SSC CHSL Admit Card

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STAFF SELECTION COMMISSION STAFF SELECTION COMMISSION STAFF SELECTION COMMISSION STAFF SELECTION COMMISSION STAFF SELECTION COMMISSION ‘wafer wera anata (re ds) ‘Staff Selection Commission (Central Region) ‘SeeMTE: j Wibsite: wm se-erorg ‘Bees are 0552-2406000, 9452424060, 4 H elpine No. 0532-2406000, 9452424060 ‘€54a ond Bi mal ‘Es Tre / e- ADMISSION CERTIFICATE sag one eats ert ea, 2023 (Wem) ‘COMBINED HIGHER SECONDARY LEVEL (102) EXAMINATION = 2023 (TIER) aa (ONLI il | | Regetraton Ne canal fee ee wo eink 3205040022 pte for Scribe: (grea ocr wo be used as User 10) sehemar gt at inact Lanqvanectosenby te canaiat Paeoord fr amination 13092003 ‘een 7 Exom Date ‘ri Rang Tine seb err Ey sing Tine 10/08/2023 £00 PM 445 PM ent wer ea = Cant None Candidates New oCasnged Name SAURABH KUMAR wale Se tai aT cae +13703/2008 xe tener Gans Aes dd VL: MEGHRAL BIGHA PO- PAWAI PS: AURANGABAD | re | PxTWA BRIAR a2si02 Sons ona ‘a a ae Date Tne of Earinaton ‘we ExanintonVorue 5 Jr baal zap 07 Ka a i Reliable Infocom, Nest Kant Flyover, Chhinmastko Mansi Kesbu Nago, Ward no-2,PS-Kanti, soaee: ‘uzatarpr Bhar india, 843109, uzatarpur 05:15 PMT0 6:15 PM MUZAEFARPUR Bier 843109 ‘Cancer ary an ogra photo entity cardhoving the same Oat of rth (ncalig Date Mont & ew) as pnt onthe Admission Carica 2 Yphoto tent card does nat have th sre Dat of Bt deg Date, Month & Ye) hen he cance must ayaa sation erst nora as proa of heer Deteo! th 3. incase of mismatch nthe Dato Bith mentioned inthe Admission Cera and photo Ihe crc brought in support of Date Bit the cante wil ete biomed appearin te examination 4 Admit card mst be kat etl til fina rit Rol Numbarecanot be gen sgn fleet sateen No) afters se eee sr art fer Subject, ae te.| afters 1 | ssn ar) / Ens Langue (Basic Krowleeae) 8 0 ae | ms gear eneranaligence 25 ” (Cejee Ty) | sore ae (rt sensors / Quartatne Apttdo (asl Artmet Sk) 25 o w mers acre / Generel Awareness 2 «| NoIsSINNOD NOLLDITES 44VLS NOSSINHOD NOUOITS 44¥1S NOISSINNOD NOLLD3T3S 44VLS NOISSIMNOD NOLLOSTS 14¥15 NOISSINNCO NOLLO3T3S 44¥1S NOISSWWNOD NOILOZTES 4¥1S NOISSIANOO NOLLO3T3S 44 Notssiunoo Now3a73S 441s NOISSINNOD NOUOITIS Ja¥IS NORSIWOD NOLDITIS 4INIS NOSINNIOD NOULOTTSS 14V1S NOISSINNGD NOILO3T3S JAWS NOSWWNOD NOLLOTTSS JAVIS NOISSIANOO NOWOITIS IVS STAFF SELECTION COMMISSION STAFF SELECTION COMMISSION STAFF SELECTION COMMISSION STAFE SELECTION COMMISSION STAFF SELECTION COMMISSION SIAEF SELECTION COMMISSION STAFF SELECTION COMMISSION STAFF SELECTION COMMISSION STAFF SELECTION COMMISSION STAFF SELECTION COMMISSION 10 2 6 w. a 2. BOR Be NoIsSinno9 NOUDITaS 44¥1S NOISSINNOD NOUOZTAS 44¥1 NOSSSINNOD NOULDIT3S 44¥S NOISSINNOD NOILDTES 44¥1S NOISSINNCO NOLLOITAS 44¥S NOISSWWNOD NOLLOATS 44¥1S NOISSIANOO NOLLOSTHS 43¥1S STAFF SELECTION COMMISSION STAFF SELECTION COMMISSION STAFF SELECTION COMMISSION STAFE SELECTION COMMISSION STAFF SELECTION COMMISSION ‘General Instructions forthe Candidates ‘The cence ar aoaad to rech cente as er the te ote agent Rapartng Entry tmeln te admit card Candies shoul note hat no cance wil be allomed eny after he ety closing nein any ckeursance or eto any eas. Gates wil be closed set terry tong tre Candies shoul arab eng he followin |) Admission Crticate (0) Two copes of ther latest colored passport size photograph (3cm 3.5 cm) (6) Atleast one valid photo bearing identity prot n ORIGINAL with clear photograph (Ege photo Ientty proofs such a1, Passport, 2 AadhssrCardPnnt fut of eAachaa 3. Diving Lcense, 4 Senice ID Card issued to employees by Cental Govt/State Covt/ PSUs 5 ID Card Issued by Univeraty/Calage/Sshon & Voters 10 Gard, 7 PAN Card @ExSarvicemen Dlsharge Book lasued by Misty of Defence, Any other Phot ent Proof issued by Cenval Gov State Govt) (@ 1 the Photo identity Card doesnot contin the complete Date of Birth then the candidate must cary an additonal rginal document having the Date of ‘ith a printed onthe Aanision Cerise (eg. Ad Card Poss Ceriate/ Marks Shetof 10th Cass tues only by CDSE ICS! State oars, Sith Cerieate, Category Cerificate ete issued only