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Is it possible for fire to start and

survive inside the human body?

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It is theoretically possible for fire to start and

survive inside the human body, but it is
Continue reading
extremely rare and dangerous

Trystan Rummery
an observer of the natural world · Author has 493
answers and 1M answer views · 6y ·

Related How does fire survive inside the human

It...can't. I can't think of any scenario whereby a flame
small enough to be present within the body could
actually remain lit in the body.

Could it remain lit in the stomach or gut? No, oxygen

would be in very short supply and moisture would
quickly snuff it out. What about the lungs? Again, I
severely doubt a small flame could be sustained in that
environment. Oxygen, between breaths, would be
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insufficient andanswer and support
there would be no fuelthe
to author as a
keep it going.
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1.9K views · View upvotes · Answer requested by Daniel White

2 2

Related questions (More answers below)

Since the human body is reportedly 60% water

and airtight, how come the inside of the human
body is a perfect environment for a fire?

Is sperm made by blood?


Could a fire survive inside someone's stomach?


How does dead body look like after 4 weeks?


If someone dies in a fire and their body is heavily

burnt, will their body still decompose?

George Gonzalez
Been around scientist for a few decades. · Author has
14K answers and 25.3M answer views · 6y

No, no way. The human body is mostly water. Try taking

a chunk of meat and try setting fire to it with a match.
Setting a fire inside the body is much harder than that. I
know, there are TEEVEE SHOWS that have people
claiming to have burned, but you’ll notice they never
show any actual scar, or give the name of the doctor
that verified that they “burned up”. Also no doctor
would ever say that, they’re not trained to diagnose
human burning syndrome, not that it’s even a thing.
4 1

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Mats Andersson
Professional Translator English into Swedish (1991–
present) · Author has 24.2K answers and 537.3M
answer views · 6y

No. But if you’re talking about the phenomenon called

“spontaneous combustion”, there is a perfectly
plausible explanation here .

In short, someone is smoking a cigarette and suddenly

dies, dropping the cigarette on their clothing.
(Alternatively, is drunk or drugged and drops the
cigarette; they are later killed by the smoke that soon
develops.) The cigarette burns a hole in the skin. Fat
under the skin (which all healthy persons have) will melt
and be sucked into the clothes, just like a candle wick.
This goes on until the entireReading
Continue body is consumed. The
water in the body will just evaporate, jus
5 1

Liang-Hai Sie
retired general internist, former intensive care
physician. · Author has 53.3K answers and 164.9M
answer views · 6y

Related How does fire survive inside the human

It doesn’t, in spite of all the urban myths in circulation.

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Related questions (More answers below)

Is it possible for a person to hide under multiple

bodies being set on fire in open air and survive?

My 3 year old daughter found my son’s melatonin

gummies. She ate 4 of them, which is a total of
10mg. Should I be worried?

How can a lungfish survive inside of a human


What is the embalming and mortuary process

like? What happens to a body between death and
when it is presented, all spiffed up, at a funeral?

Do people burned at the stake actually smother

before they burn to death? Does the smoke and
or lack of oxygen kill them first?

Dan Cook
Volunteer, paid call, and career firefighter 1964-2006,
32 years career. · Author has 5.8K answers and 8.1M
answer views · 6y

Highly unlikely. There are some substances that will

burn while in contact with water or moisture. These
substances could be introduced to the body and begin
burning, but not very likely that the body could
somehow produce them on its own.

water reactive metals - Google Search

Thanks for the a2a Richard.


Fred Davis
Health Care systems analyst, 60 years of ill health ·
Author has 6.2K answers and 19.9M answer views · 6y

Related How does fire survive inside the human

How does fire survive inside the human body? I can
suggest at least a couple of methods. Lay pout a body
on the table. Cut open the body cavity. Make a pile of
the powdered metals for thermite and place part 1 of
the igniter on top of the pile. Apply the second part of
the igniter to set off the thermite. It will burn right
through the body if you used enough. Another thing is a
spike of metallic sodium can be hammered into a body
and it will ignite itself. Phosphorus can do the trick.
Burning magnesium can do the trick. Burning metals
work very well at getting oxygen. Sodium burns into
flames with water added. All of these are fatal and very
messy. There is no way the body supports flame as it is
a high percentage of water, unless water can be made
to give up it’s oxygen such as by sodium. The body has
lots of phosphorous too but not in a form that can burn.

