Grade 1TL Plan C16

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Teaching and Learning Plan

Mathematics Learning Experience for Grade 1 (C15)

Competency: Tells and writes time by hour, half-hour, and quarter-hour using an
analog clock

Grade Level: Grade 1

Duration: 60 minutes

Teaching and Learning Plan:

Objective: Students will be able to tell and write time by hour, half-hour, and quarter-
hour using an analog clock through play-based and interactive activities.

Materials Needed:

 Analog clocks (one per small group or pair of students)

 Large visual representation of an analog clock

 Flashcards with hour, half-hour, and quarter-hour time representations

 Whiteboard or chart paper

 Marker or sticky notes

 Song lyrics or video about telling time


1. Introduction (5 minutes)

 Gather the students in a circle.

 Show the large visual representation of an analog clock.

 Engage students in a discussion about the purpose and features of

analog clocks.

 Explain that they will learn how to tell and write time using analog clocks
in a fun and interactive way.

2. Telling Time Relay (15 minutes)

 Divide the class into small groups or pairs and provide each group with
an analog clock.

 Set up a relay race course with markers at different points.

 Call out a time (e.g., 3 o'clock, half-past 2, quarter to 4) and the first
student from each group must run to the analog clock and set the hands
to the correct time.

 Once the student sets the time, they run back to their group, and the
next student goes.

 The first group to correctly set the time for each announced time wins.

3. Time Flashcard Matching (15 minutes)

 Introduce the flashcards with hour, half-hour, and quarter-hour time


 Place the flashcards face down on a table or floor.

 Instruct students to take turns flipping two cards at a time, trying to

match the digital time with the corresponding analog clock.

 When a match is made, the student keeps the pair and gets another

 Continue until all the matches have been found.

 Encourage students to explain why the digital time matches the analog

4. Write the Time (15 minutes)

 Provide each student with a whiteboard or chart paper and a marker or

sticky notes.

 Call out various times (e.g., 9 o'clock, half-past 1, quarter to 6), and
students must write the time using an analog clock representation.

 Students can use the visual representation of the analog clock as a

reference if needed.

 Circulate among the students to provide assistance and guidance as


5. Recap and Closure (10 minutes)

 Review the concept of telling and writing time using an analog clock.

 Sing songs about telling time together.

 Ask students to share one thing they learned about telling time using an
analog clock.

 Observe students' active participation and engagement during the activities.

 Monitor their ability to set the analog clock to the correct time during the relay

 Assess their understanding of matching the digital time to the corresponding

analog clock during the flashcard activity.

 Review students' written representations of time to evaluate their

comprehension of telling time using analog clocks.

Note: This lesson plan is designed to be completed within a 60-minute session.

Adjustments can be made to accommodate the specific needs and pace of your class.

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