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Total Pages—S Set-21() B. Tech-3rd (All Br.) Mathematics-III Full Marks : 70 Time : 3 hours Answer all questions. The figures in the right-hand margin indicate marks. 4. Answer all parts of this question : 2x 10 (a) Find the Laplace transform of tf cos 2t. () Find the Laplace transform of (¢-3) u(t—3). (c) Write the Fourier sine transform. Ja) Define the Fourier cosine integral of fax, 0<2<7 :(e) The mean and variance of a binomial distri- bution are 12 and 4. Find P (X> 1). A (f) What is probability of getting one six in throwing a non-defect die twice ? ‘ "(Turn Over) (2) (g) Write about the regression coefficient. tO Define confidence interval for an unknown parameter 0. (i Find a unit normal vector to the curve: x+y? =9 at (2,5)? @ Write the significance and application of Stoke’s theorem. (2. (@) Using Laplace transform solve the initial value problem ? 2 ate y"4y +3y = 61-8, yO) =0, y'O)=0 5 (b) Find the inverse Laplace anetond of ¥ 2 7 Gey eg 2 ; Or ° 0 fe) Solve the initial value problem using Laplace transform x y+ y=Sin 4 yO) =1, (0) =0 5 “B.Tech-3rd(All Br.)/Math-Il(Set-21)) ~ (Continued) ~@) Find the inverse Laplace transform of are tan (S/n). ad (a) Find the Fourier integral of -- f(x)=a Cosx, ~2/2 12)andP(7< X<11), 5 © distribution (@ Find value of k, mean and yatance of. the B.Techs3rd(All Br.)/Math-III(Set-21(1)) (4) bt, -Osx<1 S@)= 5 0, otherwise Sa) Find the maximum likelihood estimate for” the mean and vatiance of Binomial distri- bution. ae 10 Or (b) Find the equation of regression line and correlation coefficient from the following data : 10 X: 107) 20°30: 40 Ye 30) ae. 120) © (a) Using Gauss Divergence theorem evaluate f Find wliere F =[Cos y,Sin x/Cos z] and S:r= [3Cos v, 3Sin v, wu], OSu<2, O 2) are flowing in a pipe. In which liquid shear stress will be more ? 2 AQ. (@) Derive in detail the Ergun equation in packed beds. Write all riecessary assumptions. 10 Or (a) Derive the expression of minimum fluidi- zation velocity for particles settling in Stokes and Newton’s law regime. 6 (b) What are the different types of fluidization 24 _ } B,Tech-3rd(Che.Engg)/FM(Set-21(1)) (‘Continued ) s *, 3. (a) Derive the expression for velocity profile for laminar flow in a pipe for Newtonian fluids. oy . (6) Find the ratio between average velocity and maximum velocity for laminar flow in a pipe for Newtonian fluids. Or (a) Explain in detail about Rayleigh’s method and Buckingham pi method used in dimen- sional analysis with examples. 4.,(a) A viscous flow is taking place in a pipe of eS diameter 200 mm. The maximum velocity is 4 m/s. Find the average velocity and the radius at which this occurs. Also, calculate the velocity at 30 mm from the wall of the pipe. ° (b) Explain in detail about rheological behavior of real fluids with a graph, Or _ (a) Ina given process, a pump draws a solution (specific gravity = 1.84) from a storage tank 5 10 5 5 B.Tech-3rd(Che. Engg FM(Set-21(1))_ j ‘ (Turn Over) C4) through a 3 inches pipe. (Area ~ 0.05 13 f?). Velocity in the suction line is 3 f/sec. Pump discharges through a 2 inches pipe (Area = 0.02 fi?) to an overhead tank. End of dis- charge pipe is 100 ft above the level of solution in the storage tank. The overhead tank is completely filled. Frictional losses are 10 (ft-Ib)/Ib. What pressure must the pump develop ‘and the power of the pump ? Neglect frictional losses inside the pump- Both storage and overhead tanks are open to atmosphere. The surface area of storage tank is very large. 5 & Derive the expression for Darcy-Weisbach v and Hagen Poiseuille equation for a liquid flowing in a pipe. , 5 8 @g Derive the expression for terminal settling velocity of a spherical particle in gravita- tional settling. 