Web Caching Easy Understand

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CSE 123b

Communications Software
Spring 2003

Lecture 18: Web Caching

Geoffrey M. Voelker

Lecture Overview
z HTTP lecture briefly covered cache functionality
z In this lecture, we go into detail
X Why do it
X Where to do it
X How it performs
» Workloads and sharing
» Uncacheability
» Prefetching
» Cache replacement
» Consistency
» Cooperative web caching

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Why Web Caching?
z Cost
X Original motivation for adopting caches (esp. internationally)
X Caching saves bandwidth (bandwidth is expensive)
X 50% byte hit rate cuts bandwidth costs in half
z Performance
X User: Reduces latency
» RTT to cache lower than to server
X Server: Reduces load
» Caches filter requests to server
X Network: Reduces load
» Requests that hit in the cache do not travel all the way to server

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Caching in the Web

z Performance is a major concern in the Web
z Proxy caching is one of the most common methods
used to improve Web performance
X Duplicate requests to the same document served from cache
X Hits reduce latency, b/w, network utilization, server load
X Misses increase latency (extra hops)


Misses Misses

Clients Proxy Cache Servers

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Where to Cache?
z Answer: Everwhere
z Browser (user)
X Small: 10MBs memory, 100MBs disk
» Note recursive caching (memory vs. disk)!
X 20% hit rate
z Organization (client-side proxy)
X Large: Gigabytes (with disk)
X 50% hit rate (for large client populations)
z In front of server (server-side accelerator)
X Large (gigabytes)
z Server itself (in memory)

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Proxy Cache Implementations

z Squid proxy cache most popular free cache
X Research project
z Apache web server can be configured as cache
z Many cache products
X NetworkAppliance, Inktomi, Infolibria, etc.

z At this point
X Web caches are frequently used
X Issues well understood
z Let’s see how and why they work
X Remember, it’s all about performance

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Cache Performance
z Ideally, we want ~100% cache hit rate
X In practice, we get around 50%
z Cache effectiveness is determined by the workload
z Sharing is the most important aspect of the workload
X Requests hit in cache because object previously requested
X Requests to popular objects hit in cache (only first is miss)
z Sharing obeys Zipf’s law
X # requests n to an object is inversely proportional to its rank r
X n = r-a , where a is a constant close to 1

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Object Popularity

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z The implications of the object popularity distribution
are interesting
z Cache hit rate grows logarithmically with
X Cache size
X Number of users
X Time
z Easy to get most of the benefit of caching
X Beginning of the distribution
z Hard to get all
X Tail of the distribution

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Number of Users

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Cache Misses
z There are a number of reasons why requests miss
z Compulsory (50%)
X Object uncacheable (20%)
X First access to an object (30%)
z Capacity (<5%)
X Finite resources (objects evicted, then referenced again)
z Consistency (10%)
X Objects change (“…/today”) or die (deleted)

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Uncacheable Objects
z Caches cannot handle all types of objects
X Pages constructed from server-side programs
» “My Yahoo”, E-commerce
X Changing data
» Stock quotes, sports scores, page counters
X Queries
» Web searches
X Marked uncacheable
» Server wants to see requests (e.g., hit counting)
z Challenges
X Difficult to solve, not one culprit

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Effect of Uncacheablility

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Caching More
z Approaches to caching more types of web content
X Caching active data: Data sources may be dynamic, but not
continuously (e.g., sports scores (Olympic web sites))
» Snapshots generated from databases
» Requires cooperation of server and database
X Cache server-side program inputs and outputs
» Need to recognize program+inputs
X “Active caches”: Run programs (e.g., Java) at caches to
produce data
» Can handle almost anything dynamic
» Need data sources, though…starts to become distributed server
X Consistency mechanisms (more later)

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z Let’s say we make everything cacheable
z We still have a high compulsory miss rate (30+%)
X Initial requests to objects
z What to do?
X We can guess that objects will be requested in future
X And request them now: prefetch
X Fancy algorithms (markov models with conditional probs.)
X Simple algorithms (only embedded)
» Effective: 50% reduction in page latency
z Tradeoffs
X Can increase cache hit rate, reduce latency
X But, can be tough to determine what will be accessed
X Accuracy (waste bandwidth), stale data (TCP-Nice)
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Cache Capacity
z Caches have finite resources
X Eventually, something is going to have to be evicted
z Choice is made by the cache replacement algorithm
X Cache replacement is probably the most popular single web
cache research topic
z It also probably has the least impact
X Capacity misses comprise <5% of miss rate
X Greatest benefit you could hope for is a 5% improvement
X Basically, want an algorithm incorporating frequency and size
z General problem
X Fancy algorithms evaluated with small, unrealistic cache sizes

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z Consistency ensures that objects are not stale
X Always want version on server and in caches to be the same
z Objects have lifetimes (TTL)
X Requests to expired objects have to go back to server If-
Modified-Since (304)
X If object hasn’t changed, return from cache
X Otherwise server sends back changed object
X Even if not modified, still suffer extra latency and server load
z TTLs tend to be conservative
X Shorter TTLs to reduce potential for staleness
X Results in many requests back to server (10-20%)

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Server-Driven Consistency
z Servers know when objects change
z We can have them tell caches when they change
X Send invalidations
z Leases used to synchronize caches and server
X Object leases: Short, per-object TTLs
» Server records that cache has copy to send invalidations
X Volume leases: Long, per-site TTLs
» Amortize lease renewal for many objects
z Key issues
X State to keep track of objects in proxy caches (can scale)
X Load induced by bursts of invalidations (pace them)

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Cooperative Caching
z Sharing and/or coordination of cache state among
multiple Web proxy cache nodes
X NLANR cache hierarchy most widely known

Proxy Clients

Clients Proxy

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Cooperative Caching
z Idea: Increase number of users using caching system
X Have caches “cooperate” and share content, users
X Caches send their misses to other caches (e.g., to a parent
cache in a hierarchy)
X Can greatly increase number of users in system (and hit rate)
z Cooperative caching has also been a popular topic
X I’ve even worked on it (part of my thesis)
z Many interesting issues: architecture, request routing,
updates, scalability
z Utility depends on scale
X Works well for small scales (depts.), but not very necessary
X Some benefit for medium-scale (large city)
X Large scale (national) not worth the complexity
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Cooperative Cache Performance

z Model of large-scale cache performance

X Various degrees of object rate of change
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z Web caching
X Used every step of the way
X Proxy caches give us about 50% hit rate
X Many techniques for improving cache effectiveness
X But cannot be the only answer
z Current research
X Content distribution networks (caches are components)
X Streaming media (video, audio) caches

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