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Vidyamandir Classes

States of Matter Tutorial Sheet

Part-I (Intermolecular Forces)

1. The Interaction energy of London forces between two particles is proportional to r x , where r is the
distance between the particles. The value of x is:
(A) 3 (B) –3 (C) 6 (D) –6
[JEE Main 2021, 26th Aug, Evening Shift]
2. In an ice crystal, each water molecules are hydrogen bounded to ________ neighbouring molecules.
[JEE Main 2023, 6th Apr, Evening Shift]

Part-II (The Ideal Gas Equation of State)

1. The volume occupied by 4.75 g of acetylene gas at 50°C and 740 mmHg pressure is ________ L.
(Rounded off to the nearest integer) [Given : R  0.0826 L atm K 1 mol 1 ]
[JEE Main 2021, 24th Feb, Evening Shift]
2. A car tyre is filled with nitrogen gas at 35 psi at 27°C. It will burst if pressure exceeds 40 psi. The
temperature in °C at which the car tyre will burst is ________. (Rounded off to the nearest integer)
[JEE Main 2021, 25th Feb, Morning Shift]

3. The pressure exerted by a non-reactive gaseous mixture of 6.4 g of methane and 8.8 g of carbon dioxide in
a 10 L vessel at 27°C is ________ kPa. (Rounded off to the nearest integer)
[Assume gases are ideal, R  8.314 J mol 1 K 1; Atomic masses : C : 12.0 u, H : 1.0 u, O : 16.0 u]
[JEE Main 2021, 17th Mar, Morning Shift]

4. The number of chlorine atoms in 20 mL of chlorine gas at STP is ________ 1021. (Round off to the nearest
integer) [Assume chlorine is an ideal gas at STP, R  0.083L bar mol1 K 1 , N A  6.023  1023 ]
[JEE Main 2021, 17th Mar, Evening Shift]

5. A home owner uses 4.00 103 m3 of methane (CH 4 ) gas, (assume CH 4 is an ideal gas) in a year to heat
his home. Under the pressure of 1.0 atm and 300 K, mass of gas used is x 105 g. The value of x
is________. (Nearest integer) [Given R  0.083 L atm K 1 mol 1 ]
[JEE Main 2021, 25th Jul, Morning Shift]

6. An LPG cylinder contains gas at a pressure of 300 kPa at 27°C. The cylinder can withstand the pressure of
1.2 106 Pa. The room in which the cylinder is kept catches fire. The minimum temperature at which the
bursting of cylinder will take place is ________ °C. (Nearest integer)
[JEE Main 2021, 25th Jul, Evening Shift]

VMC | Chemistry 1 Tutorial Sheet | States of Matter

Vidyamandir Classes

7. 2SO2 (g)  O2 (g)  2SO3 (g)

The above reaction is carried out in a vessel starting with partial pressures PSO 2  250 m bar,

PO2  750 m bar and PSO3  0 bar. When the reaction is complete, the total pressure in the reaction
vessel is ________ m bar. (Rounded off to the nearest integer)
[JEE Main 2021, 27th Jul, Evening Shift]

8. Assuming H 2 is an ideal gas, consider the quantity “P.d”, where ‘P’ is the pressure in atm and ‘d’ is the
  (Pd)  1
density in g L1. For P = 8.21 atm, it is observed that    10.0 g L . The corresponding
 P T
temperature in K is ________. (Nearest integer) [Assume R  0.0821 L atm mol 1 K  ]
[JEE Main 2021, 3rd Aug, Morning Shift]

9. Chlorine is prepared according to the following equation:

4HCl  MnO 2 (s) 
 2H 2O()  MnCl 2 (aq)  Cl 2 (g)
10 g sample of MnO 2 produces 2.24 L of chlorine under SATP, the percentage purity of the MnO 2
sample is _________. (Nearest integer) [Atomic weight = H : 1.0, O : 16.0, C : 12.0, Cl : 35.5, Mn : 55.0]
[SATP : T = 298 K, P  105 Pa] [JEE Main 2021, 3rd Aug, Evening Shift]

