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Mental Practice in Chronic Stroke

Results of a Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial

Stephen J. Page, PhD; Peter Levine, BA, PTA; Anthony Leonard, PhD

Background and Purpose—Mental practice (MP) of a particular motor skill has repeatedly been shown to activate the
same musculature and neural areas as physical practice of the skill. Pilot study results suggest that a rehabilitation
program incorporating MP of valued motor skills in chronic stroke patients provides sufficient repetitive practice to
increase affected arm use and function. This Phase 2 study compared efficacy of a rehabilitation program
incorporating MP of specific arm movements to a placebo condition using randomized controlled methods and an
appropriate sample size.
Method—Thirty-two chronic stroke patients (mean⫽3.6 years) with moderate motor deficits received 30-minute therapy
sessions occurring 2 days/week for 6 weeks, and emphasizing activities of daily living. Subjects randomly assigned
to the experimental condition also received 30-minute MP sessions provided directly after therapy requiring daily MP of
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the activities of daily living; subjects assigned to the control group received the same amount of therapist interaction
as the experimental group, and a sham intervention directly after therapy, consisting of relaxation. Outcomes were
evaluated by a blinded rater using the Action Research Arm test and the upper extremity section of the Fugl-Meyer
Results—No pre-existing group differences were found on any demographic variable or movement scale. Subjects
receiving MP showed significant reductions in affected arm impairment and significant increases in daily arm function
(both at the P⬍0.0001 level). Only patients in the group receiving MP exhibited new ability to perform valued activities.
Conclusions—The results support the efficacy of programs incorporating mental practice for rehabilitating affected arm
motor function in patients with chronic stroke. These changes are clinically significant. (Stroke. 2007;38:1293-1297.)
Key Words: hemiparesis 䡲 occupational therapy 䡲 randomized controlled trials 䡲 rehabilitation 䡲 stroke recovery

A lthough hemiparesis is one of the most pervasive and

disabling impairments,1 evidence supporting stroke re-
habilitation efficacy is limited,2,3 with 30% to 60% of patients
Law) is maintained16; and (3) MP produces similar autonomic
events as physical practice of the same skills.17
Pilot data suggest that the addition of MP to motor therapy
unable to use their more affected arms functionally after yields greater motor outcomes than conventional motor ther-
discharge.4 As such, improved rehabilitation strategies are apy in subacute18,19 and chronic stroke.20 –23 The needed next
needed, particularly in the chronic (⬎1 year poststroke) stage, step in this line of research was to perform a randomized
where spontaneous recovery is often slowed or stopped,5,6 controlled study. This randomized, controlled study com-
and patients are discharged from rehabilitation. pared the efficacy of 2 motor rehabilitation regimens: (1) a
Mental practice (MP), sometimes called “motor imagery,” program in which 5 specific arm motor skills were physically
is a technique by which physical skills can be cognitively practiced and subjects then listened to a 30-minute tape of
rehearsed in a safe, repetitive manner. MP increases motor- relaxation exercises (relaxation plus physical practice
skill learning and performance in rehabilitative settings,7–9 [R⫹PP]); and (2) a program in which 5 specific arm motor
and the same neural and muscular structures are activated skills were both mentally and physically practiced (MP⫹PP).
when movements are mentally practiced as during physical Based on previous study results, our primary hypothesis was
practice of the same skills.10 –14 Other similarities between that subjects receiving MP would exhibit significantly greater
MP and physical practice include: (1) the time taken to fine motor function changes, as shown by the Action Re-
mentally and physically perform movements is highly simi- search Arm Test (ARA), a measure of distal motor function,
lar15; (2) during MP, the speed accuracy tradeoff (ie, Fitts than subjects in other groups. We also hypothesized that

Received and accepted November 15, 2006.

From the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, the Greater Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky Stroke Team (GCNKST), The Institute for
the Study of Health, the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, and the Neurosciences Graduate Program, all a part of the University of Cincinnati
College of Medicine (UCCOM) (S.J.P.), Ohio; the Neuromotor Recovery and Rehabilitation Laboratory (NMRRL) at Drake Rehabilitation Center
(S.J.P.), Cincinnati, Ohio; UCCOM and NMRRL (P.L.); and the Institute for the Study of Health (A.L.), UCCOM, Ohio.
Correspondence to Stephen J. Page, PhD, University of Cincinnati Academic Medical Center, 3202 Eden Ave, Suite 275, Cincinnati, OH 45267-0530.
© 2007 American Heart Association, Inc.
Stroke is available at DOI: 10.1161/01.STR.0000260205.67348.2b

