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STADIA Engineering Works Consultant Plc - Construction Materials Laboratory

Consultancy on Transportation, Water Resource, Environment, Construction Management 33900 , Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Fax: +251-1-16189537
Construction Materials
Laboratory Tel: +251-1-18610631 Email:

Lab No: SERG 0248/2018


Project : Robe -2 ( Km 60 to Ginir)

Sample of : Sub Grade Materials

Test specified by: The Client

Sampled by: The Client
Summited by: G and Y ENGINEERING CONSULT P.L.C ON 16/11/2018

Reported to: G and Y ENGINEERING CONSULT P.L.C ON 07/12/2018

Summery of Test Results

sieve pass(%) Atterberg Limits (%) % CBR

Station Depth Dry Swell Avg. CBR at CBR at
Visual Discription LS CLASSIFICATI MDD (g/cm3) OMC (%) NMC (%) No. of 93% MDD 95% MDD
(KM) (cm) 25.0 4.75 2.00 0.425 0.075 LL PL PI Density 2.54 mm 5.08 mm (%) Swell 93% MDD 95% MDD
ON Blows

10 1.24 0.3 0.2 9.28

60+000 110 Black cotton clay soil 100 99 96 93 90 77 41 36 17 A-7-5 (20) 1.58 20 8 30 1.43 0.6 0.5 8.93 8.72 1.47 1.50 0.7 0.9
65 1.59 0.9 0.8 8.51

Dark gray clay

60+500 120 100 100 98 95 93 83 44 39 18 A-7-5 (20)

10 1.22 0.3 0.2 10.47

61+000 120 Dark gray cotton soil 100 100 99 97 96 86 44 42 19 A-7-5 (20) 1.57 17 7 30 1.40 0.4 0.4 10.30 10.17 1.46 1.49 0.6 0.7
65 1.57 0.4 0.4 10.04

Dark Black to gray

61+500 120 100 100 99 95 93 81 40 41 17 A-7-5 (20)

10 1.24 0.5 0.4 10.30

62+000 110 Dark brownclay soil 100 100 99 95 92 69 36 33 18 A-7-5 (20) 1.59 20 6 30 1.50 0.9 0.7 10.13 10.04 1.48 1.51 0.8 0.9
65 1.58 1.0 0.9 9.96

62+500 130 Brown clay soil 100 100 98 93 92 88 44 44 19 A-7-5 (20)

10 1.24 0.9 1.0 10.20

63+000 100 Dark black cotton soil 100 100 98 92 89 62 30 32 15 A-7-5 (20) 1.61 19 5 30 1.55 1.7 1.4 10.04 9.91 1.50 1.53 1.6 1.7
65 1.58 1.8 1.6 9.79

Black cotton soil clay

63+500 105 100 100 98 94 91 79 41 38 18 A-7-5 (20)

10 1.20 0.2 0.2 10.39

64+000 120 Dark black cotton soil 100 100 100 96 95 81 40 41 16 A-7-5 (20) 1.55 14 8 30 1.39 0.4 0.3 10.13 10.00 1.44 1.47 0.5 0.6
65 1.55 0.6 0.5 9.87

64+500 85 Dark Black clay soil 100 100 98 94 92 63 35 28 14 A-7-5 (19)

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Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

Title: Title: Title
STADIA Engineering Works Consultant Plc - Construction Materials Laboratory
Consultancy on Transportation, Water Resource, Environment, Construction Management 33900 , Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Fax: +251-1-16189537
Construction Materials
Laboratory Tel: +251-1-18610631 Email:

Lab No: SERG 0248/2018


Project : Robe -2 ( Km 60 to Ginir)

Sample of : Sub Grade Materials

Test specified by: The Client

Sampled by: The Client
Summited by: G and Y ENGINEERING CONSULT P.L.C ON 16/11/2018

Reported to: G and Y ENGINEERING CONSULT P.L.C ON 07/12/2018

Summery of Test Results

sieve pass(%) Atterberg Limits (%) % CBR

Station Depth Dry Swell Avg. CBR at CBR at
Visual Discription LS CLASSIFICATI MDD (g/cm3) OMC (%) NMC (%) No. of 93% MDD 95% MDD
(KM) (cm) 25.0 4.75 2.00 0.425 0.075 LL PL PI Density 2.54 mm 5.08 mm (%) Swell 93% MDD 95% MDD
ON Blows

