Unravelling The Antisolvent Dripping Delay Effect On The Stranski-Krastanov Growth of CH3NH3PbBr3 Thin Films

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Unraveling the antisolvent dripping delay effect

on the Stranski–Krastanov growth of
Cite this: Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.,
2020, 22, 26592 CH3NH3PbBr3 thin films: a facile route for
preparing a textured morphology with improved
optoelectronic properties†
Jitendra Kumar, ‡a Ramesh Kumar, ‡a Kyle Frohna, b
Dhanashree Moghe,c
Samuel D. Stranks b and Monojit Bag *a

Inorganic–organic hybrid perovskite materials have been a topic of interest for the last few years due to
their superior optoelectronic properties. However, the optical properties of perovskite materials are
strongly dependent on the film morphology. A textured film morphology is expected to have higher light
absorption as well as light out-coupling efficiency compared to a smooth film. There have been
numerous methods for controlling and optimizing the film morphology to achieve high efficiency in
solar cells and light emitting diodes. Here we have demonstrated that controlled anti-solvent treatment
at low temperature can lead to Stranski–Krastanov growth in CH3NH3PbBr3 thin films with superior
optical and electronic properties for light emitting diode applications. We have studied their photo-
luminescence properties at the micro- to nano-scale via fluorescence microscopy, hyper-spectral
imaging and scanning near-field optical microscopy. We have demonstrated that the nanostructured
Received 19th October 2020, micro-islands are highly emissive because of large quasi-Fermi level splitting (QFLS) due to the localization
Accepted 3rd November 2020 of free charges in the smaller crystals. We have shown that the photoluminescence as well as electro-
DOI: 10.1039/d0cp05467d luminescence can be improved by at least seven-fold due to the presence of micro-islands on a smooth
background film enhancing light out-coupling. Photo-induced photoluminescence enhancement is also
rsc.li/pccp observed in smooth films while micro-islands show photo-degradation.

Introduction applications. However, perovskite grains show heterogeneity in

their optoelectronic properties regardless of their synthesis
Halide based perovskite light emitting diodes (PeLEDs) have process;21,22 there is heterogeneity in their optical properties
become the most efficient and fastest-improving LED technology even in thermally deposited films.23 Most of the studies have
to date, as external quantum efficiencies (EQE) of perovskite- discovered that the PL heterogeneity is indicative of variations in
based light-emitting diodes have exceeded 20% in just a few the local density of non-radiative decay channels. Smaller grains
years of research.1–3 The main reason behind the success of increase the radiative recombination fraction due to increased
perovskite-based LEDs is that the thin films of these materials carrier concentration while in larger crystals the carriers may
can have high defect tolerance,4–6 large carrier diffusion diffuse further due to the large diffusion length. Therefore, the
lengths,7–10 high photoluminescence quantum yield,11,12 ambi- bimolecular radiative recombination fraction decreases in large
polar charge transport,13–17 wide-range emission tunability,18–20 crystals.23 The presence of non-radiative pathways in perovskite
and high colour purity.19 These properties make the perovskite nanocrystals strongly depends on the processing conditions as
LEDs promising candidates for display and solid-state lighting well as the film morphology. Apart from the high PL quantum
yield, high light out-coupling is another parameter to achieve
Advanced Research in Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy, Indian Institute of high efficiency in perovskite LEDs; therefore a textured morpho-
Technology Roorkee, Roorkee 247667, India. E-mail: mbagfph@iitr.ac.in logy is preferable over a smooth film.24 Recently Qin et al. had
Cavendish Laboratory University of Cambridge, Cambridge, CB3 0HE, UK
also demonstrated that a mixed crystal size can be better than a
Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai 400076,
uniform smooth film.25 Methods used for the controlled crystal-
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/d0cp05467d lization of perovskite materials reported by various research
‡ These authors contributed equally. groups include gas-assisted crystallization (GAC),26–28 using

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different co-solvents to retard the rapid reaction between per- polar than the precursor solvent), miscible with the solvent
ovskite precursors,29,30 substrate pre-heating31 and anti-solvent but immiscible with the perovskite precursor. Addition of anti-
treatment.29,30,32–37 Anti-solvent treatment has been proved to be solvent during spin coating can result in supersaturation and
Published on 03 November 2020. Downloaded by Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science on 1/27/2023 7:46:56 PM.

