ESP - English For Fahsion Industry - Group 9

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Class 2A Grup 9



English for Fahsion Industry

Learning english for this area is increases your chances of getting a good job in a
multinational company within your home country or for finding work abroad. It's also the
language of international communication, the media and the internet, so learning English
is important for socialising and entertainment as well as work. Having excellent English
language skills and knowing the industry’s lingo is essential for those working in this
sector. Whether you are communicating with other designers across the world or closing
a deal with a foreign supplier, English is likely to be the language you will use. Ourself,
our family, and Fashion expert that will be involved in the process. Designers,
manufacturers, contractors, and others; retail sales; and various forms of advertising and
promotion may have some effect on the process. You can learning fashion by online class
with Amphy. Amphy would be our top pick, based on this list of online schools. Learning
the creative business of fashion design is easy with a wide selection of interactive online
fashion design classes available on Amphy. Whether you want to become a fashion
designer or just want to learn how to create your own capsule wardrobe, the interactive
courses on Amphy will allow you to talk with your teacher in real-time. The great
benefits of choosing Amphy as your online school is Amphy’s online fashion design
classes gear toward everyone from aspiring fashion designers to fashionistas who want to
upgrade their sense of style, Online fashion design classes are interactive, so you can ask
questions and get answers in real-time,Professional teachers, Live classes that are not pre-
recorded, and With Amphy the glamorous, creative world of fashion design can be
yours. learning will take place when you have new experiences, namely while in fashion
school, or you can also start with independent study before entering fashion school as a
preparation for entering fashion school by using learning media such as videos, fashion
magazines, courses, etc. even after graduating from fashion school we can still learn it
independently. Learning takes place in an active learning environment and for learning to
be enriched it should interact with both the arenas i.e. the inside and outside of a
classroom. it is beneficial to add to the overall development of the individual. The time
available to learn English for fashion is quite long, from before entering fashion school to
entering the world of fashion work. And that time is enough for us to be able to master
fashion English before entering the world of fashion work if we study it seriously and
consistently. In the English fashion industry, there are eight units need to learn. They are
intoduuction to fashion,the history of fashion, textile, garment construction , the
production, promotion, events, and retail. The use full content for each units in English
for Fashion are Introduction to fashion useful material for Describing job roles,Grammar
(Spelling -ing Verbs) and talking about current project. For history of fashion is grammar
(Past simple and Past participles), and illustration briefs. For textile explaining the
process, the passive , and request and responses. For garment construction talking about
specifications, fitting pharases, and meassurements. For productions is causes and
effects , reporting information, and describing packaging. For promotion is promotional
verbs, objective and priorites, and suggestion or responding to suggestions. And For
events is talking about delegation,discussing problem and apologies, and describing
fashion. And lastly, For retail is asking for offering help making,accepting, and rejecting

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