Your eyes make 10 million distinctions in milliseconds. 10
million different distinctions lets you know what's going on. All your muscles. If they all
pause in one direction instead of contracting against each other, you could pull several
tons. If your body is the most magnificent structure on the face of the earth and absolutely
the most magnificent thing. And most of us take this wealth for granted. In fact, we abuse
it. In fact, most of us think we're fragile. And then some little bugs are going to sneak into
us one day and take us down, give us the flu and have a spitting up all this phlegm or
maybe something worse, and AIDS or cancer or whatever the case may be me to tell you
that you are not fragile. I'm here today. My primary outcome today is not just tell you what
to do. But to remind you what is true, because we live in a cultural hypnosis that has
taught us that we are fragile, that things can just happen to us rather than what is natural,
which is health and energy. Emerson said that day in the life of one human being's body is
enough to steal all the luster from fiction. What goes on here is so magnificent. If you ever
start to really study it, it'll change your self-esteem overnight because you see how
powerful you really are. But what's happened is we have a set of belief systems and
whatever we believe when we look for what we believe, we look for Brown, We find it, as
you learn this weekend. And what I want to do this weekend is give you or today, I should
say, is a second opinion. It is my opinion is backed up by thousands and thousands of
researchers. And I'll back up everything I say. But it's another opinion. If you go to one
mindset, a person has been trained a certain way. They're going to give you one mindset.
Doesn't mean they're right, doesn't mean I'm right, doesn't mean they're wrong. You have
to sit today and say, Does this make sense to me? Well, I'll document every single thing
I'm gonna talk to you about by the top researchers who have all the social proof you'll
recognize from the top universities, doctors, hospitals, researchers, etc.. You also have to
be willing at times to say, I'm going to enter a little commonsense corner of my brain and
say, What am I really going to believe? And the best way then to decide something is not
just to believe it, but to test it with your own body. And I'm going to ask you at the end of
today to give yourself a ten day test just to see if what I'm saying makes any sense. You
don't have to believe a word I say. You can just test with your body and judge by results.
And if you do that, you will have a brand new life as a result of this day. This day can be as
powerful as any other day. So my goals today for you are a couple that number one, it's to
really affect your philosophy about this thing called your health, which really means the
force of life, your energy. I really want to affect that philosophy, the way you look at health
and the way you look at disease. I don't know. I spend the first half of the day not talking
about the solution, which is what I do 99.9% the time. I want to talk to you about the
problem and with it the solution, because if we don't understand the problem, it's so
pervasive about what currently is guiding us is this country in terms of health. Then what'll
happen is the next time you listen, all the new things I tell you are all the simple tools and
go, Yeah, I'll do that until you get ill. And then you go right back to the old hypnosis I
watched. So unless we interrupt the current, what pattern? We'll have no possibility of
creating an alternative that you'll really follow through on. So I'm going to really go at you
with this. And I want to tell you a front, this is my opinion, backed up by thousands of
people. But I understand it's a point of view. And if you disagree, I'm totally okay with it.
But I will tell you upfront and I'll tell you now, it's my opinion after this, I will no longer
operate from that frame of reference because I got to try and give you a second opinion
that you rarely will hear with a tremendous amount of intensity and passion that comes to
my heart and soul and caring for you. And what I say to you is take everything I've got,
write it down, take notes, don't argue with it yet. Take it in. Don't let your current belief
systems walk any of it out. Just take it in first and then test it and then respond. Because if
you react to me, then what's happening is you're responding to your belief systems rather
than what I'm actually sharing. How many you want to be a little bit open, maybe a little bit
flexible approach, say I'm excellent, so I want to affect your philosophy towards health.