5 (6) () Differentiate between packed bed and fluidized beds. (ii) What are incompressible fluids ? 1 B.Tech-3rd(Che-Engg)/FM(et-2 11), (Continued ) (iii) Prove that f= 16/Re for laminar flow (a) Find the ratio of volumetric flow rate for laminar flow in a pipe atr=1,/2 tor= 1/8. (b) Explain the construction, working principle of a centrifugal pump with a neat-labelled diagram. i 5 6. (a) Explain the construction, working principle of a reciprocating with a neat-labelled diagram. ( 5 (b) (é The temperature of the earth’s atmo- _ (ii) Derive the pressure variance equation — B.Tech-3rd(Che.Engg)/FM(Set-21() ( Turn Over where f is friction factor and Re is Reynolds number. 2 Or w sphere drops about 5 °C for every 1000 m_of elevation above the earth’s surface. If the air temperature at ground - js 15 °C and the pressure is 760 mm Hg, at what elevation is the pressure 380mm Hg 2 Assume the air behaves as an ideal gas. Molecular wt. of air 29 g/mole. 3 for hydrostatic equilibrium in a cen- trifugal field. Or ta) Benes the terminal settling velocity for diameter 0.1 mm particle of limestone (density of particle = 1500 kg/m’) falling in water (density = 1000 kg/m*), dynamic viscosity = 3 cP. 5 ‘Water at 50°F through along horizontal plas- tic pipe, 3 in. in diameter, at a velocity of 8 f¥/s. (i) Calculate the pressure drop in ibf in.2 per 100 ft of pipe, (4) If the pressure drop must be limited to 2 Ibf/in? per 100 ft of pipe, what is the maximum allowable velocity of water ? Take f= 0.0041 for both the cases. Ss ©) B.Tech-3rd(Che.Engg)/FM(Set-21(1)) BE-100 END SEMESTER EXAMINATION SEMESTER: 3rd COURSE NAME: B.TECH. BRANCH NAME: CHEMICAL ENGINE FULL MARKS: 70 Ql a) ») ° d ° b) ERING CHEMICAL PROCESS CALCULATIONS SUBJECT NAME: TIM Hours Answer All Questions. ‘The figures in the right hand margin indicate Marks. Symbols carry usual meaning. Any supplementary materials to be provided Answer all Questions. [2x10 How many molecules are present in 318 gm NaxCO3? i Determine the volume of oxygen obiained under standard conditions, by the decomposition of 100 kg of COs, (CO; + CO + (1/2902 ) € Assuming air to behave as an ideal gas, calculate the molar_ volume of air at 300 K and 2 atm. Calculate the vapour pressure of water at 90 " the vapour pressure at 100 °C is 101.3 kPa. The mean heat of vaporization in this temperature range is 2275 kJ/kg. Wood containing 60 % moisture is dried to 25 % moisture, How much water is evaporated per 2 kg of dry wood? An aqueous solution of NaOH contains 40% salt on weight basis. Determine the mole percent of the salt in the sohution, Calculate enthalpy change for one mole of a gas when it is heated from 500 K to 1000 K at 1 atm pressure given that the mean specific heats of the gas at the reference temperature of 273 K are 35 ki/kmol Kat 500 K and 50 KJ/kmol K at 1000 K. a a ‘The effetive heat capacity of a mixture of gases is given by wGat C,=5.56-+ 0.682 x 103 T + 0.0524 x 10° T? where Cp is in cal/mol-K and T is in K. Wiat are the units of the constants in the equation? What is theoritical flame temperature? What is Trouton’s rule?’ ws OS Carbon dioxide dissociates into carbon monoxide and oxygen at 1 atm and 3000 K._ (1a) CO: CO + (1/2) O02 30 lit. of CO; at | atm and 300 K is heated to 3000 K at constant pressure. If all gases behave ideally, determine the following: (i) The final volume of the gas if no-dissociation had occurred. (ii) If the final volume is found to be 0.4 m? what fraction of COa is dissociated? OR In oder to recover ammonia, a gas mixture (ammonie-air) of 100 m'/h containing 20% [10] ammonia by volume is introduced into a gas absorption column at 300 K and 1.184 atm. Ammonia is removed by contacting the gas mixture with pure water. 