by Cental Gov. / State Govt 7 PSUs) In ease of @ mismatch In the Date of Birth mentioned inthe ‘Admission Cetieate and Photo ID Proot/ the Cetifeate brought in support of ate of Birth, te candiéte wil not be allowed to appear inthe ‘amination (e) Transparent water bottle ‘No candidat nb lowed a eve the exavinatin lab blere the complaton afte examistio tie fo any teazon whut parmicion fom he exam Function Ore 1 cangdste leaves he ab nou the pession of exam furchonares, else stl net be alowed to rear te examination ib aa l/h conde shall be Cendidats shal be parte o appear in th sam oly at the venue a apie the hizson Cetin. nde areadisedto lhe exam ene teas one dy in aGvance 20 tha they can each fhe examination verde on he de of ex nti. Condes must sue tha they do nat pein he examination mote than once, Otherwise candéatre of ch cacdtes woud caneelag and apeeprate Acton wil [Setaken epast em Condit of canes spurl proviso. i adsed tt conddntes soul ais hemes that he ial the egbily condos. at ny stage, sound hat ‘tadate doer ot a any! heat condi haves cana sabe ened Prhibted ieme such a wetchos, Books, pens paper chs, mapraines ecole gadgets (mobilephone, Suteth dees, heed phones, per buono spy cameras, ‘tanner cleat strge devcts ete) ve sity nt afowee hi the exainaton I ey see eFunds he possessor ofa conden fe exarnaion ab, Ser Sn eae bea nina preg etd hi els abn nt nae sing {aur comineone fhe Gers pa extant ne, Candies shoud avoid wearng tems ke nose pins bracelets, earings chams, ads een cae, elon customs req caniates to wear specie at the isking ‘hay ale mare tre snd Sartore constr shou reper at he ena f examination a, Candis ar achiso roto bag bags and robe te it the xaination ven ase they bing any such Ma, hy woud hae to make the own arangaments fectate costs o sven Rens. Th Commisan wi rateable io ake any arangement este coo) of ay sch tom en and pape fr rough werk wauddbe provided the earn a [Allxam Lab ae once Vide Sulla, ‘lctoni itch (ie wi be aval onthe computer seen alte fo cards. ‘cnc stout ensue that hy do notiadlgein nua means and shal als ot ko each ober after cormmencemen of he exam and ding Rs ene ston. Cand stl have findeoo the procts of contactless Fin oun Handheld Netal Detector HHMD) Cndiate must strict abe byte nstuctorsgveny the Exam Funetinenes (Centre Superson Candide shuld ene hat thy rode cla ef Tum messin (LT), Carfeston Saterentn thr ring handvetng and signature on Commieslon's Copy of ‘AdmisoenCereate tkngrecesary precautions agarst Con if ary eandcatesfund cbsructing the conduc ofthe examination or creating detubances atthe examinaton venue hse candidate shal be summanly cancelled ‘ver canddate also be abot be debared from ure oxeraton ofthe Commision snd egalirnal prosedngs could be bated sganet che Mey bs ‘ote tat no reexeminanen woulSbe conducted ts Youn that he exarnation vas Sarped on Ses00N ons bye candatee if the examination doesnot commence at he scheduled te ors itupted may duet ay tecnica sna efor any ther reason candidates shoud follow the Inarutons af the exom fctonarles. They may have fo wa pater il he seul sutably eesed and eslved The Corson weld token appropri oon and ‘esion nthe mater which woul berated web Sindy on cartes in ease he ex couldn be complete 99 som speed of cererbeshdcwn of ser, the wl Notsswinoo NOU2373S 44VLS NOISSINHOD NOUOTTIS 44¥18 NOISSINNGD NOLLD3T3S 44VLS NOISSINNOD NOLLOZTSS 44V1S NOISSINNICO NOLLOIT2S 44¥iS NOISSWWNOD NOLLOZTS 44V1S NOISSIANOO NOWLOITHS AVIS te tne of reporting forthe exaration Candidates are atsure hatin ase of deiption of examination foray reson such as maorminar tena ‘otunder ary cramstnoes lose te exomnaton te to nhen fey arene Candas are advises o repr tothe concemed Reponsl Offce/ Commission n ast they note ay neo aug cont of examination The entity of sch ‘Sanda ib apt one lgblePw0 candidates are ented for compensatory tne of 20 minutes er hours and asstance of srbe. ‘Pwo canddats ote han hose tected by bandos and cera pay, who have ope fr the fact of Sonbe andar Compenseary imei the apptiation form are ‘rege prosic cots spr Ranexre of he Notes of smn fo alin the