Since none of these metals and such exist in pure

metallic forms in the body, and all the sodium and
potassium in the body are not going to spontaneously
separate into isolated metallic forms that will then ignite
because of the water, there is no way to naturally
support a fire inside a body. I don’t buy into SHC as
being anything real or possible so fire does not survive
inside the human body for any natural reasons though
we can come up with all sorts of unnatural reasons.
2.6K views · View upvotes · Answer requested by Daniel White

C Stuart Hardwick
Scifi author and science nerd. · Author has 12.5K
answers and 160M answer views · 3y

Related What are the chances of NASA’s nuclear

drone finding life on Titan?
That largely depends on whether there is life on Titan. If
not, the odds are zero. If so, the odds depend on a lot
of things we can only make educated guesses at like,
where the life is, how it lives, and how we will recognize
it once we find it.

This is the way we learn. By probing nature, learning to

ask better questions, and probing again. There is no
other way.
17 1 1

Liang-Hai Sie
Retired general internist, former intensive care
physician. · Author has 53.3K answers and 164.9M
answer views · 6y

Related What would cause my oxygen saturation

level to drop to the low 70s during surgery?
Purely theoretical:

inappropriate placement/use of the pulse

oximetry probe

you not getting enough oxygen during the

procedure because of lots of possible
mechanisms (not intubated and not breathing
deeply enough, too low O2 content in the
inspired air, obstructed or wrong placement of
endotracheal tube, etc. etc.)

Kulan Chandrasekaran
Physician, Cardiologist · Author has 546 answers and
1.4M answer views · 5y

RelatedIs there any part of my body that is

especially flammable?
There is only one “part” that is especially flammable.

It can catch fire only when it comes out of your body.

There’s a technical term for it.

Refer or search “preternatural combustibility”.

The main ingredient is said to be methane produced by

bacterial fermentation of undigested 5 carbon sugars in
the gut.

Roger Fentiman
Father Christmas Impersonator 364 days per year ·
Author has 10K answers and 7.3M answer views · 3y

Is it possible for snakes, eels or

octopuses to survive inside of the human body?
Is it possible for snakes, eels or octopuses to
survive inside of the human body?

As long as the human body is dead, and close to water,

I don't see any difficulty.

Werner Stein
MD in Natural Science; Dedicated Proponent of a
Strictly Evidence-based Historiography, Goethe
University Frankfurt · Author has 333 answers and…
688.6K answer views · 3y
Related Can earthworms survive inside the
human body, especially the intestine?
Earthworms are constructed to survive in the
chemically mostly neutral, ecological conditions of
normal soil. In the acid and aggressive conditions of
stomach and guts they are killed and digested at once.

D. Alex Ruiz
Studied Human Osteology (Graduated 2020) · Author
has 536 answers and 1.9M answer views · 5y

Related How flammable are human bones?

The organic matter of the bone would burn very easily,
the inorganic part would start to break, fracture but
only to high temperatures. Low temperatures wouldn't
do much to the bone, only some marks would remain
over the surface of the bone.

That's why cremation requires hight temperatures.

There're some question and answers detailing this in
Quora. Look for them as “bones, burn, temperature,

I'd put the links but I'm too lazy to do that. Sorry.
1 2

It is about health · Feb 13

How many hours after death does the

body swell?
Typically, the body does not begin to swell until several
hours after death. This process is known as
postmortem or "death" bloating and can occur
anywhere from several hours to a day or more after
death. The timing of postmortem bloating can depend
on a variety of factors, including the individual's body
size, the environment in which the body is located, and
the cause of death. In general, bloating is one of
several physical changes that occur during the early
stages of decomposition, along with discoloration, rigor
mortis, and the release of gases.
Continue If you have concerns
or questions about po

Victor Donald
M.D, M.S from University of Southern California
(Graduated 2016) · Updated Jul 6

Related How fast does a human body decompose

after death?
The process of decomposition after death is both
natural and unavoidable. Once a person passes away,
their body immediately begins to undergo various
stages of decomposition. Initially, the body turns pale
and becomes cool to the touch, as blood circulation
ceases. Within a matter of minutes, muscle cells
become depleted of oxygen, leading to their

Continue Reading

Nagarajan Ramachandran
Advaita Vedantin sharing his discoveries and
convictions. · Author has 8.9K answers and 2.2M
answer views · 2y

Related Where is human consciousness located?

