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- In case of doubt, the constitution should be

considered self-executing rather than non-

self-executing; mandatory rather than
directory; and prospective rather than
- Unless the contrary is clearly intended,
the provisions of the constitution should
PRELIMINARY CONCEPTS be considered self-executing, as a
contrary rule would give the legislature
discretion to determine when, or
whether, they shall be effective. These
provisions would be subordinated to the
- It is a written instrument enacted by
will of the law making body, which could
direct action of the people by which the
make them entirely meaningless by
fundamental powers of the government
simply refusing to pass the needed
are established, limited and defined, and
implementing statute. Implementation
by which those powers are distributed
may, however, be imposed as a duty upon
among the several departments for their
the legislature by mandatory language of
safe and useful exercise for the benefit of
the constitution.
the body politic.
- Again in the absence of a clear showing of
- The purpose is to prescribe the
a contrary intention, the provisions of the
permanent framework of a system of
constitution should be regarded as
government, to assign to the several
mandatory. Otherwise, the fundamental
departments their respective powers and
law, would have no more force and
duties, and to establish certain first fixed
prestige than a set of directions which the
principles on which government is
government and the people would be free
to disregard.
- The constitution is the basic and
paramount law to which all other laws
must conform.
Revision broadly implies a change that
alters a basic principle in the Constitution,
like altering the principle of separation of
prescriptions setting forth the
powers or the system of checks and balances.
fundamental civil and political rights of
There is also revision if the change alters the
the citizens and imposing limitations on
substantial entirety of the Constitution. On
the powers of the government as a means
the other hand, amendment broadly refers to
of securing the enjoyment of those rights.
a change that adds, reduces, deletes, without
altering the basic principle involved. Revision
outlines the organization of the
generally affects several provisions of the
government, enumerating its powers,
Constitution; while amendment generally
laying down certain rules relative to its
affects only the specific provision being
administration, and defining the
Two steps are involved in the amendment
consist of provisions that points out the
or revision of our Constitution. The first is
mode or procedure in accordance with
the proposal and the second is
which formal changes in the fundamental
law may be brought about.
a. Proposal- generally made either directly
by the (1)Congress or by a
(2)constitutional convention.
Where what is intended is a mere administrative practice, if not formalized as a rule
amendment or change of particular or ruling, will not be known to the general public
provisions only, the proposal is better and can be availed of only by those with informal
made by direct legislative action. In this contacts with the government agency.
case the vote of at least ¾ of all the
members of the Congress shall be needed.
validly delegate the power to contract foreign
The call for constitutional convention
loans. The constitution sanctions such delegation
may be made by a vote of two-thirds of all
to the Secretary of Finance, as the president alter
members of the Congress.
ego, provided that the contracting of loan is
(3) Direct proposal of the people
subject to the President’s approval. The only
through initiative upon petition of at least
instance when the foreign loan is contracted by
twelve per centum of the total number of
the president. Reading the Constitutional
the registered voters, of which every
provision, Congress has no part in contracting the
legislative district must be represented by
foreign loan except to limit and regulate how the
at least three percentum of the registered
loans may be contracted. It cannot expand the
voters therein.
constitutional provision and determine who may
- the attempt to use this method was
exercise this power. (Kilusang Magbubukid ng
struck down for lack of the necessary
Pilipinas, et.al. vs Aurora Pacific Economic Zone
implementing law. RA 6735 provided for
and Freeport Authority.)
a local initiative only and not the national
initiative required for proposing LIS MOTA- lis mota requirement means that the
constitutional changes. petitioner who questions the constitutionality of
- This method applies only to a law must show that the case cannot be resolved
amendments, not to a revision of the unless the disposition of the constitutional
Constitution. question is unavoidable.
b. Ratification- any amendment to or revision shall
be valid when ratified by a majority of the votes cast
in a plebiscite held not earlier than sixty days nor B.THE PHILIPPINES AS A STATE
later than 90 days after the approval of such change - A community of persons, more or less
by the Congress or the constitutional convention or numerous permanently occupying a definite portion
after the certification of the COMELEC of the of territory, independent of external control, and
sufficiency of the petition under Section 2. possessing a government to which a great body of
- OPERATIVE FACT DOCTRINE-unconstitutional inhabitants render habitual obedience.
act, for that matter an executive order or a 1. ELEMENTS (PEOPLE, TERRITORY,
municipal ordinance likewise suffering from that GOVERNMENT AND SOVEREIGNTY)
infirmity, cannot be the source of any legal rights
or duties. Nor can justify any official act taken  PEOPLE- inhabitants; citizens; electors;
under it. De Agbayani vs PNB adequate number of self-sufficiency and
defense; of both sexes for perpetuity.
The doctrine of Operative fact recognizes the  TERRITORY-
existence of the law or executive act prior to the
determination of its unconstitutionality as an -Comprises the Philippines archipelago, with
operative fact that produced consequences that all the islands and waters embraced
cannot always be erased ignored or disregarded. therein, and all other territories over which
the Philippines has sovereignty or
For it to apply, there must be a legislative or jurisdiction, consisting of its terrestrial,
executive measure, meaning a law or executive fluvial and aerial domains, including its
issuance. A mere administrative practice, not territorial sea, the seabed, the subsoil, the
formalized into rule or ruling, will not suffice insular shelves and submarine areas. The
because such a mere administrative practice may waters around, between and connecting
not be uniformly and consistently applied. An the islands of the archipelago, regardless
of their breadth and dimensions, form i. The functions of government have
part of the internal waters of the been classified into constituent,
Philippines.(Archipelago Doctrine) which are mandatory for the
Government to perform because
RA 9522 is constitutional.
they constitute the very bonds of
UNCLOS has nothing to do with the
society, such as the maintenance
acquisition (or loss) of territory. It is a
of peace and order, regulation of
multilateral treaty that regulates,
property and property rights, the
among others, sea-use rights over
administration of justice, etc; and
maritime zones(TW-12NM, CZ-24NM,
ministrant, those intended to
EEZ 200NM) and continental shelves
promote the welfare, progress
that UNCLOS delimits. UNCLOS III was
and prosperity of the people, and
the culmination of decades-long
which are merely optional for
negotiations among UN members to
Government to perform.
codify the norms regulating the
ii. The Court declared that a
conduct of States in the world’s
distinction can be made on the
oceans and submarine areas,
validity of the reorganization
recognizing the coastal and
between a government bureau or
archipelagic state graduated authority
office performing constituent
over a limited span of waters and
functions (like the Bureau of
submarine lands along their coast.
Customs) and a government-
owned or controlled corporation
Thus baseline laws are
performing ministrant functions
nothing but a statutory mechanisms
(like the PNB).
for UNCLOS III States parties to
iii. Corporations, such as SSS, GSIS,
delimit with precision the extent of
NIA, although performing
their maritime zones and continental
functions aimed at promoting
shelves. In turn, this gives notice to
public interest and public welfare,
the rest of the international
are not invested with government
community of the scope of the
maritime space and submarine areas.
iv. Although the 1987 Constitution
enshrines free enterprise as a
 GOVERNMENT- The agency or
policy, it nevertheless reserves to
instrumentality through which the will of the
the Government the power to
State is formulated, expressed and realized.
intervene whenever necessary to
promote the general welfare, as
Government of the Philippines is the
reflected in Secs. 6 and 19, Art.XII.
corporate governmental entity through which
the functions of government are exercised
throughout the Philippines, including, save as
c. Doctrine of Parens Patriae- Literally,
the contrary appears from the context, the
parent of the people. As such, the
various arms through which political
Government may acts as a guardian of the
authority is made effective in the Philippines,
rights of the people who may be
whether pertaining to the autonomous
disadvantaged of suffering from some
regions, the provincial, city, municipal, or
disability or misfortune.
barangay subdivisions or other forms of local
government” [Sec 2(1), Administrative Code d. Classification-
of 1987]
 De Jure vs De Facto-
 Presidential (Separation of
b. Functions: executive and legislative powers)
vs Parliamentary (fusion of 2. DISTINCTION BETWEEN INTERNAL AND
executive and legislative powers) EXTERNAL SELF DETERMINATION
 Unitary (a single, centralized
- Internal- supreme power over everything
government, exercising powers
within its territory.
over both the internal and
- External- independence, which is freedom
external affairs of the State) vs
from external control.
Federal Government (consist of
 Territorial – power of the State over persons
autonomous state (local)
and things within its territory. Exempts are: a.
government units merged into a
Foreign States, Heads of State, Diplomatic
single State, with the national representatives, and consuls to a certain
government exercising a limited degree; b. Foreign State property, including
degree of power over the embassies, consulates, and public vessels
domestic affairs but generally full engaged in non-commercial activities; c. Acts
direction of the external affairs of of state; (d) Foreign merchant vessels
the State. exercising the rights of innocent passage or
involuntary entry, such as arrival under
stress; (e) Foreign armies passing through or
 SOVEREIGNTY stationed in its territory with its permission;
and (f) Such other persons or property,
- The supreme and uncontrollable power
including organizations like the United
inherent in a State by which the State is
Nations, over which it may, by agreement,
governed. waive jurisdiction.
i. Legal  Personal: power of the State over its
ii. Internal and External nationals, which may be exercised by the
State even if the individual is outside the
iii. Characteristics: permanence,
territory of the State.
exclusiveness, comprehensiveness,
absoluteness, indivisibility,  Extraterritorial: power exercised by the State
inalienability, imprexcriptibility. beyond its territory in the following cases: (a)
iv. Effect of Change in Sovereignty: Assertion of its personal jurisdiction over its
Political Laws are abrogated but nationals abroad; or the exercise of its rights
municipal laws remain in force. to punish certain offenses committed outside
v. Effect of Belligerent Occupation- no its territory against its national interests even
change in sovereignty, however, if the offenders are nonresident aliens; (b) By
political laws, except the law on virtue of its relations with other states or
treason are suspended; municipal territories, as when it establishes a colonial
laws remain in force unless repealed protectorate, or a condominium, or
administers a trust territory, or occupies
by the belligerent occupant.
enemy territory in the course of war; (c)
vi. Dominum(capacity to own or acquire
When the local state waives its jurisdiction
property, including lands held by the over persons and things within its territory,
State in its propriety capacity) vs as when, a foreign army stationed therein
Imperium(authority possessed by the remains under, the jurisdiction of the sending
State embraced in the concept of state; (d) By the principle of exterritoriality,
sovereignty. as illustrated by the immunities of the head of
vii. Jurisdiction : Territorial; state in a foreign country; (e) Through
personal;extraterritorial enjoyment of easements or servitudes, such
as the easement of innocent passage or
arrival under stress; (f) The exercise of
- jurisdiction by the state in the high seas over
its vessels; over pirates; in the exercise of the
right to visit and search; and under the
doctrine of hot pursuit; (g) The exercise of
limited jurisdiction over the contiguous zone b. Lawful Means- means employed are
and the patrimonial sea, to prevent reasonably necessary for the accomplishment
infringement of its customs, fiscal, of the purpose, and not unduly oppressive on
immigration or sanitary regulations. individuals.