And number two, I want you to be able eliminate fear. My major goal and hurts me inside
when I see people as I see people live in so much fear and probably the greatest fears
people have have to do with health, these things that affect them, various areas of their
life. So I want to make sure we eliminate that, because that was one of the greatest gifts
that happened in my life. Three I want to massively, massively change the level of energy
you naturally experience, not just you demand. Every one of you has given a tremendous
amount of energy this weekend, but most of you by demand and that's part of having
energy, is building the muscle. But the other part is having the reserves capable. So when
you make the demand, you don't run out of steam. You're not doing it. Unhelpfully,
because I began to study years ago, I used to remember hearing the words health and
hearing the words fitness. And which one do you think I move towards? Which one do you
think fitness was? One? I want to move towards another health and namby pamby kind of
week fitness. Now that's something I can get into, right? But what's true is there are a lot of
people that are healthy and unfit by people that are fit. But unhealthy fitness does not
guarantee health. You remember Gym Fix, The Runner wrote the running books. What he
did have habits that he was very fit but unbelievably unhealthy. So fitness is that ability to
have this endurance is driving this demand, which I really value. But if you don't have
health as your base, you will burn out. That's the person who goes out on the tennis court
and they look good. They don't seem to have the extra weight or anything else. They're 40
years old, having a great time and they drop dead of a heart attack right there. They were
fit but unhealthy. I want to make sure you leave here with energy that comes from health,
not just from the strength of fitness. And then to build on that, a sense of fitness. It'll give
you a sense of power like you've never had before as well. And lastly, I want to make sure
you have fun today, too, because I think if you enjoy this and if you can look at this, some
of these things with a sense of humor, especially some things that we did in the second
half of the day, I think you will never forget what we talk about. The second half of day, you
will laugh a lot, but it's kind of like when you think about your old belief systems and you
have a new association to those. Well, some of the things you were certain about before
you got here you may feel similarly about by the end of this day. So how do I get into this?
Well, when I was very young, I always wanted to be successful, accomplished things. And
so I worked very hard, as most you know, to study principles that helped me succeed. And
a lot of that was driven by my background. And so sure enough, I worked real hard. I
became, quote unquote, successful, which by my standards as a young kid was I made a
lot of money and I made this money. I was 19 years old and I was earning at that time
about $10,000 a month, which is a lot of money for most people, but definitely a lot of
money for a 19 year old kid because you have no overhead. So it's definitely a lot of
money in that case. Right. So I'm making all this money. I'm becoming so successful, all
these great things coming and everything. My life was flowing. I was touching people's
lives. I was doing what I loved. I felt like I was walking through life, living my purpose,
doing what my spirituality really means, which is to contribute in a meaningful way. So for
all these great feelings, so much so that it was what was not what I was used to. And I got
outside my comfort zone. And so my brain started asking interesting questions, like, how
come I have all this already? At 19, I got all these great friends, I have all these people I
love and love me. I've got all this money, you know, I do what I love. I'm extremely
successful. How come we got it at 19? You're supposed to wait till you're like 50 or 60 to
get this kind of stuff right? At least 45. So then my brain figured out it's because I'm going
to die young. I swear to God. That's what I thought. And then I didn't just get the thought in
my head, but I started obsessing about it and I go to sleep and I didn't think I was going to
die, like, easily, like real quick. Bam! You know, truck kicked me out crossing the street.
No, no, I was going to waste the way of cancer. And I would see these people like
chemotherapy and I'd look at them and think, I don't think I'd want the treatment that looks
worse than the death. You know, I see some people I care about who went through this
process and I watched them just waste away. And so I had these images so clear in my
mind. And I wake up in the middle night with cold sweats because I just knew I had all this
now at this young age, because I wasn't going to be here very long. And what changed
me, what broke my pattern? If you focus on something long enough, what tends to happen
you tend to experience. Fortunately for me, I didn't actually physically experience him, but
a very, very close friend of mine, a lady friend of mine at the time came to see me and I
was in stress mode and was stressed about everything, even though I was succeeding.
And she came up to me one day and she goes home and started crying. So what's the
matter? Just, you know, people crying. They can't catch their breath. And I said, What is
the matter? This is my mother. Who is my mother? I said, Your mother what? She said, My
mother has cancer. It's like, Oh, stay away from me. I mean, it's like it scared the hell out
of me. But at the same time, for most of my life, I've focused and built an identity in myself
about I'm a person who can make a difference for anybody. So even then, I stepped
forward and said, Hey, it's okay, and I want to break her pattern, help her out. You know,
said, it's okay. I said, look, hundreds of thousands of people have gotten cancer and beat
it. And we don't hear much about it. But it's a fact. I mean, listen, all we got. I'm in the
modeling, right? All we got to do is find people have cancer and got rid of it. Find out
exactly what they do. Find out what they did in common. And model that if we model what
most people do and most people God, what's most people die of it? I saw Melissa, and I'm
a speed reader. I would go out and I said, I'm going to find the answer for I don't care what
it is, don't you worry. And I swore to her I'd find the answer. So I said, I'm going to go out
and read 30 books in 30 days all the year of nutrition, health, fitness, figure out what I
could do to really understand what's going on in the body so I could help her. And I did. I
read 30 books in 30 days, and at the end of 30 days I was totally confused. I was because
you read one book here. It was by this Ph.D., Right. He had every credential in the world
from Harvard. He says, Do this and this and this, and you'll live forever. And then, of
course, I read the next book and it says, It's by a guy who's equally qualified. Right? And
he says, if you do that, that and that you'll be dead tomorrow. Do this. And it's amazing.