10. Which one of the following is the correct PV vs P plot at constant temperature for an ideal gas?
[P and V stand for pressure and volume of the gas respectively]

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

[JEE Main 2021, 31st Aug, Morning Shift]

11. An empty LPG cylinder weighs 14.8 kg. When full, it weights 29.0 kg and shows a pressure of 3.47 atm. In
the course of use at ambient temperature, the mass of the cylinder is reduced to 23.0 kg. The final pressure
inside the cylinder is ________ atm. (Nearest integer) [Assume LPG to be an ideal gas]
[JEE Main 2021, 1st Sep, Evening Shift]
12. At 300 K, a sample of 3.0 grams of gas A occupies the same volume as 0.2 g of hydrogen at 200 K at the
same pressure. The molar mass of gas A is ________ g mol 1. Assume that the behaviour of gases as

ideal. (Nearest integer) [Given : The molar mass of hydrogen (H 2 ) gas is 2.0 g mol1 ]
[JEE Main 2022, 24th Jun, Evening Shift]

VMC | Chemistry 2 Tutorial Sheet | States of Matter

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13. A rigid nitrogen tank stored inside a laboratory has a pressure of 30 atm at 06:00 am when the temperature
is 27°C. At 03:00 pm, when the temperature is 45°C, the pressure in the tank will be ________ atm.
[Nearest integer] [JEE Main 2022, 25th Jun, Evening Shift]

14. An evacuated glass vessel weighs 40.0 g when empty, 135.0 g when filled with a liquid of density
0.95 g mL1 and 40.5 g when filled with an ideal gas at 0.82 atm at 250 K. The molar mass of the gas in
g mol 1 is: [Given : R  0.082 L atm K 1 mol 1 ]
(A) 35 (B) 50 (C) 75 (D) 125
[JEE Main 2022, 26th Jun, Morning Shift]

15. Which amongst the given plots is the correct plot for pressure (p) vs density (d) for an ideal gas?

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

[JEE Main 2022, 27th Jun, Evening Shift]

16. 100 g of an ideal gas is kept in a cylinder of 416 L volume at 27°C under 1.5 bar pressure. The molar mass
of the gas is ________ g mol 1. (Nearest integer) [Given : R  0.083 L bar K 1 mol1 ]
[JEE Main 2022, 28th Jun, Evening Shift]

17. Geraniol, a volatile organic compound, is a component of rose oil. The density of the vapour is 0.46 g L1

at 257°C and 100 mm Hg. The molar mass of geraniol is ________ g mol 1. (Nearest integer)

[Given : R  0.082 L atm K 1 mol 1 ] [JEE Main 2022, 29th Jun, Morning Shift]

18. The pressure of a moist gas at 27°C is 4 atm. The volume of the container is doubled at the same
temperature. The new pressure of the moist gas is ________ 101 atm. (Nearest integer)
[Given : The vapour pressure of water at 27°C is 0.4 atm]
[JEE Main 2022, 25th Jul, Morning Shift]

19. A sealed flask with a capacity of 2 dm3 contains 11 g of propane gas. The flask is so weak that it will burst
if the pressure becomes 2 MPa. The minimum temperature at which the flask will burst is ______ °C.
(Nearest integer) [Given : R  8.3J K 1 mol 1 , Atomic masses of C and H are 12 u and 1u, respectively]
[Assume that propane behaves as an ideal gas] [JEE Main 2022, 25th Jul, Evening Shift]

VMC | Chemistry 3 Tutorial Sheet | States of Matter

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20. A 10 g mixture of hydrogen and helium is contained in a vessel of capacity 0.0125 m3 at 6 bar and 27°C.