Additional (When exercised by delegate)
B. FUNDAMENTAL POWERS OF THE STATE a. Express grant by law
b. Within territorial limits
1. POLICE POWER c. Must not be contrary to law.
- a property right is impaired by Test for Municipal Ordinances to be valid:
regulation, or the use of property is
merely prohibited, regulated or restricted 1. Must not contrary to constitution or any
to promote public welfare. In such cases, statute
there is no compensable taking, hence, 2. Must not be unfair or oppressive
payment of just compensation is not 3. Must not be partial or discriminatory
required. 4. Must not prohibit but regulate trade
- A law enacted in the exercise of police 5. Must not be unreasonable
power to regulate or govern certain 6. Must be general in application and consistent
activities or transactions could be given with public policy.
retroactive effect and may be reasonably
impair vested rights or contracts. Police 1. POWER OF EMINENT DOMAIN
power legislation is applicable not only to - property interests are appropriated and
future contracts, but equally to those applied to some public purpose which
already in existence. Non-impairment of necessitates the payment of just
contracts or vested rights clauses will compensation thereof.
have to yield to the superior and  Requisites:
legitimate exercise by the State of the 1. Taking of private property- All private
police power. (Ortigas & Co., vs. CA, GR property capable of ownership may be
No. 126102, 12/4/2000). expropriated except money and choses in
- The right to carry a firearm is neither a action. Even services may be subject of
property or a property right. Neither does eminent domain.
it create a vested right. A permit to carry a 2. Genuine necessity to take the private
firearm outside one’s residence may be property- The issue of the necessity of
revoked at any time. Even if it were a the expropriation is a matter properly
property right, if cannot be considered as addressed to the Regional Trial Court in
absolute as to be beyond the reach of the the course of the expropriation
police power. (Chavez v. Romulo 431 proceedings. If the property owner
SCRA 534) objects to the necessity of the takeover,
- A license to operate a motor vehicle is not he should say so in his Answer to the
a property right, but a privilege granted Complaint. The RTC has the power to
by the State, which may be suspended or inquire into the legality of the exercise of
revoked by the State in the exercise of its the right of eminent domain and to
police power, in the interest of public determine whether there is a genuine
safety and welfare, subject to the necessity for it.
procedural due process requirements 3. Taking must be for public use- general
(Metropolitan Manila Development concept of meeting public need or public
Authority v. Garin, GR No. 130230, April exigency.
15, 2005). 4. Taking must be payment for just
compensation- full and fair equivalent of
LIMITATIONS (Test for Valid Exercise) the property taken; it is the fair market
a. Lawful Subject value of the property. Market value of the
property is “ is that the sum of money
which a person, desirous but not compelled must be in such a way as to
to buy, and an owner, willing but not oust the owner and deprive
compelled to sell, would agree on as a him of beneficial enjoyment of
price to be given and received thereof.” the property.
o Means not only the correct amount to  The defendant must be given an opportunity
be paid to the owner of the land but to be heard. In Belen vs CA, the Sc declared
also payment within a reasonable PD’s 1670 and 1669 unconstitutional for
time from its taking. violating the due process clause because the
o Compensation is to be paid in money decrees do not provide any form of hearing or
and no other. procedure by which the petitioners can
o Reckoning point of market value of question the propriety of the expropriation or
the property- Compensation is the reasonableness of the compensation to be
determined as of the date of the filing paid for the property.
of the complaint for eminent domain.,  Writ of Possession. The issuance of the writ of
but where the filing of the complaint possession becomes ministerial upon the:
occurs after the actual taking of the i. Filing of the complaint for
property and the owner would be expropriation sufficient in form and
given undue incremental advantages substance;
arising from the use to which the ii. Upon deposit made by the
government devotes the property government of the amount equivalent
expropriated, just compensation is to 15% of the fair market value of the
determined as of the date of the property sought to be expropriated
taking. (NPC vs CA, 254 SCRA 577). per current tax declaration.9biglang
o When the eminent domain is Awa vs Judge Bacalla). Once the
exercised by a local government unit, requisites are established, the
the “amount to be paid for the issuance of the writ becomes a
expropriated property shall be ministerial matter for the
determined by the proper court, expropriation court.
based on the fair market value at the  The property owner’s right to repurchase the
time of the taking of the property. property depends upon the character of the
(Sec. 19, RA 7160) title acquired by the expropriator, i.e. if the
o Once the value of the property is fixed land expropriated for a particular purpose
by the court, the amount shall earn with the condition that when that purpose is
interest at the legal rate until full ended or abandoned, the property shall
payment is effected. (Nepomuceno vs revert to the former owner, then the former
City of Surigao) owner can re-acquire the property.
o  Jurisdiction over the complaint for eminent
5. Taking must comply with due process domain is with the Regional Trial Court.
of the law While the value of the property to be
o Requisite of valid taking: expropriated is estimated in monetary terms-
for the court is duty bound to determine the
1. Entry to private property of
amount of just compensation to be paid for
the property-it is merely incidental to the
2. Entry must be more than a
expropriation suit.
momentary period
 Property already devoted to public use can
3. Entry must be under warrant
still be subject to expropriation, provided this
or color of authority
is done directly by the national legislature or
4. Property must be devoted to
under a specific grant of authority to delegate.
public use or otherwise
 If property is taken for public use before
informally appropriated or
compensation is deposited with the court
injuriously affected; and
having jurisdiction over the case, the final
utilization of the property
compensation must include interests on its  Where tax exemption is granted
just value to be computed from the time the gratuitously, it may be revoked at will;
property is taken to the time when but not if granted for a valuable
compensation is actually paid or deposited in consideration. (MCIAA vs Marcos, 261
court. The court includes that the owner’s scra 667)
loss is not limited to his property alone but 
includes its income-generating potential.  LIMITATIONS OF THE EXERCISE:
 Who may exercise the power? 1. DUE PROCESS OF LAW- must not be
a. Congress confiscatory
b. President (by delegation) 2. EQUAL PROTECTION CLAUSE- must be
c. LGU- no inherent power; can only uniform and equitable
exercise when expressly authorized by 3. PUBLIC PURPOSE
the Legislature.  DOUBLE TAXATION- additional taxes laid on
d. Private Enterprises performing public the same subject by the same taxing
services. jurisdiction during the same taxing period
and for the same purpose.

 Exercised primarily by the legislature; local C. RELEVANCE OF THE DECLARATION OF
legislative bodies(Sec. 5, Art. X, Constitution); PRINCIPLES AND STATE POLICIES
and to limited extent, the President when
granted delegated tariff powers (Sec. 28(2), Not self-executing. Used by the judiciary as a aids or
Art. VI) as a guides in the exercise of its power of judicial
A. CONSTITUTIONAL EXEMPTION review and by the legislature in its enactment of laws.
PRINCIPLES Mere directives addressed to the executive and
 No law granting any tax exemption shall legislative departments.
be passed without the concurrence of a Legislative failure to pursue such policies cannot give
majority of all the Members of Congress rise to cause of action in the courts.
(Sec. 28(4), Art. VI of the Constitution.)
 Charitable Institutions, churches and  Philippines- democratic and republican State.
personages or convents appurtenant  Philippines renounces war as an instrument
thereto, mosques, non-profit cemeteries, of national policy, adopts the generally
and all lands, buildings and accepted principles of IL.
improvements, actually, directly and  Civilian authority is supreme over military.
exclusively used for religious, charitable  Government has the prime duty to serve and
or educational purposes shall be exempts protect the people. Government may call
from taxation. (Sec. 28(4), Art. VI of the upon the people to defend the State.
Constitution)  Separation of Church and State shall be
 All revenues and assets of non-stock, inviolable.
non-profit educational institutions used - Verily, the principle of separation of
actually, directly and exclusively for Church and State is based on mutual
educational purposes shall be exempt respect. Generally, the State cannot
from taxes and duties. (Sec. 4(3), Art. meddle in the internal affairs of the
XIV) church, much less question its faith and
 Subject to conditions prescribed by law, dogmas or dictate upon it. It cannot favor
all grants, endowments, donations, or one religion and discriminate against
contributions used actually, directly and another. On the other hand, the church
exclusively for educational purposes cannot impose its beliefs and convictions
shall be exempt from tax. (Sec. 4(4), Art. on the State and the rest of the citizenry.
XIV) It cannot demand that the nation follow
its beliefs, even if it sincerely believes others delayed and far reaching. A test
that they are good for the country. that would protect the interests of the
- Assurance if Religious Freedom- State in preventing a substantive evil,
Establishment Clause and Free Exercise whether immediate or delayed is
Clause; Its goal is to promote freedom of therefore, necessary.
individual’s religious beliefs and practices. - On the issue of Ang Ladlad a LGBT
It intends to deny government the power Community for registration with the
to use either the carrot or the stick to COMELEC in 2006, the application was
influence individual religious beliefs and denied on the ground that the
practices. organization had no substantial base and
- Establishment Clause- principally dismissal was based on moral grounds,
prohibits the State from sponsoring any the court rules that: “The morality
religion or favoring any religion against referred to in the law is public and
other religions. It mandates a strict necessarily secular, not religious(Estrada
neutrality in affairs among religious vs Escritor). Religious teachings as
groups. expressed in public debate may influence
- Free Exercise Clause- the respect for the the civil public order but public moral
inviolability of the human conscience. The disputes may be resolved only on grounds
is prohibited from unduly interfering with on articulable in secular terms.
the outside manifestations of one’s belief - On the issue of Philpost issuance of stamp
and faith; clear and present danger test commemorating INC Centennial
- Benevolent Neutrality Theory- believes Celebration, the court ruled that the cost of
that with respect to these governmental the printing and issuance of the aforesaid
actions, accommodation of religion may be 50,000 stamps were all paid for by TNC.
allowed, not to promote the government’s The printing of INC commemorative stamp
favored form of religion, but to allow is simply an acknowledgment of INC’s
individuals and groups to exercise their existence for a hundred years. It does not
religion without hindrance. The purpose of necessarily equate to the State sponsoring
accommodation is to remove a burden on, the INC.
or facilitate the exercise of a person’s or - Indeed, what is prohibited is the State
institution’s religion. What is sought under using its resources to solely benefit one
the theory of accommodation is not a religion. As stated above, the records do
declaration of unconstitutionality of a not show that the State has been using the
facially neutral law, but an exemption resources and manpower of Philpost for
from its application or its burdensome INC’s sole advantage. On the contrary, the
effect whether by the legislature or the stamps printed and issued by Philpost, as
courts. seen through its website, features various
- The court adopted a policy of benevolent entities and organizations other than
neutrality. With religion looked upon with religious sects.
benevolence and not hostility, benevolent  Independent foreign policy.
neutrality allows accommodation of  While the constitution mandates a
religion under certain circumstances. bias in favor of Filipino goods,
(Estrada vs Escritor) services, labor and enterprises, it also
- In ascertaining the limits of the exercise recognizes the need for business
of the religious freedom, the compelling exchange with the rest of the world
state interest test is proper. on the bases of equality and
- Compelling State Interest Test- proper reciprocity and limits protection of
where conduct is involved for the whole Filipino enterprises only against
gamut of human conduct has different foreign competition and trade
effect on the state’s interests: some effects practices that are unfair.
may be immediate and short-term while
 1987 constitution does not rule out  State shall prioritize education, science and
the entry of foreign investment, goods technology, arts, culture and sports.
and services. While it does not  Labor as primary economic force.
encourage their unlimited entry into  Self-reliant and independent national
the country, it does not prohibit them economy effectively controlled by Filipinos.
either. In fact, it allows an exchange  Comprehensive rural development and
on the basis of equality and agrarian reform.
reciprocity, frowning only on foreign  Under the Comprehensive Agrarian
competition that is unfair. Reform Law, conversion or
 Philippines shall adopt and pursue a policy of reclassification may be allowed “when the
freedom from nuclear weapons. land ceases to be economically feasible
 Promote a just and dynamic social order; and sound for agricultural purposes, or
promote full employment. the locality has become urbanized and the
 Social Justice in all phase of development. land will have a greater economic value
 Full respect of human rights for residential, commercial or industrial
 Sanctity of family life and shall protect and purposes.”
strengthen the family as a basic autonomous  Mere reclassification does not
social institution. automatically allow a landowner to
 Equal protection on the life of the mother and change its use. Conversion must be
the life of the unborn. approved before a landowner is
- Textually, the constitution affords permitted to use the agricultural land for
protection to the unborn from conception. other purposes. The DAR’s approval of
This is undisputable because before the conversion of agricultural land into
conception, there is no unborn to speak industrial estate, or any other use, is a
of. The traditional meaning of the word condition precedent before developing
“conception” which, as described and the land for industrial use. Conversely, the
defined by all reliable and reputable lack of approval for the conversion means
sources. that the farmland was never placed
- Apparently, the framers of the beyond the scope of the CARP.
constitution did not intend to ban all 
contraceptives for being unconstitutional.  Recognition and promotion of indigenous
Contraceptive that kills or destroy the cultural communities.
fertilized ovum should be deemed an  RA 8371(Indigenous People’s Rights Act
abortive and thus prohibited. Conversely, of 1997)-the law is a magna carta that
contraceptives that actually prevent the covers the rights of indigenous peoples
union of the male sperm and the female and corrects the grave historical injustice
ovum, and those that similarly take action to our indigenous peoples.
prior to fertilization should be deemed  Under the law, they will not be relocated
non-abortive, and thus, constitutionally without their free and prior informed
permissible. consent, nor through any means other
- The provision of Section 9 of RH Law than eminent domain.
covering the inclusion of hormonal  State shall guarantee equal access to
contraceptives, intra uterine devices, opportunities for public service and prohibit
injectables, and other safe, legal, non- political dynasties as may be defined by law.
abortifacient and effective family  Honesty and integrity in the public service
planning products and supplies by the and take positive and effective measures
National Frug Formulary in the EDL is not against graft and corruption.
mandatory.  Adoption and implementation of a policy of
 Right of people to a balanced and healthful full public disclosure of all its transactions
ecology. involving public interest.