You live forever. I remember at the time these two books later on, several weeks later on
the news, these two men are suing each other in the public forum, talking about how each
one of them was dead wrong. I'm just sitting here going. So after enough of this stuff, I
finally, you know, I got to do. Since there are so many people who have so many opinions
who are equally qualified. What I've got to do is I've got to create for myself something as
I'm synthesizing, pull the best from each of them. What makes common sense to me,
instead of saying I'm not smart enough to figure this out, I got to give all this up to
someone else who's an expert. I'm going to become an expert on the most important force
I have that I carry my life through my body. I'm not going to give it to somebody else and
hope they make the right choice. So I'm going to go with what's common sense, and then
I'm going to take what's common sense. I'm going to test it in my own body and help other
people do the same. So sure enough, I start studying all these things. I came across
several books and I went back to this woman who had the cancer. I met her and got
chance to develop a relationship with her and she had cancer the size of like baseballs or
tumors on her shoulders and her female organ. And it was pretty intense. The doctor gave
her nine weeks to live and he was said, you didn't really think surgery would do any good.
But then he reevaluated. You talked to the doctor and they said, well, she might live as
much as four months and that if they went in there, did surgery within four weeks, they
might be able to do something. They might be able to slow it down. Maybe she could live
six months or a year. They all argued about how long you're going to live, not that she was
going to live, but if she would live within a year. And but he didn't want to operate right
away because she had some kind of infection or something like that involved with it as
well. And he wanted to give her some medication, do that first before they went into the
surgery. So I went through and I said, listen, read this book, and I gave him a book called
One Answer to Cancer, which wouldn't be the book that I would number one recommend
today. But it talked about this man who had cancer, was told he had four weeks to live and
completely eliminated all the tumors from his body. And he did it all without using any
invasive drugs, no chemotherapy, nothing like that. And so he talked about exactly what
he did, what his method was. Nice. Listen. They say you're going to die, so you can just
accept that and maybe you still will. But I said, you know, if this guy did it and this seems
similar to some of the other things I read, why don't you please try this? And then he gave
her a second book. And a second book was by a man named James Allen called As a
Man. Think of a book you should write down and go get the little tiny book. But it's a
classic. And basically what it says is what we already know that as you think in your heart,
so are you. So you become as you think. So you become. Because I realized that you
can't just take care of the physical side, the mental side of its effects or biochemistry as
well, and have to do both. I figured if we didn't change her, her mental side, I probably
wouldn't make the shift. So she got asthma. I'm thinking she started reading it. She started
reading this other man's book. And within a few days she got started on this program of
detoxifying her body, getting the poisons that were in her body out without cutting it open.
And so she did this and she did a variety of things. And I'll tell you some of those things
tonight as we go through these processes. But all I can tell you is that within four weeks,
she lost £28. Now, most of those pounds you lost, you lost in the toilet, by the way, in
waste that was coming out of her like it was going out of style. All this poison was inside of
her screaming out of her system. And within four weeks, you couldn't see at least anything
protruding at all in her shoulders for weeks. So she goes back to the doctor and he says,
Well, you know, you're looking much better. Maybe we'll wait a few more weeks. So he
said, we'll wait to the nine weeks because it looks like you're doing a little bit better. But he
said, we got to go in and cut it out. So after about seven or eight weeks, she's feeling
phenomenal. She's in the best fitness of my life. That's health of her life. She doesn't feel
any sense of disease in her body. And she comes to me and she says, I talked to the
doctor. He wants to operate now. I'm a 19 year old kid at this time. Right. And she says,
What should I do? And I said, Oh, great. I said, I tell you not to do the surgery and you die.
Cancer, that's on my head for the rest of my life. I said, I can't tell you that. I'm just, you
know, getting started myself. But I'll tell you one thing. If it was me, I'd at least wait a little
longer. Since you don't seem to have any, you know, semblance of anything matter with
you anymore. I mean, I'm sure there must be something in there, but obviously you're
moving in the right direction. She said I totally agree with you. No, no, don't agree with me.