The mass of helium in the mixture is ________ g. (Nearest integer) [Given : R  8.3 J K 1 mol 1 ]
[Atomic masses of H and He are 1 u and 4 u, respectively]
[JEE Main 2022, 26th Jul, Evening Shift]
21. At constant temperature, a gas is at a pressure of 940.3 mm Hg. The pressure at which its volume decreases
by 40% is ________ mm Hg. (Nearest integer)
[JEE Main 2023, 10th Apr, Morning Shift]

Part-III (Applications of Ideal Gas Law)

1. The formula of a gaseous hydrocarbon which requires 6 times of its own volume of O2 for complete
oxidation and produces 4 times its own volume of CO 2 is C x H y . The value of y is ________.
[JEE Main 2021, 24th Feb, Evening Shift]

2. A gaseous mixture of helium and oxygen contains 20% helium by weight. If the partial pressure of oxygen
in the mixture is 5 atm, the partial pressure of helium is ________ atm. (Nearest integer)
[Atomic masses : He : 4.0 u, O : 16.0 u] [JEE Main 2021, 4th Aug, Evening Shift]
3. Two flasks I and II shown below are connected by a valve of negligible volume.

When the valve is opened, the final pressure of the system in bar is x 102. The value of x is ________.
(Integer Answer) [Assume - Ideal gas, 1 bar  105 Pa, Molar mass of N 2  28.0 g mol1;

R  8.31 J mol 1 K 1 ] [JEE Main 2021, 27th Aug, Evening Shift]

4. A mixture of hydrogen and oxygen contains 40% hydrogen by mass when the pressure is 2.2 bar. The
partial pressure of hydrogen is ________ bar. (Nearest integer)
[JEE Main 2022, 26th Jul, Morning Shift]

5. ‘x’ g of molecular oxygen (O 2 ) is mixed with 200 g of neon (Ne). The total pressure of the non-reactive
mixture of O2 and Ne in the cylinder is 25 bar. The partial pressure of Ne is 20 bar at the same
temperature and volume. The value of ‘x’ is ________.
[Given : Molar mass of O 2  32 g mol 1. Molar mass of Ne  20 g mol1 ]
[JEE Main 2022, 29th Jul, Evening Shift]
6. The total pressure of a mixture of non-reacting gases X (0.6 g) and Y (0.45 g) in a vessel is 740 mm of Hg.
The partial pressure of the gas X is ________ mm of Hg. (Nearest integer)
[Given : Molar mass X = 20 and Y = 45 g mol–1] [JEE Main 2023, 31st Jan, Morning Shift]

VMC | Chemistry 4 Tutorial Sheet | States of Matter

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Three bulbs are filled with CH 4 , CO2 and Ne as shown in the picture. The bulbs are connected through
pipes of zero volume. When the stopcocks are opened and the temperature is kept constant throughout, the
pressure of the system is found to be ________ atm. (Nearest integer)
[JEE Main 2023, 8th Apr, Morning Shift]

Part-IV (The Kinetic Theory of Gases)

1. The total kinetic energy of 10 moles of a monoatomic ideal gas at 25°C in kJ is ________. (Nearest integer)
[R  8.314 J K 1 mol 1 ] [JEE Main 2021, 3rd Aug, Evening Shift]

2. At 600 K, the root mean square (rms) speed of gas X (molar mass = 40) is equal to the most probable speed
of gas Y at 90 K. The molar mass of the gas Y is ________ g mol 1. (Nearest integer)
[JEE Main 2023, 12th Apr, Morning Shift]

Part-V (van der Waals’ Equation of State & Real Gas Analysis)
 Z  xb
1. A certain has obeys P(Vm  b)  RT. The value of   is RT . The value of x is ________.
 P T
(Integer answer) [Z : Compressibility factor] [JEE Main 2021, 26th Feb, Morning Shift]

 an 2 
2. The unit of the van der Waal’s gas equation parameter ‘a’ in  P   (V  nb)  nRT is:
 V 2 

