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Machine Learning

Lecture 1 | Take your own notes during lectures
Vinayak Abrol <>
Course Overview
I. Objectives
A. Goals of this course are:
1. understand the basic concepts of ML / A. Basic computer science principles
Intelligent Systems B. Big-O notation
2. get an overview of the techniques used C. Comfortably write non-trivial code
to build intelligent systems and its in Python/numpy
processing techniques D. Probability & Random Variables
E. Expectations & Distributions
3. get an overview of some subfields of ML
F. Linear Algebra &
II. Broad Topics Multivariate/Matrix Calculus
A. What is Machine Learning? 1. Matrix algebra
B. Basic ML concepts 2. Gradients and Hessians
3. Eigenvalue/vector
C. Knowledge Representation
D. ML applications
E. Performance Quantification
Classroom Page and Office Hours

★ Course website
○ Google Classroom: Machine Learning (PG)
★ Teaching Assistants
Class Code
○ Vishal Kumar <>
○ Aryan Chaudhary <>
★ My office 6fc7mov
○ B-409, Research and Development Block
○ Office Hours
■ for any doubts and clarifications - Wednesday 11-12:30 pm
■ Send me an email first in case you need to connect during office hours
★ Policies for Academic Dishonesty
○ Plagiarism and Cheating
What is Artificial Intelligence ?

● Man Made ● Washing Machine - automation

● Simulated ● Wifi-AC - IoT
● Not natural
Purpose of AI
● Making the computer do more complex
tasks in the real world
● Has Knowledge; Uses it ● Use computers for decision making or
● Understanding helping in decision-making
● Reasoning ● Higher abstraction of programming
● Learning
● Ability to solve problems
Progression of AI

1) artificial narrow intelligence – applying AI only to specific tasks;

2) artificial general intelligence – applying AI to several areas and able to

autonomously solve problems they were never even designed for;

3) artificial super intelligence – applying AI to any area capable of scientific

creativity, social skills, and general wisdom

Heuristics/Rules → Linear Models/Decision Trees → Deep Models/Ensembles → Meta

Learning → Reinforcement Learning
What is ML ?
Term “Machine Learning” coined by Arthur Samuel in 1959.
● Samuel Checkers-playing Program was among the world's first successful
self-learning programs

“Field of study that give computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed”

A computer can be programmed so that it will learn to play a better game of checkers than
can be played by the person who wrote the program.


Programming computers to learn from experience should eventually eliminate the need for
much of this detailed programming effort.

Study of algorithms that

• improve their performance P well-defined learning task: <P,E,T>
• with experience E
• at some task T
Early Days of ML

The rigorous application of probability theory and statistics in AI generally gained in

popularity in the 1990s and are now the dominant paradigm in
● Machine learning,
● Knowledge based systems
● Pattern recognition and
● Machine perception, e.g Computer vision, Speech recognition
● Robotics
● Natural language processing

Deep Learning in shades:

David Rumelhart and Ronald J. Williams, Hinton co-authored a highly cited paper published in 1986

Hinton received the 2018 Turing Award, together with Yoshua Bengio and Yann LeCun [GOD Fathers of AI]
Machine Learning Techniques | The Buzz Word
Worries | The Other Side
● Technological unemployment [workplace
assistants, food making robots]
● Autonomous vehicles - legal and other
● Autonomous weapon systems
● Pet projects of billionaires
ML Areas and Approaches
● Deduction, reasoning, problem solving such as
○ Theorem provers, solve puzzles, play board games
● Knowledge representation systems such as
○ Expert systems
● Automated planning and scheduling
● Machine Learning and Perception such as
○ detecting credit card fraud, stock market analysis, classifying DNA sequences, speech and handwriting
recognition, object and facial recognition in computer vision
● Language & Vision such as
○ Natural Language Understanding
○ Speech Understanding & Language Generation
○ Machine Translation
○ Information retrieval and text mining
○ Computer Vision
● Motion and manipulation such as
○ Robotics to handle tasks such as object manipulation and navigation, with subproblems of localization (knowing
where you are), mapping (learning what is around you) and motion planning (figuring out how to get there)
● Social and business intelligence such as
○ Social and customer behaviour modelling
Areas where Humans are better



Art & Music


Emotional Intelligence [Humor]

Transfer learning (applying insights from one domain to another)

Explaining our reasoning

Knowing what it’s like to be human


All We Need Is

GPT (Genuinely Pure Tea)

Enhanced with AI (Adrak & ilaichi)

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