LP 2 - Significant Figures, Scientific Notation, and Dimensional Analysis

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Basic Education Department

SY 2014-2015


Subject: Science and Technology IV

Lesson: Significant Figures, Scientific Notation, Dimensional Analysis
Materials: Chalk, board, ppt presentation/s
References: Exploring Life through Science: PHYSICS, pp 6-10
Exploring the Realms of Science: PHYSICS, pp, 7-14
Time Allotment: June 16 and 17, 2014 (2 Days)

Stage 1- Desired Results

Content Standard Performance Standard

Enduring Understanding Essential Question

1. Measurements is simply the comparison of 1. What is measurement? And how important

physical quantity with the standards. to give an accurate measurement?
2. Dimension refers to the physical nature of a 2. How important to analyse the dimension of
quantity and the type of unit to specify it. an equation?
3. Significant figures – are the digits with known 3. How do we determine the correct decimal
certainty. places in giving final answers (specifically
4. Scientific Method - is a tool that helps in problem solving)?
scientists and the rest of us to solve problems 4. How can we solve problems using scientific
and determine answers to questions in a method?
logical format. It provides step-by-step,
general directions to help us work through

Transfer Goals:
Students apply their understanding observing, analysing, and developing physics-concept
in their everyday activities.

Knowledge Skills Values

Students will know… Students will be able to… MCU Core Values:
1. Scientific Notation is 1. Translate very large or X Adaptability
known as powers-of-ten very small numbers into
X Circumspect
notation. scientific notation.
(APPLICATION) X Collaboration
2. Determine the number of X Integrity
2. Significant figures are the
significant figures in a given
digits with known certainty. Others:
3. Write results of Many valuable things in life such
calculations with proper as love, friendship, loyalty, and
significant figures. integrity though nit measurable by
(APPLICATION) quantitatively, are nonetheless
very important.
Success can be achieved through
proper cooperation and

3. Scientific Method – 3. Solve problem/s following communication.
requires intelligence, step-by-step process.
imagination, and creativity. (APPLICATION)

Stage 2- Assessment Evidence

Performance Task Rubrics

Students will present a “TOY” that  CRITERIA:

demonstrates the concept of physics.
Fluency – 10%
They will present the toy to their
classmates and convince them that Creativity – 15%
the physics concept/s presented to
the toy is correct. Physics Concepts – 50%

*students will be given criteria on Delivery – 25%

how to grade their classmates.
Aside from their classmates, I will
also grade the students using the
same criteria given.

Other Evidence


Stage 3- Learning Plan

Learning Activities

Daily Routine:
1. Prayer
2. Checking of Attendance
3. Drill/Review
Day 1- June 16, 2014
1. Explain the meaning of fundamental and derived quantities.
2. Enumerate the 7 fundamental quantities.
3. Define measurement
4. Differentiate derived from fundamental units
5. Enumerate the 2 systems of units and their fundamental units.
6. Illustrate how to use prefixes
7. Emphasize the importance of dimensional analysis
8. REACTION: What can you say about the practice of some chicken meat vendors who inject
water to the chicken that they sell? If you are in their position, would you do the same?
Defend your answer.
9. Have a short evaluation (SEATWORK)
Day 2 – June 17, 2014
1. Flash the 3 words: BELIEFS, BIASES, PERCEPTIONS (ask them what they think when
they’ve heard the three words.
2. Define and describe scientific method.
3. Give the 6 steps of scientific method.
4. Explain each steps.
5. Give them sample scenario where they can apply the concept of scientific method.
*Sample Scenario : John watches his grandmother bake bread. He ask his grandmother
what makes the bread rise. She explains that yeast releases a gas as it feeds on sugar.

Science and Technology IV (PHYSICS) – under the BED curriculum is entitled to have 6 periods per
week. Expect that there would be an adjustment in the stated date in this learning plan.
As an agreement with the 4th year students Friday would mean “quiz” day.

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:

Mr. Guiller V. Odoño
4 - Patriotism, Prudence,
Loyalty and Perseverance’s Science Coordinator
Physics Teacher
Ms. Renaliza Sta. Ana
Mr. Javier Principal
Mr. Jan Ernest Fesalbon High School Coordinator
4 - Love’s Physics Teacher

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