LOCUS STANDI- refers to the right of the party to - Completeness Test- it is
come to a court of justice and make such a complete when it sets forth
challenge. therein the policy to be executed,
carried out or implemented by the
GOVERNMENT - Sufficient standard Test- when it
provides adequate guidelines or
1. SEPARATION OF POWERS- SEPARATION OF limitations in the law to map out
POWERS- powers of the government must be the boundaries of the delegate’s
divided to avoid concentration of these authority and prevent the
powers in any branch; the division, it is hoped delegation from running riot. To
that would avoid any single branch from be sufficient, the standard must
lording its power over the other branches or specify the limits of the delegate’s
the citizenry. authority, announce the
legislative policy and identify the
- In Minucherv. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. conditions under which is to be
142396, February 11, 2003, it was implemented.
sufficiently established that respondent 
Arthur Scalzo an agent of the US Drug
Enforcement Agency, was tasked to  PERMISSIBLE DELEGATION:
conduct surveillance on suspected drug a. Tariff Powers to the President
activities within the country, and having b. Emergency powers to the president-
ascertained the target, to inform the local “In times of war or other national
law enforcers who would then be emergency”
expected to make the arrest. In c. Delegation to the People- Referendum
conducting this surveillance and later, (the power of the electorate to approve or
acting as the poseur buyer during the reject legislation through an election
buy-bust operation, and then becoming a called for the purpose. ) Plebiscite (is the
principal witness in the criminal case electoral process by which an initiative on
against Minucher, Scalzo can hardly be the Constitution is approved or rejected
said to have acted beyond the scope of his by the people.)
official functions or duties. He should, d. Delegation to the LGU
therefore, be accorded diplomatic e. Delegation to Administrative Bodies
allows one department to resist State Immunity from Suit- the State
encroachments upon its prerogatives or to cannot be sued without its consent.
rectify mistakes or excesses committed by the However, it may be sued if it gives
other departments., e.g., veto power of the consent, whether express or implied. The
President as check on improvident legislation, doctrine is know as Royal Prerogative of
etc. Dishonesty.
Rule: “Potestas delegate non potest delegare” , SUABILITY- The state may not be sued
based on the ethical principle that delegated without its consent. There can be no legal
power constitutes not only a right but a duty right against the authority which makes
to be performed by the delegate through the the law on which the right depends.
instrumentality of his own judgment and not
through the intervening mind of another. The Doctrine of State Immunity also
 Test to Determine the validity of the applies to complaints filed against
delegation of Legislative Power: officials of the State for acts performed by
them in the discharge of their duties categories of the same nature; the court
within the scope of their authority. holds that the appropriation for motor
However, where a public officer has vehicle registration naturally and logically
committed an ultra vires act or where included plate-making inasmuch as plate-
there is a showing of bad faith malice or making was an integral part of
gross negligence the officer can be held registration process.
personally accountable, even if such acts
are claimed to have been performed in G. NATIONAL TERRITORY
connection with official duties (Wylie vs 1. SCOPE(TERRESTRIAL, AERIAL, AND
B. EXCEPTIONS: -Comprises the Philippines archipelago,
The traditional rule of State Immunity with all the islands and waters
which exempts a State from being sued in embraced therein, and all other
courts of another State without the territories over which the Philippines has
former’s consent or waiver has evolved sovereignty or jurisdiction, consisting of
into a restrictive doctrine which its terrestrial, fluvial and aerial domains,
distinguishes sovereign and including its territorial sea, the seabed,
governmental acts (Jure Imperii) from the subsoil, the insular shelves and
private, commercial and proprietary submarine areas. The waters around,
acts(Jure Gestionis) under the restrictive between and connecting the islands of
rule of State immunity, State immunity the archipelago, regardless of their
only extends only to acts Jure imperii. breadth and dimensions, form part of
the internal waters of the Philippines.
REPUBLIC VS VILLASOR: The universal (Archipelago Doctrine)
rule that where the State gives its consent
to be sued by private parties either by RA 9522 is constitutional. UNCLOS has
general or special law, it may limit nothing to do with the acquisition (or
claimant’s action “only up to the loss) of territory. It is a multilateral treaty
completion of proceedings anterior to the that regulates, among others, sea-use
stage of execution” and that the power of rights over maritime zones(TW-12NM,
the Courts ends when the judgment is CZ-24NM, EEZ 200NM) and continental
rendered, since government funds and shelves that UNCLOS delimits. UNCLOS III
properties may not be seized under the was the culmination of decades-long
writs of execution or garnishment to negotiations among UN members to
satisfy such judgments, is based on codify the norms regulating the conduct
obvious considerations of public policy. of States in the world’s oceans and
Disbursements of public funds must be submarine areas, recognizing the coastal
covered by the corresponding and archipelagic state graduated
appropriation as required by law. The authority over a limited span of waters
functions and public services rendered by and submarine lands along their coast.
the State cannot be allowed to be
paralyzed or disrupted by the diversion of Thus baseline laws are nothing but a
public funds from their legitimate and statutory mechanisms for UNCLOS III
specific objects, as appropriated by law. States parties to delimit with precision
the extent of their maritime zones and
GOH VS BAYRON- To be valid an continental shelves. In turn, this gives
appropriation must indicate a specific notice to the rest of the international
amount and a specific purpose. However, community of the scope of the maritime
the purpose may be specific even if it is space and submarine areas.
broken down into different related sub
What may Congress delegate:

Congress can only delegate, usually to

or LAW EXECUTION.  This involves either of two
tasks for the administrative agencies:

A. NATURE OF LEGISLATIVE POWER 1. “Filling up the details” on an otherwise

- The power to propose, enact, complete statute; or
amend and repeal laws. 2. Ascertaining the facts necessary to bring a
- Vested in the Congress, except to “contingent” law or provision into actual
the extent reserved to the people operation.
by the provision on initiative and
referendum. Cases:
POWER  Non-Delegation  of legislative
- Derivative/delegated - power ( Abakada Guro   Party List
delegated by the vs. Executive Secretary, September
sovereign people to 1, 2005;  Epira case-Gerochi vs.
legislative bodies and is DOE, GR. No. 159796,  July 17,         
subordinate to the 2007).
original power of the
 Tests of valid delegation:
people 1. completeness test * Gerochi vs.
- Congress, as a general DOE, July 17, 2007
rule, cannot delegate its 2. sufficient standard  *Santiago vs.
legislative power.  Since COMELEC, 3/19/97; Abakada Guro
the people have already Party List vs. Exec. Sec.
delegated legislative  
power to Congress, the  Jose Jesus M. Disini, Jr. et al. vs.
latter cannot delegate it The Secretary of Justice, GR No.
any further. 203335, February 11, 2014- In
order to determine whether there
is undue delegation of legislative
power, the Court has adopted two
tests: the completeness test and the
1. Delegation of legislative power to local sufficient standard test. Under the
government units; first test, the law must be complete
2. Instances when the Constitution itself in all its terms and conditions when
allows for such delegation [see Art. VI Sec. it leaves the legislature such that
23(2)] when it reaches the delegate, the
3. Permissible delegation: only thing to do is to enforce it. The
 1. tariff powers of the President second test mandates adequate
(Sec. 28 (2) Art. VI) guidelines or limitations in the law
 2. emergency power of the to prevent the delegation from
President (Sec. 23 (2) of  Art. VI running riot.
 3. people (Sec. 32 of Art. VI; Sec. 10
of Art. X, Sec.  2  of  
                    Art. XVII; RA 6735)  Garcia vs, Drilon, GR No. 179267,
                    4. local governments (Art X) June 25, 2013- the issuance of
                    5. administrative bodies (power of Barangay Protection Order by
subordinate legislation the Barangay officials is purely
executive in nature, consistent
with his duty under the LGC to
enforce all laws and ordinances and and "fair and equitable employment
to maintain public order in the practices." Provisions of the EPIRA
barangay. such as, among others, “to ensure
the total electrification of the
country and the quality, reliability,
 Pimentel III vs. COMELEC, G. R. security and affordability of the
No. 178413, March 13, 2008-  in supply of electric power” and
elections for President, V-President, “watershed rehabilitation and
Senators and Members of the House management” meet the
of Representatives, the general rule requirements for valid delegation,
still is that pre-proclamation cases as they provide the limitations on
on matters relating to the the ERC’s power to formulate the
preparation, transmission, receipt, IRR. These are sufficient standards.
custody and appreciation of
election returns or certificates of Echegaray vs. Secretary of
canvass are prohibited. As with Justice- Being a mere constituent
other general rules, there are unit of the Department of Justice,
recognized exceptions to he the Bureau of Corrections could not
prohibition namely: (1) correction promulgate a manual that would
of manifest errors; (2) questions not bear the imprimatur of the
affecting the composition of administrative superior, the
proceeding of the board of Secretary of Justice as the rule
canvassers; and (3) determination making authority under RA No.
of the authenticity and the due 8177.
execution of certificates of canvass              
as provided in Section 30 of RA  EASTERN SHIPPING LINES V.
7166, as amended by RA No. 9369. POEA, 166 SCRA 533-
Power of Subordinate Legislation
 Gerochi vs. DOE, GR. No. 159796,  – with this power, administrative
July 17, 2007 - Under the first test, bodies may implement the broad
the law must be complete in all its policies laid down in a statute by
terms and conditions when it leaves “filling” the details which Congress
the legislature such that when it may not have the opportunity or
reaches the delegate, the only thing competence to provide. This is
he will have to do is to enforce it. effected by their promulgation of
The second test mandates adequate what are known as supplementary
guidelines or limitations in the law regulations, such as the
to determine the boundaries of the implementing rules issued by DOLE
delegate's authority and prevent on the new Labor Code. These
the delegation from running riot. regulations have the force and
The Court finds that the EPIRA, effect of law. 
read and appreciated in its entirety,
in relation to Sec. 34 thereof, is
complete in all its essential terms  ABAKADA GURO PARTY LIST vs.
and conditions, and that it contains EXECUTIVE SECRETARY,
sufficient standards. xxx In the past, September 1, 2005-  No undue
accepted as sufficient standards the delegation of legislative power. It is
following: "interest of law and simply a delegation of
order;" "adequate and efficient ascertainment of facts upon
instruction;" "public interest;" which enforcement and
"justice and equity;" "public administration of the increase rate
convenience and welfare;" under the law is contingent. The
"simplicity, economy and legislature has made the operation
efficiency;" "standardization and of the 12% rate effective January 1,
regulation of medical education;" 2006, contingent upon a specified
fact or condition. It leaves the inherent or delegated legislative power to
entire operation or non-operation amend the functions of the CHED under
of the 12% rate upon factual RA 7722.
matters outside of the control of the 2. PLENARY CHARACTER- The Congress may
executive. legislate on any subject matter provided at the
limitations are observed.
 Congress cannot pass irrepealable laws. 