a very efficient method for controlling the growth of perovskite therefore fast nucleation is achieved. This can trigger homo-
crystals. In this article we have demonstrated that the controlled geneous nucleation leading to the formation of smooth uni-
anti-solvent treatment can result in either a Frank–van der form films. We have optimized the perovskite morphology by
Merwe-like (layer-by-layer) growth or a Stranski–Krastanov controlling the delay time for anti-solvent treatment as shown
(layer-plus-island) growth in methylammonium lead tri- in Fig. 2. It should be noted that there are two types of film
bromide (CH3NH3PbBr3) thin films. Textured perovskite films formation during anti-solvent treatment: (i) Frank–van der
show homogeneously scattered micro-meter sized island struc- Merwe (layer-by-layer) and (ii) Stranski–Krastanov (layer-plus-
tures consisting of 20–40 nm CH3NH3PbBr3 crystals; these island) depending on the anti-solvent dripping delay time.
micrometre sized areas are referred to as micro-islands (MIs). Stranski–Krastanov (SK) growth is normally seen in epitaxially
Steady state or time-resolved PL measurements of these MIs grown films on a smooth surface. SK growth can also be
reveal the overall PL enhancement due to increased PL lifetime. realized as the intermediate growth model of a 2-dimensional
However, to understand the origin of low or heterogeneous PL layer (Frank–van der Merwe) followed by 3-dimensional island
in these perovskite thin films, we need to investigate the PL at (Volmer–Weber) formation. There have been several theoretical
various length-scales. There are various techniques including as well as experimental studies to understand SK growth in
super-resolution micro-spectroscopy,38,39 fluorescence micro- inorganic thin films.45,46 Song et al. has also shown that SK
scopy,23,40 hyper-spectral imaging22,23,40 and scanning near-field growth is present at the initial stage of moisture condensation47
optical microscopy (SNOM)41 to study PL heterogeneity at the but SK growth in solution processed perovskite thin films is
micro- to nano-scales. These types of microstructures are also sparse.48 The general belief is that the two competing factors,
known to have better light out-coupling efficiency in PeLEDs. energy and entropy play a crucial role in SK growth. Therefore,
We studied these MIs using fluorescence microscopy, hyper- controlling the anti-solvent dripping delay time can control the
spectral imaging and SNOM to investigate the origin of high entropy, and an energetically unstable film leads to the formation
PL in micro-islands and PL quenching in smooth perovskite of a 3-D island from a 2-D layer. It is shown in Fig. 2e that the
thin films. formation of micro-islands (MIs) can be realized if we drip the
anti-solvent at the 30th–40th second from the start of spin coating
(3000 rpm for 80 seconds). If the dripping delay time is from the
Results and discussion 10th to the20th s the film becomes more uniform and smooth.
However, if the anti-solvent dripping delay is more than 50th
Morphology optimization second from the start of the spin coating, these MIs start to
Perovskite thin film morphology can be well understood by disappear again. A better understanding of crystallization based
studying nucleation and growth mechanisms.42,43 In this work, on time varied anti-solvent treatment in our case can be under-
we have used anti-solvent treatment to prepare CH3NH3PbBr3 stood in terms of change in the chemical potential of the
perovskite thin films as shown in Fig. 1a. Depending on the nucleation site (mns) as spin coating proceeds. VW growth is
adsorption thermodynamics and the kinetics of crystal growth characterized by the negative slope of mns which indicates strong
the prepared film can take any of three forms namely adatom–adatom interaction, whereas positive differential of m
(i) Volmer–Weber (island), (ii) Frank–van der Merwe (layer by implies strong adatom–surface interaction, and it is responsible
layer) and (iii) Stranski–Krastanov (layer plus island) (see for FM growth mode as shown in Fig. 3a. Therefore, SK growth
Fig. 1b–d).44 The film prepared without any anti-solvent treat- can be seen as a positive derivative of the m–n curve followed by a
ment results in the formation of large cube-like crystals with negative differential of m afterward. Variation of Gibbs free energy
less than 50% film coverage; we will refer to this film as the predicts a critical radius, which has to be reached before crystal-
controlled film. Slow drying of the precursor solvent during lization can start (Fig. 3c).43 Variation of Gibbs free energy can be
spin coating leads to heterogeneous nucleation followed by given as43
slow Volmer–Weber (VW) growth (Fig. 1b) which can give a
large cube like structure due to strong adatom–adatom inter- DG ¼ DGs þ DGv ¼ 4pr2 g þ pr3 DGv (1)
action with the nucleation sites compared to the weak inter-
action between the adatom–substrate surfaces. Frank–van der where r is the radius of the simulated spherical particles (nucleus)
Merwe (FM) growth has opposite characteristics to those of VW and g is the interfacial energy or surface energy between the
growth where adatom–adatom interaction is weaker than supersaturated solution and crystalline surface and DGv is the
adatom–substrate interaction leading to more uniform and bulk free energy per unit volume. Maximization of Gibbs free
homogeneous nucleation. To prepare uniform films homoge- energy can be seen as a point of phase transition from liquid to
neous nucleation is necessary; this can also be achieved by fast crystal and corresponds to equalization of the chemical potentials
nucleation followed by a slow growth process.31 One of the of the liquid and nucleation sites. In Fig. 3a n0 represents the
common approaches to achieve fast nucleation is anti-solvent critical number of particles to be added to nucleation site in order
treatment.42 In this case anti-solvents are non-polar (or less to form a stable nucleus. Once the nucleus becomes stable the

