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Post Graduate Programme in Management



(Credit 3)

Institute Name: IIM Kozhikode

Course Description:
Communication is a process. Relationship is a process. When people continue
communicating, they constantly define and redefine their relationship with each other.
Hence, developing your skills in communication means using relational strategies that are
appropriate to the issues in the conversation. When used appropriately and effectively,
strategies resolve relational problems, manage relational conflict, answer relational issues,
and negotiate relational definitions. Every participant in the process of communication uses
strategies. The competent communicator uses strategies appropriately.

Improve your communicative skills and you will reap the harvest in more successful
work relationships. Find effective communication tips and tools. Effective
communication is a must at work. This course provides you an overview of business
communication: both verbal and nonverbal. It provides practical training with hands-on
experience in applying these strategies in real life situations in written and oral

Learning Objectives:
The primary goal of this course is to provide training in applying communicative strategies
for improving professional as well as personal relationships both at work and in social
sphere. The course will enable you to analyze your communicative behaviors in relation to
others. Consequently, you can increase your chance of being a preferred employee at work.
Additionally, it will enable you to maintain a healthy social life. At the end of this course,
the students would be exposed to aspects of
1. Interpersonal communication (verbal and nonverbal) at work
2. Formal and informal small group communication at work, e.g., meeting and brain-
storming sessions on critical issues
3. Large group communication, e.g., public speaking in sharing information and
motivating people
4. Written communication, e.g., writing a persuasive report after analyzing a case,
drafting agenda and minutes
5. Writing good, bad and neutral messages
6. Presentation skills

The pedagogy will be a mix of lectures, experience sharing, real life case discussion,
seminars and industry/research based project. In addition to the text book, additional
readings and cases will be distributed in the class from time to time. Students are expected
to carry one industry based group project to apply the concepts.


Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Students will be evaluated on the basis of Oral Presentation & Written Assignment (Public
speaking & Report Writing), Report Writing, Class Participation (Case Analysis & Class
Exercises) and end-term exam. The weightage given to each of these units is listed below:

Evaluation Component Percentage Description

/Assessment Tool
Oral Presentation (15) & 25% The students are required to make a
Report Writing (10) persuasive presentation. They will
learn to draw and retain attention of
their audience and consequently
engage them in a meaningful
discussion. The students will form
small group of four and make
presentation to their peers. Their
performance will be based on their
intellectual merit of the content,
persuasive strategy, verbal & non-
verbal communication.
Mid-Term Exam 30% The students are required to write a
project report incorporating the
nuances of written communication.
Class Participation (Case 15% The course requires students to
Analysis & Class Exercises) participate and lead discussion on
various topics as introduced by
readings. It will also include group
case study analysis and structured and
unstructured group discussions.
Through this processes the students
would learn to analyzed their own
communicative behavior, i.e.,
whether, they are persuasive,
inclusive, etc.
End term Exam 30% This component is required to check
and evaluate the students’
understanding of the theories and
concepts explained in the classroom.

Group Project

The group project will be one of the most important learning tools of the course. Each
group will comprise of approx. three students. Project will involve working on some real
industry and business situation, linking it to the theoretical concepts and providing
solution. Each group will finalise the project in consulation with the concerened faculty.

Group Project Report: A project report in the recommended format shall be submitted by
each group as per the deadline announced. Guidelines and report format provided at the

Group Project Presentation:

 The presentation should cover the problem in hand, data and information available
and solution proposed.
 Each presentation will be of 15 minutes with 10 minutes given to the group to
highlight the key findings and 5 minutes for open discussion with the students.

Recommended Text Book / Reference Book / Journals / Website

Text Book
1. Rentz, K., Lentz, P., & Das, A. (2020). Business Communication: A Problem
Solving Approach. New Delhi: McGraw-Hill.

2. Sethi, D. (2021). Impactful Communication: Communicate to Conquer. New Delhi:


Reference Books




Pre- Readings


Course Outline: Sessions / Cases / Case Problems / Reading Material

Session Module Topic Chapter No. /
material / Cases
1 Fundamentals of i. What is communication? Chapter 1, Rentz,
Business ii. Definition and importance Lentz, and Das
Communication of business (2020).
communication Chapter 1, Sethi
iii. Clarifying misconceptions (2021).
about communication
iv. Types & levels of
business communication
2 Communication, i. Understanding and Chapter 7, Rentz,
Culture, and Work analyzing culture Lentz, and Das
ii. Cultural differences in (2020).
business communication Chapter 6, Sethi

3 Listening i. Benefits of listening Appendix A,

ii. Barriers to listening Rentz, Lentz, and
iii. Specific techniques for Das (2020).
active & interactive Chapter 2, Sethi
listening (2021).

4-5 Verbal and i. The nature & power of Chapter 14,

Nonverbal language Rentz, Lentz, and
Communication ii. Troublesome language Das (2020).
iii. Characteristics & Chapter 3, Sethi
functions of nonverbal (2021).
iv. Types of nonverbal
6-7 Writing i. Incorporating the 7 Cs of Chapter 3, 4, and
Effectively communication in writing 5, Rentz, Lentz,
ii. Using logic in writing and Das (2020).
Chapter 4, Sethi

8-12 Business Writing i. Letters Chapter 8, 9, 10,

ii. Emails 11, and 12, Rentz,
iii. Proposals Lentz, and Das
iv. Memos (2020).
v. Reports Chapter 4, Sethi

13 Developing and i. Choosing and developing Chapter 13, and

Organizing a a topic Appendix E,
Presentation ii. Organizing and support
iii. Presenting your message Rentz, Lentz, and
iv. Informative speaking Das (2020).
v. Persuasive speaking Chapter 5, Sethi

14 Interpersonal & i. Characteristics of Chapter 6, Rentz,

Group interpersonal and group Lentz, and Das
Communication communication (2020).
ii. Consideration (you- Chapter 9, Sethi
attitude) interpersonal & (2021)
group communication

15-16 Persuasion in i. What is Persuasion? Chapter 10,

business ii. Characteristics of Rentz, Lentz, and
communication persuasion Das (2020).
iii. Types of persuasion Chapter 7, Sethi
iv. Persuasive writing (2021).
17 Digital Media i. What is digital-media? Appendix B,
Communication & ii. How social and Rentz, Lentz, and
AI Block technological factors Das (2020).
influence varied forms of Chapter 8, Sethi
digital communication? (2021)
iii. Adopting appropriate
digital platform to
communicate with
different stake holders.
iv. Pros and cons of digital
media communication at
18 Effective Meetings i. Understanding the Chapter 14,
nuances of meetings Rentz, Lentz, and
ii. Drafting agenda & Das (2020).
iii. Effective meeting
iv. Handling difficult people
in meetings
19-20 Principles of i. Purpose of an interview Chapter 15,
Interviewing & ii. Types of interviews Rentz, Lentz, and
Types of iii. Barriers to effective Das (2020).
Interviews interviews Chapter 1, 2, 3,
iv. Techniques and strategies Sethi (2021)
of effective interviews
21-24 Students’
presentation online
End Term Examination

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