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Government of India
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Department of Commerce
Directorate General of Trade Remedies
4th Floor, Jeevan Tara Building, 5, Parliament Street, New Delhi – 110001

Date: 15th July 2021

All Interested Parties,
Subject: Extension of time for filing Exporter's/Importer's/ User's Questionnaire response in
sunset review investigation on imports of Textured Tempered Coated and Uncoated Glass from
China PR.

1. With respect to above mentioned subject investigation, requests have been received from producers/
exporters for granting extension of time to file Questionnaire response.
2. The requests have been considered and it has been decided to grant time of Two Weeks for filing
Exporters’/Importers’/ Users’ Questionnaire response i.e. by 28/07/2021.
3. It is, therefore, advised to all interested producers/exporters/importers to file response within the
stipulated time as mentioned above.
4. This issues with the approval of the Designated Authority.

(Prakash Kamble)
Deputy Director (FT)
Phone -011-23408707

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