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Fig. 1 (a) Scheme for preparation of perovskite film with controlled morphology. Scale bar in the SEM image of anti-solvent treated and without
anti-solvent treated film is given in the inset of Fig. 2, (b) schematic of Volmer–Weber (island formation), (c) schematic of Frank–van der Merwe (layer-by-
layer) and (d) schematic of Stranski–Krastanov (layer-plus-island) growth.

volume term in Gibbs free energy dominates and lowers the Gibbs case (which corresponds to FM growth which is very weak for this
free energy of the nucleation site, therefore resulting in a negative film). After a few seconds of antisolvent treatment the concen-
slope in the m–n graph (Fig. 3d), since a negative slope in m–n is tration of the solvent stabilizes and crystallization occurs through
responsible for VW growth, and this explains the formation of VW growth and we obtain the full coverage film but with slightly
scattered micrometre sized crystals with less than 50% coverage in higher roughness and bigger crystal size with respect to other
controlled films. This indicates that the natural tendency in spin antisolvent treated films (Fig. 2b and 4a). If anti-solvent treatment
coating is to proceed through VW growth unless the variation in is done at the 20th second which is very close to crystallization
mns is controlled by an external trigger such as by controlling the point, a very high slope in the m–n graph results in a much more
pressure, temperature or the solution concentration. Fig. 3d effective FM growth and even after a few seconds when concen-
shows the variation of the chemical potential as spin coating tration stabilizes the chemical potential of nucleation site remains
proceeds. In our case we have chosen 80 seconds of spinning high compared to the substrate chemical potential for a few
program (3000 rpm), If we assume that the critical radius is seconds and crystallization keeps proceeding through FM growth
reached at around the 20–25th second (the film colour changes) and spends a much longer time in the FM growth mode,
we can explain the observed morphologies, as anti-solvent drip- and therefore results in the formation of the smoothest film
ping can increase the chemical potential of the system by effec- (Fig. 2c and 4b). However, if anti-solvent treatment is performed
tively increasing the concentration of the solution by extracting at the 30th or 40th second of spinning, the change in concen-
the excess solvent. If we drip the anti-solvent at the 10th second tration forces the crystallization to the FM mode for a few seconds
after spinning starts, since the Gibbs free energy has not reached (until the concentration of solvent stabilizes) but it returns to
its maximum, part of the increase in Gibbs free energy by VW mode faster compared to films treated at the 20th second.
anti-solvent treatment is utilized to increase G to its maximum Therefore crystallization proceeds through a combination of FM
and therefore the effective positive change in m is small in this and VW growth modes which is the SK mode and consequently

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Fig. 2 Optimization of perovskite film for improved light out-coupling and high extraction efficiency design by spin coating. FESEM image of (a)
controlled film showing the presence of B10 mm sized micro-cubes with a partial film coverage (b–f) perovskite films obtained by anti-solvent treatment
using chlorobenzene as an anti-solvent and benzylamine as an additive to the chlorobenzene. Anti-solvent treatment of these films was performed by
optimizing the delay time for the treatment in an 80 second spinning program. Films shown in (b–f) are treated at 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 seconds after the
start of spinning respectively.

