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Robustel ‘How to’ Guide:

Using SMS for Diagnostics & Remote Recovery

in Robustel Routers & Gateways
Introduction - Why use SMS Commands?

Why did we write this document?

Our motivation for writing this document is to save you, the Robustel customer, time and money. We
understand that site visits to re-boot or recover devices can be extremely costly, on both finances and
resources – This document contains what we consider the ‘top 10’ SMS commands to help customers.

Why is SMS a ‘lifesaver’ for stranded devices?

While cellular networks are becoming increasingly stable, there are still frequent occurrences of devices
losing access to mobile-data (Packet-switched or TCP/IP), even though they are attached to the network
becoming ‘stranded’.

There are numerous reasons for a device to become ‘stranded’ but typical causes can be:
1. Areas of low or intermittent cellular coverage.
2. Localized power outages.
3. Equipment being moved or improperly shut-down.

Luckily when a device becomes ‘stranded’ it typically maintains access to the core network, meaning it
can receive and even send SMS messages meaning we can use simple SMS commands to create an ‘Out
of Band’ recovery solution.

This means it’s often possible for staff to recover these devices from anywhere in the world simply by
issuing SMS commands, saving thousands of dollars in recovery costs.

© Robustel | Commercial in Confidence – This document is for Robustel staff, distributors and approved customers ONLY
An Overview of Robustel SMS Commands
Read /
Action Description Use Case
Status Cellular Read Get current cellular connection status Make an initial assessment of cellular module connection state at beginning of a troubleshooting session

Simple brute-force action to try and bring about a recovery in mobile data service.
Reboot Write Perform a standard SMS reboot
(Note: ‘Smart Reboot’ may be more appropriate for "Roaming" SIMs)
Similar to Reboot but can solve some critical issues experienced with roaming/multi-network SIMs
Smart Reboot Write Perform a reboot optimised for roaming SIMs
(Note: For full details see - )
Users may forget the LAN IP they set and not want to perform a factory reset;
Get LAN interface Read Check IP address of LAN interface
this is an easy way to be reminded of LAN IP.
Users may forget to enable RCMS (Robustel Cloud Management Service) prior to deployment;
Enable RCMS Write Remotely enable RCMS
this allows RCMS to be enabled remotely.
An enforced change of carrier APN, or a remote configuration mistake can leave devices ‘Stranded’;
Change APN Write Set new APN for mobile data
In some instances, an SMS can be used to update the APN and recover comms.
Add extra AT commands in the boot sequence to change how the device talks to the cellular network.
Set Extra AT command Write Advanced feature for cellular control
(Note: Recommended for advanced users only)
The Default Time Zone doesn’t always serve the requirements of customers;
Set NTP Write Update time for any time dependent apps
This is a way to remotely change a device to the preferred Time Zone.
Perform a ping to any 'reachable' device – Pings to the internet show round trip for connection quality or routing diagnostics.
Ping Write
(W)LAN or WAN Pings to WLAN/LAN identify connected/disconnected devices.
SMS is one of several ways to toggle router DO, but the only one that can work remotely without a
Toggle DO Write Change Digital Output state
mobile data connection.

Above is a list of the SMS Commands considered most important for remote recovery and diagnostics in Robustel routers. Many other SMS commands exist. Please
email if you do not see what you require in this list.

The rest of this Document provides an overview of how to use the above commands

© Robustel | Commercial in Confidence – This document is for Robustel staff, distributors and approved customers ONLY
Sending SMS – Step 1: Enable SMS Capability in the Device

RobustOS > Services > SMS

Make sure SMS capability is enabled in

your Robustel device by toggling Enable
to ON and pressing Save & Apply.


Single or Two factor authentication can

be enabled as follows:

Use source phonenumber(s) as a

Requires ALL SMS message strings to
start with the devices RobustOS login
The string sequence is as follows:

Uses both methods outlined above

© Robustel | Commercial in Confidence – This document is for Robustel staff, distributors and approved customers ONLY
Sending SMS – Step 2: Testing SMS Capability
Is SMS Enabled on your SIM?

Not all SIM cards or tariffs support SMS,

its important to be sure the service is

An easy way to do this is to use the SMS

test function built-in as illustrated

A Note on Formatting

Note the format required for the

telephone number with “+” then country
code at beginning and no spaces.
The leading zero is dropped.