90 % of ammonia in the entering gas mixture is removed by water and the gas mixture leaves at 280 K and 0.987 atm.Determine the volume of exit gas mixture, oy | nb In a mixing operation, an aqueous waste acid stream of composition 36 % HNOs and 30%. HSQr is strengthened by the addition of concenitated nitric acid of composition 80 % HINOs and concentated sulphuric acid containing 95 % HeSOs by weight. The mixed acid produced contains 45 % HNO: and 40 % H2SO«,.Determine the amounts of each incoming streams to produce 1000 kg of mined aci Roe Bee ») 20.% carbon. Determine the wei and the percent of fuel value that is lost. 4) Formic acid(HCOOH) and formaldehyde (HCHO) are prepared by the oxidation of [10] methanol (CHsOH) with air. The exit gas analyses 1.22% HCOOH, 4.08% HCHO, 11.02% CHLOH, 5.319% HaO, 13.88% Oz, and 64.49% Nz by mole. Calculate the following: (i) The percent conversion of methanol to formic acid (ii) The ratio of air to methanol in the feed. OR b) A chemical reactor produces B and C according to the reaction A — 2B + C. This reactor 1101 jg followed by a separator where the product stream contains B, C and 0.5 % of A entering the separator, The recycle stream from the separator consists of A and 1% of B entering the separator. This recycle stream again combines with the fresh feed. ‘The overall conversion of A is 95 %, Calculate the following: (i) The single pass conversion of A in the reactor, (ii) The molar ratio of recycle to fresh feed, Avert: 2) The molal heat capacity of carbon monoxide (CO) is given by 9) Cp = 26.586 + 7.582 x 10°? T-1.12x 10 ¢T? where Cr is in kJ/kmol K and T is in K. (Calculate the mean molel heat capacity in the temperature range of 500-1000 K Gi) CO enters a heat exchanger at a rate of 500 mV at STP. Calculate the heat to be supplied to the gas to raise its temperature from 500 to 1000 K. OR b) One kg of ice is heated from -23 °C to 127 °C at one standard atmosphere pressure. How [10] much heat is required for this? The mean heat eapacity of ice between -23 ‘Cand 0°C is 2.037 ki/kg K, the mean heat capacity of water befween 0°C anid 100°C is 75.726 KIJ/ kmol K and the heat capacity of water vapour (kJ/ kmol K) is Th Beer Cy = 30.475 + 9.652.x 103 T + 1.189 x 108 T? where T is in K. The latent heat of fusion and vaporization of water ate, respectively, 6012 AJ! kinol and 40608 kJ/ kmol, es : i S10 369, % A a) Osis trotueed by the Gratterrae totem betwoon CO and Ox wath 100% ence sir 110 supply. The reactants are at 400 K.The standard heat of reaction at 298 K is 282.99 ki/mol. The mean specific heats are 29.10, 29.70, 29.10, and 41.45 J/mol K respectively for CO, 0s, No and CO>. Determine the heat added or removed in the process if the products leave at 600K. oR b) CO is competely bumed in air and produces COs, The reactants are at 373 K and 100.% 110) excess air is supplied. The stansard eat of combustion is — 282.99 kI/mol. The heat - capacities (Simol K) may be assumed constant at 29.23 for CO, 34.83 for Oo, 33.03 for Nz and 53,59 for CO>. Calculate the theoretical flame temperature for the eaction, guy. END SEMESTER EXAMINATION BRANCH NAME:CHEMICAL ENGG. : SUBJECT NAME:COAL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY FULL MARKS: 70 TIME: rd Answer All Questions. ‘The figures in tHe right hand margin indicate Marks. Symbols carry usual meaning. Any supplementary materials to be provided Qi Anower all Questions J 8) What are the major steps involved in preparation and cleaning of coal? b) What are the different screens used tor coal screening? , ©) Write dowun'tlie objectives of coal washing? 