I said, You do this on your own, right? This is this is life. This is your decision. I can't do
this for you. The same is true for all of you today. I can only tell you what I believe. So she
said, okay. But I just want, you know, I'm not going to do. I said, Well, great. I'm glad for
you. Two weeks later, she went in for the surgery. Why? Because there's an interesting
thing that happens to us as human beings when we get in a state of uncertainty, when
there's a lot on the line, when there's a fear of loss, especially our health. Most of us don't
see ourselves being qualified to make decisions about our own bodies. So we look to
those people who seem to have more certainty now. Because someone has more
certainty, Does that mean they're right, Yes or no? No. And we are, as a culture, have
been taught to respect authority. And so I'm very supportive of doctors. I have a practice
management company called Fortune Practice Management, and all we do is manage
doctors businesses for them and help them to create a life. I'm not against doctors. I want
to get the wrong impression. But a doctor is a coach just like I am. You can't give me the
responsible. You can't give him responsibility. No doctor is God. They're all human beings
who make mistakes and do great things. Both. So you got to look at them in that light. And
these people are unbelievably hard. They care immensely about people, and many are
completely overworked and they have a difficult time keeping up because things are
changing so rapidly. Part of the matter is this guy, all he knows is he's been trained. If you
go to a baker, they will make you go to a surgeon. They will gut because that's what
they're trained to do. So he decided that we had to go in there anyway because we
couldn't take a chance. And he convinced her she would probably die if he didn't do the
surgery. And that's usually the fear of death. We've got to do almost anything. So she put
herself in his hands. They cut her open, and guess what they found? Zero. Nothing. So he
said there must be something there. So he brought it back for exploratory surgery. And
imagine what that does to alter the body to have something going to cut and around. They
did find something. They found all he found was something. The end of my little pinkie
fingernail. That's all that was left. Their whole body in nine weeks. So what do you think
happened to my belief? First of all, I was euphoric because I felt like I felt the sense of,
well, I had contributed to saving a life. But I'll tell you honestly, I saved another life
simultaneously. Whose that because I freed myself from the fear, because that was the
only thing I thought could stop me in my life. I always thought, Man, I know I'm guided. I
feel like God guides us all. I'm in tune with that. I'm here. I've got a life's work. I know what
it is, but this is going to take me. It's like zero fear. And when you take away fear because
what was your energy? You just explode. You can't believe how much energy inside of a
human being is suppressed just by fear. They don't even realize they have. And so I
became an evangelist, you know, And she, by the way, went back and talked to her doctor
and said, look, I don't have anything. It's amazing. I mean, I did this in nine weeks,
everything else. And he said, it's a miracle. She goes, Yeah, let me tell you what I did. He
said, It's a miracle. She said, No, but let me do it. He said, It's a miracle. She said, It is a
miracle. And let me tell you. And he just didn't want to hear that. He said, You just better.
Thank God. She said, I do. But I did my part and. So let's take a look. Once you open your
book and let's take a look at where we're going to do with our belief systems first, because
that shapes everything, right? Our belief systems because we've got to say, okay,
everything human beings do is driven by their beliefs. All behavior is belief driven. So let's
take a look and say, what are the organizing principles or beliefs I put you here in your
your notes here that are driving your life. So tell me, what are the beliefs On page three
here says, One of the primary organizing principles are beliefs that our society conditions
us to believe about what is disease and what is health. What do we have to do to avoid it?
So tell me, what are some of the limiting beliefs that we get or that maybe some of us in
this room about had some limiting beliefs you've had about health? Raise your hand.
Anybody know? Yes, we don't. There's the cold. Don't get near. Someone has a cold,
right? Why not? Well, then you'll catch it. Run. Talk about that one. You're going to find
that most of you eat cold rather than catch colds. Yes.

Speaker 2 [00:22:47] I used to. I used to believe that once you get sick or once you catch
a cold or something.

Speaker 1 [00:22:51] Immediately take medicine, maybe take almost five years, you
haven't gone through years and you stop taking medicine. What kind of medicine? Which
you normally take? Whatever it seem good on the commercials, I guess, or whatever you
do on the commercial. Yeah, right. Good. Somebody else organizing principle? Yes, sir.