1294 Stroke April 2007

MP⫹PP subjects would exhibit markedly larger score in- 2⫽completes test but takes abnormally long time or has great
creases on the Fugl-Meyer Impairment Scale. Given the difficulty; 3⫽performs test normally) for a total possible score of
previously stated need for improved rehabilitation strategies, 57. The test is hierarchical in that if the patient is able to perform the
most difficult skill in each category, they will be able to perform the
this study was part of a larger program to develop clinically other items within the category and, thus, they need not be tested.
practical, efficacious strategies to improve motor function The ARA has high intrarater (r⫽0.99) and retest (r⫽0.98) reliability
after stroke. and validity.29,32
In addition to their strong psychometric characteristics, both the
Subjects and Methods FM and ARA are responsive to motor changes in chronic stroke,33
making them ideal outcome measures for this study.
Power Analysis and Subjects
Based on previous MP studies, our primary outcome measure was Testing and Intervention
the ARA (described later), and our main hypothesis was that subjects A single-blinded, multiple baseline, randomized, pre- and post-test
receiving the MP⫹PP intervention would exhibit the greatest in- control group design was applied. After screening and signing
creases in scores on the ARA. To reach 80% power (and effect size consent forms approved by the local institutional review board, the
of 0.36, considered medium-high) using a F test to test the group by FM and ARA were administered on 2 occasions one week apart. This
time interaction at a 5% significance level, 15 subjects were found to multiple baseline design had 2 purposes: (1) it was probable that
be needed in each group for a total number of 30. A power analysis chronic stroke patients would exhibit stable motor deficits. However,
was also conducted using Sample Power ANOVA model, in which given recent findings of improvement years after stroke, multiple
anticipated means for the 2 conditions were entered into the model, administrations of the outcome measures helped us assure that
as well as average between and within groups variances. Based on individuals were exhibiting stable motor deficits; (2) our repeated
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aforementioned pilot data, we set the effect size for the interactions pretesting design increases the stability of the individual motor
to be high (f⫽0.40). Results were similar to those obtained in the estimates, thereby lessening error variance. This will diminish the
initial power analysis; whereas 80% is the “standard” for power effect of any pre-existing individual differences.
analyses, because the MP effect was high in initial studies, to obtain After the second pretesting session, patients were randomly
only 69% power (0.40 effect size) at a 5% significance level, 15 assigned to one of the below described conditions with equal
patients were needed/group for a total number of 30. probability using a computer-generated random numbers table.
Volunteers were recruited using advertisements placed in neurol- Therapists hired for this grant (n⫽5) underwent extensive inservic-
ogy and physical therapy clinics in hospitals in the Midwestern
ing so that therapy was consistent from subject to subject. This
United States. A research team member screened volunteers using
included substantial group review of pertinent stroke and MP
the following inclusion criteria from previous MP research: (1)
literature, hours of cross-validation and videotaping of therapists’
history of no more than one stroke; (2) ability to actively flex at least
provision of the activities that patients practiced, and information
10° from neutral at the affected wrist and the metacarpophalangeal
sessions run by the research team.
and interphalangeal joints of two digits; (3) stroke experienced ⬎12
months before study enrollment; (4) a score ⱖ69 on the modified
