Healthy and Unhealthy Habits

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Healthy and unhealthy habits

Have you ever wondered, why people do and enjoy bad habits and they know its bad for them? there
are danger, damages and effects that people don't know about bad habits. according to www.
wikihow. com, some habits can have serious consequences for our health, such as dangerous deadly
heart attacks. and I think that people who have bad habits should realize that they are making fun of
death itself. Can you imagine your self lonely, anti-social and unlovable?

well, for your info’s, bad habits can cause all of these issues,because a lot of bad habits make you
anti-social, also some of them lead to early death, yes early death. beside, do you think that bad
habits can make you happy more than sad? i bet you don’t, and i know that changing bad habits is
really really hard, and i know how much it take to change them, but being surrounded with friends and
family is much better than bad health and loneliness!

i know a story about a kid who lost everything, Kareem was a conceited kid, his parents gave him a
lot of money and love thinking that he is a good kid, he met bad friends who have bad habits, they
taught him how to drink and get drugs, by the days, his parents noticed that he come late to home,
and the school too, and he started to say bad words, then, they found out that he was taking drugs,
they took him to the hospital, and they healed him, but when he got out, he was trying to find a source
of money, because his parents no longer giving him money like before, so he went to his loving
grandmother, and he killed her for money, what a poor grandmother, after days, the police found him,
and took him to the jail, and this kid learned his lesson, that bad friends wont help him if he got in
troubles, and bad habits cant make him happy. Being healthy, happy and having a perfect life is so
easy, and i will tell you how.

healthy habits can change your life, in addition to that, healthy habits can make you have a fit perfect
body, and it can improve your IQ level, improve your skin health, improve your mood and protect you
from diseases like heart diseases. First step is learning, learn what are the healthy habits we need
everyday, like drinking 8 cups of water everyday, because we lose 4 liters of water by sweating etc.
the second step, stick them into your daily routine, if you did, it will no longer be hard for you, final
step, see the result, and live a healthy better life. well, i realize that these steps may seem easy, but
they are not like what you think they are, some people said that having healthy habits is hard, its hard
for us people to change our routine.

some people couldn't do that because they love their bad habits, they love their daily chips, they love
their laziness in front of the T. V, but let me tell you something, they think with the short period
thinking brain,their brain say to them ( its okay, its just a little piece of pizza, its just a coke, its just a
blah blah blah) but, its not just like that, no, they become fatter and fatter and fatter and they don't
realize it until their health become bad, and thats why we should try to have healthy habits. UAE
these days is trying to be the best country compared with other countries. don't we want to see our
country name in every wear? don't we? so lets start with our self.

i get really mad and angry for seeing my brothers and sisters in UAE have bad health, and deeply in
my heart, i pray for them, as me, i want everyone in UAE to have healthy habits, because i
understand that happiness come from healthy lifestyle, and with healthy lifestyle, we become
stronger, and we have a clear mind, and that all lead to much more productive society, and the results
will show up in our country, and it’ll raise more and more, and our country UAE will be the best of all.
Bad habits are bad friends, we have fun with them, then when we get in troubles, they walk away.
people should know that their happiness is the payment for their wasted health, and there is nothing
more that worth than health. lets all work together, and start from today, lets change our bad habits to
healthy, and lets protect our families and loved once from these serious consequences!

Awareness of health and safety trainings

Without the correct level of training you are not allowed to carry out certain tasks relating to Health
and Safety. Here are a few examples:

•Moving and handling •Administering medication •Emergency first aid •Giving injections •Peg feeding
•Colostomy •Fighting fire

If you are unsure about what you can and cannot do, you must discuss this with your supervisor /

Where and from whom additional support and information relating to Health and Safety can be
accessed? •The Health and Safety at Work Act requires employers to ensure workers are
appropriately knowledgeable about Health and Safety and that they are properly trained in relevant
areas. Your employer may have a health and safety representative who is responsible for health and
safety issues at work. Ask your supervisor or manager about the Health and Safety policies and
procedures in your work place.

The main points of Health and Safety policies and procedures

•To secure the health, safety and welfare of persons at work. •To protect other people from hazards
arising from work. •To control the keeping and use of dangerous substances and materials, including
explosives and highly flammable materials. •To control the emission of noxious substances from
certain premises. •It shall be the duty of every employer to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable,
the health and safety and welfare at work of all his employees.

Examples of the subjects that should have Health and Safety policies and procedures:

•Moving and handling of people and objects •Personal hygiene •Infection control •Personal safety and
lone working •Fire safety •Food safety and hygiene •What to do in the event of an emergency •Risk
assessments •Smoking at work •Display Screen Equipment (DSE) for people working with computers
•Use of chemicals and waste disposal •Security measures and visitors
Universal Health Care Persuasive Essay
Why is it that the United States, which is held out to be the greatest country in the world to live in by
many and using many different standards, is the only Western country that does not have some form
of socialized medicine? One reason is that opponents continue to refer to any universal health care
program as just that, socialized medicine. The label alone is enough to prevent many people from
supporting such an effort, without looking any deeper to the facts of the situation or the solutions it
offers. The connotation behind the expression socialized medicine is that it is a system that belongs in
a communist run country. Socialized medicine refers to a health care delivery system where the
hospitals are owned by the government and the doctors and other caregivers, whether in a hospital,
office or other setting, are all government employees. And while I agree that this is not the system
that would be effective for this country and our problems, we do need a system of universal health
care for many reasons.

