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(Marshall enters and inspects for quorum.)

Marshall: Honourable Members, Honourable Speaker. All rise.

Honourable Speaker: Honourable Members, A very good morning to all of you. I

welcome you all to the 12th National Parliament session and I hope this session will be
fruitful. We begin today's session with the oath or affirmation of our newly elected
members. Secretary General Please.

SecretaryGeneral:Shriman Nawaz HussainSodagar, who stands elected from Srinagar

constituency of Jammu & Kashmir State, will now take an oath or an affirmation.
Shriman Nawaz HussainSodagar Please.

Shriman Nawaz HussainSodagar, Do you want to take an oath or an affirmation?

Shriman Nawaz HussainSodagar: Oath Please.

Secretary General: lin which language would you like to take the oath?

SNH: In English Please.

(The Secretary General hands over to SNH a copy of the form of oath in the language in
which she wants to take the oath).
SNH: "I, 'K' having been elected a Member of the Lower House of the Parliament, do
swear in the name of God that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of
India as by law established, that I will uphold the sovereignty and integrity of India and
that I will faithfully discharge the duty upon which I am about to enter."(The member
then places the oath paper on the Table of the Secretary General and shakes hand with the
Chair. The member then passes behind the Chair to the other side of the Secretary's
General Table, where she signs the Roll of Members. After signing the roll, she takes her
seat in the House. The M.Ps. welcome her by thumping on their desks).

SPEAKER: Member to take the oath or affirmation, Secretary General

SECRETARY GENERAL Smt. 'K' who stands elected from the Pali

Constituency of Rajasthan will now take the oath or affirmation (call out Smt. 'K' (Smt.
'K' proceeds from the place that she is occupying to the right hand of the Secretary's
General table and hands over her Certificate of election to the officer

at the Table )

SECRETARY GENERAL: Madam, do you want to take oath or affirmation?SMT. 'K'

Oath Please

SECRETARY GENERAL: In which language would you like to take the


SMT. 'K' In English Please.

(The Secretary General hands over to Smt. 'K' a copy of the form of oath in the language
in which she wants to take the oath). SMT. 'K': "I, 'K' having been elected a Member of
the Lower House of the Parliament, do swear in the name of God that I will bear true
faith and allegiance to the Constitution of India as by law established, that I will uphold
the sovereignty and integrity of India and that I will faithfully discharge the duty upon
which I am about to enter."(The member then places the oath paper on the Table of the
Secretary General and shakes hand with the Chair. The member then passes behind the
Chair to the other side of the Secretary's General Table, where she signs the Roll of
Members. After signing the roll, she takes her seat in the House. The M.Ps. welcome her
by thumping on their desks).


MR. SPEAKER : Prime Minister to introduce new Ministers.

PRIME MINISTER : Mr. speaker, Sir I have pleasure in introducing to you
and through you, to the House, my colleagues, the new Ministers.
Shri _______________, Minister of Irrigation.
Smt. _______________, Minister of Civil Supplies (While being introduced
each minister in turn stands with folded hands. The Members greet them by
thumping on their desks).


Honourable speaker: and now we may commence with the Question Hour. Minister[....]
you may proceed with Question 1.

Opposition Leader(Mr/Miss……): Honourable Speaker Sir, The Honorable Minister(

Mr/Miss……) has not made consultations regarding the new education policy,and as
mentioned already,the implementation of regional languages for higher education needs
to be elaborated. The Article 343 already mentions that official languages of India are
Hindi and English but why is Hindi being proposed to be taught mandatorily in schools in
non-Hindi-speaking states?Are the consultations and surveys from the youth taken into
consideration?How will this benefit the future of education?

Minister of Education: It is very important that we note this important fact that India is a
diverse country filled with different languages from the different states. The new
education will not only improve the education system but will enable the usage of hindi
language for the youth who do not have the opportunity to learn English from school,
they will have opportunities and facilities.The Hindi language is spoken by 57% people
of the country. It is necessary….


Minister from the Opposition Bench: Nahi chalega…nahi chalega

Minister of Education: let me speak… let me finish.

Minister from the Opposition Bench: Nahi chalega…nahi chalega

Speaker : Silence,Silence… let him/her continue.