Mini Mental Status Examination24; (5) age ⬎18 and ⬍80 years. We Relaxation Plus Physical Practice (RⴙPP)
also applied the following exclusion criteria: (1) excessive spasticity, All subjects practiced activities of daily living during therapy
defined as a score of ⱖ3 on the Modified Ashworth Spasticity sessions. These sessions occurred on 2 days per week, in 30-minute
Scale25; (2) excessive pain in the affected upper limb, as measured by segments, for 6 weeks. All therapy was administered by the same
a score of ⱖ4 on a 10-point visual analog scale; (3) still enrolled in inserviced therapists in the same fashion and environment. Emphasis
any form of physical rehabilitation; (4) participating in any experi- was on bimanually performing activities of daily living listed in
mental rehabilitation or drug studies. Table 1 through the entire range of motion and, if necessary, the
Using the above inclusion/exclusion criteria, a total of 50 volun- affected arm supported the less affected hand. This therapy program
teers were screened, with 18 subjects excluded for the following was consistent with the methods of previous MP work in which
reasons: (1) still enrolled in some form of motor rehabilitation positive treatment effects were shown.18 –21
(n⫽2); insufficient motor function in the more affected arm (n⫽8); Therapists maintained a treatment card for each patient that
(3) excessive spasticity (n⫽5); (4) other medical comorbidities detailed the sessions so that researchers could monitor compli-
(n⫽1); (5) too much motor function in the more affected arm ance with the protocol. Therapists were blinded to group assign-
(n⫽2). Thus, 32 patients were found eligible and agreed to ment. Random grouping of patients will minimize effects of
participate (18 males, 14 females; mean age⫽59.5⫾13.4 years, participant characteristics and be useful in distributing participant
age range 27 to 81 years; mean time since stroke onset⫽42.0 characteristics between groups in an unbiased way. All subjects
months, range of onset⫽12 to 174 months; 19 subjects with right were instructed to not perform additional PP of any of the skills
hemiparesis). at home.
Directly following each therapy session, each subject randomly
Outcome Measures assigned to the R⫹PP group listened to a 30-minute tape in which
Instruments used for this study were applied in previous MP studies they were taken through a progressive relaxation program. This
by Page and colleagues,18 –21 and were: (1) our primary outcome regimen asked subjects to flex different muscles in the body, and
measure was the 66-point, upper extremity section of the Fugl- then relax them. Because the MP⫹PP subjects also listened to a tape
Meyer Assessment of Motor Recovery After Stroke (FM)26 which with comparable length and frequency (as described below), provi-
assesses several impairment dimensions using a 3-point ordinal sion of the relaxation sequence allowed contact time between the 2
scale (0⫽cannot perform; 1⫽can perform partially; 2⫽can per-
form fully). The FM has been shown to have impressive test- TABLE 1. Sequences on Each Tape, and Where/When Tape
retest reliability (total⫽0.98 – 0.99; subtests⫽0.87 to 1.00), interrater
Was Used
reliability, and construct validity.27–29 The FM has been used
extensively in studies measuring functional recovery in stroke Tape No. Functional Task Described Where/When Administered
patients, and is highly recommended for “use in clinical trials
designed to evaluate changes in motor impairment following 1 Reaching for and grasping a cup Research lab/Weeks 1, 2
stroke.”30; (2) The ARA,31 our primary outcome measure, is a or object
19-item test divided into 4 categories (grasp, grip, pinch, and gross 2 Turning a page in a book Research lab/Weeks 3, 4
movement), with each item graded on a 4-point ordinal scale
3 Proper use of a writing utensil Research lab/Weeks 5, 6
(0⫽can perform no part of the test; 1⫽performs test partially;
Page et al Mental Practice in Chronic Stroke 1295

