WEEK 0 - Lectures 3

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Lecture 3 week 0

How do we produce and store data

- End to end data stores and processed

- Dfferences between Analytical Data System (ADS) and Operational Data System (ODS)
- Database : (an organize collection of structured information, stored on server)
- Database Management System DBMS : (where we manage data)

- There are 3 important thing DBMS holds

- How Data stream Processing works: (key word: stream)
- Data modelling : a process of creating data model for the data to be stored in a data base.
Conceptual, logical, and physical.

- Data modelling Technique

- More abt. Data modelling (lookup Entity relationship model): entity nya teacher: teacher id
dan dept id untuk department.
- More abt data warehaouse: a collection of information and data derived from operational
system and data sources

- More abt data lake. Data lake is a centralized repository that allows you to store all your

structured and unstructured data at any scale.

- DA & DS use data lake so we can analyze the data. But some company sometimes have both
access data

- What is analytical thinking:

- Connection between the analytical thinking and insight.

- important note: understanding the problem and business

- Example information gathering:

- how to: insight generation

 Causality: what differ from correlation, is it knows what affecting between
- Example:

- What comes after insight?

- How we do it? I-E Matrix

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