ait of ce Cendidats opting frown sabe the quafcaton af the aebe abuld be ae tp below the quit ofthe cant aking the earnaton Such candidate shale ‘quedo sib desl th oan caren proforma at Arment of te Note of Exararaion in adaton, the sorb has to oduct a val Doo (a et st gen at Pare) in npn photocopy of te I0 proof! te cob sgned bythe canadate a wll a th ser requ tobe submited slong wih protest Anoere ‘Sere arangedy he Pw0 cada should note a candaeof his examination terse cartes ofboth he carcdstes willbe canceled ‘one eed candidates and partly tnd eandates, who ate ale 10 eed the anal Question Paper set with er without maging clas and who wish owes the raver with the hep of megniing ls wb alowed ove the same m the Examination Hal and wil no be ore to Serbs Such eandgtes havo beg Hee ‘wr Maguing Glass tothe Examination Hal any cancels found inert state tat ence wi ete allowed ety tothe venue. Sng lary dot tartan, cannes se ded core! te eorcrd Reprl fi f heCoon pers eh fe Hele Nabe ~-—-Pase See Meet Page SIAEF SELECTION COMMISSION STAFF SELECTION COMMISSION STAFF SELECTION COMMISS{ON STAFF SELECTION COMMISSION STAFF SELECTION COMMISSION INSTRUCTIONS TO BE FOLLOWED DURING THE EXAMINATION ( ONLY FOR COMPUTER BASED EXAMINATION) Notsswinoo NOU2373S 44VLS NOVSSINNOD NOUOTTIS 44¥18 NOISSINNOD NOLD3T3S 44S NOISSINNIOD NOLLOZTSS 44¥1S NOISSINNCO NOILOITIS 44¥S NOISSWWNOD NOLOZTES 44V1S NOISSIANOD NOWLOITIS HVS Please read the instructions carefully 1. The clock beset at the server, The countdown Knrin thet ight commer of screen wl ply the ering ine vale fr you to comple the examination, When ‘he ime reaches to, the examina wil endby tse You wine eed send ost your exomiaten 22. ThedhecionPeete aeplayed onthe gt se acre lah hese ct etch uslon ing one he long syle 1 Yeu bve no keine uesten et ir onove rot ansreresine uesten Ahre1hove severed ne queen. (@ e1hee WoT sowed he qt thee mated the gti fr even Qi cers) Hoon ended re be coral enbon 2. estates eee gn rpc ot gon © WEbeccnea erage gone mesg omnis ey ming tn Ten tin anc nas sr saa te 1 rovas er mem monenapag cca anor me eta te en nce ne SSS ASE Me meanness « wwonastn QB emsonentetnonna Gerrit gain an tenses sigs tn 7. Taner question dhe lowing Glick onthe question ruber inthe Queston Pata he tof ou cent go fo Mat umber question Sect, By slecing newer to this queston ana ‘hers ging to he nt euatton det fom queen palate dove NOT eaeyour anewe fo fhe cra quarion Click on Seve & Nero saveyouransnefr the cuet question snd ther goto theret question. €Clckon Mak for Review & Ment s5ve our answer othe caer question mark frei, hen goo tenet questo ‘Anon a Question: ‘8 Procedure for sneweig emule choice yp question: To select our anne ck nthe burton cf ane the options To aesslet ou enaeen awe leon th but ofthe chosen option again rekon the Clear Respenee ston «To change your chosen answer cok onthe button farther epi {Tosa yo answer you MUST eek onthe Save & Next ton ‘-Tomark te queston for reve, lek on he Mark for Review & Next uton 1. Tochange yr nswer ta question that haan Bon answered frat set hat aueson for answering shen lon the procedure for answering the question, Navigating hough sections: 10, Sections inthis quostn paper ae splayed onthe tp bar of he soeen. Questions in a seton can be vewed by dicing en the section name. The section you ae Serer venngis hghigied 11, After cok he Save & Next burton cnthelastqustn fr a secon you wil atomataly be taken totes queston of there section 12. Youcan suf bem sectons and questions aye cringe examination as pt your converence. 13. Candia can view he couespoding section sunray a par fhe legend that appear evry secon aboe the queston plete Inseeton for images: "V4 Toz00m ie mage proved the que rl te cursor overt NoIsSinno9 NOUDTaS 44¥1S NOJSSINNOD NOUOZTAS 44¥1 NOXSSINNOD NOLDIT3S 44S NOISSINNOD NOILOATES 44¥1$ NOISSINNGO NOLLOTAS #4¥S NOISSWWNOD NOLLOATS 44¥1S NOISSIANOD NOLOZTES 43¥IS STAFF SELECTION COMMISSION STAFF SELECTION COMMISSION STAFF SELECTION COMMISSION STAFE SELECTION COMMISSION STAFF SELECTION COMMISSION

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