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Owen A.

BA in PolSci 1A
Written Task
A. PNNI as a Nongovernmental Organization
1. What is the significant role of non-governmental organizations in facilitating an
effective local democracy in Palawan?
NGO’s plays a significant role in influencing effective local democracy in a way that these
organizations provide a better background and awareness among the issues that may affect the
living standards of the citizens among the areas here in Palawan. It provides opportunity to fully
express their complaint and take part in crucial decision-makings. Having the ability to express
means that they also have the power to provide ideas and opinions during community meetings,
seminars and other assemblies. Local decision-makers will therefore have a greater
understanding of the needs and preferences of the community.
2. What is the mandate of PNNI as a non-governmental organization?
Its objective is to promote sustainable development and the preservation of the province of
Palawan's natural resources. PNNI works to protect the rich biodiversity of Palawan by
promoting sustainable land use practices, protecting critical habitats, and advocating for laws
and regulations that aid conservation efforts. In order to carry out programs and projects, they
also partner up with local communities, government organizations, and other organizations. By
encouraging their involvement in decisions that impact their communities, safeguarding their
ancestral lands and cultural heritage, and fostering sustainable livelihoods, they also promote
the rights of indigenous peoples in Palawan.
3. What is the current status of a non-governmental organization (PNNI) in Palawan?
There are 39 Palawan NGOs and POs that make up PNNI as of 2023. The General Assembly,
the network's top policy-making body, meets once a year to decide the network's direction for
the coming year. Its representatives are chosen from among the member groups and serve for
two years. The PNNI has a strong foundation and has remained committed to supporting
sustainable development in Palawan via a variety of programs, including environmental
protection, social justice, and community-based initiatives. They continue to seek and ensure
the enhancement of community livelihoods and well-being while promoting the preservation of
Palawan's natural resources and cultural legacy.
4. What are the challenges confronting various environmental organizations [e.g., PNNI)
The PNNI is faced with a number of difficulties, including issues like insufficient resources, being
limited in terms of the fact that they only had a small number of personnel working in these
kinds of operations, a lack of financial allotment, and limited equipment during these missions.
Because of this, they struggle to carry out their initiatives and activities successfully and
efficiently. Also, even though there are strict environmental regulations, they are frequently not
enforced, which results in the continuance of illegal activities, most notable of which is illegal
logging. This makes it difficult for them to guarantee compliance with laws and protect natural
resources. In addition, these issues have been addressed multiple times over the years,
especially in rural areas, yet some are still unaware of the significance of environmental
protection or the effects of reckless activities. Lastly, political involvement by local politicians and
other stakeholders, who may put economic growth ahead of environmental conservation, is a
problem for environmental organizations in Palawan, leading to conflicts between competing
interests and the difficulty of putting conservation initiatives into action.
5. How does PNNI affect the environmental governance system in Palawan?
It is not surprising that they have a significant impact on preserving Palawan's biodiversity given
their reputation for promoting policy reform, strengthening community groups, monitoring the
application of environmental laws, and teaching and monitoring the general public. These
programs support the sustainable development of Palawan's natural resources and help
preserve them for future generations. They also have informed individuals who can speak up for
what is right and for the growth of their own communities since they are aware of the
circumstances in their own communities. They continue to fight and work for the sake of our
environment despite criticism from other community members.
a. What are its specific contributions in facilitating a certain quality of environmental
governance in Palawan?
By giving NGOs and POs an opportunity to work together, share expertise, and promote
sustainable development, they support environmental laws and regulations and oversee their
enforcement. They have been effective in influencing laws pertaining to sustainable agriculture,
ecotourism, and resource management through research and activism. The monitoring work of
PNNI has also assisted in exposing unlawful practices like illegal logging and mining.
Additionally, they aim to increase the ability of regional NGOs, POs, and local communities to
successfully participate in environmental governance and management. They also have given
local communities the tools they need to engage in decision-making processes, conduct
environmental monitoring and reporting, and take charge of natural resource management
through training programs and educational projects. To support efficient and coordinated
environmental governance, they encourage partnerships and networks among NGOs, POs,
governmental organizations, and other stakeholders. The networks of PNNI have made it easier
for environmental groups to work together and cooperate more, promoting more efficient
policies and activities.
6. How does PNNI deal with various challenges affecting its mandate as a non-
governmental organization?