10 1.25 0.4 0.3 9.44

65+000 130 Dark black cotton soil 100 100 100 97 95 68 34 34 15 A-7-5 (20) 1.59 19 7 30 1.32 0.4 0.3 9.36 9.27 1.48 1.51 0.6 0.6
65 1.59 0.6 0.6 9.18

65+500 130 Dark brown clay soil 100 100 100 98 95 95 48 47 16 A-7-5 (20)

10 1.17 0.2 0.2 9.44

66+000 120 Dark black cotton soil 100 100 99 96 94 96 48 48 18 A-7-5 (20) 1.52 19 8 30 1.31 0.4 0.4 9.18 9.14 1.41 1.44 0.6 0.6
65 1.51 0.6 0.6 9.10

66+500 130 Dark black cotton soil 100 100 100 96 95 96 48 48 19 A-7-5 (20)

10 1.25 0.4 0.4 10.09

Dark black to grey
67+000 130 100 100 100 99 98 100 50 50 19 A-7-5 (20) 1.49 24 8 30 1.33 0.5 0.4 9.87 9.76 1.39 1.42 0.5 0.6
cotton soil
65 1.49 0.5 0.5 9.66

Dark gray Expanssive

67+500 120 100 100 100 97 94 91 46 45 18 A-7-5 (20)
clay soil

10 1.18 0.2 0.2 9.79

Dark black to grey
68+000 130 100 100 100 98 97 89 45 44 19 A-7-5 (20) 1.51 19 6 30 1.37 0.4 0.3 9.61 9.53 1.40 1.43 0.5 0.5
cotton soil
65 1.51 0.5 0.5 9.44

68+500 120 Dark Black cotton soil 100 100 100 98 95 81 41 40 17 A-7-5 (20)

10 1.22 0.4 0.3 10.34

Dark black to grey
69+000 120 100 100 99 95 94 85 44 41 18 A-7-5 (20) 1.53 17 7 30 1.34 0.5 0.4 10.09 9.98 1.42 1.45 0.5 0.6
cotton soil
65 1.53 0.5 0.5 9.87

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Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

Title: Title: Title
STADIA Engineering Works Consultant Plc - Construction Materials Laboratory
Consultancy on Transportation, Water Resource, Environment, Construction Management 33900 , Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Fax: +251-1-16189537
Construction Materials
Laboratory Tel: +251-1-18610631 Email:

Lab No: SERG 0248/2018


Project : Robe -2 ( Km 60 to Ginir)

Sample of : Sub Grade Materials

Test specified by: The Client

Sampled by: The Client
Summited by: G and Y ENGINEERING CONSULT P.L.C ON 16/11/2018

Reported to: G and Y ENGINEERING CONSULT P.L.C ON 07/12/2018

Summery of Test Results

sieve pass(%) Atterberg Limits (%) % CBR

Station Depth Dry Swell Avg. CBR at CBR at
Visual Discription LS CLASSIFICATI MDD (g/cm3) OMC (%) NMC (%) No. of 93% MDD 95% MDD
(KM) (cm) 25.0 4.75 2.00 0.425 0.075 LL PL PI Density 2.54 mm 5.08 mm (%) Swell 93% MDD 95% MDD
ON Blows

69+500 120 Dark Black cotton soil 100 100 99 98 96 61 29 32 15 A-7-6 (20)

10 1.30 0.2 0.2 9.28

Dark black cotton
70+000 110 100 100 98 94 91 79 41 38 15 A-7-5 (20) 1.57 17 7 30 1.47 0.6 0.5 9.15 9.09 1.46 1.49 0.7 0.9
65 1.58 0.8 0.6 9.02

70+500 120 Dark gray cotton soil 100 100 99 97 95 93 47 41 16 A-7-5 (20)

10 1.23 0.1 0.1 10.74

Dark black cotton clay
71+000 115 100 100 100 97 95 94 47 47 18 A-7-5 (20) 1.43 17 9 30 1.33 0.2 0.2 10.57 10.44 1.33 1.36 0.5 0.5
65 1.44 0.4 0.3 10.31

71+500 110 Dark gray cotton soil 100 100 98 96 95 92 48 44 17 A-7-5 (20)

10 1.21 0.3 0.3 9.71

Dark black cotton clay
72+000 110 100 100 99 98 94 68 37 31 16 A-7-5 (20) 1.58 18 6 30 1.41 0.5 0.4 9.54 9.45 1.47 1.50 0.5 0.7
65 1.58 0.7 0.7 9.36

