Power Tarriff Documents

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2) U.P. POWER CORPORATION LIMITED (U.P. GOVT.UNDERTAKING) SHAKTI BHAWAN, 14-ASHOK MARG LUCKNOW. No. 2-744 /H.CJUPPCL/V-1974-1204-C/2015 Dated : June,23, , 2015 NOTIFICATION In conformity of tariff order dated 18.06.2015 issued by U.P. Electricity Regulatory Commission in exercise of powers under section 24 of the Electricity Reforms Act, 1999 and section 61 and 62 of Electricity Act-2003 and all other power in this behalf and in supersession of all previous notifications, orders and instructions on the subject, U.P. Power Corporation Ltd. hereby notify that:- (a) (®) (i) (ii) (ii) © The revised rate schedules and schedule of miscellaneous charges appended hereto, shall apply to all consumers in respect of supply of electricity throughout the area of supply of all Government owned distribution companies in the state of Uttar Pradesh, As per the Hon'ble UPERC Order dated April 22,2015, Domestic and Private Tubewell consumers in the supply area of DVVNL, MVVNL,PVVNL and PuVVNL (except KESCO supply area) shall be levied Regulatory Surcharge-1@1.14%, 0.73%, 2.84% and 1.03% respectively whereas all other category of consumers shall be levied Regulatory Surcharge-1@ 2.84%. (The same has been further clarified by the Hon'ble Commission vide its letter No. UPERC/Secy/D(Tariff)15-561 dated 17.06.2015) Regulatory Surcharge-2 @ 4.28% shall be levied on the consumers in the supply area of DVVNL, MVVNL, PVVNL and PuVVNL. For KESCO, Regulatory Surcharge-2@ 4.13% (for all categories except LMV-1 & LMV-S) shall be applicable. Consumer of category LMV-1 & LMV-5 shall be levied Regulatory Surcharge-2@3.91%, The rates/charges as specified in (A) and (B) above shall come into force wef. 28.06.2015. Provided that the consumption of consumers recorded through meter reading taken for the first time, after the effective date of this notification, will be bifurcated on pro-rata basis between old tariff and new tariff. 2. Annexure: As abor The revised rate schedules shall, besides, be subject to levy of such charges or surcharges and electricity duty as may be imposed by the Government and/or UPERC from time to time, In addition to condition mentioned in para-2 above, the rates of charge, conditions of supply and other matters specifiec the schedules ennexed hereto, shall replace the existing rates of charge and corresponding provisions in the existing rate schedules and in the existing agreements, if any, with the erstwhile UPSEBV/U.P. Power Corporation Ltd/all Government owned distribution companies, w.e.f. 28.06.2015. By Order, or (Sanj arwal) Chairman RATE SCHEDULE FOR FY 2015-16 RETAIL TARIFFS IN, YEAR 2015-1! GENERAL PROVISIONS: These provisions shall apply to all categories unless specified otherwise and are integral part of the Rate Schedule. i, NEW CONNECTIONS: (i) All new connections shail be given as per the applicable provisions of Electricity Supply Code and shall be released in multiples of KW only, excluding consumers under categories LMV-5 & LMV-8 of Rate Schedule. Further, for tariff application purposes, if the contracted load (kW) of already existing consumer is in fractions then the same shall be treated as next higher kW load; READING OF METERS: As per applicable provisions of Electricity Supply Code. BILLING WHEN METER IS NOT MADE ACCESSIBLE: A penalty of Rs. 50 / kW or as decided by the Commission through an Order shall be levied for the purposes of Clause 6.2 (c) of the applicable Electricity Supply Code. BILLING IN CASE OF DEFECTIVE METERS: As per the applicable provisions of Electricity Supply Code. KVAH TARIFF: ‘kVh based tariffs’ shall be applicable on all consumers having contracted load of 10 kW / 13.4 BHP and above, under different categories with TVM / TOD / Demand recording meters (as appropriate). The rates prescribed in different categories in terms of kW and kWh will be converted into appropriate kVA and kVAh by multiplying Fixed / Demand Charges and Energy Charges by an average power factor of 0.90. Similarly, 1 the Fixed / Demand Charges expressed