TABLE 2. Preintervention Demographics and Scores, By Group impairments (9 subjects wore glasses; 4 wore contact lenses)
MP Mean (SD) PP Mean (SD) 2-tailed P
or sensory impairments. Group differences on dichotomous
variables were tested with Fisher exact test, whereas the other
Age 58.69 (12.89) 60.38 (14.17) 0.72
variables were compared using the Wilcoxon rank sum test.
Months poststroke 38.81 (25.86) 45.19 (0.43.56) 0.85 (These latter variables tended to be distributed in markedly
Mean FM score 33.03 (0.8.37) 35.75 (0.9.51) 0.43 non-normal fashion.) The groups did not differ significantly
Mean ARA score 18.00 (10.99) 17.25 (14.29) 0.70 on any of the interval level baseline measures, which were
Note: 2-sided P denotes 2-sided probability value for Wilcoxon nonparamet- age, time poststroke, FM score, and ARA score (Table 2).
ric test. FM and ARA mean scores are means of 2 testings per subject, with SDs Groups also did not differ on nominal variables before
taken on those mean scores across subjects. n⫽16 per group. intervention. Seven of 16 patients in the MP⫹PP group
exhibited left-side hemiparesis, as did 6 in the R⫹PP group
groups to remain consistent. R⫹PP subjects were instructed not to (exact P⫽1.00). Three other nominal variables, sex (exact
engage in additional relaxation practice at home. P⫽0.29), type of stroke (ischemic versus hemorrhagic; exact
P⫽0.66), and lesion site (cortical, subcortical, or mixed;
Mental Practice (MPⴙPP) exact P⫽0.75), also did not differ between groups at
Subjects randomly assigned to the mental practice plus physical
practice (MP⫹PP) condition participated in the same physical pretesting.
practice regimen, practicing the same activities of daily living in the The primary hypothesis, that scores in the MP⫹PP group
same environment and with the same therapists as individuals in the would show greater changes between pre- and post-treatment
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R⫹PP group. However, in addition to participating in the PP ARA administrations than would scores of the R⫹PP group,
regimen, the MP⫹PP group mentally practiced the activities per- was tested using the change scores (time 2 minus the mean of
formed in therapy, as described in Table 1 and administered in
previous studies.18 –21 Specifically, after each PP session, MP⫹PP the 2 baseline testings). The change scores in the 2 groups
subjects received a recorded MP intervention lasting 30 minutes. As were compared using the Wilcoxon rank sum test with exact
with previous MP interventions, the MP was read by a male probability value computation, attributable to assumed, non-
psychologist, and opened with 5 minutes of relaxation, asking normal distributions. Pre-, post-, and change-group means
patients to imagine themselves in a warm, relaxing place (eg, a are reported in Table 3. On the ARA the MP⫹PP group
beach) and asking them to contract and relax their muscles (ie,
progressive relaxation). This portion of the tape was followed by improved an average of 7.81 points, whereas the control
suggestions for internal, cognitive polysensory images34 in which the group improved on average only 0.44 points (P⬍0.0001).
subjects mentally rehearsed the motor skill that was practiced during On the FM, the MP⫹PP group improved a mean ⫹6.72
PP earlier that day. For example, when mentally practicing reaching points, as compared with 1.0 point changes for the R⫹PP
for a cup, the recording first described the setting in which the patient
control group (P⫽0.0001). All subjects and their caregiv-
was seated (eg, kitchen or therapy gym). The subject was then taken
through the visual image of reaching for the cup from a 1st-person ers reported not engaging in any additional MP, R, or PP
perspective, as well as the sensations associated with reaching for it while at their homes.
(eg, the feeling of extending the elbow and fingers; the feeling of the
cup in their hand). Several trials of each task were mentally Discussion
practiced, so that this middle portion of the tape lasted ⬇20 minutes. Hemiparesis is a disabling, common impairment. Given a
The final minutes of the tape allowed patients to refocus into the
room. MP⫹PP subjects were instructed not to engage in additional paucity of effective, home-based protocols and increased
mental practice at home. stroke incidence, interventions are needed that reduce hemi-
paresis and provide opportunities for practice of valued
Post-Testing activities. Previous pilot study results suggest that addition of
One week after therapy completion, each subject returned to the mental practice to affected arm rehabilitation increases out-
laboratory at which pretesting occurred, and the ARA and FM were comes. Using an appropriate sample size and randomized
again administered by the same examiner who administered pretests.
The examiner was blinded in that he was unaware of subjects’ controlled methods, this phase 2 study compared efficacy of
group assignments. adding mental practice versus a “sham” program of relaxation
to affected arm rehabilitation.
Results As in previous studies,18 –21 subjects participating in a
The 2 groups were compared on demographic variables and regimen combining MP⫹PP showed large reductions in
baseline scores. No subjects exhibited stroke-induced visual affected arm impairment as measured by the FM, and large

TABLE 3. Patient Scores on the FM and ARA Before and After Intervention

PRE Mean POST Mean Change Mean PRE Mean POST Mean Change Mean
(SD) (SD) (SD) (SD) (SD) (SD)
MP (n⫽16) 33.03 (8.37) 39.75 (6.86) ⫹6.72** (3.68) 18.00 (10.99) 25.81 (11.29) ⫹7.81** (5.14)
PP (n⫽16) 35.75 (9.51) 36.75 (10.74) ⫹1.0 (3.68) 17.25 (14.29) 17.69 (13.75) ⫹0.44 (2.03)
Note: PRE indicates mean score obtained during pretesting period; POST, mean score obtained during posttest; Change,
Post⫺关(Pre1⫹Pre2兴/2). Exact P values for the Wilcoxon test comparing the change scores for the 2 groups are P⫽0.0001 for the
FM, and P⬍0.0001 for the ARA. These significant change scores are denoted by “**”.
1296 Stroke April 2007

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Mental Practice in Chronic Stroke: Results of a Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial
Stephen J. Page, Peter Levine and Anthony Leonard

Stroke. 2007;38:1293-1297; originally published online March 1, 2007;

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doi: 10.1161/01.STR.0000260205.67348.2b
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