DRRR Notes

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or / 29 | 2003 “AR SRO tes ——— Sat a “ —HADARO ? @ dicacter warting te happen => El ident ov Sy ential ite, i lon is ich, too i nits cpcrifir peviod of time, detevmined povonil — as_a- funution of __ hazard tiie and _cay Mut UN -> the act how navi mpl t i_gomethin i. Ey. Effective "ait HE E leer in: PLATE TECTO) “ow F = hs Ce ae oa Mz = v Cae ae Mi OF Yi 1. Apparent affinity of i carwree i 2 Botanical Evidence (fossil) 4. Placey Deposits _(magrna ) 4 TiMWite Deposits (ie) 5. Polow Wandering (registered ovigin: magnetic polar rock) v. Didvigution of fossil 4 { fome Age fhe Que FACT! « Plater Puch ond Pull resutting 1 earthquakes volanoe’, and mountain uilding.. Scanned with CamScanner 198: F PLA e ul > 22 tectonic >? ear: au OIE Ww oceani > Example: Mid Ant Ridge, Foci Povifiy Rise font Afvican Geeat Rift la 2. TRA PLUME spn DAY “Aer ze 3TAJQ :0 > plates ie wideways part each _othtr | =" mogi_are found on fhe cca floor, wincve they connect segments of __divevging_mid -ocean_viagec _ = Example: California's fan Andvcas , Linear 9. CONVERGENT PLAIE BOUNDARY > > 2 piaier are moving towards each other and colliding = zeloniv plates converge, the one with thin oceanib crust subd EA FLOUR CPREADING: i Seu-loor spreading evidence of plate tectonis Scanned with CamScanner Leccon {: Second Semesier! : key concepis in DReR SEUOND Lf6CON: HAZARD OND DISASTER ~ExperiMent $-:: “center of moc _/ Center ot grawiry > o_ier 0 ri int mich 4 ass of an object Appears tr be _cuncentvated >it ic the average _tocativin of the weight of an object i Fyyast vs WEIGHT ee Lobject Mag Weight = Wt * Mg PLUM BLINE Fie = medsure of gravitational Baus METHOD. wt 3 + tall =i vy ha, Requide -> yequiav geometvil penter cA D c Dy 1 Leaning, TOROUE df_An €AGmPLE OF AN Unf10 BLE fou | eONE Towce oF PISA ff Guat Cqanbran nsraaLe equctigyam {what fell finct? SUNY of EMPTY GOTILE ~_ it is tight vA ak. an 2. what war eet affected ? AMID = the (yo, woliey iti = tne lower i ihe cemter of gvovity ile _wiwaler the object = cewtey of guavity i loser fy the sup port nor mf n itt 1 Hagan 1. 101 harmful 4 ir 3: WhOl ig the cname ov tik i injury ov damage from o disacter™ pusacrre Shot isthe —ganiue ov _kelinonol_of facing Lift nf ais 4 Hom Suse" ave you to divnoter Wynevability ang Expogwe (weakness) : &: Hoy “Hong” ost you_in dealing if isters 2 {6 fighting axa _yowey. a re TAT BALL WAMAN o 5 ek KAS SA RAID! vuraer ality Scanned with CamScanner \ ((4. ove, morviage.cltvorce) > mya kabet sa korama : Jroovevthienk mo) —Hozag UETDATIO aye Hei 2 Pry: s 5 = sitvation ov ocurence with capacity to*damager to Lives properties, and the environment TPES: _Nalwval_- caused by nature 2. Human-made = caused by humane 3. Sociov al - ca oth humans and nad m bit FACT! * ed Tide - food poisonin sea_o i 6 (snetlc) " =“ Rea" fu {Ape vneang inev es 4 Red algue vincreasee naturally but example: wountvier (RUCCIA,UCA, CHING) rushing tv give out vaccines im COVID-1% _fov politicar support pourrors Municipaliticc’ / officials “making iakaw" faking 1M funds. for_mad. wuilding, ara, etc. rectoration for theiv own B) DISASTCI i ne Philippinge why ic ihe Philippines prone tw disactere 7 _v the Philippines is_a disasity prone country becouse it ic _Incated within the Pocifiy Ring of Fire, Heme why it is cusceptivle tp. <7. im u : C a TOW Capa ~ Dhilippiners iso 1 i igh i mtvys |. W it iaes us a iol of Hime and wnomey to reover from the damage Cased ly diss, Scanned with CamScanner Concepts in DRR a] feces C) epunlic Oct 10121 og the PDRRM LOW {Due TO a Low Corgciy t 1B RA 10121. This LOW. wae BUICT 1 : Cs tw ws Buty] yes Preventign- Mitigation Twetore 7 ater NORBM caper [® Preparation Tgovernmenty Gpeopie) aie céu Baa i 1 _ Rerouen Care’ eo + 7—tongorted-effort v EMeaagency Management Cycle Cee Uy ora A The Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction Management (PDRRM) Act of 2010 National Disaster Risk Reduction Management Plan: Thematic Areas “an Act Seng 3 Phil pati viangiorine fut fhe National DRE Plan, A Funds theretor ond for ther Purposes eae REEL Scanned with CamScanner + Buying flood and fire insurance for yout home isa mitigation actly DESCRIPTION Includes any actives thal prevent an emergency, reduce te chance ofan / emergency happening, oF reduce the damaging effects of unavoidable emergencies Mitigation activities take place before and after emergencies, ieee Includes plans or preparations made to save lives and to help response and ‘rescue operations, Evacuation plans and slocking food and water are both examples of preparedness. Preparedness actives take place before an emergency occurs Includes actions taken fo save lives and prevent futher property damage in ‘an emergency. The response is puting your preparedness plans into action Seeking shelter from a fomado or turing off gas valves in an earthquake ae bolh response activites. Response activites take place during an Tncudes actions taken fo retum toa normal or an even safer situation following an emergency. L ‘+ Recovery includes geting financial assistance to help pay for the repairs. Recovery activites take place after an emergency. DE Capacity Building Emergency Management Cycle Coping capacity isthe “ability of people, nizations, and systems, using avallable skills and ces, to face and manage adverse conditions, ‘emergencies, or disasters” (UNISOR, 20096). What will you do in this situation? Scanned with CamScanner \ \ esson 3: EarthQuake azarae yr] 9) Sard caters ie SS secre set =~ movefnent in fault A wears crack: “seignpic_ snaking = soli] mixes wit = Sintting _of_grouny grind shouki @) Ground _chakin | ahy Ag yNOMNIG i |_¢) landelides TE a nicl Orn Mod pours Ase aH Ta age eek Pe “hy Spe a) Lahar o)_Achfal) 2 ©) Pyroclactic flow Pevensie bm a) Ballistic _piectile ©) Voluaniv “gas #) Lova Flew Scanned with CamScanner

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