in BHP can be converted into respective kVA rates in accordance with formula given below: Demand Charges in kVA = (Demand Charges In BHP / 0.746) * 0 .90 Demand Charges in kVA = (Fixed Charges in kW * 0.90) Energy Charges in kVAh = (Energy Charges in kWh * 0.90) Note: If the power factor of a consumer is leading and is within the range of 0.95 -1.00, then for tariff application purposes such leading power factor shall be treated as unity. The bills of such consumers shall be prepared accordingly. However, if the leading power factor is below 0.95 (lead) then the consumer shall be billed as per the kVAh reading indicated by the meter. However, the aforesaid provision of treating power factor below 0.95 (lead) as the commensurate lagging power factor for the purposes of billing shall not be applicable on HV-3 category and shall be treated as unity. BILLABLE LOAD / DEMAND: For the purpose of billing below 10 kW load, the fixed charge will be computed on the basis of contracted load in kW and energy charge will be calculated on kWh basis. For all consumers with contracted load of 10 KW / 13.4 BHP and above having TVM / TOD / Demand recording meters installed, the billable load / demand during a month shall be the actual maximum load / demand as recorded by the meter (can be in parts of kW or kVA) or 75% of the contracted load / demand (kW or kVA), whichever is higher. SURCHARGE / PENALTY: (i) DELAYED PAYMENT: If a consumer fails to pay his electricity bill by the due date specified therein, a late payment surcharge shall be levied at 1.25% per month; up-to first three months of delay and subsequently @ 2.00% per month of delay. Late payment surcharge shall be calculated proportionately for the number of days for which the payment is delayed beyond the due date specified in the bill and levied on the unpaid amount of the bill excluding surcharge. Imposition of this surcharge is without prejudice to the right of the Licensee to disconnect the supply or take any other measure permissible under the law. 2 1B: METRO RAI . APPLICABILITY: This schedule shall apply to the Metro Rail Corporation. 2. CHARACTER OF SERVICE AND POINT OF SUPPLY: Alternating Current, single phase, two phase or three phase, 50 cycles, 132 kV or below depending on the availability of voltage of supply and the sole discretion of the Licensee. The supply at each sub-station shall be separately metered and charged. 3. RATE: Rate, gives the energy charges at which the consumer shall be consumption during the billing period applicable to the category: Demand Charges Rs. 125.00/kVA/month | Energy Charges Rs. §.60/ kVAh ‘Note: Minimum bill payoble by a consumer under this category shall be Rs. 600//kVA/ month X Penalty @ Rs. 540 / kVA will be charged on excess demand, if demand exceeds contracted load. 4. DETERMINATION OF THE DEMAND: Demand measurement shall be made by suitable kilovolt ampere indicator at ‘the point of delivery. The demand for any month shall be defined as the highest average load measured in kilo Volt-Amperes during any fifteen consecutive minutes period of the month, Minutes of Meeting A mecting presided by Er. $.M. Agarwal, Advisor to CMD, UPPCL. regarding dispute of electricity bill and uninterrupted power supply to M/s DMRC was held on date 10.03.2010 at Noida. Following officers were present :- UPPCL Officials DMRC Offi 1. Er, A.P. Mishra, S.E., EUDC, Noida 1. Er. A.K. Garg, CEE 2. Fr. CL. Gupta, E.E., EUTD, Noida ingh Rakesh, U.[.. UUDD-II!, Noida DMRC Er. A.K. Gupta, G.M. Elect. wal, Dy CEE Lal $ Sr. $.N 4. Er. A.K. Chaudhary, E.. Noida Following points were discussed: = ae 1 DMC There sire frequent power failures which need suitable measures for Uninterrupted & continuous power supply UPPCL: During 1° Sept. 09 tw 19" Feb, 2010 @ total 09 Nos. of interruptions of uration 09 his, & SI minutes were found (details annexed). Further UPPCL officials stated that at present only one source of supply from 132 S/S sector- 45 is available and suggested for an alternate source of supply from 220 KV SYS, Seetor=129, Noida. for uninterrupted services, DMRC stated that during meeting Iyeld with NOIDA Authority on 05.10.2007, NOIDA authority decided to provide 2nd feeder from sector-4S instead of sector129 in order to save Ry 6.0 crore.