What's a limiting belief about how? Well, I think that milk gives cows. You know, I used to
believe that. Used to believe that. Good for you. I'm glad it's. They used to believe
because milk actually leaches calcium from the system. You're going to find out today
bleaches it people that big dairy consumers have the weakest tensile strength in their
bones of anybody. I'll give you the research. No question about it. Yes. Somebody's going
to take away my milk today. Just remember this today is about giving you things. Today is
going to be about giving you a series of gifts. And anything that we get rid of will replace
with something better that's still tasty. Okay, so you're freaking about your milkshake right
now. Don't worry. Stay with me. What are we taught is the source of disease. What does it.
Come on. It's germs. It's viruses. It's all these sources. Well, I'm going to show you today
what the reality is. And the reality is we are being treated in this country in a way that puts
our health at risk very often. Now, my attack of the middle personnel, let me give you a
frame of reference. Medical doctors, again, work harder than anybody you probably know.
Most people think they're rich. I'm playing golf. I don't know too many that are doing that. I
know most these people have committed their life because they care about human beings
and they will give their heart and soul. They will do it at the expense of their own health,
their own emotion, their own families. Most of them go to school for a decade or two.
Right. And during that time, as soon as they finally make it to school, guess what they do?
After paying for all that education, they now go totally into debt. So then go start a practice
usually. And then now they're running at full speed trying to help everybody. I'm telling you,
these are some of the most special human beings on the planet. I used to attack doctors
because I saw the behavior that happened from some doctors. And I get so upset cause I
start hurting people. I don't have that feeling at all. I don't demonize doctors. Doctors are
incredible people. But we put doctors in a horrible position for two reasons. Here's a good
metaphor for a doctor. A doctor is out there, cares what people give, anything. One day
he's walking by a street. As he walks by a stream, he hears this yell, Help, help, help. He
looks at the stream and sees somebody drowning. Well, he's a good man. A lot of people
just walk by and try to go get some help. Some people say, I don't know what to do and
freeze. Not a doctor. Doctor cares about people. He jumps in headfirst at his own risk. It's
really strong. Courage saves the person, drags him out before about a poster chest, gets
all the fluid out, gives him mouth to mouth resuscitation. The person survives, thinks that
doctors effort, but the minute the doctor finishes the one offs and guess what The doctor
hears out of the river. Two year olds going. Help! Help! Oh, my God. Doctor jumps out in
the river, right? Grabs one, grabs the other, drags one by the leg, others by the head,
drags them both and brings them out on the sand, Pokes them out like crazy. Malcolm out
the both of them almost out of himself and often saves their lives. Phenomenal. But just as
he's finishing off when he hears for more screams, jumps out of their former screams to
turn help everyone turn to everything this human being, man or woman can possibly do as
a doctor to help them break them both in pumping water, still pumping all four of them.
Eight more screams. In fact, the doctor is so busy helping people, he never has time to go
upstream to see who's throwing them in. All right. All right. They care deeply. Let me tell
you, here's the reality. The half life of the current medical education, according to the AMA.
Four years. What does that mean? It means the doctor who's leaving school today knows
more about medicine than one about four years ago. Massively so. 50% of the information
has grown in four years. The bottom line is these doctors are primarily educated with new
information. But the drug companies by the drug salesmen, because there's no physical
way they can do everything they're doing, help everybody and stay educated because we
have 8000 new drugs have come out in the last four years alone. 8000. And what's
happening is we're constantly being told what to believe. And the people who are teaching
us are the researchers. And the researchers usually work for which company, the drug
company is promoting it. We live in a society today that's better living through chemistry or
surgery. I want to talk to you about a different approach. Approach. It's worked for
hundreds of years, probably thousands, but hundreds under a particular title. That's made
a huge, huge difference in the quality of people's lives. So what is? Help. Put it down. It is
energy. It is vitality. And I put with energy. Everything in life becomes real and possible.
Now, the big question, of course, is where does energy come from? Where does all
energy come from in everything, whether it be plants or animals? Where does the energy
come from? That's right. It's made up in your cells. Cells are the factories. They are the
building blocks of all life, plant and animal. Now, if we think about that as cells or where
energy happens there, there's little biochemical electrical factory. And you've got to give
me an idea inside your body. 75 trillion cells in your body. 75 trillion. And all they are is life
pulsating through you? You are nothing but cells. Every organ in your body. Every bit of
tissue is made up of nothing but cells. Cells are the basic building block. So think about
this then. If you and I want to have lots of energy, we better make sure we take really good
care of our. What The cells in our body must be nurtured. How life and death starts is
created and ends at the cellular level. That's where all it's as your cells go. So do you go?