we achieve formation of islands in the case of anti-solvent formation of micrometre-sized islands. These islands comprise
treatment at 30–40 seconds (Fig. 2d, e and 4c, d). If we wait for of smaller particle size (B20–40 nm) distributions (Fig. S1, ESI†)
up to 50 seconds for anti-solvent treatment since crystallization compared to a relatively larger grain size (B300 nm) in the
has occurred through the VW mode from 20 to 50 seconds, this background. The XRD pattern index matches well with cubic
time we don’t have a flat substrate to form a smooth film, but as MAPbBr3 for both the controlled and anti-solvent treated films
soon as we add the anti-solvent the growth mode changes from (Fig. S2, ESI†). Using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic
VW mode to FM mode and we achieve a full coverage film. force microscopy (AFM) image analyses of MIs, the average height of
However, when it comes back to the VW mode, there is not much MIs is found to be B120 nm and an average distance between two
of time left for the film to proceed through the VW mode and such micro-islands is around 3 mm (Fig. S4, ESI†), a 25  25 mm2 area
form islands. The rms roughness of films prepared at 30 seconds was scanned with the help of AFM setup for this measurement. The
of delay time and 50 seconds of delay time are almost the same scan area is large enough to include a number of micro-islands in
but morphologies of the two films are different which indicates order to calculate the average height of these micro-islands.
that the film treated at the 30 second delay time spends more time
in the VW mode after antisolvent treatment whereas film treated
at 50 seconds of delay time spends more time in the VW mode Photoluminescence measurements
before antisolvent treatment. Therefore, we conclude that the
smoothest films in anti-solvent treatment can be achieved if we Fluorescence imaging
drip the anti-solvent exactly at the point of formation of a stable The controlled film shows very weak PL intensity and so does
nucleus. And we can design micro-islands if we drip the anti- the smooth perovskite film prepared by antisolvent treatment
solvent at a suitable time when both FM and VW growth modes after a 10th–20th second delay. This could be due to high PL
contribute equally resulting in a SK growth. The rms roughness of quenching at the defect sites or at the hole transporting layer.
these films is shown in Fig. 4f. For more quantitative analysis The PL intensity was found to be maximum for the textured
further experiment/simulation/modelling is needed to understand film prepared at the 40th second delay amongst all the film
SK growth in perovskite thin films. In this study we call these SK types, though it was spatially inhomogeneous because of the
growth films as textured films because these films show the presence of MIs. Films prepared with the 30th second and 50th

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Fig. 3 Schematic diagram of controlling chemical potential with the help of anti-solvent treatment during crystallization of perovskite films. (a) Change
in the chemical potential as a function of adsorbed particles/molecules, (b) change in the chemical potential from the liquid phase to the crystalline
phase, (c) variation of Gibbs free energy as a function of particle radius, and (d) proposed variation of the chemical potential during the antisolvent
dripping. The dotted lines represent the chemical energy variation without anti-solvent dripping while solid lines represent the chemical energy variation
at different antisolvent dripping delay times.

second delay show a moderate PL intensity (Fig. S5, ESI†). The in our case. SEM and AFM images of these MIs show the
areas of the textured film that are away from the MIs are similar formation of a textured surface which can improve the light
to those of the smooth film. Therefore, our main focus is to out-coupling efficiency.50 In Fig. 5c we show the histogram of
understand the spatially heterogeneous PL emission of the PL intensity (arbitrary unit) to compare the contribution of dark
textured film. A high PL intensity is the signature of low defect and bright regions. Fig. S6 (ESI†) depicts the PL intensity
density and purity of the material. In fluorescence microscopy, counts; o90 grayscale value (GSV) are from the regions which
we have observed that the PL intensity at MIs is much higher are away from the MIs whereas 100 GSV mark the boundary
than that of the regions away from the islands (Fig. 5a); this of the MIs. Therefore, we have divided the histogram into
could be obvious because of the anti-correlation of PL intensity three different regions; the low-intensity region shows the PL
and grain size.49 Fig. 5b is the overlay image of transmis- intensity clustered around 20 GSV whereas high-intensity end
sion and fluorescence mode images which indicates that the shows a peak around 140 GSV. This indicates that the MIs
brighter regions are MIs. We speculate that the presence of MIs can increase the PL intensity by at least 7 times compared to the
can improve the light out-coupling efficiency by providing the smooth films (the non-island site is itself a smooth film).
convex–concave geometry at the perovskite air interface, and The inset of Fig. 5c is the magnification of the y-axis for the
thus it could help to improve the PL emission by at least 7-fold high-intensity region. Fig. 5d shows a good linear correlation

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Fig. 4 Perovskite film morphology optimization by controlling antisolvent treatment delay time (a)–(e) show AFM images of perovskite films treated at
10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 second delayed treatment respectively. (f) Shows variation of rms film roughness vs. anti-solvent treatment delay. The
measurements were carried out on multiple substrates and at multiple areas to confirm the reproducibility.