(A) kg m s2 (B) atm dm6 mol 2
(C) dm 3 mol 1 (D) kg m s1
[JEE Main 2021, 27th Aug, Morning Shift]
3. For a real gas at 25°C temperature and high pressure (99 bar) the value of compressibility factor is 2, so the
value of Vander Waal’s constant ‘b’ should be ________ 102 L mol1. (Nearest integer)
[Given : R  0.083 L bar K 1 mol1 ] [JEE Main 2022, 27th Jul, Evening Shift]

4. Combination of temperature and pressure causing the greatest deviation from ideal gas behaviour is:
(A) 100°C and 8 atm (B) 100°C and 4 atm
(C) –100°C and 8 atm (D) 0°C and 4 atm
[JEE Main 2022, 30th Jul, Evening Shift]

VMC | Chemistry 5 Tutorial Sheet | States of Matter

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5. For 1 mol of gas, the plot of pV vs. p is shown below. p is the pressure and V is the volume of the gas.

What is the value of compressibility factor at point A?

b b a a
(A) 1 (B) 1 (C) 1 (D) 1
[JEE Main 2023, 29th Jan, Morning Shift]

6. Arrange the following gases in increasing order of van der Waal’s constant ‘a’.
I. Ar II. CH 4 III. H 2O IV. C6 H 6
Choose the correct option from the following.
(A) IV, III, II and I (B) II, III, IV and I (C) III, IV, II and I (D) I, II, III and IV
[JEE Main 2023, 8th Apr, Evening Shift]

7. A certain quantity of real gas occupies a volume of 0.15dm3 at 100 atm and 500 K when its
compressibility factor is 1.07. Its volume at 300 atm and 300 K (when its compressibility factor is 1.4)
is________ 10 4 dm3 . (Nearest integer) [JEE Main 2023, 13th Apr, Morning Shift]

Part-VI (Liquefaction of Gases and The Liquid State)

1. The number of statement/s, which are correct with respect to the compression of carbon dioxide from point
(a) in the Andrews isotherm from the following is ________.

(A) Carbon dioxide remains as a gas upto point (b)

(B) Liquid carbon dioxide appears at point (c)
(C) Liquid and gaseous carbon dioxide coexist between points (b) and (c)
(D) As the volume decreases from (b) to (c), the amount of liquid decreases
[JEE Main 2023, 24th Jan, Evening Shift]

VMC | Chemistry 6 Tutorial Sheet | States of Matter

Vidyamandir Classes

2. Based on the given figure, the number of correct statement/s is/are ________.

(A) Surface tension is the outcome of equal attractive and repulsion forces acting on the liquid
molecule in bulk
(B) Surface tension is due to uneven forces acting on the molecules present on the surface
(C) The molecule in the bulk can never come to the liquid surface
(D) The molecules on the surface are responsible for vapour pressure if the system is a closed system
[JEE Main 2023, 25th Jan, Evening Shift]

VMC | Chemistry 7 Tutorial Sheet | States of Matter

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Answers to Tutorial Sheet | States of Matter

Part-I (Intermolecular Forces)
1. D 2. 4

Part-II (The Ideal Gas Equation of State)

1. 5 2. 70 3. 150 4. 1 5. 26
6. 927 7. 875 8. 40 9. 79 10. D
11. 2 12. 45 13. 32 14. D 15. B
16. 4 17. 152 18. 22 19. 1655 20. 8
21. 1567

Part-III (Applications of Ideal Gas Law)

1. 8 2. 10 3. 84 4. 2 5. 80
6. 555 7. 3

Part-IV (The Kinetic Theory of Gases)

1. 37 2. 4

Part-V (van der Waals’ Equation of State & Real Gas Analysis)
1. 1 2. B 3. 25 4. C 5. C
6. D 7. 392

Part-VI (Liquefaction of Gases and The Liquid State)

1. 2 2. 2

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Tutorial Sheet | Solutions States of Matter

Part-I (Intermolecular Forces)

1.(D) Theory Based

Part-II (The Ideal Gas Equation of State)