 Congress did not delegate the Since Congress’ powers are plenary, and
power to tax to the President.-
limited only by the Constitution, any attempt
The intent and will to increase the
to limit the powers of future Congresses via
VAT rate to 12% came from
Congress and the task of the an irrepealable law is not allowed.
President is simply to execute the 3. LIMITATIONS
legislative policy. a. Substantive- Limitations on the content of
(express) Bill of Rights
A. A Abakada Guro vs. Purisima, 562 (Implied)non-Delegation of Powers; and
SCRA 251- The requirement that Prohibition against the passage of
the implementing rules of a law be irrepealable
subjected to approval by Congress laws
as a condition for their effectivity b. Procedural- Manner of Passage and Form
violates the cardinal constitutional of Bills
principles of bicameralism and the  Limitations on the manner of passing laws
rule of presentment. A valid
 One Subject Only- Title must expresses
exercise of legislative power
the general subject, and all the provisions
requires the act of both chambers.
It can be exercised neither solely by of the statute are germane to that subject.
one of the two chambers nor by a  Three Readings on separate Days- Printed
committee of either or both copies of bill in its final form distributed
chambers. to Members three days before its passage,
except when the President certifies to its
immediate enactment to meet a public
 The President’s Ordinance Power calamity or emergency; upon last reading,
is the Executive’s rule-making no amendment allowed and vote thereon
authority in implementing and taken immediately and yeas and nays
executing constitutional or entered in the Journal (Sec. 26, Art. VI)
statutory powers. Indisputably,  Approval of the Bills:
there are constitutional powers a. President approves and signs it.
vested in the Executive that are b. Congress overrides the Presidential
veto- the veto is overridden upon a
vote of two-thirds of all members of
the House of origin and the other
 Secretary of Finance, et al. vs. La
Suerte Cigar, GR No. 166498,
June 11, 2009- Unless expressly 1. No pocket veto
granted to the BIR, the power to 2. Partial Veto- As a rule, partial veto
reclassify cigarette brands remains is invalid unless if it is in
a prerogative of the Legislature appropriation, revenue or tariff
which cannot be usurped by the bill (Sec. 27(2), Art. VI)
former. 3. Legislative Veto- A congressional
veto is a means whereby the
Review Center Assos. of the legislature can block or modify
Philippines vs. Ermita, GR No. 180046, administrative action taken under
April 2, 2009- The President has no a statute. It is a form of legislative
control in the implementation of enact laws, or approve or reject any act or law
particular executive action. or part thereof passed by the Congress or
4. When the president fails to act local legislative body after the registration of
upon the bill for thirty days from a petition therefor signed by at least 10 per
receipt thereof, the bill shall centum of the total number of registered
become a law as if he had signed voters, of which every legislative district must
it. (sec. 27(1), Art. VI) be represented by at least three per centum
4. LAW MAKING DISTINGUISHED FROM LAW of the registered voters thereof (sec. 32, Art.
EXECUTION VI). In compliance thereof, Congress passed
RA 6735, known as an Act Providing for a
A. FILLING-UP DETAILS-  on an System of Initiative and Referendum.
otherwise complete statute.  INITIATIVE
B. ASCERTAINMENT OF FACTS- - Initiative is the power of the people to
necessary to bring a “contingent” law propose amendments to the
or provision into actual operation. Constitution or to propose and enact
legislation through an election called
5. Exceptions to Non-Delegability for the purpose.
a) Local Governments - There are three system of initiative,
b) Presidential Power in Times of War and namely:
National Emergency, Including Martial 1. INITIATIVE ON THE CONSTITUTION-
Law and in a Revolutionary Context which is a petition proposing
 Existence of the State of War amendments to the Constitution.
- Congress, by a vote of 2/3 of both 2. INITIATIVE ON LOCAL LEGISLATION-
Houses in joint session assembled, refers to petition proposing to enact a
voting separately shall have the regional, provincial, city , municipal or
sole power to declare existence of barangay law, resolution or
a state of war. ordinance.
- In times of war or other 3. INITIATIVE ON STATUTE- refers to
emergency, the Congress may, by petition proposing to enact a national
law, authorize the President, for a legislation
limited period and subject to such - Indirect Initiative is the exercise of
restrictions as it may prescribe, to initiative by the people through a
exercise powers necessary and proposition sent to Congress or local
proper to carry out a declared legislative body for action (Sec. 2, RA
national policy. Unless sooner 6735)
withdrawn by resolution of the  REFERENDUM
Congress, such powers shall cease - The power of the electorate to approve or
upon the next adjournment reject legislation through an election
thereof. called for the purpose.
- It may be for two classes:
c) Fixing Tariff Rates, Quotas, and Other 1. REFERENDUM ON STATUTES- refers
Duties to petition to approve or reject an act
d) Administrative Bodies (power of or law, or part thereof, passed by
subordinate legislation) Congress;
6. Legislative Power of the People Through refers to petition to approve or reject
Initiative and Referendum a law, resolution or ordinance enacted
 The congress shall, as early as possible, by regional assemblies and local
provide for a system of initiative and legislative bodies. (sec 2©, RA 6735)
referendum, and the exception therefrom,  PROHIBITED MEASURES:
whereby the people can directly propose and
- No petition embracing more than one among the provinces, cities, and the
subject shall be submitted for metropolitan Manila area in accordance with
electorate; the number of their respective inhabitants,
- Statutes involving emergency and on the basis of a uniform and progressive
measures, the enactment fof which is ratio, and those who, as provided by law, shall
specifically vested in Congress by the be elected through a partylist system of
Constitution, cannot be subject to registered national, regional, and sectoral
referendum until ninety days after parties or organizations.
tehir effectivity. (Sec. 10, RA 6735)  House of Representatives- Speaker
B. Bicameral Congress - Majority of each House shall constitute a
- Shall be vested in the Congress of the quorum to do business, but a smaller
Philippines which shall consist of a Senate and House number may adjourn from day to day and
of Representatives, except to the extent reserved to may compel the attendance of absent
the people by the provision on initiative and Members in such manner, and under such
referendum. penalties, as such House may provide.
1. Senate - Each House may determine the rules of its
- Senate shall be composed of 24 senators proceedings, punish its members for
who shall be elected at large by the disorderly behavior, and with the
qualified voters of the Philippines, as may concurrence of two thirds of all its
be provided by the law. members, suspend or expel a Member.
- Senator: Natural Born, 35 y/o, able to - As far as practicable, contiguous,
read and write, registered voter, resident compact and adjacent territory.
of Philippines for not less than 2 years.  One representatives
- Member of the House of Representative- - Each city with a population of at
NBC, 25 y/o on the day of election, able to least 250,000.
read and write, registered voter in the - Or every province.
district in which he shall be elected, and a
resident thereof for a period of not less b) Party-List System
than one year immediately preceding the - Party list representatives-20% of the total
day of the election. number of representatives including those
Term- under the party list. (Labor, peasant, urban
- Senators- 6 years (Not more than two poor, indigenous cultural communities,
consecutive terms) women, youth, and such other sectors as may
- House of Representatives- 3 years (not be provided by the law, except religious
more than 3 consecutive terms). sectors).
- - The party list system is composed of three
2. House of Representatives different groups:
- Members of House Rep: not more than 250 a. National Parties or Organizations
members b. Regional Parties or Organizations
- The voter elects two representatives in the c. Sectoral Parties or Organizations
House of Representatives: one for his or her - Qualifications of Party List Nominees:
legislative district, and another for his or her i. NBC
party-list group or organization of choice. ii. Resident of at least 1 year
immediately preceding the
a) District Representatives and day of election
Mechanics of Apportionment iii. Bonafide member of the party
- The house of representatives shall or organization which he
be composed of not more than 250 members, seeks to represent for at least
unless otherwise fixed by law, who shall be 90 days preceding the day of
elected from legislative districts apportioned the election
iv. At least 25 y/o on the day of convicted by the trial court of a non-bailable
the election. offense. The denial was premised on the ff:
* A party list nominee must be a bona i. Membership in congress does not
fide member of the party or exempt an accused from statutes and
organization which he or she seeks to rules which apply to validly
represent. In the case of sectoral incarcerated persons;
parties, to be a bona fide party-list ii. One rationale behind confinement,
nominee one must either belong to whether pending appeal or after
the sector represented, or have a conviction, is public self-defense;
track record of advocacy for such iii. It would amount to the creation of
sector. privileged class, without justification
* National, regional, and sectoral in reason;
parties or organizations shall not be iv. accused-appellant is provided with an
disqualified if some of their nominees office at the House of Representatives
are disqualified, provided that they with a full complement of staff, as well
have at least one nominee who as an office at the Administration
remains qualified. (Atong Paglaum, Building, New Bilibid Prison, where
inc. vs COMELEC, GR No. 203766, April he attends to his constituents; he has,
therefore, been discharging his
2, 2013)
mandate as member of the House of
- Political Party vs Sectoral Party:
Representatives, and being a detainee,
Political Party refers to an organized he should not even be allowed by the
group of citizens advocating an prison authorities to perform these
ideology or platform, principles and acts.
policies for the general conduct of v. A senator or member of the house of
government. While Sectoral Party Representatives shall, in all offenses
refers to an organized group of punishable by not more than six
citizens belonging to any of the years imprisonment, be privilege
sectors enumerated in Section 5 from arrest while the Congress is in
hereof whose principal advocacy session.
pertains to the special interest and vi. Privilege for Speech and of Debate
concerns of their sector. (No member shall be questioned nor
- The nominees of the sectoral party either be held liable in any other place for
must belong to the sector, or must have a any speech or debate in the Congress
track record of advocacy for the sector or in any other committee thereof.)
C. Legislative Privileges, Disclosure of Financial BUSINESS AFFAIRS
and Business Affairs, Prohibitions, Inhibitions, Upon assumption of office, must make a full
and Disqualifications disclosure of financial and business interests.
Shall notify House concerned of a potential
PRIVILEGES conflict of interest that may arise from the filing
 Freedom from arrest in all offenses of the proposed legislation of which they are
punishable by not more than six years authors. (Sec. 12, AD. VI)
imprisonment, be privileged from arrest
while the Congress is in session. PROHIBITION AND OTHER INHIBITIONS
In PP vs Jalosjos, GR No 132875, Feb 3, 2000,  Non-appearance as counsel before any court
the SC denied the motion of Congressman of justice or before the Electoral Tribunals, or
Jalosjos that he be allowed to fully discharged quasi-judicial and other administrative
the duties of a Congressman, including bodies. Neither shall he, directly/indirectly be
attendance at legislative sessions and interested financially in any contract with, or
committee hearings despite his having been in any franchise or special privilege granted
by the Government, or any subdivision, the judicial department with the legislature.
agency or instrumentality thereof, including (osmena vs Pendatun).
any GOCC or its subsidiary, during his term of  Election as congressman did not amount to a
office. He shall not intervene in any matter condonation of an offense; neither does
before any office of the Government for his entitle him, pending appeal of his case, to be
pecuniary benefit or where he may be called free from confinement and be allowed to
upon to act on account of his office. attend sessions of congress, for the people
elected him with full awareness of the
DISQUALIFICATIONS limitations on his freedom of action and
 INCOMPATIBLE OFFICE- No senators or movement. (PP vs Jalosjos)
Member of the House of Representatives may  Determination of the acts which constitute
hold any other office or employment in the disorderly behavior is within the full
Government, or any subdivision, agency or discretionary authority of the House
instrumentality thereof, including GOCC’s or concerned, and the Court will not review such
other subsidiaries during his term without determination, the same being a political
forfeiting his seat. question. Osmena v. Pendatun
 Forfeiture of seat is automatic upon the
member’s assumption of such other office F. Process of Law-Making
deemed incompatible with his seat in 1. Function of the Bicameral Conference
Congress. However, no forfeiture shall take Committee – it is the power of the Bicameral
place if the member of the Congress holds the Conference Committee to include in its report an
other government office in an ex officio entirely new provision that is not found either in the
capacity. House Bill or in the Senate Bill. And if the Committee
 Neither shall he be appointed to any office can propose an amendment consisting of one or two
which may have been created or the provisions, there is no reason why it cannot propose
emoluments thereof increased during the several provisions , collectively considered as “an
term for which he was elected. amendment in the nature of a substitute”, so long as
D. Quorum and Voting Majorities the amendment is germane to the subject of the bills
 A majority of each House, but a smaller before the Committee (Tolentino vs Secretary of
number may adjourn from day to day and Finance). Jurisdiction of the Conference Committee is
may compel the attendance of absent not limited to resolving differences between the
Members in such manner and under such Senate and the House versions of the bill. It may
penalties as such House may determine. propose an entirely new provision.
