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Region I

Schools Division of Ilocos Norte

Name:_____________________________________________Grade:_______ Section:________


Part I. Multiple Choice. Direction: Read and analyze each statement carefully. Choose the best
answer and write the letter only on a separate sheet of paper.
1. What kind of menu features items that are traditionally available for breakfast, lunch, and
dinner offered throughout the day?
a. california menu c. dessert menu
b. dinner menu d. tourist menu
2. Which of the following types of menu which shows portioned dishes and each dish is priced
separately? It allows the guest to choose whose prices are within his/her budget.
a. table d’ hôte c. chef’s tasting menu
b. a la carte d. static menu
3. Which of the following set of dishes or menu items that is different for each day during a cycle
a. california Menu c. breakfast menu
b. tourist menu d. cycle menu
4. Which of the following menus that is composed mostly of light and often informal meals.
a. dessert menu c. dinner menu
b. lunch menu d. california menu
5. Which of the following menu that is offered by restaurants that have a good patisserie? They
cater to the public with a sweet tooth. Most outlets with this specialty would have captive
confectionaries to give them an edge.
a. dessert menu c. dinner menu
b. children’s menu d. tourist menu
6. What kind of menu that is typically has burgers, fried chicken, hotdogs, sandwiches, French
fries, noodles, ice cream, and soft drinks? The serving portions are usually smaller and are
often priced lower.
a. children’s menu c. du jour menu or daily menu
b. static menu d. near the door
7. What will you do after escorting and seating the guests at their table?
a. Unfold the napkins and place them gently on each of the guest’s lap.
b. Present the menu with a pleasant smile.
c. Take the order cautiously.
d. Make suggestive selling.
8. Why do we need to lead or guide two customers to a two-seater table?
a. because there would be no space for four customers
b. because there could be space enough for them
c. because it may affect the profit of the day
d. because they are only two
9. Which of the following type of menus offers a complete meal with a fixed price?
a. Table D’ Hole c. Du Jour Menu
b. A La Carte d. cycle menu
10. Which of the following is the list of all the food and drinks being presented to the guests for
their choice?
a. electric tablet order c. menu
b. order slip d. point of sale
11. What do you called to the list of all food and drinks that is offered in a food establishment?
a. Orders c. recipe
b. Menu d. static menu
12. hat kind of menu features items that are traditionally available for breakfast, lunch, and dinner
offered throughout the day?
a. california menu c. dessert menu
b. dinner menu d. tourist menu
13. What do you call the most common type of menu that does not change every day?
a. a la carte c. cycle menu
b. main menu d. static menu
14. Which of the following is the correct way of presenting the menu to the guest?
a. Present the menu at the upper part with your right hand and when needed, assist with your
left hand the bottom part.
b. Present the menu to the guest’s right side.
c. Present the menu in front of the guests.
d. Present the menu at the back of the guests.
15. Which of the following is the standard sequence of serving foods to the guests?
a. appetizer, soup, salad, main course, dessert
b. soup, salad, appetizer, main course, dessert
c. main course, dessert, appetizer, soup, salad
d. salad, soup, main course, dessert, appetizer

Part II. True or False: Write T if the given statement is correct and F if it is incorrect. Give
justifications if your answer is false. Write your answer in the blanks.
____________1. Upon presentation of the menu, request your guest to order, to ensure they
will be served right away.

____________2. Jot down on your order pad all the orders of your guest, including additional
details to ensure you do not forget any information.

____________3. Start taking the order of the ladies, then the other guests present at the table.

____________4. Repeating the guests’ orders ensures the kitchen staff will not make any
in preparing the various food orders.

____________5. After all the guest have given their orders, it is polite to ask if they would like to
order more.

Part II. Fill in the blanks. Fill the correct answer in the blanks that best describe to the given
_________________1. This is a type of menu that cater to the public with a sweet tooth.
_________________2. This is a type of menu that changes daily.
_________________3. This is a type of menu that does not changes every day.
_________________4. This type of menu that offer a choices of juices, cereals, eggs, bacon etc.
_________________5. This type of menu that include alcoholic drinks as an essential part.
Taking Food and Drink Orders

Perform the role of a Food and Beverage Service Attendant (FBSA)/Waiter and take
food and drinks orders. Fill the common SPIEL In taking food orders following the
standard procedures. Using the common steps to observed in most food serving
establishment fill in each table the correct procedure and conversation. (Reference:
FBS Quarter 2 Module 3 Taking Food Orders page 12-13.)
Your guests may be:
 Mr. Jeremias Arcos and his wife, a senior citizen and a balikbayan from California;
Take their orders with the following considerations:
1. Mr. Arcos is a vegetarian.
2. Also his wife has an allergic to seafood.
Steps Procedure

Approach the table and stand at the

right side of the host.

Present the menu.

Take the food order.

Write down the order.

Take efforts to sell a complete meal.

If the order is out of stock, suggest

appropriate alternative or substitute.

If applicable, ask the guest how he

wants his dish prepared.

Write all orders in an order slip in


Repeat the order to the customer.

Place the order to the kitchen.

Prepared by: Checked by:


Subject Teacher Head Teacher III

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