1.(5) g C2H 2 = 4.75gm  n C2H 2  mol
T  50 C  273  50  322 K, P  atm
PV = nRT [Ideal Gas Law]
 4.75 
 (0.0826)  322
nRT  26 
So, V =  L  V = 4.99 L  V  5L
P  740 
 
 760 

2.(70) Pi = 35 psi, Pf = 40 psi, Ti = 27°C = 300 K

For a car tyre, P  T [V, n  constant]
Pf Tf
So, 
Pi Ti
Pf 40
Tf   Ti   300  342.86  343K
Pi 35
 Tf  (343  273) C  Tf  70 C

6.4 8.8
3.(150) n CH   0.4 mol, n CO2   0.2 mol
4 16 44
n T  0.4  0.2  0.6 mol
V  10 L  10 2 m3 , R  8.314 Jmol-1K -1 , T  27 C  300 K

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PV = nRT [Ideal Gas Law]

So, P=
0.6  8.314  300 0.6  8.314  300
P 2
Pa  kPa  P  150 kPa
10 1000  102
4.(1) T = 273 K, P = 1 bar, R = 0.083 L-bar mol-1 K-1, V = 20 mL = 0.02 L
PV = nRT [Ideal Gas Law]
PV 1 0.02
n Cl2 =   8.8 10 4 mol
RT 0.083  273
N Cl2 = n Cl2  N A  8.8 104  6.023 1023 molecules

N = 2  N Cl2  2  8.8 104  6.023 10 23 atoms

Cl atoms

N = 1.06 10 21 atoms

Cl atoms

N  11021 atoms
Cl atoms

5.(26) V  4 103 m3  4 106 L, P  1atm,T  300 K

PV = nRT [Ideal Gas Law]
PV 1  4 106
n CH4    160,642.57 mol
RT 0.083  300
g CH 2 = n CH 4 × M CH 4  160642.57 16  275028.12gm  25.70 105 gm  26 105 gm
So, x  26

6.(927) Pi = 300 kPa = 3×105 Pa , Pf = 1.2×106 Pa, Ti = 27°C = 300 K

For a cylinder, P  T [V, n  constant]
Pf Tf
So, 
Pi Ti
Pf 1.2  106
Tf =  Ti   300  1200 K
Pi 3  105
 Tf = (1200  273) C  Tf = 927 C

7.(875) 2SO2  O2 (g) 

 2SO3 (g)
Pi 250 m bar 750 m bar –
 P –250 m bar –125 m bar +250 m bar
Pf – 625 m bar 250 m bar
PT = PO2 + PO3  625  250  875 m bar

VMC | Chemistry | Solutions 2 Tutorial Sheet | States of Matter

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8.(40) PM = dRT
M H2  2  2 P  dRT or d =
d 2 RT 2 P 2
Pd  
2 RT
  (Pd)  4P
So,   =  10
  P T RT
4P 4  8.21
So, T   40 K
10 R 10  0.0821
PV 1 2.24
9.(79) n Cl2 =   0.09 mol
RT 0.08314  298
So, n MnO2 consumed = n Cl2 formed  0.090411 mol
g MnO 2  0.09  87  7.8658gm
% purity of MnO2 sample  100%  78.658%  79%
[Official NTA Answer : 87%]
10.(D) PV = constant (at constant temperature)
 PV vs P or PV v/s V curve is a straight line parallel to x-axis.

29000  14800 14200

11.(2) n1   mol, P1  3.47 atm
23000  14800 8200
n2   mol, P2  ?
n   8200 / M  41
P2 =  2  P1     3.47   3.47  2.0038atm
 n1   14200 / M  71
P2  2 atm

12.(45) n A = mol, TA = 300 K
n H2 =  0.1mol, TH 2 = 200 K
At constant P & V, nT = constant
 n A TA = n H 2  TH 2 or  300  0.1 200
 M A  30   45

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13.(32) At constant V & n, PT