This exercise also serves as an easy way

to confirm the telephone number of the
SMS service you are using on the SIM

You can save the number with a friendly

name in your cellphone for easy future

© Robustel | Commercial in Confidence – This document is for Robustel staff, distributors and approved customers ONLY
Sending SMS – Step 3: Formatting the Payload
Read /
Action Description SMS Payload Format
Status Cellular Read Get current cellular connection status status cellular

Reboot Write Perform a standard SMS reboot reboot

SIM1 smartreboot* or SIM1 smartreboot&d*
Smart Reboot Write Perform a reboot optimised for roaming SIMs
(Note: Smart Reboot requires the Data-Guard V2 App to be installed - Please visit for more information)

Get LAN interface Read Check IP address of LAN interface show lan all

Enable RCMS Write Remotely enable RCMS set rcms enable true;config save_and_apply
set link_manager link 1 wwan apn Internet;set link_manager link 1 wwan username admin;set
link_manager link 1 wwan password pass;config save_and_apply
Change APN Write Set new APN for mobile data
(NOTE: Replace Internet with correct APN, admin with username and pass with password)
set cellular sim 1 extra_at_cmd "AT+COPS=1,2,”23410”;config save_and_apply
Set Extra AT command Write Advanced feature for cellular control
(NOTE: Replace 23410 with your desired network PLMN Code)
set ntp timezone 8;config save_and_apply
Set NTP Write Update time for any time dependent apps
(Note: replace 8 with your target Time Zone)
Perform a ping to any 'reachable' device –
Ping Write
(Note: Replace with your target IP – is Google’s public DNS record)
do 1 on;config save_and_apply
Toggle DO Write Change Digital Output state
(Note: Replace 1 with 2 and on with off as appropriate)

© Robustel | Commercial in Confidence – This document is for Robustel staff, distributors and approved customers ONLY
Sending SMS – FAQ

Why aren’t my SMS changes taking effect?

A: Write commands generally require the string “config save_and_apply” for changes to take effect.
Note: A single SMS can transmit multiple commands semi-colon separated, for example - “set rcms enable true;config save_and_apply”

How do I know my SMS Command has been successful?

A: Successful SMS messages will receive “OK” or an appropriate response with meaningful data by return. If no response is received for a period, trying to
resend an SMS can be a way to expedite a response.

If you continue to get no response, then there is a chance your message is failing authentication (E.g. The wrong phone number) - Double check your
credentials and try again.

Messages that are able to be authenticated but the string is incorrect will typically receive a ‘Syntax Error’ message in return.

Are these the only commands Robustel devices accept?

A: This document is designed to cover several common recovery scenarios and is by no means the complete list of all commands available. If you need a
specific function that isn’t covered here we recommend emailing

© Robustel | Commercial in Confidence – This document is for Robustel staff, distributors and approved customers ONLY
Appendix A – Robustel Smart Roaming v2 commands (Expected Q1 2022)

Are you using Multi-Network/Roaming SIMs?

Robustel Smart Roaming v2 is designed for you!

For customers using Roaming SIM services we strongly recommend using Smart Roaming v2 from Robustel.

Some example SMS functions are outlined below, and a detailed guide o Smart Roaming v1 can be found at:

Action Read / Write Description SMS Payload Format Notes

Force Rescan command can be used first in case the list has
aged or router location changed
Show_networks Read List all operators identified in last scan admin:admin;show_networks
Expected Response:
Returns list of visible networks including RAT type
IMPORTANT - if connection fails, Mode will revert to
admin:admin;select 23420 Automatic to avoid a "stranded" router
Select Write Select a User Specified network
(NOTE: Replace 23420 with your desired Expected Response:
network PLMN Code or AUTO) "23420 selected successfully"

Scan time is dependent on number of bands - allow up to 6

Force Rescan Write Recreate Network List in Smart Roaming v2 admin:admin;force_rescan
Expected Response:
Network rescan commencing,
process may take up to 6 minutes

© Robustel | Commercial in Confidence – This document is for Robustel staff, distributors and approved customers ONLY
Thank You!
Please contact for more information

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