72+500 115 Dark Black cotton soil 100 100 99 98 96 72 38 34 16 A-7-5 (20)

10 1.29 0.4 0.4 9.36

Dark black cotton clay
73+000 120 100 100 98 96 91 67 35 32 16 A-7-5 (20) 1.61 16 5 30 1.46 0.7 0.6 9.02 8.85 1.50 1.53 0.6 0.8
65 1.62 0.9 0.9 8.68

73+500 115 Dark gray cotton soil 100 100 99 98 95 93 47 46 19 A-7-5 (20)

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

Title: Title: Title
STADIA Engineering Works Consultant Plc - Construction Materials Laboratory
Consultancy on Transportation, Water Resource, Environment, Construction Management 33900 , Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Fax: +251-1-16189537
Construction Materials
Laboratory Tel: +251-1-18610631 Email:

Lab No: SERG 0248/2018


Project : Robe -2 ( Km 60 to Ginir)

Sample of : Sub Grade Materials

Test specified by: The Client

Sampled by: The Client
Summited by: G and Y ENGINEERING CONSULT P.L.C ON 16/11/2018

Reported to: G and Y ENGINEERING CONSULT P.L.C ON 07/12/2018

Summery of Test Results

sieve pass(%) Atterberg Limits (%) % CBR

Station Depth Dry Swell Avg. CBR at CBR at
Visual Discription LS CLASSIFICATI MDD (g/cm3) OMC (%) NMC (%) No. of 93% MDD 95% MDD
(KM) (cm) 25.0 4.75 2.00 0.425 0.075 LL PL PI Density 2.54 mm 5.08 mm (%) Swell 93% MDD 95% MDD
ON Blows

10 1.23 0.3 0.3 9.61

Dark black cotton clay
74+000 120 100 100 99 98 95 68 34 34 15 A-7-5 (20) 1.58 20 5 30 1.41 0.5 0.5 9.45 9.36 1.47 1.50 0.6 0.7
65 1.58 0.9 0.8 9.28

74+500 120 Dark Black cotton soil 100 100 99 97 93 58 30 28 15 A-7-5 (19)

10 1.26 0.4 0.3 10.81

Dark black cotton clay
75+000 120 100 100 100 98 96 68 36 32 16 A-7-5 (20) 1.60 19 6 30 1.47 0.7 0.5 10.05 9.71 1.49 1.52 0.7 0.8
65 1.61 0.9 0.7 9.36

Dark Black to gray

75+500 120 100 100 99 97 96 85 42 43 18 A-7-5 (20)
cotton soil

10 1.27 0.4 0.3 9.79

76+000 115 Dark gray cotton soil 100 100 99 98 96 76 41 35 16 A-7-5 (20) 1.60 21 9 30 1.53 0.8 0.6 9.49 9.25 1.49 1.52 0.5 0.6
65 1.60 0.9 0.7 9.00

76+500 120 Dark gray cotton soil 100 100 99 98 96 75 38 37 16 A-7-5 (20)

10 1.26 0.4 0.4 9.36

Dark black to gray
77+000 120 100 100 100 98 94 74 37 37 17 A-7-5 (20) 1.65 16 9 30 1.57 0.8 0.7 9.28 9.21 1.53 1.57 0.7 0.8
cotton soil
65 1.64 0.9 0.7 9.15

Dark Black to gray

77+500 115 100 100 99 96 94 77 39 38 17 A-7-5 (20)
cotton soil

10 1.21 0.2 0.2 10.31

Dark black to gray
78+000 120 100 100 100 99 95 83 42 41 17 A-7-5 (20) 1.57 20 9 30 1.51 0.4 0.4 10.05 9.88 1.46 1.49 0.5 0.5
cotton soil
65 1.57 0.5 0.5 9.71

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

Title: Title: Title
STADIA Engineering Works Consultant Plc - Construction Materials Laboratory
Consultancy on Transportation, Water Resource, Environment, Construction Management 33900 , Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Fax: +251-1-16189537
Construction Materials
Laboratory Tel: +251-1-18610631 Email:

Lab No: SERG 0248/2018


Project : Robe -2 ( Km 60 to Ginir)

Sample of : Sub Grade Materials

Test specified by: The Client

Sampled by: The Client
Summited by: G and Y ENGINEERING CONSULT P.L.C ON 16/11/2018