So you've got to be thinking when you're thinking about health is what is this going to do to
myself? Now think about what a cell is. The membrane of a cell feels a little factory. Is this
a sensitive little device? Yes or no? You better believe it. That's why we have all this
exterior to cover us. And all these orifices have a series of filtering devices before anything
get into that bloodstream. To make sure that you're protected. But a lot of us have learned
that when we get ill, what we should do is inject foreign matter directly into our
bloodstream, directly where cells are going to be impacted with no filtering device. And we
wonder why we don't seem to get better long term. So what we want to do is want to make
sure we take care of ourselves on page seven at the top. The quality of our life. This is our
core organizing principle for health. The quality of your life is the quality of the life of your
what cells. So then the question is, okay, Tony, so what am I? Cells need to not only
survive, but to really thrive. The number one force of energy that cells use they must have
is called oxygen. Health is energy. Energy is built at the cellular level. Cells must have
oxygen. It is the number one source of energy on planet Earth, not food. Oxygen. When
you are tired, the first thing you must do is get more oxygen to your system. How do they
get you to go for three days and three nights through an insane number of hours,
unbelievable intensity, and not be out of your mind with like your body feeling horrible and
terrible and tired. And we felt pretty energized most of this week, I would say. I How do we
do that? That's right. We were moving and we were breathing, but the movement was
stimulating the flow of oxygen through your body. Whenever you have pain, you've been
sitting a long time. It's because you don't have any blood flow. Blood flow isn't flowing, so
you're not getting fresh oxygen as clearly or as much. And so you experience this thing
called pain. Oxygen is the number one source. The second thing that cells need to thrive is
nutrients, nutrients, not food. Because many of you eat what you call food is not gonna
have any nutrient left in it. I have totally revitalized and it doesn't give the cells anything.
And here's the secret. Anything you put in your body must either be assimilated or
eliminated. If your body can't assimilate it, it's giving it no nutrients. Everybody has to
eliminate it. That requires a large amount of what, you know, energy. Most people are
eating food that is draining them of life force because it's food that the body has to work
overtime to trigger and figure out, to detoxify and change, working overtime, trying to
eliminate all the nerve energies being wasted away. That's why people go to sleep and
they have more than 6 hours sleep and they're still tired. In some cases, maybe more than
maybe seven or 8 hours sleep. Right. How embarrassing. But it's because that person
wasn't getting oxygen, because the whole blood supply is all thickened up trying to deal
with the fact it's not getting nutrients. Anything that destroys or diminishes the flow of
oxygen to your system, it's potentially disease producing and absolutely lowers your nerve
energy, period. Anything anything that will increase your energy flow is really anything to
increase the flow of oxygen to the cells of your body. So think about anything that's going
to interrupt my flow of oxygen, diminish the flow of oxygen is disease producing anything
that'll increase the amount of oxygen that gets to my cells. It's going to make me more
healthy and more energized, period. Now, nutrients, by the way, are important because
they help to provide the energy so that your ATP can be continually manufactured. Can
you continually reconnected in the cell? So I got to have nutrients, not just quote unquote
food. And the third thing that all cells need to not only survive, but thrive. And this thing
most people don't do. The ability to eliminate their own waste. What is the process of life?
At its basic essence, it's consuming and eliminating. It's basically what all animals do. It's
what your cells do. They all consume. They take in nutrients, they take an oxygen and they
spew out and eliminate their waste products. The problem is what happens if the cell is
living in an environment? Where is the environment? Let's say the bloodstream, The blood
is delivering these nutrients. The blood is delivering, for instance, oxygen. But the problem
is what happens if day after day after day? We're constantly putting more poison in more
things. The body cannot assimilate, has to eliminate until the energy of the body gets
lowered. Pretty soon you start to accumulate what in the body? Waste, toxicity, toxins. Part
of that waste is watch this right now burn. 7 billion liver cells just died. How exciting. But
guess what? Same time, 7 billion new ones were created. Only one problem could come
up. If you're living your life in a way where your nerve energy, what most of us would call
resistance, is lowered because of the way you're living your life. Now, there may not be
enough energy to eliminate that waste, which is natural waste. The body knows how to
eliminate it, and so it's get retained in the blood. Now your blood day after day gets more
and more toxic as it gets more and more toxic to protect you against what your body does
retains more of what water. In environment, more water, all these cells that were close
together, where the blood would flow in, give it its nutrients. Now the space expands and
it's harder for the nutrients to get to the cells. Also, with all this water, there's less weight
giving yourselves and it gets oxygen so you have less white energy. As you get less
energy, all the cells become weaker. As they get weaker, you have less energy. The
functional efficiency of your whole body begins to drop. And pretty soon you go, I'm getting
all. Well, you really are as toxic. What you want to do is eliminate that waste. So I want you
to know about three studies that are critical to understanding what it takes to be healthy.