Universal health care refers to a health care delivery system where there is a single payer for
services, and that payer is the government. Of course, this requires administration on a local and
national level by government agencies and their employees, but the hospitals, physicians and their
offices and other health caregivers remain privately owned. This is the system that this country
desperately needs. And while it is certainly not a perfect system, as we will examine later, it is far and
away much better than the system we now have. Our current system is flawed beyond repair. Over
40 million Americans do not have any form of health care insurance or coverage of any kind. This
costs the country in many different ways. First, it is a huge economic drain, as those without coverage
do not seek health care on a regular basis, even when it is needed. Ultimately, these people end up in
the emergency rooms of county run hospitals, with costs many times more than the care they initially
needed, and those costs end up being born by the government and its taxpayers.

Equal access to health care would seem to be a basic human right yet in this country it remains a
privilege, available only to those who can afford it. Many opponents argue that despite the flaws in our
system that we still have the best health care in the world. But the key question is: By
which standards? "Of the top twenty four industrialized (modern) nations, the U.S. ranks twenty-first in
infant mortality and sixteenth in life expectancy. Yet we spend more than 40 percent more per capita
on health care than any other nation." (Cavanaugh 1999). If the numbers are so clear and the
possible solution so obvious, than why are we still stuck with our current system? One reason is the
money, and political power that goes with it, of major corporations such as the pharmaceutical
industry. Under a single payer system, pharmaceutical companies have to bid on a regular basis for
the contracts to sell to the hospitals.
This competitive bidding keeps the price of prescription drugs down. They also have to negotiate with
the government agency regarding the price of prescriptions sold in retail pharmacies, again keeping
the price way down. Needless to say the pharmaceutical companies would rather deal individuallywith
hospitals and pharmacies or retail chains than one payer who is the only game in town. This
centralization is one of the many reasons health care costs, especially those for prescription drugs,
are lower in a single payer system. In a recent example, Medicaid was being charged $76 for a
prescription medication and reimbursing $60 to the providers thereof on a regular and ongoing basis.
However, it was discovered that doctors and hospitals were paying $4 for the same drug not ageneric
from the same manufacturer.

Our system is also running rampant with fraud and the cost to the system in losses due to fraud and
efforts to contain and eliminate it. But these efforts are mostly after the fact, and are essentially
attempts to recover money that has been paid out incorrectly. The United States Attorney for the
Southern District of Florida spends over $3 Million a year in fraud prosecution. (Acosta 2008). In 2006
state and federal spending on Medicare and Medicaid programs totaled over $300 Billion. Medicare
introduced a pilot program in 3 states Florida, New York and California called RAC (recovery audit
contractors) where agencies hire private companies to recover wrongful payments and are paid a
percentage of what they recover.

In 2007, over $300 million was recovered in fraud cases, over $135 million of that in the State of New
York alone. (Sheehan 2008) These RACs were so successful that Medicare is expanding the
program to additional states, and plans to eventually roll it out to all states. Currently, for example,
there is no way to cancel a Medicare number and re-issue a new number to the beneficiary. So if
fraud has occurred, you have to try and recover the funds, but cannot stop the continued or additional
misuse in the future. Naturally, the fraudulent user can lose their rights to participate in the system,
but identity thieves can simply bill under a different participating provider number and continue to use
the same stolen Medicare number until they are caught and stopped again.

Economic savings in a single payer system would bring benefits to the self employed and small
employers who struggle to provide decent health care coverage at an affordable rate. Large
employers also stand to save huge amounts on their spending. And likewise the social security
disability, welfare and workers' compensation programs would save millions. Even other types of
private insurers automobile, home, and casualty could save money and reduce fees by cutting costs
on the health care portions of their coverage. The Medicare and Medicaid programs as we now know
them would become obsolete. The time is right and the economic and social moral reasons have
never been stronger, yet the resistance due to fear and misconception, together with deceit from
those who stand to lose economically, continues to block the only logical choice for our health care
system, a universal payer system with the government as the payer.


Acosta, Alex (2008). United States Attorney for the Southern District of Florida, lectureTo Health Care
Compliance Association. Retrieved on May 4, 2008.

Cavanaugh, Gerald (1999). "Why doesn't America Have Universal ComprehensiveHealth Care?"
Retrieved on May 3, 2008.
Sheehan, James (2008). Medicaid Inspector General, State of New York, lecture toHealth Care
Compliance Association. Retrieved on May 4, 2008.

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