coefficient (R = 0.72) between the PL intensity and the area of mapping by hyperspectral imaging is still diffraction limited;
MIs. Although the high-intensity regions are associated with therefore, the limitation due to grain boundaries could not be
the larger MIs, this relation seems to saturate around a charac- resolved in the smooth film. To find out the mechanism of non-
teristic micro-island of area 1.8 mm2. Next, we performed the radiative recombination losses in smooth perovskite films,
steady-state PL measurements for all the samples (Fig. S5, scanning near field optical microscopy (SNOM) is introduced
ESI†), by taking the ratio of integrated PL intensity We observed to investigate such lateral PL intensity variations. From hyper-
that the PL intensity from textured films shows an B10-fold spectral PL microscopy, we can see that there are regions of the
increase from controlled film PL intensity and B7.5-fold textured film at which the PL spectrum is more skewed; these
increase from smooth films, which is consistent with the are the areas of low PL intensity. The shape of the spectrum is
observations from fluorescence microscopy. With the help of fitted with a bi-Gaussian function (Fig. 6 and Fig. S7, ESI†).
AFM image analysis and cross-sectional FESEM images (Fig. S4, We attribute these two Gaussians as a result of two different
ESI†) we found that the local volume fraction increased at MI emitters; the presence of two emitters could be related to the
sites is only B32% whereas overall volume fraction increase is different size of the crystals. Some of the high energy photon
B6.8%. This analysis indicates that the 750% increase in PL is can be reabsorbed at low energy sites. Thus, the PL intensity
not just the consequence of higher effective film thickness but depends on how efficiently the charge carriers can diffuse
it could be the result of high PL quantum yield due to the toward the quencher sites and also on the quenching effi-
smaller crystal size,51 improved photon absorption by light ciency of the quencher. PL inhomogeneity in the micro-cube
trapping as well as PL out-coupling due to MI sites. Recently, for the controlled film can be found in the ESI† (Fig. S8).
we have also shown that this type of textured morphology forms To investigate further, we have estimated quasi-Fermi level
a better perovskite/HTL interface in n–i–p structured PLEDs.52 splitting (QFLS) for the micro-island site as well as for the
We believe that the inhomogeneity in the widefield PL mapping background film (Fig. S9, ESI†). QFLS is a characteristic of
is mainly because of the charge carrier confinement as well as purity of the material and is normally indicative of the maxi-
trap distribution since the contribution of diffusion-limited mum achievable open-circuit voltage in perovskite solar
decay pathways is weak for widefield illumination. cells.53,54 Here we have calculated QFLS for the brightest,
moderately bright and the least bright location of the film
Hyper-spectral PL imaging using generalized Planck’s law.55
To investigate the detailed photoluminescence properties of  
these MIs we have carried out hyperspectral PL imaging on YPL ðE Þ Dj E
ln 23 2
¼  (2)
these MIs as well as the smooth background film. The PL 10 E kT kT

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Fig. 5 (a) PL map of perovskite films taken using a widefield fluorescence optical microscope showing scattered emission (area scanned 100 
100 mm2), (b) overlay of transmission and fluorescence images indicating that the PL signal is mainly coming from few micrometre-sized areas; in the SEM
image these areas are identified as micro-islands, (c) is the histogram of PL intensity, the histogram is divided into three parts orange shaded region (low
intensity) is the region which is far away from micro-islands, blue shaded region is the boundary of the plane and micro-islands sites of the perovskite
film, violet region (high-intensity region) represents the emission from micro-islands, which is again shown in the inset just to magnify the y-axis,
(d) scatter plot of PL intensity vs area of the micro-island showing a good linear correlation (R = 0.72). (e–g) Heterogeneity at different scales in perovskite
films (e) PL map taken using a fluorescence microscope (f) PL map of perovskite film around one of the micro-islands taken by hyperspectral PL imaging
(g) fluorescence mode image of smooth background film taken by SNOM.