Reported to: G and Y ENGINEERING CONSULT P.L.C ON 07/12/2018

Summery of Test Results

sieve pass(%) Atterberg Limits (%) % CBR

Station Depth Dry Swell Avg. CBR at CBR at
Visual Discription LS CLASSIFICATI MDD (g/cm3) OMC (%) NMC (%) No. of 93% MDD 95% MDD
(KM) (cm) 25.0 4.75 2.00 0.425 0.075 LL PL PI Density 2.54 mm 5.08 mm (%) Swell 93% MDD 95% MDD
ON Blows

78+500 120 Black clay cotton soil 100 100 99 97 95 74 39 35 16 A-7-5 (20)

10 1.26 0.4 0.3 8.93

79+000 120 Dark to gray clay 100 100 100 99 95 76 37 39 17 A-7-5 (20) 1.59 19 8 30 1.52 0.6 0.5 8.63 8.57 1.48 1.51 0.7 0.8
65 1.59 0.7 0.6 8.51

Dark black clay cotton

79+500 120 100 100 100 98 97 73 40 33 15 A-7-5 (20)

10 1.20 0.2 0.2 10.40

80+000 125 Black clay cotton 100 100 100 97 93 85 43 42 18 A-7-5 (20) 1.58 20 12 30 1.49 0.6 0.6 10.22 10.01 1.47 1.50 0.6 0.7
65 1.58 0.8 0.6 9.79

80+500 130 Black clay cotton soil 100 100 99 98 97 85 43 42 18 A-7-5 (20)

10 1.14 0.2 0.2 10.65

81+000 140 Dark gray clay cotton 100 100 100 98 94 91 45 46 20 A-7-5 (20) 1.52 19 9 30 1.46 0.6 0.5 10.18 9.94 1.41 1.44 0.6 0.7
65 1.53 0.8 0.7 9.71

Dark Black to clay

81+500 120 100 100 100 99 96 83 42 41 19 A-7-5 (20)
cotton soil

10 1.20 0.2 0.2 10.13

82+000 120 Black clay cotton soil 100 100 100 98 94 76 40 36 18 A-7-5 (20) 1.53 21 8 30 1.51 0.5 0.5 9.66 9.54 1.42 1.45 0.5 0.5
65 1.53 0.6 0.5 9.41

Dark black to gray clay

82+500 120 100 100 100 98 96 92 45 47 20 A-7-5 (20)

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

Title: Title: Title
STADIA Engineering Works Consultant Plc - Construction Materials Laboratory
Consultancy on Transportation, Water Resource, Environment, Construction Management 33900 , Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Fax: +251-1-16189537
Construction Materials
Laboratory Tel: +251-1-18610631 Email:

Lab No: SERG 0248/2018


Project : Robe -2 ( Km 60 to Ginir)

Sample of : Sub Grade Materials

Test specified by: The Client

Sampled by: The Client
Summited by: G and Y ENGINEERING CONSULT P.L.C ON 16/11/2018

Reported to: G and Y ENGINEERING CONSULT P.L.C ON 07/12/2018

Summery of Test Results

sieve pass(%) Atterberg Limits (%) % CBR

Station Depth Dry Swell Avg. CBR at CBR at
Visual Discription LS CLASSIFICATI MDD (g/cm3) OMC (%) NMC (%) No. of 93% MDD 95% MDD
(KM) (cm) 25.0 4.75 2.00 0.425 0.075 LL PL PI Density 2.54 mm 5.08 mm (%) Swell 93% MDD 95% MDD
ON Blows

10 1.37 1.0 1.0 6.74

Dark black to brown
83+000 40 92 73 60 51 41 58 33 25 14 A-7-5 (6) 1.69 16 9 30 1.56 1.2 1.2 6.57 6.46 1.57 1.61 1.5 1.6
clay with some gravel
65 1.69 1.6 1.5 6.36
Dark black to brown
83+500 60 clay with some 61 51 48 46 45 85 50 35 16 A-7-5 (9)
weathered gravel
10 1.17 0.4 0.3 10.22
Dark black to gray clay
84+000 120 100 100 99 95 92 101 51 50 21 A-7-5 (20) 1.55 21 10 30 1.44 0.6 0.6 9.79 9.62 1.44 1.47 0.5 0.6
cotton soil
65 1.56 0.7 0.6 9.45

