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Owen Baylon

Caitlin Llanera
Jemille Manabat
BA Polsci 1A Group 5
Philippine Social Movements, Red Tagging, and Social Action
“Reflection about Foreign Policy and the West Philippine Sea Issue”
Foreign policy in the Philippines is a complicated and changing topic. It covers how the country
conducts its diplomacy, relationships with other countries, and international relations. One of the
trickiest and most sensitive issues of Philippine foreign policy is the West Philippine Sea
problem. A region of the South China Sea that is inside the exclusive economic zone of the
Philippines is referred to as the West Philippine Sea. However, China and other nearby nations
have made territorial claims that conflict with those of the Philippines.
Over the years, there have been several changes and developments in the Philippines' position
on the West Philippine Sea. It is critical to realize that there are other factors besides foreign
policy at play in this situation, including legal, historical, economic, and security concerns. Since
then, they have attempted to settle the conflict diplomatically by holding negotiations with China
and other parties engaged in the conflict. The Philippines has also worked to strengthen its
relationships with other nations in recent years. nations that have been outspoken in defending
the Philippines' claims to the West Philippine Sea.
For both the Philippines and the international community, China's operations in the West
Philippine Sea is of great concern. Chinese non-compliance with international law has been the
subject of criticism and accusations, particularly in light of China's sweeping territorial
assertions, combative actions, and contempt for the rights of other nations in the region. China's
actions in the West Philippine Sea, such as the building of man-made islands, military, and
interference with fishing and resource development, have heightened tensions and bred unease
among nearby nations, notably the Philippines.
The Philippines' territorial integrity and sovereignty are under threat from the West Philippine
Sea issue. It raises questions about the nation's capacity to defend its national interests, uphold
international law, and safeguard its marine rights. Filipinos may become frustrated and feel
vulnerable as a result, especially if they feel as though their sovereign rights are being violated.
The reported incidents of mistreatment against Filipino fisherman in the West Philippine Sea are
extremely alarming and stir up great feelings of anger and sympathy among the Filipino people.
These incidents demonstrate the vulnerability and challenges Filipino fisherman, who depend
on the sea for their livelihood.
To summarize all that has been stated, territorial and marine rights are at question in the West
Philippine Sea conflict. Allegations of mistreatment of Filipino fishermen and transgressions of
international law have led to tensions between the Philippines and China over this subject. It
emphasizes the necessity to protect Philippine sovereignty, the significance of safeguarding the
nation's territorial integrity, expressing its legal rights, and making diplomatic measures to
safeguard its interests in the area. For the country to maintain its security, wealth, and sense of
national identity, its sovereignty must be maintained.

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