Authority for the principle that the basis 2. Limitations on Legislative Power
in determining the existence of a quorum a) Limitations on Revenue,
in the Senate shall be the total number of Appropriations, and Tariff
Senators who are in the country and b) Presidential Veto and
within the coercive jurisdiction of the Congressional Override
Senate. G. Rules on Appropriation and Re-Alignment
E. Discipline of Members 4. Under the Constitution, the power of
appropriation is vested in the Legislature, subject
 Suspension to the requirement that appropriation bills
4. Concurrence of 2/3 of ALL its originate exclusively in the House of
members and Representatives with the option of the Senate to
5. Shall not exceed 60 days propose or concur with amendments. While the
 Concurrence of 2/3 of ALL its members budgetary process commences from the proposal
 The House of Represnetatives is the judge of submitted by the President to Congress, it is the
what constitutes disorderly behavior. The latter which concludes the exercise by grafting an
courts will not assume jurisdiction in any appropriation act it may deem beneficial to the
case which will amount to an interference by nation, based on its own judgment, wisdom and
GAA PROCESS designated by  Twelve Senators, and;
1. BUDGET PREPARATION- first step is the Chief Justice;  Twelve Members of the
essentially tasked upon the Executive  6 Members of House of
Branch and covers the estimation of Senate or HOR Representatives, elected
government revenues, the determination chosen on the by each House on the
of budgetary priorities and activities basis of basis of proportional
proportional representation from the
within the constraints imposed by
representation political parties and
available revenues and by borrowing
* Senior justice in the parties or organizations
limits, and the translation of desired electoral tribunal shall registered under the
priorities and activities into expenditure be its chairman. party-list system
levels. represented therein.
Congress enters the picture and *The chairman of the
deliberates or acts on the budget Commission shall not vote,
proposals of the President, and Congress except in case of a tie. 
in the exercise of its own judgment and
4. BUDGET ACCOUNTABILITY- Evaluation Rule 6(a) requiring
of actual performance and initially the presence of at
approved work targets, obligations least one Justice in
incurred, personnel hired and work order to constitute a
accomplished are compared with the quorum
targets set at the time the agency budgets
were approved. Rule 6(a) of the 2015
In allowing the direct allocation and release HRET Rules does not
of the PDAF funds to the Members of the make the Justices
Congress based on their own list of proposed indispensable
projects, did the implementation of the PDAF members to
provision under the GAA of 2004 violates the constitute a quorum
Constitution or the laws? but ensures that
- No, in determining whether or not a representatives from
statute is unconstitutional, the Court does both the Judicial and
not lose sight of the presumption of Legislative
validity accorded to statutory acts of departments are
Congress. In Farias v. The Executive present to constitute
Secretary, the court held that ‘every a quorum.
Statute is presumed valid. The
presumption is that the legislature
intended to enact a valid, sensible and The Electoral Tribunals and the Commission on
just law and one which operates no Appointments shall be constituted within thirty days
further than may be necessary to after the Senate and the House of Representatives shall
effectuate the specific purpose of the law.’ have been organized with the election of the President
and the Speaker. The Commission on Appointments
H. Electoral Tribunals and Commission on shall meet only while the Congress is in session, at the
Appointments call of its Chairman or a majority of all its Members, to
1. Composition discharge such powers and functions as are herein
conferred upon it.
(9 Members)
 3 Supreme Court  President of the Senate, 3. Powers and Jurisdiction
Justices as ex officio Chairman;
ELECTORAL COMMISSION ON determined may still shall be subject to
TRIBUNAL APPOINTMENTS be exercised even confirmation by the
Sole Judge of all contests The Commission shall without an election CA.
relating to the “election, act on all appointments contest.
returns, and submitted to it within
qualifications of the thirty session days of
members of the Senate” the Congress from their
To be considered a submission. The
Member of HOR, there Commission shall rule  Judicial review of Appointments
must be a concurrence by a majority vote of all decisions of the ETs extended by the
of ff requisites: the Members may be had with the President to the
 Valid SC only insofar as the above-mentioned
Proclamation decision or positions while
 Proper oath resolution was Congress is not in
 Assumption of rendered without or session shall only be
office in excess of effective until
jurisdiction or with disapproval by the CA
1.)    Each ET shall be   CA shall confirm the grave abuse of or until the next
the sole judge of all appointments by the discretion adjournment of
CONTESTS relating to President with constituting denial Congress.
the election, returns, respect to the of due process.
and qualifications of following positions:
their respective
members.  This 1. Heads of the
includes determining Executive
the validity or Departments  AD INTERIM APPOINTMENT VS
invalidity of a (except if it is the APPOINTMENT IN AN ACTING CAPACITY-
proclamation Vice-President Ad Interim Appointment are extended only
declaring a particular who is appointed during a recess of the Congress, whereas in
candidate as the to the post). Appointment in Acting Capacity may be
winner. 2. Ambassadors, extended any time there is vacancy. Ad
other public Interim are submitted to the Commission on
2.)    An ‘election ministers or Appointments for rejection or confirmation;
contest’ is one where consuls. Acting appointments are not submitted to the
a defeated candidate 3. Officers of the AFP Commission on Appointments. Acting
challenges the from the rank of appointments are a way of temporarily filing
qualification and Colonel or Naval important offices, but if abused, they can also
claims for himself the Captain: and be a way of circumventing the need for
seat of a proclaimed 4. Other officers confirmation by the Commission on
winner. whose Appointments.
appointments are  Is the appointment of President of acting
3.)    In the absence of vested in him by secretaries without the consent of the
an election contest, the Constitution Commission of Appointments while the
the ET is without (e.g. COMELEC congress is in session constitutional?
jurisdiction.  members).  Yes, the essence of an appointment in an
However, the power acting capacity is its temporary nature. It
of each House to expel Congress CANNOT by is a stop-gap measure intended to fill an
its own members or law prescribe that the office for a limited time until the
even to defer their appointment of a appointment of a permanent occupant to
oath-taking until their person to an office the office.
qualifications are created by such law
I. Powers of Congress inquiry, and as such, they do not have
1. Legislative Inquiries and the Oversight the constitutional right to counsel.
- Either House or any of their committees OVERSIGHT
may conduct inquiries ‘ in aid of legislation’.
In aid of Legislation does not mean that there  The power of oversight  embraces 
is pending legislation regarding the subject of the all activities undertaken by
inquiry. In fact, investigation may be needed for Congress to enhance its
purposes of proposing future legislation. understanding of and influence over
If the purpose of the investigation is to the implementation of legislation it
determine the existence of violations of the law, the has enacted. Clearly, oversight
investigation is no longer ‘in aid of legislation’ but in concerns post-enactment measures
aid of prosecution’. undertaken by Congress (a) to
monitor bureaucratic compliance
- Bengzon vs. Senate Blue Ribbon (203 with program objectives; (b) to
SRCA 76)- An investigation that seeks the determine whether agencies are
determination whether a law has been properly administered; (c) to
violated is not in aid of legislation but in aid eliminate executive waste and
of prosecution, and therefore, violative of dishonesty; (d) to prevent executive
separation of powers. To allow the usurpation of legislative authority;
Committee to investigate the matter would and (e) to assess executive
create the possibility of conflicting conformity with the congressional
judgments; and that the inquiry into the perception of public interest.
same justiceable controversy would be an
encroachment on the exclusive domain of CATEGORIES OF OVERSIGHT POWERS OF
judicial jurisdiction that had set in much CONGRESS:
earlier (investigation was not in aid of 1. SCRUTINY- implies a lesser intensity and
legislation). continuity of attention to administrative
operations. Its primary purpose is to
- Standard Chartered Bank vs. Senate determine economy and efficiency of the
Committee on Banks, GR No. 167173, operation of the government activities. In the
December 27, 2007- the mere filing of a exercise of legislative scrutiny, Congress may
criminal or an administrative complaint request information and report from the
before a court or quasi-judicial body should other branches of the government. It can give
not automatically bar the conduct of recommendations or pass resolutions for
legislative inquiry, otherwise, it would be consideration of the agency involved.
extremely easy to subvert any intended 2. CONGRESSIONAL INVESTIGATION-
inquiry by Congress through the Involves more intense digging of the facts.
convenient ploy of instituting a criminal or
an administrative complaint. 3. LEGISLATIVE SUPERVISION- connotes a
continuing and informed awareness on the
- Philcomsat Holdings Corporation vs. part of a congressional committee regarding
Senate of the Philippines, GR No. executive operations in a given
180308, June 19, 2012- the wide latitude administrative area. It allows congress to
given to the Congress in the conduct of scrutinize the exercise of delegated law
legislative inquiries and would not fault the making authority, and permits Congress to
Senate for approving the resolution on the retain part of the delegated authority
very same day that it was submitted. The
court also held that the petitioners were 2. Non-Legislative
invited as resource persons at the a) Informing Function
 The Supreme Court's exercise of its
b) Power of Impeachment jurisdiction over quo warranto petition is
 The House of Representative shall have the not violative of the doctrine of separation
exclusive power to initiate all cases of of powers.
impeachment.(3) A vote of at least 1/3 of all Section 3(1) and 3(6), Article XI, of the
the Members of the House shall be necessary Constitution respectively provides that the
either to affirm a favorable resolution with House of Representatives shall have the
the Articles of Impeachment of the exclusive power to initiate all cases of
Committee, or override its contrary impeachment while the Senate shall have the
resolution. sole power to try and decide all cases of
 Conviction in the impeachment proceeding is impeachment. Thus, there is no argument
not required before the before the public that the constitutionally-defined
officer subject of impeachment proceeding is instrumentality which is given the power to
not required before the public officer subject try impeachment cases is the Senate.
of impeachment may be prosecuted, tried and Nevertheless, the Supreme Court's
punished for criminal offenses committed. assumption of jurisdiction over an action for
 To initiate impeachment- proceeding is quo warranto involving person who would
initiated or begins, when a verified complaint otherwise be an impeachable official had it
is filed and referred to the Committee on not been for disqualification, is not violative
Justice.(Francisco vs HOR) of the core constitutional provision that
 A vote of 1/3 of all the members of the House impeachment cases shall be exclusively tried
shall be necessary either to affirm a favorable and decided by the Senate.
resolution with the Articles of Impeachment
of the Committee to override its contrary
resolution with the Articles of Impeachment
of the Committee or override its contrary
 quo warranto and impeachment may proceed
independently of each other as these
remedies are distinct as to (1) jurisdiction (2)
grounds, (3) applicable rules pertaining to
initiation, filing and dismissal, and (4)
limitations. quo warranto proceeding is the
proper legal remedy to determine the right or
title to the contested public office or to oust
the holder from its enjoyment. In quo EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT
warranto proceedings referring to offices
filled by election, what is to be determined is
the eligibility of the candidates elected, while A. NATURE OF EXECUTIVE POWER
in quo warranto proceedings referring to
offices filled by appointment, what is 1. IN RELATION TO THE
determined is the legality of the appointment. IMPLEMENTATION OF LAWS
(Republic vs Ma. Lourdes Sereno, GR 237428, (INCLUDING DELEGATED POWERS)
May 11, 2018)  The executive power is the power to
 Quo warranto and impeachment are, thus, enforce and administer the laws. The
not mutually exclusive remedies and may president is vested with the power to
even proceed simultaneously. The execute, administer and carry out laws
existence of other remedies against the into practical operation.
usurper does not prevent the State from 2. EXPRESS OR IMPLIED (INCLUDING
commencing quo warranto proceeding. THE FAITHFUL EXECUTION OF
*Death, permanent
disability, removal
2. WAIVER AND EXCEPTIONS from office, or
1. TYPES President- VP shall
become the President.