Minister of Education continues:It is necessary…to provide these opportunities in the

form of a medium of Education.

Speaker:Thank you honourable minister[Mr/Miss….] Honourable Minister from the

Opposition Party can proceed with Question no 2.

Minister(Opposition):Honourable Speaker Sir,It has come to my notice that as and when

we have started this discussion,it has not been considered that many speak different
languages. Most states of South India do not speak or write in Hindi,suddenly introducing
Hindi will create chaos in the regional states such as Bengal,Tamil Nadu or Manipur. The
Eighth Schedule contains a list of official languages in the country, there are now
officially 22 languages.Why should one language be given more importance?


Minister of Home Affairs : We need also a common language not in suppression of the
vernaculars, but in addition to them. It is generally agreed that that medium should be
Hindustani. Additionally Hindi is a language which is an identity to the Hindustanis!

Ministers from background: Hindi Hai Hum, Watan Hai Hindustan Humara…


Ministers(opposition) : How can Hindi be considered the NATIONAL

LANGUAGE!Yeh toh galat hai! हमें अपने क्षेत्रों में ऐसी भाषाएँ मिली हैं जो बेहतर ढंग से
ं से भी अधिक है। यदि हम हिन्दी को स्वीकार करने जा
विकसित की गई हैं और जिनका साहित्य हिदी
ं बोलने वाले लोगों की बड़ी संख्या
रहे हैं तो यह भाषा की उत्कृष्टता के कारण नहीं है। यह महज़ हिदी
के कारण है। (hamen apane kshetron mein aisee bhaashaen milee hain jo behatar
dhang se vikasit ki gaee hain aur jinka saahity hindee se bhee adhik hai. yadi
ham hindee ko srekaar karne ja rahe hain to yah bhaasha kee utkrshtata ke
kaaran nahin hai. yah mahaz hindee bolne vaale logon kee badee sankhya ke
kaaran hai.)
Minister of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship : By bringing light to the new
policies related to NEP 2020,The government has mentioned about usage of the
vernaculars in higher education.If the Honourable Ministers(referring to the opposition)
are stating that respect has not been given to other languages excluding Hindi,it is clearly
a misrepresentation!


Ministers: Sahi hai,Sahi hai!

Minister of states(Opposition): Starting from the NEP 2020,English remains an official

language of India and is often seen as an advantage among employers, particularly in
global commerce.A mere 10.6 per cent of Indians speak English, and only 0.02 per cent
count it as their first language,by introducing vernacular we are decreasing the
opportunities of those students who wish to opt for education internationally. It will block
the foreign exchange programmes,hampering education!

Cabinet Minister: Honourable Minister,I still have a confusion. May I proceed with my
question with your permission?

Speaker: Minister[....] you may proceed with Question 3.

Cabinet Minister: So the Constitution has directly mentioned the use of English as the
medium of communication.India being an independent country and free from colonial
rule is still stuck under the concept of Colonialism. So by Article 343, my question
pertains to this fact that the English language which is considered as a foreign language,
is the way of communication in India for preventing any controversy and avoiding
confusion?In this regard,Hindi can be used in the Devanagari script as well.

Opposition Minister:উফফ! বাবা! এই সহজ জিনিসটা বোঝা কি কঠিন যে ভারতের সব

জায়গায় হিন্দি কথা বলা হয় না!দেখুন ! আমার মাতৃ ভাষা না হলে আমাকে কেন হিন্দিতে কথা
বলতে বাধ্য করা হবে? আমি বলব না!আমার রাজ্যের ছেলেমেয়েরা সরকারি পরীক্ষার উত্তর
হিন্দিতে লিখবে কেন?কী বাজে কথা!
[claps followed by people cheering]

Speaker: Calm down everyone!

Minister of Minority Affairs: By article 346, it has been mentioned that the language that
was authorised for use in the Union,for official purpose shall be the official language for
communication btw are State & another state & btw. State & the Union. However,
provided that if a certain incident occurs where two or more States agree that Hindi
should be the official language for communication between such states, then the language
may be used for such communication.