As several challenges have been stated earlier, these are just mere obstascles in the path of
attaining the main goal, PNNI have their ways in solving these problems such as, in terms of
limited funding since they are relying on funding from donors, PNNI focuses more on building
strategic partnerships with other organizations and exploring alternative funding sources. They
also ensure that the resources used in their activities and programs are utilized effectively and
efficiently. And since they have a small number of staff, they focus much more on utilizing their
capacity of their members and partners to engage in environmental governance and
management. They mainly prioritize on areas where in can result to a greater impact. In
addition, the initiatives of PNNI frequently focuses on educating and organizing communities
around environmental challenges. They invest in outreach and education activities to increase
public knowledge and involvement in order to address the problem of low awareness and
participation. The advocacy activities of PNNI can occasionally put it at conflict with influential
stakeholders like government officials. Through transparent and accountable governance
methods, PNNI maintains a strong and respectable reputation to combat political influences. In
order to encourage more efficient and cooperative environmental governance, PNNI also tries to
forge strong ties with representatives of the government and other stakeholders.
B. Palawan as the Last Ecological Frontier
1. What are the different environmental realities in Palawan?
Due to its mesmerizing tourist destinations, which includes mountains, forests, mangrove
swamps, and coral reefs, Palawan has an especially rich biodiversity. Numerous plant and
animal species, many of which are endemic, or found nowhere else in the world, may live in this
diversified terrain because to its availability of habitats. Palawan is home to several well-known
endemic species, including the Palawan bearcat, Palawan peacock-pheasant, Palawan hornbill,
and the Palawan frogmouth, among others. Whale sharks, dugongs, sea turtles, and several
dolphin and whale species are just a few of the marine animals that may be found in Palawan.
However, due to illegal human activities like mining, overfishing, and deforestation, Palawan's
biodiversity is also under danger. This is why it is essential to pursue conservation efforts to
keep our precious ecosystem and its biodiversity preserved for next generations.
a. Do we need to take these realities into account? Why?
The idea behind the term environmental realities indicates that there are problems that are now
existing as a result of human activity and natural processes, and that these conditions have a
profound influence on both human society and the natural world. In order to create sustainable
and healthy settings for both the present and future generations, it is crucial to comprehend and
address environmental issues.
These issues have been prominent, particularly in the rural areas of Palawan. Documentaries
have been made to advocate for the preservation of our environment here, but many people are
still unaware of its long-term effects. Sacrificing our environment for modernization seems like a
scheme just to increase profits for businessmen or even politicians. As Palawan citizens, we
have the right to voice our concerns and demand systemic change, one that would ensure that
the laws that were adopted were properly applied and that those who disobeyed the law faced
serious repercussions. At the end of the day, not only the present but also the lives of those who
will live to witness the future are impacted.
2. What is the demarcation line between tourism with economic development and
responsible environmental management?
Economic growth may be significantly boosted by the tourism industry, which also provides local
governments and communities with tax income and opportunities for employment. The misuse
of natural resources, pollution, and the deterioration of ecosystems are only a few of the
unfavorable effects that tourism may have on the environment. Well, by Implementing
sustainable tourism practices that reduce adverse effects on the environment and support the
protection of natural and cultural resources is a key component of responsible environmental
management in the tourist industry. This include taking steps to lessen waste and carbon
emissions, conserve water and energy, advertise local goods and services, and aid in regional
conservation initiatives.
It has been repeatedly stated, but still implementing laws and regulations that encourage
sustainable tourist activities and assure environmental compliance are crucial for achieving a
balance between tourism and responsible environmental management. Promoting sustainable
tourism and minimizing its negative effects on the environment also depend heavily on
cooperation between government organizations, the corporate sector, and local communities.
By combining the economic advantages of tourism with environmental and social responsibility,
the boundary between tourism with economic development and responsible environmental
management may be drawn. In order to guarantee that tourist operations are sustainable and
advantageous for all parties concerned, coordination is required among tourism stakeholders,
including governments, tourism operators, and local communities. It is essential to recognize
that ethical environmental management may enhance the tourist industry's future financial
stability in addition to being beneficial to the environment.
3. Why is it necessary for you, as a young individual, to be well-informed and get
involved in various discourses concerning the environment in Palawan?
