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First Semester, A.Y.


Course Code: NURS 05

Course Title: Community Health Nursing 1

The basic principles of providing care to a person, a family, and a community are covered in
Community Health Nursing I, a prerequisite course for nursing students in Cavite State University-
College of Nursing. This course deals with concepts, principles, theories, and techniques in the provision
of basic care in terms of health promotion, disease prevention, restoration ad maintenance and
rehabilitation at the individual and family level. It includes the study of Philippine Health Care Delivery
System, national health situation and the global context of public health. According to CHED CMO No. 15
s 2017, the learners are expected to provide safe, appropriate, and holistic nursing care to individual and
family as clients in community settings utilizing the nursing process.

Community Health Nursing I with a course code of NURS 05, was a course taken by level II
nursing students on the Mid Year of Academic Year 2020-2021. Since the course subject was taken
during the COVID 19 pandemic and flexible learning, the students were compelled to take the subject
through online classes; the subject was taken for 36 hours over the course of the semester, with 2 hours
per week, and scheduled every Thursday 10:00 AM–12:00 PM and Friday 9:00 AM–11:00 AM. They were
given a task to film a video of themselves demonstrating the nursing procedures and skills required in
the Nursing Health Assessment, which is crucial for the continuation of Community Health Nursing I.

The Philippine health system is now at the throes of major reforms as it tries to confront old and
emerging health challenges. While the health of all Filipinos and communities is still threatened by our
lingering problems like major infectious killers and the wide disparities that exist between the rich and
the poor in terms of access to health care, we as public health workers are compelled to face the more
daunting challenges on the field: double burden of disease, rising costs of health care, a fragmented
health system, increasing demands for quality but affordable services and the impact of increasing
globalization on health. Amid the changing landscape of public health in our country, we must
absolutely rise to the challenge as the primary drivers in the" health sector in pushing for better health
care delivery and in bringing good health outcomes for all. The Department of Health today remains
steadfast in its mandate to provide the leadership in reducing health disparities and empowering the
Filipino people through better targeting of services, better health education and promotion and more
equitable distribution of health benefits particularly for our poorest people. With this vision in mind, we
have thus launched the FOURmula One for Health as the vehicle that will bring about our primary goals
of better health outcomes, a more responsive health system and equitable health care financing. These
end goals, however, cannot be achieved without the commitment and dedication of our most precious
resource ---- our public health workers who have a direct hand in caring for our communities and
families in diverse and difficult settings. Hence, it is in the spirit of collaboration in the health sector that
we welcome the publication of this book, Public Health Nursing in the Philippines, and extol the valuable
role of our public health nurses as innovators, leaders, health providers , and members of the health care
team. Today, amid the unprecedented wave of health worker migration to other countries, they
choose to stay and serve and nurse the health of the people's health needs. With their complex and
ever expanding roles in the Philippine health care setting, public health nurses provide evidence that
service truly has no limits. · We are optimistic that public health nurses shall continue to improve the
wellbeing of all Filipinos in the next years to come as we transform the health system into an engine for
real social development. With our joint efforts in the field of public health, there is indeed great promise
that we can fulfill our quest for better Health for All.

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