where YPL(E) is the absolute magnitude of the photon flux measurements also strengthen our speculation of improved
detected outside the sample, Dj is the QFLS, E is the photon light out-coupling because of MIs.
energy, k is the Boltzmann constant and T is the sample
temperature. These values of calculated QFLS are tabulated SNOM imaging
in Tables S1 and S2 (ESI†). It is to be noted that if YPL(E) is not In our study of perovskite films, the grain size was close to the
calibrated absolute QFLS may not be accurate. In this context diffraction limit and created difficulty for widefield or hyper-
we will focus only on the relative changes rather than the spectral PL imaging to probe the sub-grain heterogeneity.
absolute value of QFLS. To cross-examine our results for To probe the diffraction-limited region we performed SNOM
reliability we have plotted ln(YPL(E)/1023E2) versus ho/kT having a resolution less than 100 nm (pixel size 50 nm), Fig. 7
and found that the slope is close to unity (Fig. S10, ESI†). shows a PL intensity map taken by SNOM. Surprisingly we
It is interesting to see that the value of the QFLS at a least- found that although the expected resolution of SNOM was
bright point is 72 meV lower than the value of QFLS at the lower than the grain size, we did not observe a PL contrast at
brightest point; this indicates that the dark areas have higher the length scales of grain size due to larger diffusion length in
trap-limited non-radiative recombination. This could be perovskites. As suggested by DeQuilettes et al. we can expect
because of efficient hole extraction from smooth films resulting a lower PL intensity at the grain boundaries.22 In another
in strong PL quenching and weaker hole extraction from micro- study by Yang et al. they have shown that in CH3NH3PbI3
islands giving rise to a weaker PL quenching which can be one perovskite films the grain boundaries do not lead to increased
of the reasons for heterogeneous PL emission across the film. recombination,49 rather non-radiative recombination may
Since the distance between the brightest and the least bright occur at the grain interior. Although Yang et al. reported that
points are within the charge carrier diffusion lengths in per- the grain boundaries in their study were generally dimmer, the
ovskites, we can say that the difference in PL intensity levels is lifetime at the grain boundaries was not too bad compared to
most likely trap limited rather than diffusion limited which is the grain interior. We associate the absence of contrast at the
consistent with the results published by DeQuilettes et al.22 length scale of grain size to the fact that in near field excitation
Then we calculated the ratio of the integrated PL intensity the diffusion process may dominate over the trap limited
from micro-island sites (1) and non-island sites (4) and found recombination at the grain boundaries, and thus, our results
that the PL ratio is consistent with the widefield PL imaging are consistent with the findings of Yang et al. Fig. 7c shows the
and steady-state PL measurements; thus hyperspectral PL PL spectra of four different tagged regions in Fig. 7a. The PL

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Fig. 6 Hyperspectral PL imaging: correlated (a) transmission and (b) PL mode images taken using a hyperspectral PL microscope (c) PL spectrum taken
from different locations of the perovskite film; figure serves to show the skewness of the PL spectrum from a different location. (d) Normalized PL
spectrum showing B16 meV distribution in the emission spectrum.

those from the high PL regions, which is an indication of

higher trap density. It indicates that the smooth funnelling
of charge carriers from low defect locations to high d
efect locations quenches the PL intensity. Therefore, the dark
regions (region iv) are quite large compared to the grain size in
perovskite thin films.

Photo-induced PL enhancement
We have also observed the overall PL enhancement (Fig. 8 and
Fig. S11, ESI†) when samples are studied under a fluorescence
microscope under ambient conditions. This is an important
aspect as far as device efficiency or stability is concerned. This
could be due to photocuring of perovskite nanocrystals in the
presence of oxygen as explained by the Scheblykin group.56
Photo-induced PL enhancement is also attributed to ion migra-
tion by many researchers.57,58 For both the controlled and
anti-solvent treated films, a PL enhancement is observed. The
enhancement of PL intensity can be attributed to two simulta-
Fig. 7 Near field scanning optical microscopy: (a) SNOM PL image of the
background (smooth) film (b) 3D image of PL map (c) PL spectrum of neously occurring processes. The first is due to a decrease in
brightest (i), second brightest (ii), moderately bright (iii) and lowest intensity the concentration of defect sites (normally deep trap states) by
regions (iv) tagged by green square, red circle, orange and blue triangle photochemical reactions with oxygen and the second process
respectively, (d) normalized PL spectrum showing PL broadening (low could be due to the reduction in halide interstitial species
energy tails) at different emitter sites.
and halide vacancy species because of the ion migration.57,58
Under light irradiation, Pb2+ oxidizes to PbO in Pb-clusters
peak position is same for all the spectra while the low energy reducing their quenching activity. Alternatively, reactive oxygen
tail states from low PL regions are slightly broader compared to species could passivate halide vacancies.59 We find that the PL

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Fig. 8 Photoluminescence enhancement of anti-solvent treated film at different time snaps (at t = 0, 40, 80, 120 s). Graphical representation of PL
enhancement from the micro-islands and the background obtained from multiple pixels of the entire film; marked regions from island and non-island
site are selected and an average of their PL behaviour is shown in the graph.

