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Look at these pictures.


1. Which one of these pictures interested you most? Make a simple advertisement based on the
pictures which interested you most.

Read part of the lyric song of Count on Me By Bruno Mars below.

2. What does the lyric mean? ...............................

Look at this card.

3. Write the best hope and wish based on the theme of the card.
Look at to these pictures.


4. What do you think about picture A and picture B? Give your explanation.

Read the dialogue below to answer the question number 5.

Nikita : I will be decorating the room

Sarah : Who will be helping you?
Nikita : Jessica will be helping me. She will be hanging up the ballon

5. What is the dialogue about?

Read the text below to answer the question number 6.

One day, He a)........ a trader’s ship in trouble. It

was being raided by a small band of pirates.
Malin Kundang helped and fought off the
pirates. The trader was very grateful and
impressed by Malin’s strength and bravery. He
........... Malin to work with him. Malin c)...........
mother’s permission. His mother allowed him to
go. She prayed for Malin’s safety and health.

6. Write the correct words to complete the text.

a. .............
b. .............
c. .............
Look at to these labels.

7. Which one of these labels has rich vitamin? Give your explanation.

Read this lyric of the song to answer the question number 8.

8. What is the message of the song?

Read the texts carefully to answer the question number 9.

9. What will probably happen if you do not follow the steps of making food and drink above?

Read these texts to answer the question number 10.

10. What are the main ideas of text 1 and text 2

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