Volumetric Analysis II

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Volumetric Analysis -II

Titration of Mohr Salt with KMnO4

Prepare M/40 solution of ferrous ammonium sulphate. Using this solution find out the molarity and
estimate the amount of KMnO4 present in 250 cm3 of the solution. Write your observation
calculations and result. Write balanced equation for the reaction.

Apparatus required
Burette, Pipette, Conical flask, test tube, funnel, electronic balance, standard flask.

Chemicals required

KMnO4, H20, H2SO4, Ferrous Ammonium sulphate (Mohr Salt)

KMnO4 is a Self -indicator

End Point
Colourless to pink

1.Prepare 250 ml 0.025 Mohr Salt by dissolving 2.47 g of Mohr Salt in water as described .Rinse the
pipette with 0.025M Mohr salt as pipetted out 25ml of it in a washed titration flask

2. Rinse and fill the burette with given KMnO4

3. Add one test tube full of H2SO4 (dilute) in the titration flask

4. Note the initial burette reading.

5. Add KMnO4 solution from the burette till a permanent light pink colour is obtained in titration
flask on adding last drop of KMnO4.

6. Note the final reading of burette

7. Repeat above steps 3 steps

Ionic Equations
MnO4 + 8H+ + 5e- Mn2+ + 4H20

5(Fe2+ Fe3+ + e )

MnO4- + 5Fe 2+ + 8H+ Mn2+ + 5Fe3+ + 4H20

Molarity of FAS = 0.025 mol/L

Molarity of KMnO4 = 0.00827 mol /L

Strength of KMnO4= 1.3066g/L

Mass of KMnO4 in 250cm3= 0.3266g

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