enhancement is crystal geometry specific. PL enhancement in photodegradation in same film again indicates the presence
controlled films is faster at the edges compared to the central of SK growth where both the stressed (non-island site) and
part of the micro-cube, which is because the high surface to relaxed regions (micro-islands) are present. Photoactivation in
volume ratio near edges provides a larger cross-section for non-island sites is possible because of the regions formed by
oxygen diffusion from the environment to react and alter the FM growth mode creating more Frankel defects (interstitial
photophysical properties of the material. Interestingly, MIs species and vacancy species), while in the micro-islands formed
show an overall decrease in the PL intensity despite their higher by VW growth mode the stress is released and therefore these
surface area. This could be because of high carrier density micro-islands are both stress and defect free.61
leading to photo-induced degradation of the nanocrystals.56
However, PL enhancement is observed in smooth background Electrical characterization
films. This could be explained as being due to the competition We have fabricated perovskite light emitting diodes (PeLEDs) in
between photo-induced trap reduction and photo-induced both p–i–n as well as n–i–p device structures. It has been
trap generation. This type of coexistence of light induced PL observed that the overall device performance is significantly
quenching and PL enhancement has been very recently improved for the textured film as the active layer. The electro-
observed and explained by Haoran et al.60 They demonstrated luminescence spectra (EL) show at least 7-fold increase in
that higher irradiation densities (higher Voc) start to increase intensity for the textured films compare to the smooth films
the photo induced trap generation rates and may dominate the (see Fig. S13, ESI†). However, the overall quantum efficiency
photo induced trap reduction. QFLS is the measure of internal was low due to the unoptimized device structure and also
voltage which is responsible for ion migration. In our case we underestimated external quantum efficiency (EQE) measurements
have observed higher QFLS at micro-island sites and relatively because of the linear photodetector used to measure output
low QFLS in smooth background films. Observation of photo- photon flux. Further improvement in the device structure as
activation in background films is due to annihilation of Frankel well as interface engineering is thus needed to achieve high
defects,57 whereas as higher QFLS in micro-islands may create performance PeLEDs.
additional halide vacancies and result in a photo darkening
effect due to increase in defect densities with time. From Fig. 8
we can see that rate of photo-brightening (trap annihilation) is Conclusions
faster (tbkg = 39 s) compared to rate of photo-darkening (tisland =
109); that is why we observe an overall photo enhancement In summary, we have designed a textured morphology of
in our samples. The presence of both photoactivation and perovskite films by optimizing the delay time for anti-solvent

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treatment. Stranski–Krastanov growth kinetics at low tempera- Device fabrication

ture can be realized in the solution process perovskite film ITOs were cleaned following the standard procedure which is
deposition. Our results confirm that the presence of micro- cleaning of ITO substrate by soap solution followed by sonica-
Published on 03 November 2020. Downloaded by Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science on 1/27/2023 7:46:56 PM.