Minister(opposition): We have to consider our identity here! Let us perceive the situation
in India very carefully and answer this question,How many individuals consider our
language as our Identity? We speak in our own mother tongue with pride as it identifies
us!We elaborate the love for our language by constantly making our own dialects and
colloquials!But the problem starts here,the confusion and the problem starts here when
one particular state shows too much love for a particular language and this might lead to a
different protest or agitation. Languages can act as a barrier as well. An exemplification
can be drawn from the Telangana issue!

Hon'ble Speaker:Please move forward with Question no. 4


Speaking of problems with language,referring to the NEP 2020,sir, students in India often
face problem and confusion while selecting their options while comparing ratings given
by different international rating agencies where our universities hardly figure in top 200,
don't you think it's time when we should move towards India specific rating for higher
education institutions?

Speaker: Hon'ble Education minister …….please

Hon'ble Education Minister: sir our Ministry is busy in preparing a framework to rank
India's higher Education Institutions. This India-Centric Ranking Framework will give an
alternative to Indian students. The ministry had even held consultations with QS and
Times ranking authorities to look at how to improve the rankings.

Sir I have a supplementary,

Leader of the Opposition: Hon'ble Speaker sir,with your permission can I have the
opportunity to ask a question?

Speaker: please proceed. Hon'ble Education Minister and Leader of the opposition

L.O.O: what'll be the grounds for such a rating and when can we expect it to be

HRD Minister:

Sir, academic institutes will be assessed on parameters like teaching-learning; research;

collaborative practice and professional performance; graduate outcomes; placements;
outreach and inclusive action and peer group perception. One of the important parameters
is outreach and inclusive action, which will assess institutes on affirmative action and
steps taken to reach out students from disadvantaged sections of society. Moreover, the
rankings will be driven through a web-based portal wherein each institute will be able to
furnish information.


(Member of the opposition, Mr Tahleel takes permission from Mr. Speaker)

Honourable Speaker: Yes Mr. Tahleel.

Shriman Tahleel: Honourable speaker there has been a serious breach of privilege by the
members of the ruling party. Days before, a serious and confidential issue relating to the
foreign policy of India towards its neighbouring countries was discussed, which later was
leaked into media and now has become a chaotic debate. Honourable Speaker, before the
side puts forth any of their developmental projects or increments in GDP. Let them get to
know about the rules, regulations, norms, discipline, decorum of the parliament and let
them not make the people ashamed of whom they choose to be their representatives.
Honourable Speaker:Mr. Tahleel, have you given notice of it earlier?

Shriman Tahleel: Yes, sir I have already given notice of it at 10:00 A.M. this Morning.
Honourable Speaker:It will be examined and you will come to know about it. Now papers
to be laid


Honourable Speaker:Honourable Minister of Renewable Energy Shrimati Shaima Sayed

ShirimatiShaima Sayed; Sir, I beg to lay on the table copy of the papersrelated to reports
by following: a) Identification of Industrial Sector Promising for Commercialisation of
solar energy b) Market assessment of solar water heating in the Himalayan regions c)
Delhi International Renewable Energy conference.

Honourable Speaker: Honourable Minister of Human Resource DeveleopmentShrimati

Ahrar Syed Shrimati Ahrar Syed: Sir, with your permission I would like to lay down
following: A) report of working group of subcommittee of national development council
B) report on technology mission on oilseeds and pulses c) report on integrated nutrient


MR. SPEAKER : Hon. Member, I have to make an announcement .

On my own behalf of the hon. Members of the House, I have a great pleasure in
extending our warm welcome to His Excellency Mr.Svend Jakobsen, speaker of the
Danish Parliament and the Hon. Members of the Danish Parliamentary Delegation
who are on a visit to India as our honoured guests.
The other Hon. Members of the Delegation are :
1. Mr. Knud Ostergaerd, Deputy Speaker,
2. Mrs. Lilli Gyldenkilde, also Deputy Speaker
3. Mr. Povl. Brondsted, also Deputy Speaker,
4. Mr. Ole Vig Janson, another Deputy Speaker.
It is very high powered delegation. The delegation arrived on Sunday
______, 1988. they are now seated in the Special Box. We wish them a happy
and fruitful stay in our country. We also convey our warm greetings and very
best wishes through them to Her Majesty the Queen of Denmark, The Prime
Minister, the Danish Parliament, the Government and the friendly people of

MR. SPEAKER : Now the House is adjourned to meet again tomorrow at 11.00 a.m.

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