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Teaching and Learning Plan

Mathematics Learning Experience for Grade 1 (C14)

Competency: Tells days in a week, months in a year in the right order

Grade Level: Grade 1

Duration: 60 minutes

Objective: Students will be able to identify and arrange the days of the week and
months of the year in the correct order through play-based and interactive activities.

Materials Needed:
 Large chart or visual aid displaying the days of the week
 Large chart or visual aid displaying the months of the year
 Flashcards with the names of the days of the week
 Flashcards with the names of the months of the year
 Pocket chart or magnetic board
 Song lyrics or video about days of the week and months of the year
1. Introduction (5 minutes)
 Gather the students in a circle.
 Show the large chart or visual aid displaying the days of the week.
 Sing a catchy song about the days of the week and encourage the
students to sing along.
 Discuss why it is important to know the days of the week in the right
2. Days of the Week Activity (20 minutes)
 Introduce the flashcards with the names of the days of the week.
 Distribute the flashcards among the students.
 Play a game of "Day Race":
 Call out a random day of the week, and the students holding the
flashcards for that day should come forward and stand in a line.
 Help the students arrange themselves in the correct order.
 Repeat the game a few times, allowing different students to come
forward each time.
 Use a pocket chart or magnetic board to display the days of the week in
order, inviting students to place the flashcards in the correct positions.
3. Months of the Year Activity (20 minutes)
 Display the large chart or visual aid showing the months of the year.
 Introduce the flashcards with the names of the months of the year.
 Distribute the flashcards among the students.
 Play a game of "Month Matching":
 Place the flashcards face down on a table or floor.
 One student at a time turns over two flashcards, trying to find a
matching pair of month names and their corresponding pictures
or seasonal symbols.
 If a match is made, the student keeps the cards and gets another
 Continue until all the matches have been found.
 As a class, arrange the flashcards in the correct order, starting from
January to December.
4. Recap and Closure (15 minutes)
 Review the correct order of the days of the week and months of the year.
 Sing the songs about days of the week and months of the year together.
 Ask students to share one thing they learned about the days of the week
or months of the year.

 Observe students' active participation and engagement during the activities.
 Monitor their ability to correctly arrange the flashcards in the right order.
 Take note of students' responses during the recap and closure phase, assessing
their understanding of the days of the week and months of the year.

Note: This lesson plan is designed to be completed within a 60-minute session.

Adjustments can be made to accommodate the specific needs and pace of your class.

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