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Basic Education Department

SY 2014-2015


Subject: Science and Technology IV

Lesson: Orientation
Materials: Chalk, board, ppt presentation/s
References: Students manual, Exploring Life through Science: PHYSICS, pp 3-6
Time Allotment: June 11 and 13, 2014 (3 Days)

Stage 1- Desired Results

Content Standard Performance Standard

Enduring Understanding Essential Question

1. Physics is the science that focuses on the  1. Why do we need to study physics, and how
nature of things such as motion, force, energy, does it differs from other sciences?
matter, heat, sound, light and the atom.
2. What are the fields of physics? And how are
2. The major fields of physics are astrophysics,
they differ from one another?
physical chemistry, geophysics, and
biophysics. Other branches are atomic 3. How important for us to give/have an exact
physics, nuclear, particle, electrodynamics, measurement when measuring a specific
mechanics, optics and thermodynamics. object?
3. Measurement is simply a comparison of a
physical quantity with the standard.

Transfer Goals:
Students apply their understanding observing, analysing, and developing physics-concept
in their everyday activities.

Knowledge Skills Values

Students will know… Students will be able to… MCU Core Values:
1. Physics: definition, scope 1. Describe the nature of X Adaptability
and nature, multidisciplinary physics and relate it to other
X Circumspect
relationship and application. sciences. (EXPLAIN)
X Collaboration
2. Cite things or situation that
show relevance of physics to Commitment
daily life, (EXPLAIN)
X Integrity
2. Fundamental Quantities
3. Use Fundamental and
and Derived Quantities. Recognition and appreciation of
derived quantities in solving
problems of measurements the role of physics as the
(APPLICATION). foundation of modern technology.

Stage 2- Assessment Evidence

Performance Task Rubrics

Students will present a “TOY” that  CRITERIA:

demonstrates the concept of physics.
Fluency – 10%
They will present the toy to their
classmates and convince them that Creativity – 15%
the physics concept/s presented to
the toy is correct. Physics Concepts – 50%

*students will be given criteria on Delivery – 25%

how to grade their classmates.
Aside from their classmates, I will
also grade the students using the
same criteria given.

Other Evidence


Stage 3- Learning Plan

Learning Activities

Daily Routine:
1. Prayer
2. Checking of Attendance
3. Drill/Review
Day 1- June 9, 2014
1. Call students one-by-one according to the list. (if there is)
2. Introduce oneself first and give a little background.
3. Enumerate the rules during class discussion.
4. Allow students to add some more rules that they think are relevant.
5. Enumerate the requirements and allow them to copy the criteria for grading. (do not forget
then explain each criteria for grading)
6. Illustrate a sample grading computation.
7. Let the students write a paragraph form something that they expect from the teacher.
(Read the class some expectation)
8. End up the meeting by letting the students know that they will get to know more of the
subject next meeting.

Day 2 – June 10, 2014

1. Have a simple game. (Ask them what kind of game they want to play)
2. Give them a diagnostic test and let them assess their own score/grade.
Day 3 – June 11, 2014
1. Have a short discussion about what they did last 2 days.
2. Tell them that they will formally begin the discussion for Science and Technology IV.
3. Flash a picture of Gadget, Television, and Computer.
4. Flash a picture comparing the lifestyle several decades ago that of present.
5. Ask the students to comment on the pictures comparing the lifestyle several decades ago
and that of present.
6. Ask them to predict what will be the situation 20 years from now.
7. Ask students to define physics in their own words

8. Explain the meaning of physics and the different divisions of physics.
9. REACTION: Recognition and appreciation of the role of physics as the foundation of modern
10. Give them assignment:
a) Do you believe that man’s life now is better than it was in the past? Why or why
b) Poster Making on “Physics in Support Technology” (Optional)
Day 4 – June 13, 2014
1. Explain the meaning of fundamental and derived quantities.
2. Enumerate the 7 fundamental quantities.
3. Define measurement
4. Differentiate derived from fundamental units
5. Enumerate the 2 systems of units and their fundamental units.
6. Illustrate how to use prefixes
7. Emphasize the importance of dimensional analysis
8. REACTION: What can you say about the practice of some chicken meat vendors who inject
water to the chicken that they sell? If you are in their position, would you do the same?
Defend your answer.
9. Have a short evaluation (SEATWORK)
June 9 and 10 (Mon and Tue) – Subject orientation.
June 12, 2014 (Thursday) - NO CLASSES, Celebration of the Independence Day!

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:

Mr. Guiller V. Odoño
Mr. Ernest Fesalbon

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