How many agree that health is energy? The energy comes from the cells. Let's see if you
agree with that. Say I if that's really true of it. And we know that we need those cells to get
us oxygen, then let's talk a little research first study. Here's from Dr. Otto Warburg. Now,
here's a guy who won the Nobel Prize for his studies in cell respiration. And he had this
theory. He said, okay, there is no question in my mind that oxygen is the single most
important nutrient that the human body must have. So I wonder what would happen to
cells if I were to lower the level of oxygen available to them? What what really happens
when the first people ask that question? Really test it out. And so what he did was he got a
Nobel Prize because he took these cells and took them out of various animals and he put
them in bell jars. Now, what he did is he reduced the oxygen level down to about 70%.
And in some of them, the case of 60% of what the animal would normally get. So it took
the cells, let's say, for example, out of these rats, stuck it in this bell jar, reduced the
oxygen on to it. And what do you think happened to the cells? Some of them did die. Many
of them weakened. But here's what's really interesting. A large number of them mutated.
They mutated because cells need oxygen and the force of life is so strong. Did you see the
movie Jurassic Park? You remember that when they said all these dinosaurs, you know,
we made them so they can't, you know, have any new dinosaurs. There's that moment
where they find the dinosaur eggs. They go, Oh, the force of life is so strong in your body.
Most of you fear cancer with cancer is is cells that have not been given enough oxygen.
Something has ruptured. Some something has made them go haywire, whether it be
chemicals. But usually it's a lack of oxygen in order to survive. And I try to live in an
environment, no oxygen, because they want you to live. So without oxygen, they go
rampant and grow like crazy. They're growing. They're living. But they take over the space
in your body and that's where you see these lumps coming out. They don't belong there.
Cancer is your body trying to stay alive in spite of the fact that you have poisoned it
continuously. That's what's really happening. Here's what's really interesting. What he did
is he went through this and he said, wow, I dropped down 60% lower. Some of them
mutate. That's really fascinating. Mutating cells or what kind of cells? Anybody know
cancer cells? They start growing rapidly. He started thinking about this and wrote this
paper about it. Then his student, years later, Dr. Harry Goldblatt, he's a Rockefeller
Institute researcher. He decided to take that same hypothesis and really test it. So he
decided to take cells out of these rats. And what he did is he did the same thing between
two things. He took one bell jar and he put in that rat cells and he reduced the oxygen
down to 60% of what they would normally get alive. He took another bell jar and in this one
he kept the oxygen level at the normal level. Well, the cells that were kept, the normal level
of oxygen, same percentage. How do you think they did? Well, guess what he did? He
gave them nutrients and he gave them the same oxygen and he gave them the room to
eliminate the waste. They all live fine. In fact, they were vibrant. He went the other ones.
What happened? Some died, some weakened, some mutated. He then took the cells back
of the bell jars, re-injected them back in the rats. And the rats from Bell Jar number one,
the control group. No problem. The rats took the cells back then went on. Continue. Have
healthy lives. The rats, when they took the cells out where there was less oxygen, they
injected in the rats. Every single rat developed. What? Cancerous tumors. Every single
one. What might this tell us about how important oxygen might be in dealing with this scary
thing most people think of as cancer? A little important, or maybe the most important thing
of all, which is that. No question. I'll give you another clue. One of three Americans gets
cancer. One out of seven athletes gets cancer. Why is it that much different? I mean, how
could that possibly be? Because they get a lot more what in their system? Oxygen. So you
might want to become an athlete quickly. Third study. Dr. Alexis Carrel. This guy is a two
time Nobel Prize winner, and he did work for the Rockefeller Institute also. And he did
some amazing research. He took chicken. Check this out. He took old chickens and old
chickens like a 12 year old chickens. An old chicken that's old and chicken life. And I don't
know, it's like seven times that or something. I don't know what it is, but that's an old
chicken. He took cells out of chickens and he took their cells and he put them in bell jars.