2. WHO MAY INVOKE *No Pres and VP-
OF THE PRESIDENT AND VICE the Speaker of the
QUALIFICATIONS * NATURAL BORN *the same as the of Congress in case of
*REGISTERED VOTER President, but no VP the vacancy in the
* ABLE TO READ AND shall serve for more Offices of Pres and
WRITE than 2 successive VP: At 10 am of the
* AT LEAST 40 Y/O terms. 3rd day after the
RESIDENT OF vacancy occurs,
*ATLEAST 10 YEARS Congress shall
OF RESIDENCY convene without
IMMEDIATELY need of a call, and
PRECEDING SUCH within 7 days enact a
ELECTION law calling for a
ELECTION * REGULAR special election to
ELECTION: 2ND elect Pres and VP to
MONDAY OF MAY be held npt earlier
*CONGRESS AS than 45 nor later
CANVASSING BOARD than 60 days from
* SUPREME COURT AS the time of such call.
court en banc is the
sole judge of all
the election, returns
and qualifications of DISQUALIFICATIONS
the President and Vice  Immunity from suit- While the President is
President, and may immune from suit, she may not be prevented
promulgate rules for
the purpose. from instituting suit.
TERM *6 years  In Forbes vs Chuoco Tiaco, the Supreme
*No re-election of a Court said that the President is immune
person who succeeded
as President and has from civil liability.
served as such for  It is a settled jurisprudence that the
more than 4 years; President enjoys immunity from suit
during his or her tenure of office or actual
BEGINNING OF THE Office: The President incumbency. Conversely, this presidential
TERM shall nominate a VP privilege of immunity cannot be invoked
*Death/Permanent from among the by a non-sitting president even for acts
Disability of the members of the Senate
President elect: VP- and the House of committed during his or her tenure. In
elect shall become the Representatives who the case at bar, the events occurred
President. shall assume office during the incumbency of former
*Pres-elect fails to upon confirmation by a
qualify/ have not been majority vote of all the President Arroyo. In that respect, it was
chosen- VP-Elect shall Members of both proper for the court a quo to have
act as the President Houses of Congress dropped her as a respondent on account
until the President voting separately.
elect shall have
of her presidential immunity from suit. It
qualified/ shall have must be underscored, however, that since
been chosen her tenure of office has already ended,
former President Arroyo can no longer
invoke the privilege of presidential government or any subdivision, agency,
immunity as a defense to evade judicial or instrumentality thereof, including
determination of her responsibility or GOCC’s or their subsidiaries.
accountability for the alleged violation or  Strictly avoid conflict of interest in the
threatened violation of the right to life, conduct of their office
liberty and security of Lozada. (Lozada Jr.  May not appoint spouse or relatives by
et.al. vs. Macapagal-Arroyo, GR No. consanguinity or affinity within the fourth
184379-80, April 24, 2012) civil degree as Members of Concomm, or
 The Right of the President and high-level office of the Ombuds, Secretaries,
executive branch officials to withhold undersecretaries, chairmen or heads of
information from Congress, the courts, and teh bureaus or offices, including GOCC
ultimately the public. Thus, presidential and their subsidiaries.
conversations, correspondences or A. F POWERS OF THE PRESIDENT
discussions during closed-door Cabinet 1. EXECUTIVE AND ADMINISTRATIVE
meetings, like the internal deliberations of POWERS
the Supreme Court and other collegiate  The Executive Power shall be vested in
courts, or executive sessions of either House the President of the Philippines… He shall
of Congress, are recognized as confidential. ensure that the laws be faithfully
This kind of information cannot be pried open executed.
by a co-equal branch of government (Senate  The executive power is the power to
v. Ermita, GR No. 169777, April 20, 2006). enforces and administer the laws. In
National Electrification Administration v.
 PROHIBITIONS AND INHIBITIONS CA, GR No. 143481, Feb 15, 2002, the SC
 Shall not receive any other emoluments said that as the administrative head of the
from the government or any other source. government, the President is vested with
 Shall not hold any other office or the power to execute, administer and
employment unless otherwise provided carry out laws into practical operation.
by the Constitution; Executive power, then, is the power of
 Note, however that the VP carrying out the laws into practical
may be appointed to the operation and enforcing their due
Cabinet, w/o need of observance.
confirmation by the  Under Sec. 31(1) of EO 292, the President
Commission on can reorganize the Office of the President
Appointments; and the proper by abolishing, consolidating or
Secretary of Justice is an ex merging units, or by transferring
officio member of the JBC; functions from one unit to another. In
 This prohibition must not, contrast, under Sec. 31(2) and (3), of the
however, be construed as President’s power to reorganize offices
applying to posts occupied by outside the Office of the President Proper
the Executive officials without is limited to merely transferring functions
additional compensation in an or agencies from the Office of the
ex-officio capacity, as President to Departments or Agencies
provided by law and as and vice versa (Domingo vs Zamora, GR
required by the primary 142283, Feb 6, 2003)
functions of the said officials’  The President has the authority to carry
office. out a reorganization of the Department of
 Shall not directly or indirectly practice Health under the Constitution and
any other profession, participate in any statutes. This authority is an adjunct of
business, or be financially interested in the President’s power of control under
any contract with, or in any franchise or Art. VII, Secs. 1 and 17, and it is also an
special privilege granted by the exercise of his “residual powers”.
However, the President must exercise tenure. A temporary appointment and a
good faith in carrying out the designation are not subject to
reorganization of any branch or agency of confirmation by the Commission on
the executive department. Appointments. Such confirmation, if given
 It is not the president to determine the erroneously, will not make the incumbent
a permanent appointee (Valencia v.
validty of the law since this is a question
Peralta, 8 SCRA 692).
addressed to the judiciary. Thus, until and

unless a law is declared unconstitutional,
the President has a duty to execute it
regardless of his doubts on its validity
 Powers of the President that can be
o Nomination by the President
i. Those that are considered to be in the
o Confirmation by the Commission
expertise of cabinet members;
on Appointments;
ii. Those that require focus on a welter
o Issuance of the commission;
of time consuming detailed activities,
which would unduly hamper the o Acceptance by the appointee- the
President’s effectivity in running the Supreme Court declared that an
government, those involving the appointment is deemed complete
formulation and execution of schemes only upon its acceptance. Pending
pursuant to the policy publicly such acceptance, which is optional
expressed by the President himself or to the appointee, the appointment
herself; may still be validly withdrawn.
iii. Though of vital public interest, those
only from any extraordinary incident B. BY-PASSED APPOINTMENTS
but from the established functions of AND THEIR EFFECTS
governance. (DTI vs Enriquez, GR  When an ad interim appointment is by-
22301) passed because of lack of time or failure
2. POWER OF APPOINTMENT of the Commission on Appointments to
 The President shall nominate and, with organize, there is no final decision by the
the consent of. the Commission on Commission to give or withhold its
Appointments, appoint the heads of the consent to the appointment. Absent such
executive departments, ambassadors, decision, the President is free to renew
other public ministers and consuls, or the ad interim appointment (Matibag v.
officers of the armed forces from the rank Benipayo)
of colonel or naval captain, and other C. APPOINTMENTS BY AN
officers whose appointments are vested ACTING PRESIDENT
in him in  Appointments extended by an acting
this Constitution. He shall also appoint all President shall remain effective unless
other officers of the Government whose
revoked by the elected President within
appointments are not otherwise provided
ninety days from his assumption of office
for by law, and those whom he may be
authorized by law to appoint. The (Sec. 14, Art. VIII)
Congress may, by law, vest the D. SCOPE OF MIDNIGHT
appointment of other officers lower in APPOINTMENTS
rank in the President alone, in the couds,  Two months immediately before the next
or in the heads of departments, agencies, presidential elections and up to the end of
commissions or boards."].Sec. 16, Art. VII his term, a President or acting President
 Permanent appointments are those shall not make appointments except
extended to persons possessing the temporary appointments to executive
qualifications and the requisite eligibility positions when continued vacancies
and are thus protected by the therein will prejudice public service or
constitutional guarantee of security of
endanger public safety (Sec. 15, Art.  RA 6656 enumerates the circumstances
VII) which may be considered as evidence of
 The constitutional prohibition on bad faith in the removal of civil service
midnight appointments, specifically, those employees as a result of reorganization:
made within two months immediately  Where there
prior to the next presidential election, 3. POWER OF CONTROL AND
applies only to the President or Acting SUPERVISION
President.  Control is the power of an officer to alter
 It does not applies to appointments made or modify or nullify or set aside what a
by local chief executive. In truth and in subordinate officer had done in the
fact, there is no law that prohibits local performance of his duties and to
elective officials from making substitute the judgment of the former for
appointments during the last days of his that of the latter (Mondano v. Silvosa)
or her tenure.  Supervision overseeing, or the power or
E. RECESS OF AD-INTERIM authority of an officer to see that
APPOINTMENTS subordinate officers perform their duties,
 One made by the President while and if the supervision fail or neglect to
Congress is not in session, takes effect fulfill them, then the control may take
immediately. But ceases to be valid if such action or steps as prescribed by law
disapproved by the Commission on to make them perform these duties.
Appointments or upon the next A. DOCTRINE OF QUALIFIED
adjournment of Congress. POLITICAL AGENCY
 An ad interim appointment is a  Also known as the alter ego principle.
permanent appointment because it takes Under this doctrine of qualified political
effect immediately and can no longer be agency essentially postulates that the
withdrawn by the President once the heads of the various executive
appointee has qualified into office. The departments are the alter egos of the
fact that it is subject to confirmation by President, and, thus the actions taken by
the Commission on Appointments does such heads in the performance of their
not alter its permanent character official duties are deemed the acts of the
(Matibag v. Benipayo, GR No. 149036, President unless the President himself
April 2, 2002) should disapprove such acts. This
 doctrine is in recognition of the fact that
F. POWER OF REMOVAL in our presidential form of government,
 As a general rule, the power of removal all executive organizations are adjuncts of
may be implied from the power of a single Chief Executive; that the heads of
appointment. However, the President the Executive Departments are assistant
cannot remove officials appointed by him and agents of the Chief Executive are
where the Constitution prescribes certain performed through the Executive
methods for separation of such officers Departments. The doctrine has been
from public service, e.g. Chairmen and the adopted here out of practical necessity,
Commissioners of Constitutional considering that the president cannot be
Commissions who can be removed only expected to personally the multifarious
by impeachment, or judges who are functions of the Executive Office.(DOTI vs
subject to the disciplinary authority of the Enriquez, GR. 225301, June 2, 2020)
Supreme Court. In the cases where the  The power of the President to reorganize
power of removal is lodged in the the National Government may validly be
President, the same may be exercised delegated to his Cabinet Members
only for cause as may be provided by law, exercising control over a particular
and in accordance with the prescribed executive department.
administrative procedure. 
B. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS V. Where the removal violates the
AND OFFICES order of separation.
 The power to abolish an office is generally
lodged in the legislature, the authority of C. LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNITS
the President to reorganize the executive  The President exercises only the power of
branch, which may incidentally include general supervision over local
such abolition, is permissible under governments.
present laws (MEWAP vs. Romulo, GR No.  On the President’s power of general
160093, July 31, 2007) supervision, however, the President can
 But the power of control may be exercised only interfere in the affairs and activities
by the President only over the acts, not of a local government unit if he or she
over the actor.(Angangco v. Castillo, 9 finds that the latter had acted contrary to
SCRA 619) law. The President or any of his alter egos,
 The President’s power to reorganize the cannot interfere in local affairs as long as
executive branch is also an exercise of his the concerned LGU acts within the
residual powers under Section 20, Title 1, parameters of the law and the
Book II, EO 292, which grants the Constitution.