T 
P2 =  2   P1
 T1 
 318 
P2 =    30
 300 
P2 = 31.8atm  32 atm

14.(D) wglass = 40.0 gm, wliq. filled glass = 135.0 gm

wliq = 135 – 40 = 95.0 gm, dliq = 0.95 g/mL
So, Vliq = Vglass =  100 mL  0.1L
wgas filled glass = 40.5 gm  w gas  0.5gm  n gas =
P = 0.82 atm, T = 250 K
PV = nRT [Ideal gas law]
(0.82)(0.1)   (0.082)  250  M gas  125g/ mol

15.(B) PM = dRT [Modified ideal gas law]

P = (MRT) d
y = (m) x
 P v/s d curve is a straight line passing through origin
So, slope m  T  Correct answer is option (B)

16.(4) PV = nRT [Ideal gas law]

P  1.5bar, V  416 L, T  27 C  300 K, n 
So, 1.5  416   0.083  300  M gas  4 gm/ mol
M gas

PM = dRT [Modified ideal gas law]
100 5
P = 100 mm Hg  atm  atm, d = 0.46 gm/ L
760 38
T  257, C  530 K
 5 
So,   M geraniol  (0.46)(0.082)(530)  M geraniol  152 gm/ mol
 38 
18.(22) Pdry gas = 4 – 0.4 = 3.6 atm
At constant T, PV = constant.

VMC | Chemistry | Solutions 4 Tutorial Sheet | States of Matter

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So, P1V1 = P2 V2
V  P 3.6
P2   1  .P1  1   P2  1.8atm
 V2  2 2
Now, Pmoist gas = 1.8 + 0.4 = 2.2 atm = 22 × 10–1 atm

V  2 L  2 10 3 m3 , n gas   0.25 mol
P  2 MPa  2 106 Pa
Now, PV = nRT [Ideal gas law]
6 3
PV 2  10  2  10
T   1927.71K
nR 0.25  8.3
T  1927.71  273  1654.71 C  1655 C

20.(8) Let mass of we be ‘w’ gm

w 10  w
 n He  mol & n H2 
4 2
w 10  w  w
So, n T  n He + n H 2     5   mol
4 2  4
PT  6 bar  6 105 Pa,VT  0.0125 m3
T  27 C  300 K
PT VT = n T RT [Ideal Gas Law]
 w
So, (6  105 )(0.0125)   5   (8.3)(300)  w  7.95 gm  8gm
 4

At constant temperature,
PV = constant
Or Pi Vi = Pf Vf
V 
So, Pf =  i  Pi
 Vf 
 Vi  5
Pf =   Pi  Pi
 0.6 Vi  3
Pf =  940.3  1567.167 mm Hg
So, Pf  1567 mm Hg

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Part-III (Applications of Ideal Gas Law)

 y y
1.(8) Cx H y   x   O2 (g) 
 x CO 2  H 2 O()
 4 2
 y
1 vol  x   vol x vol –
 4
Acc. To ques, x = 4 & x+ 6
So, 4+ 6  y 8
2.(10) Mass of mixture = ‘w’ gm
0.2w w
g He  0.2w  n He   mol
4 20
0.8w w
g O2  0.8w gm  n O 2   mol
32 40
n He w / 20 1 2
He    
n He + n O2 w / 20  w / 40 1  1 3
So, O 2  1  He 
PO2  O2  PT & PHe  He  PT
PHe He He 2/3
   PHe   PO2   5  10 atm
PO2 O2  O2 1/ 3

2.8 1 0.2 1
3.(84) n1   mol, n 2   mol
28 10 28 140
V1  1L, V2  2 L
T1  300 K, T2  60 K
After opening the value,
1 1 3
n T = n1 + n 2    mol
10 140 28
VT = V1 + V2  1  2  3L
n1 C  T  n 2 C  T [Energy conservation]
1 1
(300  T)  (T  60)
10 140
14(300  T)  T  60
14  300  60
T  284 K
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PT VT = n T RT
 3 
n T RT  28  71
PT  =  R
VT 3 7
 71 
PT    0.08314  bar  0.84 bar  84  102 bar  x  84
 7 
4.(2) g mixture  ' w 'gm  g H 2  0.4 w gm & g O2  0.6 w gm
0.4w 0.6w
So, n H2  & n O2 
2 32
w 3w
 mol  mol
5 160
n H2
PH 2 = H 2  PT   PT
n H 2  n O2
 w 
 5 
PH2 =  (2.2)  PH2 = 2.011bar  2 bar
w 3w 
  