islands on smooth perovskite films can improve the PL emis- tion in distilled water, acetone, and IPA, respectively, for ten
sion by at least seven-fold. We studied the perovskite samples minutes each. After that, these substrates were exposed to
starting from long range to sub-grain resolution, using wide- UV–ozone cleaning for 10 minutes. PEDOT:PSS (1.3 wt% dis-
field microscopy, hyperspectral PL imaging, and the SNOM persion in H2O) was further diluted in IPA as 1 : 1 and spin-
technique. Widefield PL indicates that the heterogeneity in PL coated on the cleaned substrates at 5000 rpm for 60 seconds
emission is mainly due to charge carrier confinement as well as followed by annealing at 120 1C. For perovskite film coating,
trap limited recombination since the diffusion in widefield a controlled humidity chamber was used for fixing the humid-
measurements is not a limiting factor for PL intensity. ity at 25%; spin coating was done at room temperature (25 1C).
By hyperspectral imaging, we have shown that the intensity Perovskite films were spin-coated onto PEDOT:PSS coated ITO
variation in the PL spectrum for different regions of interest is substrates. For perovskite coating we have followed an anti-
due to the presence of multiple emitters, and the distribution solvent treatment method for controlling the crystallization of
of defect density. The estimated QFLS at the brighter point was perovskite, and therefore we have used chlorobenzene as an
found to be 72 meV higher compared to QFLS at low-intensity anti-solvent. Benzylamine was used as an additive34 for the
regions. This indicates that the micro-islands do have high anti-solvent by 0.5 wt%, and 0.6 M solution of CH3NH3Br and
quantum yield, and at the same time they help to improve PbBr2 in a DMF/DMSO (7 : 3) co-solvent was used to deposit
the out-coupling efficiency by providing a concave–convex these films. For controlled films we deposited perovskite pre-
geometry. Finally, with the help of SNOM, we have shown that cursor solution by spin coating at 3000 rpm for 80 seconds, and
the intensity variation in the background film is not diffusion 5 seconds of acceleration time was given to achieve the maximum
limited, but rather a trap-limited process. The strategy to speed. For the antisolvent treated textured film, 120 ml of the anti-
minimize the bulk non-radiative sites can be the next step to solvent solution was dropped at the 40th second of spinning
achieve more homogeneous and high PL emission. We have also whereas the plane film morphology could be achieved by dripping
observed the photoinduced PL enhancement in perovskite micro- the anti-solvent at the 20th second of spinning. The experiment
cubes as well as in smooth films; we believe that this effect is a was performed multiple times observing consistency in the results.
result of photo-induced curing of defect states due to reaction with Finally, these films were transferred onto the hot plate maintained
oxygen related species and ion migration under light irradiation. at 100 1C for annealing for 15 minutes. All the optical and
However micro-islands show overall decrease in PL intensity which structural characterizations are performed on these perovskite
could be because of higher QFLS and the generation of additional films directly coated on PEDOT:PSS. For device fabrication we
halide vacancies due to photo-induced ion-migration at micro- spin coated 20 mg ml1, 2,2,2-(1,3,5-benzinetriyl)-tris(1-phenyl-1-H-
island sites. The overall device performance is also improved when benzimidazole) (TPBi) solution in chlorobenzene. After spin
the textured morphology is used as the active layer. coating TPBi, we transferred these devices to the thermal evapo-
rator for electrode deposition, which was directly connected to a
nitrogen filled glovebox; finally 80 nm silver electrodes were
Methods deposited at 2  106 torr at a deposition rate of 1 Å s1.
All the chemicals were used as received, including methylamine
solution (40%, Central Drug House Pvt. Ltd), HBr (48%, Sigma- Characterizations
Aldrich), ethanol (Analytical CS Reagent), propan-2-ol (99.999%
AR/ACS, SDFCL), N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF, anhydrous
99.8%, Sigma-Aldrich), (dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) dried, SRL The morphology and EDX of the perovskite samples were
Chemicals), chlorobenzene (extra pure AR, SRL chemicals), characterized using a FE-SEM QUANTA 200 FEG Field Emission
benzylamine (99% Sigma Aldrich), poly(3,4-ethylene dioxythio- Scanning Electron Microscope.
phene)–poly(styrene sulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS conductive grade,
Sigma-Aldrich), and lead bromide (99.9 Sigma-Aldrich). MABr AFM
was synthesized by reacting 27.8 ml of methylamine solution An INTEGRA, NT-MDT-INTEGRA instrument was used for AFM
(40%, Central Drug House Pvt. Ltd) with 44 ml of aqueous HBr image acquisition. Large area scanning (25  25 mm2) is used to
(48%, Sigma-Aldrich) at 0 1C with continuous stirring in capture more number of micro-islands for calculation.
a conical flask for 4 h. The solvent was removed and the
precipitate was recovered by using rotary evaporation at
60 1C. The precipitate was then washed with diethyl ether to Optical microscope
obtain a white MABr powder. Finally, the white powder was An Evos FL inverted microscope with a 40 objective and GFP
collected by filtration and dried at 60 1C in a vacuum oven for at light cube was used for capturing optical images in optical and
least 24 h before use. fluorescence modes.

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Hyperspectral microscopy Acknowledgements

Hyperspectral images were taken using a Photon etc. IMA-VIS M. B. acknowledges Laura-Isabelle Dion-Bertrand from
system. Both the samples were measured using a 100 Nikon PHOTON ETC for discussion on hyperspectral imaging. J. K.
Published on 03 November 2020. Downloaded by Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science on 1/27/2023 7:46:56 PM.

air objective and a 405 nm continuous wave laser. The spectral acknowledges Hitesh Mamgain from WITec for carrying out
measurements are performed by scanning the angle of the SNOM measurements. J. K. and R. K. acknowledge Dr Dinesh
grating relative to the emitted light from the sample to form Kabra from IIT Bombay for useful discussions. J. K. acknowl-
images at each wavelength which are stacked to form a data edges Priya Srivastava for synthesizing MABr. M. B. acknowl-
cube. The spectral resolution is in principle guided by the edges Department of Science and Technology, India, for partial
bandwidth of the holographic grating in the setup and is support to carry out this work under the award no. ECR/2016/
B0.2 nm, although we have taken step sizes of 2 nm in this 001530 dated 24/03/2017. K. F. acknowledges a George and
case. For spectral measurements 0.3 and 4 seconds integration Lilian Schiff Studentship, Winton Studentship, an Engineering
time per wavelength was taken for anti-solvent treated and and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) studentship,
controlled film respectively and the light intensity was kept Cambridge Trust Scholarship, and Robert Gardiner Scholarship.
constant for all measurements. S. D. S. acknowledges the Royal Society and Tata Group (UF150033).
S. D. S and K. F. acknowledge the EPSRC (EP/R023980/1).
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