President broad organization powers to 4. EMERGENCY POWERS
implement reorganization measures. 5. COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF POWERS
Further, PD 1772, which amended PD (GRADUATED POWERS)
1416, grants the President the continuing  “The President shall be the Commander-in-
authority to reorganize the national Chief of all armed forces of the
government which includes the power to Philippines…”
group, consolidate bureaus and agencies,  The vitality of the tenet that the President
to abolish offices, ton transfer functions, is the commander-in-chief of the AfP is
to create and classify functions, services most crucial to the democratic way of life,
and activities, and to standardize salaries to civil supremacy over the military, and
and materials (MEWAP vs Romulo). to the general stability of our
 RA 6656 enumerates the circumstances representative system of government.
which may be considered as evidence of The Court quoted Kapunan v. De Villa:
bad faith in the removal of civil service “The Court is of the view that such is
employees as a result of reorganization: justified by the requirements of military
I. Where there is a significant discipline. It cannot be gainsaid that
increase in the number of certain liberties of persons in the military
positions in the new staffing service, including the freedom of speech,
pattern of the department of may be circumscribed by rules of military
agency concerned; discipline. Thus, to a certain degree,
II. Where an office is abolished and individual rights may be curtailed, because
another performing substantially the effectiveness of the military in fulfilling
the same function is created; its duties under the law depends to a large
III. Where the incumbents are extent on the maintenance of discipline
replaced by those less qualified in within its ranks. Hence, lawful orders must
terms of status of appointment, be followed without questions and rules
performance and merit; must be faithfully complied with,
IV. Where there is a classification of irrespective of a soldier’s personal view on
offices in the department or the matter”
agency concerned and the  The 1987 Constitution gives the
reclassified offices perform president, as Commander-In-Chief, a
substantially the same functions “sequence” of “graduated powers”. These
as the original offices; are the: calling out power, power to
suspend the privilege of the writ of
habeas corpus and the power to declare a (INCLUDING EXTENSION OF
martial law. It must be stressed, however, PERIODS)
that the graduation refers only to Suspension of the Privilege of the Writ of Habeas
hierarchy based on scope and effect. It Corpus
does not in any manner refer to a  Grounds: Invasion or rebellion, when
sequence, arrangement or order which public safety requires it.
the Commander-in-chief must follow.  It shall not exceed sixty days, following
These extraordinary powers are which it shall be lifted, unless extended by
conferred to the Pres, it therefore the Congress.
necessarily follows that the power and  The president has the duty to report
prerogative to determine, also lies, at action to Congress within 48 hours,
least initially with the President. The personally or in writing;
power to choose, initially, which among  Congress may revoke or extend on
these extraordinary powers to wield in a request of the President the effectivity of
given set of conditions is a judgment call proclamation by a majority vote of all its
on the part of the President. members, voting jointly;
A. CALLING OUT POWERS  The suspension of the privilege of the writ
 Under the calling out power, the does not impair the right to bail. (Sec. 13,
President may summon the armed forces Art. III)
to aid her in suppressing lawless violence,  The suspension applies only to persons
invasion or rebellion; this involves judicially charged for rebellion or
ordinary police action. But every act that offenses inherent in or directly connected
goes beyond the President’s calling-out with invasion.
power is considered illegal or ultra vires.  During the suspension of the privilege of
For this reason, a President must be the writ, any person thus arrested or
careful in the exercise of her power. She detained shall be judicially charged
cannot invoke a greater power when she within three days, otherwise he shall be
wishes to act under a lesser power. released.
 In IBP vs Zamora, GR No. 141284, Aug. 15, MARTIAL LAW
2000, the Sc said that the President calls  A state of martial law does not suspend
out the AFP to suppress lawless violence, the operation of the Constitution, nor
rebellion or invasion, he necessarily supplant the functioning of the civil
exercise a discretionary power solely courts or legislative assemblies, nor
vested in his wisdom. The Court cannot authorize the conferment of jurisdiction
overrule the President’s discretion or on military courts and agencies over
substitute its own. The only criterion is civilians where civil courts are able to
that “whenever it becomes necessary”, function, nor automatically suspend the
the President may call out the armed privilege of the writ. (Sec. 18, Art. VII)
forces. In the exercise of the power, on the CONGRESSIONAL CHECK ON THE PRESIDENT’S
spot decisions may be necessary in MARTIAL LAW AND SUSPENSION OF POWERS
emergency situations to avert great loss  Congressional check on the President’s
of human lives and mass destruction of martial law and suspension powers thus
property. Indeed, the decision to call out consists of:
the armed forces must be done swiftly o The power to review the President’s
and decisively if it were to have any effect proclamation of martial law or
at all, suspension of the privilege of the writ
B. DECLARATION OF MARTIAL of habeas corpus, and to revoke such
LAW AND THE SUSPENSION proclamation or suspension. The
OF THE PRIVILEGE OF THE review is “automatic in the sense that
WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS it may be activated by Congress itself
at any time after the proclamation or
suspension is made.” The Congress  Pardon- An act of grace which exempts
decision to revoke the proclamation the individual on whom it is bestowed
or suspension cannot be set aside by from the punishment that the law inflicts
the President; and for the crime he has committed.
o Second, the power to approve any i. Plenary or Partial
extension of the proclamation or ii. Absolute or conditional
suspension, upon the President’s  Commutation- Reduction or mitigation of
initiative, for such period as it may the penalty
determine, if the invasion or rebellion  Reprieve- Postponement of a sentence or
persists and public safety requires it. stay of execution
(Lagman vs Pimentel)  Parole- Release from imprisonment, but
6. PARDONING POWERS without full restoration of liberty, as
 Except in cases of impeachment, or as parolee is still in the custody of the law
otherwise provided in the Constitution, although not in confinement.
the President may grant reprieves,  Amnesty- Act of grace, concurred in by
commutations, and pardons, and remit the legislature, usually extended to
fines and forfeitures, after conviction by groups of persons who committed
final judgment. He shall also have the political offenses, which puts into oblivion
power to grant amnesty with the the offense itself.
concurrence of a majority of all the -In PP vs Patriarca, GR
members of the Congress. 135457, Sept 29, 2000 it was
A. SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS held that the person released
 Exercised by the President and may not under an amnesty
be controlled by the legislature or proclamation stands before
reversed by the courts, unless there is a the law precisely as though he
constitutional violation. had not committed no offense.
 LIMITATIONS: - In Vera vs PP, 7 SCRA 152, it
i. Cannot be granted in cases of was held that to avail of the
impeachement; benefits of an amnesty
ii. Cannot be granted in cases of proclamation, one must admit
violation of election laws without his guilt of the offense covered
favorable recommendation of the by the proclamation.
iii. Can be granted only after conviction 7. FOREIGN RELATIONS POWERS
by final judgment-1987 Constitution A. IN GENERAL
prohibits the grant of pardon,  No treaty or international agreement
whether full or conditional to an shall be valid and effective unless
accused during the pendency of his concurred in by at least 2/3 of all the
appeal from the judgment of members of the senate.
conviction by the trial court. Any  International Agreements which involve
application for pardon should not be political issues or changes of national
acted upon, or the process towards its policy and those involving international
grant should not begin, unless the arrangements of a permanent character
appeal is withdrawn. take the form of a treaty.
iv. Cannot be granted in administrative  The role of the President as the executor
contempt or civil contempt of the law includes the duty to defend the
v. Cannot absolve the convict of civil state, for which purpose he may use that
liability power in the conduct of foreign relations.
vi. Cannot restore public offices forfeited.
B. TO CONTRACT OR 2. Signature- If and when the
GUARANTEE FOREIGN negotiators finally decide on the
LOANS terms of the treaty, the same is
C. ENTRY INT TREATIES OR opened for signature. This step is
INTERNATIONAL primarily intended as a means of
AGREEMENTS authenticating the instrument and
 In fine, the presidential role in foreign for the purpose of symbolizing the
affairs is dominant and the President is good faith of the parties; but,
traditionally accorded a wider degree of significantly, it does not indicate
discretion in the conduct of foreign the final consent of the state in
affairs. The regularity, nay, validity of his cases where ratification of the
actions are adjudged under less stringent treaty is required.
standards, lest their judicial repudiation 3. Ratification- is the formal act by
lead to breach of an international which a state confirms and
obligation, rupture of state relations, accepts the provisions of a treaty
forfeiture of confidence, national concluded by the representatives.
embarrassment and a plethora of other It enables the contracting states to
problems with equally undesirable examine the treaty more closely
consequences. and to give them an opportunity
 As the sole organ of our foreign relations to refuse to be bound by it should
and the constitutionally assigned chief they find it inimical to their
architect of foreign policy, the President is interests.
vested with the exclusive power to 4. exchange of the instruments
conduct and manage the country’s for the ratification. – signifies
interface with other states and the effectivity of the treaty unless
governments. a different date has been agreed
 The constitutional mandate emanates upon by the parties.
from the inherent power of the President  As earlier discussed, the signing of the
to enter into agreements with other treaty and ratification are two separate
states, including prerogative to conclude and distinct steps in the treaty making
binding executive agreements that do not process. As earlier discussed, the
require further Senate concurrence. signature is primarily intended as a means
 The constitutional mandate of the of authenticating the document and as a
participation of the legislative branch in symbol of good faith of the parties.
the treaty-making process was deemed Ratification, on the other hand, is the
essential to provide a check on the formal act by which a state confirms and
executive in the field of foreign relations. accepts the provisions of a treaty
By requiring the concurrence of the concluded by its representative.
legislature in the treaties entered into by  It should be emphasized that under our
the President, the Constitution ensures a Constitution, the power to ratify is vested
healthy system of checks and balance in the President, subject to the
necessary in the nations pursuit of concurrence of the Senate. The role of the
political maturity and growth. senate , however, is limited only to giving
 The usual steps in the treaty-making or withholding its consent, or
process are: concurrence, to the ratification. Hence, it
1. Negotiation- Brief or protracted, is within the authority of the President to
depending on the issues involved, refuse to submit atreaty to the Senate or,
and may even collapse in case the having secured its consent for its
parties are unable to come to an ratification, refuse to ratify it.(Pimentel vs
agreement on the points under Executive Secretary)
8. POWERS RELATIVE TO > All cases involving the legality of any tax,
APPROPRIATION MEASURES impost, assessment, or toll, or any penalty
9. VETO POWERS imposed in relation thereto
> All cases in which the jurisdiction of the any
lower court is in issue
> All criminal cases in which the penalty
imposed is reclusion perpetua or higher
> All cases in which only an error or question
of law is involved.
 Actual case or controversy- involves a
conflict of legal rights, an assertion of
opposite legal claims, susceptible of
judicial resolution as distinguished from a
hypothetical or abstract difference or
 Requirement is the requirement of
“ripeness” for adjudication.
 Raised by proper party/legal
standing/locus standi- defined as a
personal and substantial interest in a case
JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT such that the party has sustained or will
sustain direct injury as a result of the
governmental act that is being challenged.