And he did the three things I just told you that a cell needs. What do you do? He gave it
plenty of what He gave it to what they need. And he made sure that continually the waste
products were eliminated. Those three things. His goal was, he said there is no reason for
a cell to ever die. And that's why I did the research. You want to know what would make it
work if you gave it what it needed? Guess what? Chicken 12 year olds about ready to die.
How long you think these chicken cells live? Not forever. They live longer than he did,
though. He's dead. The cells got thrown out about ten years ago. Yeah, They were still
alive before he died. Three years after he died, he wrote this research report. His belief
was if you gave the cells what? They need these three things and avoided physical
rupture. What would cause physical rupture, injury or accident smacking something? If you
did that, he gave the cells the actions they need, the nutrients they need. Eliminate the.
You've got a physical rupture. The cells live forever. Now, this is not some guy from a zoo
talking writer. This is a two time Nobel Prize winner whose whole focus is cell respiration.
This little guy knows more than anybody you're going to talk to probably about what
happens in cells. And that's a pretty fascinating thought. So what would be the problem
then? The problem is we put our bodies in a position that is unnatural, where we pollute
ourselves. And usually as we get older, the pollution builds up more and more and more.
And that's what we call aging for the most part. Cells have an unbelievable power. They
should not break down. The natural state is to be in a great place. So cells have all this
power. Why They break down top of the page. Page nine. What causes you to become ill?
The answer is simple The accumulation of toxins in your bloodstream. That's what causes
illness. It's the accumulation of toxins. Now, why does cells die? Well, cells die. Number
one, most common cause cells is lack of what? So let's say you have a really fatty diet.
You got a high fat diet, and you're tired all the time and you feel sick. And you're
wondering why. We talked about this yesterday. You go on to fat, your system, what
happens to the red blood cells? They stick together, they stick together, They move more
fast or more slowly through the bloodstream, which work more slowly, which means you
get more or less oxygen, which means the cells get stronger or weaker, which means
some cells may actually die. Or that's why we see all these studies that show high fat
intake related to cancer. It all comes down to oxygen. Oxygen. That's your baby. Secondly,
what causes cells to die? Any disturbance in the electrical fields of the cells will kill them.
Any disturbance in the electric field of the cells. Every cell is a biochemical electrical force.
If you do something, you put something in your body. There are a lot of non-food you put
in your body or drugs that disrupt those cells. The cell membrane is very thin. You break
the membrane, all the guts of that cell are going to drain right out the cells gone. You do
anything, you put too much sodium in your body. There's this thing called a sodium
potassium pump. And the sodium potassium pop is what creates this electrical energy in
your body. And if you disturb that, all of a sudden you've got a major problem. When
someone takes strychnine, strychnine goes in. It disturbs the electrical fields of the body
and the cell just short circuits. It's that that's what it is. Number one, things will make your
cells weak is the very opposite of what most people think. And that is decreased workload
makes your cells weaker, decreased workload, making less demand on your body makes
cells atrophy and weak. Remember I told you yesterday that they're doing these studies at
three different universities here in the U.S. They're taking men and women, their sixties
and seventies, and making increased white demand on the muscle cells of the body. And
when they do that, guess what's happening? They're finding they can create the same
level of strength in 67 year old men and women, as they're finding in 20 and 30 year old
men and women. The problem is we get older. We have these belief systems that say
we're going to have less power, less energy, and we become more toxic. So there's plenty
of people around us as evidence. And so pretty soon what occurs, pretty soon we stop
moving, we stop using, we start demanding. The way to get weak in anything is don't
challenge yourself anymore. Reason people get fragile in their bones, get older, they don't
challenge anymore. People that are most physical make the biggest demand, have the
greatest strength, whether it be the muscles, whether it be the mind, whether it be the soul,
whether it be human emotions. When you're challenged, you use your courage. It gets
bigger by demand. When you don't use it, it gets weak and small. This is the law of life.
You don't want to seek out less challenge. You want to make demands on yourselves, but
not demands by putting employees in the body, the demands of physical movement, using
your mind and your body in intense ways. This session continues on the next CD.

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