( rhinutes of meeting attached) DMRC stated that they will not bear any further enst in construction oF laying I1-T. cable trom other sub station sinee itis to be done as a deposit work, for a which the eost is be borne hy Gout, of LIP or Noida Authority and thus this \ matter is to be resolved with Noida Authority Desired that for Railway teaetion billing is required to be done on the basis of lagging power factor only and leading power factor in the metering system is required (o be blocked and all previous biils need to be revised UPPCL : In accordance to the classe 5.0 of present taril? order and subsequent letter no 198 dated 26.02.2010 of Director (Commercial) UPPCL, Lucknow, it has been clarified that billing of Metro Rail shall now be done on logic of Lag only & in the meter Kvarh lead portion shall be blocked. And all previous bills issued on the basis of Kvarh (lag + lead) logic shall now be revised on the basis of Kvarh per following formula :- 3. DMRC uPpcl 4. Elect @ ~ Further, in this regard, Sh. C.L. Gupta, FE, FUTD. Noida raised that (j) In case of high leading power factor, there are technical losses which are of vommon occurrences. These technical losses should be suitably accounted for before finalization of riff: DMRC in this regards informed that as per earlier agreement with Govt. of UP/Noida Authority. supply of power to them is to be provided at no profit i. the average cost of power purchase plus the cost oof establishment and O&M. (ii) PMRC were also of the opinion that technical losses if any on account of leading, power actor should also be included while working on the average cost of purchase. The UPPCL agreed with their view. During shut down or in case of power failure, in order to provide uninterrupted train services to Noida as well in Delhi , DMRC will extract power supply from Discoms of Delhi to Noida & vice versa. In this process Whenever due to interruption of power supply or planned shut down at Noida. lond violation charges, if any, in the adjoining Discums of Delhi should be borne by Noida Authority DMRC officers also informed that as per the approval of DERC in similar Conditions in Delhi, operation of Metro Rail supply is extended from other Discom of Delhi and the charges of excess demand thus used is borne by the concerned Discom where the supply remained interrapted and under no circumstances DMRC shall take liability to pay excess demand penalty to ‘other Discom from where supply had been extended officials though were convineed with the arguments of DMRC, however they were of the opinion that same arrangements as existing in Delhi should be introduced in Noida, DMRC officials were’ requested to fumish the existing agreement of Discoms of Delhi & also copy of approval of DERC for taking similar suitable a ity Duty DMRC mentioned that electricity duty is not applicable on the In cetor, In Delhi ar n Railways also the electricity duty is not being paid by DMRC. LUPPCL was convinced with DMRC views but at the same time requested t0 furnish copies of related documents in this regard e.g. a copy of agreement signed between DMRC and UP GOV'T. a copy of electricity bill of railways where electricity duty is not imposed and a copy of high court order for not imposing electricity duty on the railways seetor. a Office of the Superintending Engineer Electricity Urban Distrit Paschimanchal Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd. A-1, Sector-16, Noida. No. {41 /EUDCINoida/DMRC Dated: 224)3)0 ‘Copy forwarded to the following for information and necessary action along with & copy of minutes of meeting as mentioned above. ;nal Managing Director, U.P, Power Corporation Lid... Lucknow Managing, Director. Paschimanchal Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd., Meerut snall Chief Executive Officer. Noida Development Authority, Sector-6, Noida. SM. Aggarwal, Adviser to Chairman & Managing Ditector, U.P. Power