 5 160 
x 200
5.(80) n O2 = mol, n Ne = mol  10 mol
32 20
PT  25bar & PNe  20 bar
n Ne 10
Now,  Ne = =
n Ne + n O2 10 + x
10 x
PNe =  Ne  PT  20   25   2.5  x  80
x 32
10 +
0.6 0.45
6.(555) n x   0.03mol, n y   0.01mol
20 45
nx 0.03 3
x     0.75
n x + n y 0.03  0.01 4
Px   x  PT  0.75  740  555 mm of Hg

P1V1 2× 2 4
7.(3) n1 = = =
PV 4×3 12
n2 = 2 2 = =
PV 3× 4 12
n3 = 3 3 = =

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After opening the stopcocks,

VT = V1 + V2 + V3 = 2 + 3 + 4 = 9 L
4 +12 +12 28
n T = n1 + n 2 + n 3 = =
Also, PT VT = n T RT
n T RT
or PT =
 28 / RT  .RT  28 atm
So, PT =
VT 9 9
 PT = 3.11atm  PT  3atm

Part-IV (The Kinetic Theory of Gases)

1.(37) n  10 mol, T  25 C  298 K
3 3
Total KE  nRT  10  8.314  298
2 2
Total KE  37163.58 J  37.164 kJ
Total KE  37 kJ

3RTx 3R(600) 100

2.(4) vx     45 R
Mx 40 40
2 RTy 2 R(90) 180 R
vy   
My My My
Now, vx  v y [given]

180 R
So,  45 R  M y  4 g/ mol

Part-V (van der Waals’ Equation of State & Real Gas Analysis)
1.(1) PVm  Pb = RT
PVm  RT Pb
PVm Pb
 Z  1
Z b
So,     x 1
  P T RT

 an 2  [Pressure][V]2 atm.dm6
2.(B)  2   [Pressure]  [a]   [a] 
 V  [n]2 mol2

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3.(25) At high pressure, Z  1 
Z  2, P  99 bar, R  0.083L- bar mol 1 K 1, T  25 C  298 K
So, 2  1
 b  0.2498L mol1  24.98 102 L mol1  b  25 102 L mol1

4.(C) At low pressure & high temperature, real gas behaves ideally.
At high pressure & low temperature, real gas deviates from ideal behaviour as much as possible.

5.(C) Z  1 [high pressure, at point B]
Z  1 [low pressure, at point A]
6.(D) ‘a’ increases with increase in intermolecular forces of attraction as well as surface area.
 a Ar < a CH4 < a H2O < a C6H6

7.(392) PV = ZnRT [Universal Gas Law]

Now, P  100 atm, V1  0.15dm3 , T1  500 K, Z1  1.07
P1V1 100  0.15 3
So, n=  
Z1RT1 1.07  R 500 107 R
Also, P2 = 300 atm, T2 = 300 K, Z2 = 1.4
Z 2 nRT2 1.4× (3 /107 R).R×300
So, V2 = =
P2 300
V2 = dm3  0.039252 dm3  392.52 104 dm3  392 104 dm3

Part-VI (Liquefaction of Gases and The Liquid State)

1.(2) Statement (A) : correct
Statement (B) : Incorrect, because liquid CO2 appears at point (b).
Statement (C) : Correct.
Statement (D) : Incorrect, because amount of liquid increases from (b) to (c).

2.(2) Theory – Based.

Statement (B) : Correct, Concept of surface tension.
Statement (D) : Correct, Concept of vapour pressure.

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