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OGL 355 Leading Organizational

Innovation and Change:

Choosing an Organization and Team
Expectations Part 1
1. Identify three organizations your team wants to study over the remainder of the course.
2. Set team communication and collaboration expectations.

1) Name the three organizations your team would like to study during this course. Be
sure to place them in order of desirability and remember the first team to post gets
a. San Diego Zoo - “San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance is committed to saving species
worldwide by uniting our expertise in animal care and conservation science with
our dedication to inspiring passion for nature."
b. Doctors Without Borders - It's great that there are medical practitioners that are
willing to give their personal time to provide medical care to the less fortunate.
c. The American Red Cross - 501(c)(3), charitable organization

2) Communication Method(s). In this section list at least two different ways the team
agrees to communicate and with each other to have team success. You may want to
list everyone’s preferred email address or phone numbers.
a. The team will use the Canvas Group Discussion Board as our primary method of
b. The team will keep each other updated on their schedule though a designated
discussion posting in Canvas.
c. The team may also communicate using the Canvas Inbox email tool.

3) Collaboration Method(s). In this section list at least three different ways the team
agrees to collaborate with each other. Think about how your team will be structured
to have team success. Also consider how your time will get the work done. For
instance, it is best practice to have a rough draft complete a few days ahead of the
final deadline so the team can review and edit. There may then be a second draft
before the final. Everyone should have the chance to provide input on all sections of
the assignment before posting, so last minute compilation may not be a good idea.

a. The team will take turns and share responsibility in leading assignments through
the Canvas Group Discussion Board. The responsible team member will compile,
and update details shared within discussion board posts and is also responsible
for keeping the team updated on progress, pending items, and upcoming
deadlines. The designated team member will upload or submit final
documentation and should keep the team updated in the event issues or time
constraints arise that will prevent them from submitting the assignment on time.
If such events arise, the team member will contact the team and designate a
proxy to assist if needed. If a module or assignment requires an excessive
amount of information or data to be compiled (such as the final presentation),
team members will share task responsibility.
b. By using a single word document, the team will add comments and track
changes for and share the document via the files page on Canvas.
c. Jessica will set up a GoToMeeting Room to have webcam meetings and team
i. Jessica will share the GoToMeeting ID with the Team in the Team
availability discussion board in Canvas.

Reference or References
San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance (2022) About SDZWA

Doctors Without Borders (2022) Who We Are


The American Red Cross (2022) Governance

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