Dark black clay cotton

84+500 115 100 100 100 97 93 69 40 29 15 A-7-5 (20)

10 1.23 0.4 0.4 7.11

Dark Black clay cotton
85+000 120 100 100 100 96 93 70 35 35 16 A-7-5 (20) 1.58 18 7 30 1.48 1.1 0.9 6.94 6.83 1.47 1.50 1.1 1.3
65 1.59 1.5 1.3 6.73

Dark black clay cotton

85+500 125 100 100 100 97 95 90 49 41 17 A-7-5 (20)

10 1.11 0.3 0.3 10.91

Dark Black to gray
86+000 120 100 100 100 98 97 118 60 58 21 A-7-5 (20) 1.39 24 12 30 1.24 0.9 0.9 10.78 10.65 1.29 1.32 1.1 1.4
clay cotton soil
65 1.40 1.6 1.3 10.52

Dark black to gray

86+500 130 100 100 100 97 95 110 55 55 21 A-7-5 (20)
clay cotton soil

10 1.19 0.2 0.2 10.61

Dark Black to gray clay
87+000 120 100 100 99 95 93 86 45 41 19 A-7-5 (20) 1.52 23 8 30 1.36 0.4 0.3 10.40 10.30 1.41 1.44 0.5 0.6
cotton soil
65 1.52 0.9 0.7 10.21

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

Title: Title: Title
STADIA Engineering Works Consultant Plc - Construction Materials Laboratory
Consultancy on Transportation, Water Resource, Environment, Construction Management 33900 , Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Fax: +251-1-16189537
Construction Materials
Laboratory Tel: +251-1-18610631 Email:

Lab No: SERG 0248/2018


Project : Robe -2 ( Km 60 to Ginir)

Sample of : Sub Grade Materials

Test specified by: The Client

Sampled by: The Client
Summited by: G and Y ENGINEERING CONSULT P.L.C ON 16/11/2018

Reported to: G and Y ENGINEERING CONSULT P.L.C ON 07/12/2018

Summery of Test Results

sieve pass(%) Atterberg Limits (%) % CBR

Station Depth Dry Swell Avg. CBR at CBR at
Visual Discription LS CLASSIFICATI MDD (g/cm3) OMC (%) NMC (%) No. of 93% MDD 95% MDD
(KM) (cm) 25.0 4.75 2.00 0.425 0.075 LL PL PI Density 2.54 mm 5.08 mm (%) Swell 93% MDD 95% MDD
ON Blows

87+500 120 Dark black clay cotton 100 100 99 96 95 78 44 34 19 A-7-5 (20)

10 1.26 0.3 0.2 10.05

Dark Black clay cotton
88+000 120 100 99 99 98 96 94 48 46 20 A-7-5 (20) 1.56 19 5 30 1.43 0.7 0.6 9.92 9.83 1.45 1.48 0.6 0.7
65 1.54 0.8 0.7 9.74

Dark black clay cotton

88+500 125 100 100 98 96 94 84 44 40 19 A-7-5 (20)

10 1.12 0.4 0.3 9.06

Black to Dark to
89+000 125 100 100 99 96 91 89 45 44 19 A-7-5 (20) 1.47 23 7 30 1.32 0.5 0.5 8.97 8.87 1.37 1.40 0.5 0.6
brown clay cotton soil
65 1.47 0.6 0.6 8.77

Dark black to brown

89+500 120 100 100 98 96 94 86 43 43 18 A-7-5 (20)
clay cotton soil

10 1.18 0.4 0.3 9.79

Dark brown clay cotton
90+000 120 100 100 99 94 86 74 38 36 16 A-7-5 (20) 1.49 23 9 30 1.28 0.6 0.6 9.54 9.41 1.39 1.42 0.8 1.0
65 1.49 1.2 1.0 9.28

Dark brown to gray

90+500 120 100 100 98 96 94 83 42 41 19 A-7-5 (20)
reddish cotton

10 1.08 0.6 0.6 7.46

Dark brown clay
91+000 120 100 100 98 95 84 65 39 26 15 A-7-5 (18) 1.47 23 10 30 1.34 1.8 1.6 6.37 6.23 1.37 1.40 1.6 1.8
cotton soil
65 1.43 2.1 2.2 6.10

Dark brown to reddish

91+500 110 100 100 100 99 96 74 41 33 16 A-7-5 (20)

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Signature: Signature: Signature:

Date: Date: Date:

Title: Title: Title

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