As someone who wants to see a system got better, I know that it is my duty to contribute to the
group of people trying to educate those who are unfamiliar about topics they should know. It
genuinely surprises me that there are individuals prepared to sacrifice their lives to fight for what
they truly believe in, to fight for what is right, and to fight for the environment here in Palawan,
as I've seen in the documentary. As a student, I have a different battle to wage that I must
confront head-on. This battle is not one in which I assist in the capture of illegal loggers, but
rather one in which I provide access to accurate knowledge even if I will be facing criticisms.
The environmental issues that are currently plaguing Palawan and other parts of the world have
long-term effects that will affect our generation and future generations, so it is important as a
citizen to be informed and actively participate in several discussions about the environment in
Palawan. Students can support environmental policies and initiatives by being knowledgeable
and actively participating in environmental forums. We can also help bring attention to these
concerns and push for solutions. Additionally, we can help create long-term plans that support
environmental preservation and protection while assuring social and economic advancement.
4. What are the specific struggles that hinder Palawan in facilitating sustainable
One of the most notable struggles is the weak implementation of laws, despite having various
environmental rules and regulations, Palawan frequently has barely enough implementation and
enforcement, which permits unsustainable practices like illegal logging, mining, and overfishing
to persist. In addition to this, poverty and inequality is also one of the struggles being shown not
only in Palawan but also in other parts of the Philippines since these two are shown as great
obstacles to sustainable development. Unsustainable activities like illegal logging. fishing, and
mining are frequently fueled by poverty and a lack of alternatives for employment. Lastly, as
I’ve stated earlier, the lack of public awareness and education plays a huge part in hindering
sustainable development here in Palawan.
a. How do these struggles affect the current and future generations?
Well, deforestation, loss of habitats, and unsustainable land use practices can be resulted to
environmental degradation, which has a huge impact specially on the availability of natural
resources including, fresh water, clean air, and food. The health and well-being of the citizens
will be significantly affected by this decline.
Economic and social inequality can be caused by a lack of economic opportunity and poor
governance, which would perpetuate poverty and underdevelopment. For instance, in Palawan,
a lack of economic prospects might result in low-income levels, which can obstruct access to
essential services like healthcare and education. Due to a lack of access to essential services,
poverty and underdevelopment may continue.
A comprehensive approach that incorporates laws and initiatives that support entrepreneurship,
social inclusion, and environmental sustainability is needed to address these problems. This
entails making investments in health and education, encouraging sustainable economic growth,
fortifying governance structures, and guaranteeing fair access to resources. Inequalities in both
the economy and society must be addressed if Palawan hopes to break the cycle of poverty and
underdevelopment, promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, and guarantee a future
that is fairer and healthier for everyone.
C. General Reflections
1. What is the status of local democracy in Palawan in terms of the following:
a. Relationship between civil society, nongovernmental organizations, and local
In terms of the interactions between the local government, NGOs, and civil society, Palawan's
local democracy is in an uncertain situation. On one side, Palawan has a thriving civil society
and NGO sector that is actively working to promote social justice, human rights, and
environmental sustainability. These groups frequently collaborate with neighborhood
communities to address urgent problems including social injustice, environmental deterioration,
and land use disputes.
On the other side, conflicts and difficulties may be present in the interaction between local
government and civil society, NGOs, and other groups. NGOs and other members of the civil
society have occasionally faced harassment, threats, and acts of violence, especially when their
causes collide with significant economic interests. In certain instances, local government
officials have also been charged with corruption and conspiring with significant businessmen.
Despite all of this, there are instances of successful cooperation and partnership between the
local government, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and the civil society in Palawan.
For instance, there have been successful community-based natural resource management
initiatives that involved the local government and civil society organizations cooperating to
advance sustainable development.
b. Delivery of basic [social] services; and,
Palawan's municipal and provincial governments are run by elected officials, which is a good
sign for local democracy. With active NGOs and people's groups tackling a range of concerns,
the province also has a thriving civil society sector. The efficacy of local democracy and the
provision of essential services, however, may be damaged by reports of corruption, political
favoritism, and a lack of openness in some LGUs.
In terms of providing basic social services, Palawan encounters difficulties making sure that
everyone has access to high-quality medical care, education, and housing, especially in the
more isolated and rural regions The development of a provincial hospital, the expansion of the
road system, and the provision of livelihood support to underserved areas are just a few
examples of recent measures carried out by the provincial administration to enhance the
delivery of social services.
c. Exercise of the right to suffrage or popular sovereignty?