Where is the space located?!

There is space inside of the skin and space outside of it


There is space where the skin itself is.

Can you talk of location with respect to space?

Consciousness is time and space in ONE reality that is


As hours pass, theis universal, impersonal,
body starts to lose itsself-luminous,
rigidity and
self-evident, intimate,
rigor mortis sets nameless,
in. Over formless,
the course of several days,
the body graduallynon-local, non-temporal,
decomposes causeless,
further due to the
beginning-less, endless and indestructible.
activities of microorganisms, such as bacteria and
fungi, as well as scavenger
Consciousness is infinite and eternal and is the very
source of the cosmos.
Continue Reading
It is this universal SPIRIT LIGHT called as
consciousness in common parlance t
2 2

Marcellus Gilreath
M.D. (Ret.) in Internal Medicine, University of Cincinnati
College of Medicine (Graduated 1988) · Author has
8.7K answers and 8.3M answer views · 4y ·

What condition is a dead body in after 1

First of all, it’s still dead. And assuming it’s not been
buried or cremated or placed in a very cold fridge or
already embalmed, it’s going to be in a very sorry state
indeed. Body swollen, abdomen ruptured and already in
an advanced stage of decay. And the smell! Rotting
human flesh is about the most repulsive smell known.

Now if the body has been cremated,

Continue Reading well it’s no longer
a body — just ashes
8 1

Liang-Hai Sie
Retired general internist, former intensive care
physician. · Author has 53.3K answers and 164.9M
answer views · 5y

Related Is cirrhosis a painful death?

Usually not painful, but still a very bad way to go:
nauseated, vomiting, confused, even comatose, often
having a swollen belly full of ascites fluid, due to liver
failure also bleeding problems, and kidney failure
making it all the more miserable.
People having cirrhosis of the liver are at a higher risk
of developing hepatocellular carcinoma (primary liver
cancer) and will die because of this, not good either.
12 3

Kelsey Malone
Former Vagrant · Apr 30

Related Could a human survive inside Jupiter's

No ,they would be pulled apart by gravity.

That's if they had a room or cavity inside the very



Revanth Nadendla
Amateur Astronomer and a Scientist at home · 11mo

Is there any celestial body inside

no, there are no celestial body inside humans.

Still quite an active artist — five books done this Covid ·
Author has 5.3K answers and 410.6K answer views · 2y

Related Can tardigrades exist within the human

you use the word “can”, certainly there are many
animals capable of living inside humans, and
tardigrades have an incredible record of being able to
survive - I wouldn’t recommend trying it

Vivienne Marcus
applied neurophysiologist. · Author has 5K answers and
37.3M answer views · 5y

Related Can a dead human body get tanned?

Not by the sun.

However, human skin once dried out is darker in colour


Immersion in acidic soil with no oxygen can preserve a

human body for centuries, and natural Tannin s
present in the soil can darken the skin even further,
such as happened to this chap:

Continue Reading

6 1

Justice Långvall
Owner, Audio Engineer (2001–present) · Author has
13.9K answers and 4.2M answer views · 3y ·

Related Is self inside the human body?

Thisthe selfisis the entire body,
fellow thehe
, and entire
(possibly ritually) murdered in about the first century
If you hurt your self, you might have hurt your finger or
AD. His body lay preserved in a peat bog in England
your leg or your head, it doesn’t matter, it’s all part of
until he was discovered in 1984.
your self.
As you can see his state of preservation is extremely
“Self” is a concept, so it has no position. It refers to the
good, and his skin is very dark. When he was alive his
person talking. If I say “self”, i mean me. If you say
skin was the same colour as white norther
“self”, you mean you.
And your arm is part of you,Reading
Continue which is why you hurting
your arm is you hurting your

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Since the human body is reportedly 60% water

and airtight, how come the inside of the human
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If someone dies in a fire and their body is heavily

burnt, will their body still decompose?

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bodies being set on fire in open air and survive?

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gummies. She ate 4 of them, which is a total of
10mg. Should I be worried?

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like? What happens to a body between death and
when it is presented, all spiffed up, at a funeral?

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before they burn to death? Does the smoke and
or lack of oxygen kill them first?

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buried for 2 months?

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when they die? I.e how are they transported to
the morgue. I know they can't be cremated
because of the risk of a fire happening from all
the fat, so do they have to get a special casket

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it take for you to die?

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exploding rocket?

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