Corporation Ltd. Lucknow 5. Chief Engineer (Commercial). U.P, Power Corporation Ltd., [Lucknow 6. Shri SIN, Aggarwal, Chief Flectrical Engineer/UG, Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Lid.. ave Near Saket “A” Block Bus Stop, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi 7. Shri A.K. Garg, Chief Flectrical Engineer, Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd., Press Enclave Near Saket ‘A’ Block Bus Stop, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi 8. Shri ALK. Gupta, G.M. blectrical, Delhi Metro Rail Corporation [td., Press Enclave Near Saket “A” Block Bus Stop. Malviya Nagar, New Delhi 9, Executive Engineer, Plectricity Urban Distribution Division-IIL, Noida, 10, Executive Engineer (Revenue), Hectricity Urban Distribution Division-IIl, Noida. 11. Executive Engineer. Flectricity Urban Test Division, Noida he ees Me’ (AP. Mishra) Superintending Engineer {Go of ta Regulatory Affairs Unit 415" Floor, Shakti Bhawan Extension 414-Ashok Marg, Lucknow 226001. Phone: (0522) 2286519 287860 rtariftuppck@grial.com sa eer: 198 Jano ARS adhe afram, faga Rawr es BowO TER BRITA fr, tvar, 2 rfsrarate | fava a fem wad Fae om gia Gas > waare eee vs oer 123s /arRotoT / Ape Peale 16: eae t oft vert oma En gu i ai {i Onis @ y U.P. POWER CORFOR “TION IMITED eset oud gore 166) ce. 80 1FT RRR, se-aete a0, eM ZaeOOI FETT : (0522) 2286519 ©: 2287860 mall: a nantuppoe.ynaloom 26 wrt a0 (vopiu 2q) fronts & ait Aika Bch we ant ages BF we AeRa + fg sete ye todo~wrH aura ary 2p 4 dh 7h Yada (GanA-s) Fi Fodloqoyeo ete S wee) aera ed ss viens a Freee 8 8 aque en efiftec Bt (5) kVAh Tariff Note: ifthe ower factor of a consumer is leading ana 's vithir se ange Of 0.95- 1.90 then for tarif applicetion purposes su: power factor shall be treated 2s unity The biis shall be prepared accordingly. However. if the leading power 'e ¥ such ers Is below 2.95 (lead) then the coneumar snail de billed 3s pe” the kVA seeding indicated by the meter. How provision of treating power factor neicw ‘ommensurate lagging power factor fo the pi. not be applicable on HV-3 category iv Rati ne treated as unity Hence, for Railwoy Trect er, the aforesax! 15 (lead) as te y8es of bilin: sha traction ang shal 11, lagtload Jogie of the meter should not be used and “lay only” logic of the thereby treating r siould be provided which blocks leading KVARK ng power factor as unity and registering instantaneous kWh as instantaneous kVAn in case o! leading power factor. mds ft Se 3A He UTTAR PRADESH 06076496. AGREEMENT FOR SUPPLY OF ELECTRICAL ENE G2 AG me (For all load of PTW, Industrial and in other category load greater thanvequal to26KW) This agreement is executed at LUCKNOW on this 06t Octolien day of Two Thousand Sixteen Between Se Madhyanchal Vidyut Vitran Nigam LTD. a Company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 having its registered office at 4-A Gokhle Marg, Lucknow through its authorized signatory Executive Engineer, EUDD, Vrindavan, LESA Lucknow hereinafter referred to as “the Licensee” (which expression shall unless repugnant to the subject or context or meaning thereof mean and include its successors-in-interest, fominees and assigns) of the ONE PART. [AND Lucknow Metro Rail Corporation Limited. Company incorporated under the companies Act, 1956 having its registered office at ‘Administrative Block, Vipin Khand, Gomti Nagar 226010, Lucknow through ts puthorized signatory Mrs. Pushpa Bellani Company Secretary, hereinafter referred to ‘as “The Consumer” (which expression shall repugnant to the subject or context or meaning thereof mean and include its successors -in-interest, nominees and assigns) of the other part. VER ut WHEREAS: 1. The Licensee is, inter-alia, engaged in the business of supplying electricity and has been granted a licensee under the Indian Electricity Act, 1910 and is Presently a deemed licensee under section 14, 1" proviso of the Electricity Act, 2003 (herein after referred to as the Act) for distribution and/ or retail supply and/ or bulk supply of energy to various consumers within its licensed area 2. The Consumer