The Commission on Elections (COMELEC), which oversees elections in Palawan, allows its
residents to exercise their right to vote. The Governor, Vice Governor, Mayors, and Vice Mayors
are only a few of the democratically chosen leaders who oversee the local governments of
Palawan. By enabling residents to take part in decision-making and have a voice in who
represents them in government, the exercise of the right to vote in Palawan is a crucial
component of local democracy. Citizens may select their chosen candidates through the
democratic electoral process and hold them responsible for their actions and choices while
The likelihood for power abuse and corruption is one drawback of popular sovereignty in
Palawan. When the people have power, there is a chance that certain persons or organizations
would abuse it to pursue their own interests rather than the welfare of the whole. This might
result in government representatives making decisions that are in the best interests of
themselves or their friends rather than the entire community. The risk of resource exploitation is
another drawback of popular sovereignty in Palawan. Minerals, forests, and marine life are just
a few of the many natural wealth found in Palawan. The ecosystem might be harmed and
resources could run out if those in power uses their authority to exploit these resources without
the right regulation or conservation measures in place.
To sum up all that has been stated, even though popular sovereignty has the ability to
strengthen and help the people of Palawan, it also entails dangers and can have unfavorable
consequences. To guarantee that the exercise of popular sovereignty serves the interests of the
larger community and not just a small group of individuals, appropriate control and monitoring
are required.
2. What are the specific scenarios in the documentary video that significantly affect you
as a viewer? Why?
A specific line was said: "Sasayad yang buhok mo sa lupa" in the documentary's closing
moments, when a particular person was being interviewed and publicly announced a death
threat against the Executive Director of PNNI. After that remark was said, the interviewee and
the host even started laughing, making it appear like a comedy, insulting the notions and
spouting profanities at the PNNI executive director. My mind went blank for a short period, and it
left me thinking that you’re just trying to propose a legislation and do things that would benefit
the general public, you expected to have support; instead, you got a death threat. Putting your
co-workers in danger and also putting his family at risk. It seems like he is hanging on the
thread. That is how messed up that one line could turn out. 
3. What are your specific realizations while and after watching the documentary videos?
As someone who is fond of documentaries, it was a fresh watch in my experience. I first thought
of it as just a simple advocacy video about protecting the environment and their challenges, and
yet I’ve been proved wrong by my expectations and it left me in awe. Witnessing groups of
people willing to take every measure to protect our natural environment is already astounding to
me, but the idea of risking your life to safeguard it is one heck of a commitment, and it made me
realize that these people aren’t afraid to take risks for the betterment of the environment. It also
made me realize how messed up the system is, especially during that interview broadcast.
Receiving a publicly announced death threat and making it seem like a comedy vibe is really
disturbing. How can you even think of taking someone’s life as a form of laughter and giggle? As
a citizen, it is also my job to partake in their advocacy, not by joining them but by just informing
the masses about the situations and allowing seminars to be held. Lives are already being
taken; how many more must suffer just for us to take a stand?
a. As a political science student, how will you take part in addressing the reality being
featured in the documentary video?
As a political science student, my primary goal would be using the information and skill to
promote change. This might via sending letters to local elected representatives, setting up
seminars, or even making the best possible use of social media to further spread awareness of
the problems. But before I conduct our advocacy, it is critical to completely understand the
situation before jumping into major decisions. I would look for fresh information and if possible,
to conduct further study as a political science student to enhance my comprehension in the
current matter. Reading academic papers. News articles, as well as watching related
documentaries or films.
b. How significant and urgent is it for Palawenos to take this matter into account? Why?
The issue addressed in the documentary film is extremely important and urgent for Palawenos
to consider since it has major consequences for the future of our community and the
First, Palawan's overexploitation of its natural resources without any control or conservation
measures in place has already resulted in resource depletion and environmental deterioration.
The lives of Palawenos, who depend on these resources for their livelihood and survival, are
negatively impacted, in addition to the region's biodiversity. Second, the well-being of the
community in Palawan is seriously threatened by the possibility of corruption and the abuse of
authority. Government officials can undermine public trust and worsen social and economic
inequality when they make decisions that are in the best interests of themselves or rather than
the entire society. Lastly, the instability and conflict that might result from the exercise of popular
sovereignty could further divide the community and promote instability.
In conclusion, the documentary video's topic should be urgently and seriously considered by
Palawenos because of the environmental, social, and economic consequences it has for our
community. To ensure a sustainable future, action must be taken to solve the problem and
prevent further social and economic instability, corruption, and the abuse and depletion of
natural resources.

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