4) What are the different factors considered for selection of coal for metallurgical purpose? ¢ 9) Whal are the major steps involved in sampling of coal? “What is the difference between proximate analysis and ultimate analysis? j ®) What do you mean by clean coal technology? \ 4h) Wihatis the difference between Mesh size and Mesh number? ~ i) Mite down the advantages of using air-steam blast in a producer gas unit? a 3) What are the different trace elements present in coal combustion products? ke Q2, 8) Write a briefnote on sereening of coal. OR 2 Deseribe in detail about the different factors that must be considered for selection of coal for different uses. ‘Write brief note on the use of coal for power peneration. IR ee ‘Write a brief note of integrated gasification combined cyele one e v co t With a neat sketch discuss in’ detail about Lurgi gasification process. Write down all the reactions involved in the process, OR With a meat sketch discuss in detail about Winkler gasification process. Write down all the major reactions involved in the process. i E Conn ag ee A coal has 246% moisture, 25.73% volatile matter and 42.89% ash, Calculate ash % on dry latile matter on daf basis and fixed earbon on dmamf basis. - OR ©) Tao slurry strcams, onc has a flowrate of $ m’/nr and the other as @ flow rate of 34 m’/he, are discharged to a sump where from it is pumped to a beneficiation plant for treatment calculate the tonnage of dry solids pumped per hour if the percent solids by weight in two "Streams are 15 and 20 respectively and the Specific gravity of the solids is 1.6. Also calculate the percent solids by weight ofthe total slury pumped from the sump, 406.) Two liquids of specific gravities 1,26 and 1.6 are to be mixed to obtain 300 ce solution of specific gravity 1 4. Calculate the quantities of two liquids required by volume And by weight. OR ©) Coal particles of specific gravity 1.40 has been separated from shale of epecifie gravity 2.60 in a free settling classifier. The size range is from 5.2 to 25 microns, Three fractions aw objained. One is a pure coal, another is a pure shale, and the third is a mixture. Caleulate the size range of the coal and shale particles in the mixture. Be A. ~ "apy ae wo) et = ® & fy ie hse af SEMESTER: 3 Hours [210] ), 119) (19) 10) fo} (uo) Ase lo} 0) 1p women curing, Set-21(1) A CSE, IT, PE, B. Tech-3rd Ce 2 A , (g) What is decreasing retums to scale ? (A) What is Monopoly Market ? _ () What is NPV iv _() What is IRR ? + 2. (a) Define Demand. What are the determinants of demand ? 10 Or (b) Discuss in detail about the Price elasticity of demand. +3. £@) Define Indifference Curve (IC). Discuss . the conditions of consumer equilibrium under IC analysis. 10 4 : Or 4 (6) Discuss the Hicks method of Compensating Variation in decomposing Price effect into income and substitution effects. ‘, ) Discuss the Law of Variable Proportion. 10 -3rd(ME,ETC,CSE,IT,PE.MME,Chey for Engineers(Set-21(1)) Eo (Continued ) 1 aeuM v7 (3) Or (6) Discuss the Producer’s equilibrium under long-run production function with the help of Isoquant and Iso-cost line. 5. (a) Define Perfect Competition. Discuss the . short-run equilibrium of a perfectly competi- tive firm. 10 Or (b) Discuss the Bain’s limit Pricing model. (& (a) Define IRR. Discuss the procedure of cal- culating IRR with a suitable example for accepting or rejecting a project proposal- 10 ® Or (6) Define NPV. Calculate NPV with a suitable example for accepting or rejecting a project proposal. a BitechrdQMB,ETC.CSETEPEMMEChey Economies for Engineers(Set-21(1))

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