has vide application dated 26.03.2016" applied to the Licensee for procuring supply of energy for electrical installation (for a load of 6000 KVA thereinafter referred to as “contractual load’] at its premises situate at 132kVReceiving Substation at Transport Nagar Depot of LMRC (herein referred to as ‘the said premises’) in connection with HT power Supply for the Purpose running Metro trains and the auxiliary load of stations. And the Licensee has agreed to provide such supply of energy. The Schedule as above shall be as per the latest Tariff Order. NOW THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH AND IT IS HEREBY AGREED, DECLARED AND RECORDED BY AND BETWEEN THE PARTIES. AS UNDER 1. This Agreement shall be effective for a minimum period of 2 (Two) years from the date of commencement of supply by the Licensee to the Consumer under this agreement. 2. (a) The Consumer shall pay to the Licensee all charges as provided for in the Tariff (or Rate) Schedule in force as approved by the Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (hereinafter referred to as “the Commission’) from time to time including any penal or additional charges payable by the Consumer in the event of violation of any of the stipulations under the Tariff (Rate) Schedule governing its supply. (0) In addition to the aforementioned charges the Consumer shall also pay other Statutory levies including electricity duty, taxes, charges, surcharges etc as may be applicable from time to time. 3. THE CONSUMER HEREBY UNDERTAKES, REPRESENTS, ASSURES. WARRANTS, AGREES AND COVENANTS WITH THE LICENSEE AS FOLLOWS: i Consumer shall abide and be bounded by all the terms and conditions of the Electricity Supply Code-2005 (hereinafter referred to as the “Code") opr by the Commission, and the amendments/ revisions thereto, and “Sapproved ‘othe ions of the Act together the rules framed under the Act and the (£8 Prowsions of the Act ogetner win @ Indian Electricity Rules 1956 including any modifications thereof, in so far as they are applicable to the Consumer ii, The Licensee shall not be held responsible in any manner whatsoever and howsoever for curtailment, interruption, staggering, diminution, or stoppage of supply for reasons beyond its control and any claim on account of loss or damage arising out of the failure of supply for reasons beyond its control including but not limited to "Force Majeure conditions” shall be limited to as provided for in the code. {il Consumer shall ensure that the energy supplied at its premises is utilized as Per law and authorization and that there is no unauthorized addition/ alteration to the equipment. In case the Licensee has reasonable basis to understand or apprehend that there is in any way, whatsoever, contravention of above conditions, it shall be open to the designated authority of Licensee to enter the Consumer's premises for general inspection and testing of the equipment, meter and wiring etc. 'v. Consumer shall ensure that the meter, meter boards, service mains, MCB/ CB, load limiters etc are under no circumstance handled or removed by anyone other than an authorized employee/representative of the Licensee. The seals, which are fixed on the meters/ metering equipment, load limiters and the Licensee's apparatus must on no account be tampered, damaged or broken. The responsibility for safe custody of Licensee's equipment and seals on the meter/ metering equipment within the Consumer's premises shall be on the Consumer. In the event of any damage caused to the Licensee's equipment in the Consumer's premises by reason of any act, neglect or default by the Consumer or its representative, the costs thereof as claimed by the Licensee shall be payable by the Consumer. v.__ Consumer shall inform in writing to the Licensee (as provided for in the Code) in the event he intends to vacate the said premises or any part thereof for which the electricity connection has been taken from the Licensee. 4. (a) All noticesiintimation required or permitted hereunder shall be in writing and shall be sent in the format prescribed for in the Code. Notices may be sent by courier, registered post/speed post, fax, personal delivery, affixation, and publication in a newspaper. Notice shall be deemed to have been received by the Consumer on the expiry 4 (four) days from the date of dispatch by courier mail, Post Office receipt in the in the case of delivery by registered and speed post, and in case of personal delivery simultaneous with the receipt \ereof by the consumer or its employees or representative of the Consumer (ERE the case of publication in a newspaper simultaneous on the date of Pha hing of ench nauenanar anc Ilia Gs (b) However, the Licensee shall Not be required to issue any separate notice for payment of monthly electricity consumptions bills and such Bill shall be deemed to be a “Bill cum Notice” for Payment of the amounts mentioned therein. 5. The outstanding dues will be a charge on the assets of the company. Before sale is made, the outstanding dues will be cleared and, in the alternative the Geed to agreement / sale will specifically mention the outstanding dues and the method of its payment 8. If the consumer after execution of declaration/agreement reduces or increases his load or changes the purpose of use or shifts his connection, he Shall have to execute a fresh declaration/agreement, which will be valid for two years like the agreement executed at the time of new connection. However, any reliet/ concession provided in the Rate Schedule! any order of Commission / Discom as admissible to new connection shall not be admissible on execution of the fresh agreement/ declaration due to change in premises/ Reduction of load as above 7. If any question or dispute or difference arises between the pillars to this agreement as to the interpretation or effect of any provision or clause herein contained or the construction thereof or as to may other matter in any way connected with or with or arising out of this agreement or the operation thereof or the rights, duties or liabilities of either party in connection therewith, such question disputes or difference shall be referred to the Arbitration of the Managing Director to this discom or the person nominated by him and the award/ decision of the said Arbitrator shall be final and binding upon the parties. In case of any neglect or refusal by the nominee to proceed with the arbitration, the Managing Director of the discom may nominate another Person in his place to proceed with the dispute as Sole Arbitrator. Provided that if the question dispute or difference relates to or concem any dues chargeable to the consumer in the terms of this agreement, no reference to the arbitration shall at the instance of the consumer be made till the consumer has deposited with the Licensee the amount of dues in dispute, in cash / Bank Draft 8. This Agreement shall be governed by the Electricity Act 2003 with all its amendments, various other laws of India for the time being in force, but not limited to various regulations of UPERC, as applicable to the state of U.P. and Shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Court subordinate to High Court of Judicature of Allahabad vA f e206 2 SIGNED AND DELIVERED by the within named Licensee Madhyanchal Vidyut Vitran Nigam LTD. Through Executive Engineer, EUDD Vrindavan, LESA at Lucknow duly authorized by NIGAM SIGNED AND DELIVERED by the within named Consumer Lucknow Metro Rail Corporation through Mrs. Pushpa Bellani Company Secretary at Lucknow duly authorized by LMRC both in the presence of the following witnesses For and behalf of Madhyanchal Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd. 1012016 Ene myineey eee (duly authorized by NIGAM.) Witness \ 1. Signature Name and Address Ruredhel amor Gavadbus hoot: bel + [fica ELe Fh. Urrber MK, Dive Vaitsharren Lene Luchrerd For & on behalf of Lucknow Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. qv ‘ gett tert ) (Mrs. Pushpa Satiifee Comey Compal SRG, Soe, Me Name and Address Mohd. Kamtan Ste wate RE/Tractm Emp -0103 Lmee SITE OFFICE SAWRATY HAZRATG ANT Mb Ne - 77 SpoHS ag

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