A. CONCEPT OF JUDICIAL POWER  Taxpayer, voters, concerned
Includes the duty of the courts of justice to citizen, and legislator may be
settle actual controversies involving rights accorded standing to sue provided
which are legally demandable and that the following requirements
enforceable, and to determine whether or not are met:
there has been a grave abuse of discretion i. cases involved constitutional
amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on issue;
the part of any branch or instrumentality of ii. taxpayers, there must be a
the Government. (Sec. 1, par. 2, Art. VIII). claim of illegal disbursement
Vested in one Supreme Court and in such of public funds or that the tax
lower courts as may be established by law. measure is unconstitutional; a
Jurisdiction is defines as the power to hear taxpayer is allowed to sue
and decide a case. where there is a claim that
The supreme court has the following powers: public funds are illegally
1. Exercise original jurisdiction over cases disbursed, or that the public
affecting ambassadors, other public ministers money is being deflected to
and consuls, land over petitions for certiorari, any improper purpose, or that
prohibition, mandamus, and habeas corpus; there is a wastage of public
2. Review, revise, reverse, modify or affirm on funds through the
appeal or certiorari as the law or the ROC enforcement of an invalid or
may provide, final judgments and orders of unconstitutional law.
lower courts; (Constantino, Jr. vs Cuisia, GR
> All cases which the constitutionality or No. 106064, October 13, 2005)
validity of any treaty, international iii. for voters, showing of
agreements, law, presidential decree, obvious interest in the validity
proclamation, order, instruction, ordinance, of the election law in question;
or regulation is in question;
iv. Concerned citizen, showing d. OPERATIVE FACT DOCTRINE
of the issues raised are of It is a well settled rule that an
transcendental importance unconstitutional act is not a law; no rights; it
which must be settled early; imposes no duties; it affords no protection; it
and creates no office; it is inoperative as if it has
v. For legislators, there must be not been passed at all.
a claim that the official action An exception to the rule, however, is the
complained of infringes upon operative fact doctrine, the doctrine
their prerogatives as nullifies the effects of an unconstitutional law
legislators. or an executive act by recognizing that the
(Macalintal vs PET, GR No. existence of a statute prior to a determination
191618, 11/23/2010) of unconstitutionality is an operative fact and
may have consequences that cannot always
 Earliest possible opportunity be ignored. It applies when a declaration of
 Lis mota/ decision of constitutional unconstitutionality will impose an undue
question must be necessary to the burden on those who have relied on the
determination of the case itself. invalid law.
b. POLITICAL QUESTIONS DOCTRINE Doctrine of operative fact as stated in
-A political question of policy, which is to be decided Mandanas vs Ochoa jr., citing Araullo vs
by the people in their sovereign capacity or by the Aquino III, the Court stated that the doctrine
legislative or the executive branch of the government of operative fact “ applies only to cases where
to which full discretionary authority has been extraordinary circumstances exist, and only
delegated. (Association of Small Landowners in the when the extraordinary circumstances have
Philippines vs Secretary of Agrarian Reform, GR No. met the stringent conditions that will permit
78742, July 14, 1989) its application.
c. MOOT QUESTIONS In applying the operative fact doctrine, courts
moot and academic case is one that ceases to ought to examine with particularity the
present a justiciable controversy by virtue of effects of the already accomplished acts
supervening events (Province of Batangas vs arising from the unconstitutional statute and
Romulo, GR 152774, May 27, 2004) so that a determine, on the bases of equity and fair
declaration thereon would be of no practical play, if such effects should be allowed to
use or value. Generally courts decline stand. It should not operate to give any
jurisdiction over such case or dismiss it on unwarranted advantage to parties, but merely
the ground of mootness. seeks to protect those who, in good faith,
However, the moot and academic principle is relied on the invalid law.
hot a magical formula that can be C. JUDICIAL INDEPENDENCE AND FISCAL
automatically dissuade the courts from AUTONOMY
resolving the case. In David vs Macapagal The SC is a constitutional body; and it may
Arroyo, it was held that courts will still decide not be abolished by the legislature.
cases otherwise moot and academic if: Members of the SC are removable only by
I. There is grave violation of the impeachment
Constitution It must not be deprived of its minimum
II. There is an exceptional character of original and appellate jurisdiction; appellate
the situation and paramount public jurisdiction may not be increased without its
interest is involved; advice and concurrence.
III. The constitutional issues raised SC has administrative supervision over all
require formulation of controlling inferior courts and personnel
principles to guide the bench, the bar Exclusive power to discipline judges/justices
and the public; of inferior courts.
IV. The case is capable of repetition yet Security of tenure on the members
evasive of review.
Cannot be designated to any agency ii. Regular Members: A representative of the
performing quasi-judicial or administrative IBP, professor of law, retired justice of the
functions Supreme Court, and representative of
Promulgate the Rules of Court private sector.
Order temporary detail of judges iii. Secretary ex- officio: The Clerk of the
Appoint all officials and employees of Supreme Court
judiciary. b. POWERS- Principal function of a
FISCAL AUTONOMY recommending appointees to the judiciary.
o Enjoyed by judiciary contemplates a E. SUPREME COURT
guarantee of full flexibility to allocate 1) COMPOSITION, POWERS, AND FUNCTIONS
and utilize their resources with the  A chief Justice and 14 Associate Justices. It
wisdom and dispatch that their needs may sit en banc or in its discretion, in
require. It recognizes the power and division of three, five or seven members.
authority to levy, assess and collect
fees, fix rates of compensation not
exceeding the highest rates
authorized by law for compensation 2) EN BANC AND DIVISION CASES
not exceeding the highest rates EN BANC all cases involving the
authorized by law for compensation constitutionality of a treaty, international or
and pay plans of the government and executive agreement, or law; and all other
allocate and disburse such sums as cases which, under the Rules of Court are to
may be provided by law or prescribed be heard en banc, including those involving
by them in the course of the discharge the constitutionality, application or operation
of their functions. of presidential decrees, proclamations,
D. APPOINTMENTS TO THE JUDICIARY orders, instructions, ordinances and other
i. QUALIFICATIONS OF MEMBERS regulations. These cases are decided with the
Of proven competence, integrity, probity and concurrence of a majority of the members
independence. In addition: who actually took part in the deliberations on
SUPREME LOWER LOWER COURTS the issues and voted thereon.
COURT COLLEGIATE COURT DIVISION- Other cases or matters may be
NBC NBC Citizen of the Phil.
heard in division, and decided or resolved
At least 40 Y/O
with the concurrence of a majority of the
15 years or more Member of the Member of the
judge of lower court Philippine Bar Phil. Bar members who actually took part in the
or engaged in the deliberations on the issues and voted
practice of law. thereon, but in no case without the
concurrence of at least three such members.
PROCEDURE OF APPOINTMENT: When the required number is not obtained,
 Appointed by the President of the Philippines the case shall be decided en banc.
from among the list of at least 3 nominees 3) ADMINISTRATIVE SUPERVISION OVER
prepared by the JBC for every vacancy; LOWER COURTS
appointment shall need no confirmation. The Supreme Court shall have
 Any vacancy shall be filled within 90 days administrative supervision over all courts
from the occurrence thereof. and the personnel thereof.
 For lower courts, the President shall issue the The ombudsman may not initiate or
appointment within 90 days from the investigate a criminal or administrative
submission by the JBC of such list. complaint before his office against a
ii. JUDICIAL BAR COUNCIL judge; he must first indorsed the case to
a. COMPOSITION the Supreme Court for appropriate action
i. Ex-officio members: Chief Justice, as (Fuentes v. Office of the Ombudsman-
Chairman; the Secretary of Justice, and a Mindanao, GR No. 124295, October 23,
representative of Congress. 2001)
Administrative proceedings before the the lower court
Supreme Court are confidential in nature is in issue;
in order to protect the respondent therein iv. all criminal
who may turn to be innocent of the case in which
charges. the penalty
Annual Report: SC to submit, within 30 imposed is
days from the opening of each regular
perpetua or
session of Congress, to the President and
to Congress an annual report on the v. in all cases
operations and activities of the Judiciary which only an
(Sec. 16, Art. VIII) error or
is involved.
Over cases affecting Review, revise, recognized that a direct Juridiction over
ambassadors, other reverse, modify invocation of its decisions and
public ministers and or affirm on original jurisdiction final order of the
consuls, and over appeal or may be warranted in Sandiganbayan
petitions for certiorari, certiorari as the exceptional cases as is limited to
prohibition, mandamus, law or Rules of when there are questions of law.
quo warranto and Court may compelling reasons A question of
habeas corpus. provide, final clearly set forth in the law exist when
judgments and petition, or when what the doubt or
orders of lower is raised is a pure controversy
courts in: question of law. concerns the
i. all cases in correct
which the application of
constitutionality law or
or validity of any jurisprudence to
treaty, certain set of
international or facts;
executive Immediate resort may
agreement, law, be allowed when any of
presidential the following grounds
decree, are present:
proclamation, i. when genuine
order or issues of
instruction, constitutionality
ordinance or are raised and
regulation is in must be
question; addressed
ii. all cases immediately;
involving the ii. when the case
legality of any involves
tax, impost, transcendental
assessment or importance
toll, or any iii. case is novel
penalty imposed iv. constitutional
in relation issues raised
thereto; are btter
iii. all cases in decided by the
which the Courts;
jurisdiction of v. when time is of
the essence
vi. subject of
review involves
acts of a
vii. when there is
no other plain,
speedy and
ordinary course (COMELEC, COA, CSC)
of law;
viii. when the
questions that COMMISSION
may affect Constitutionally created; may not be
public welfare, abolished by statute.
public policy, or Each expressly described as
demanded by
the broader
Each is conferred certain powers and
interest of
justice; functions which cannot be reduced by
ix. when the order statute;
complained of The chairmen and members cannot
was a patent be removed except by impeachment;
nullity; TChairmen and members are given a
x. when the appeal fairly long term of office of seven
was considered years;
as an The chairmen and members may not
inappropriate be reappointed or appointed in an
remedy. (Aala, acting capacity.
etla. Vs Uy, et.al.  When an ad-interim appointment
GR 202781,
of the (Chairman of the
January 10,
COMELEC) is not confirmed and it
was by passed, or that there was
not ample time for the
Commission on Appointments to
pass upon the same), another ad
interim appointment may be
extended to the appointee
without violating the Constitution.
The salaries of the chairman and members
are relatively high and may not be decreased
during the continuance in office.
The commission enjoys fiscal autonomy.
Each commission may promulgate its own
procedural rules, provided they do not
diminish, increase or modify substantive
rights (though subject to disapproval by the
Supreme Court)
The chairmen and members are subject to
certain disqualifications calculated to
strengthen their integrity
The Commissions may appoint their own
officials and employees in accordance with
the Civil Service Law.
1. RENDERED IN THE EXERCISE OF QUASI-  Membership in a political community which
JUDICIAL FUNCTIONS is a personal and more or less permanent in
1. Those who are citizens of the Philippines
at the time of the adoption of this
2. Those whose fathers or mothers are
citizens of the Philippines;
3. Those born before January 17, 1973, of
Filipino mothers, who elect Philippine
citizenship upon reaching the age of
majority; and
4. Those who are naturalized in accordance
with law.
 Section 2 of the Revised Naturalization
Law provides that " Subject to section 4 of
this Act, any person having the following
qualifications may become a citizen of the
Philippines by naturalization:
Fourth. He must own a real estate in the
Philippines worth not less than five
thousand pesos, Philippines currency, or
must have some known lucrative trade,
profession, or lawful occupation.
- lucrative trade, profession, or lawful
occupation refers not only that the person
having the employment gets enough for his
ordinary necessities in life. It must be
shown that the employment gives one an
income such there is an appreciable
margin of his income over his expenses as
to be able to provide for an adequate
support in the event of unemployment,
sickness, or disability to work and thus
avoid ones becoming the object of charity
or a public charge. His income should 3. By subscribing to an oath of allegiance
permit him and the members of his family to support the Constitution or laws of
to live with reasonable comfort , in a foreign country upon attaining the
accordance with the prevailing standard of eignteen years of age or more:
living, and consistently with the demands Provided however, that a Filipino may
of human dignity, at this stage of our not divest himself of a Philippine
civilization. citizenship in any manner while the
Republic of the Philippines is at war
 The most common of acquiring citizenship is 4. By rendering service to or accepting
by birth, either under the : commission in the armed forces of a
1. jus sanguinis- by virtue of blood foreign country: Provided, that the
2. jus soli- by virtue of the place of birth rendering of service to, or the
 Under our constitution, the jus sanguinis acceptance of such commission in, the
is still the basis of acquisition of armed forces of a foreign country, and
citizenship. the taking of an oath of allegiance
 Naturalization is a process by which a incident thereto, with consent of the
foreigner acquires, voluntarily or by Republic of the Philippines, shall not
operation of law, the citizenship of another divest a Filipino of hi Philippine
state. Naturalization may be direct or citizenship if either of the following
derivative. circumstances is present:
 Direct naturalization is effected:
1. By individual proceedings, usually i. The Republic of the
judicial, under general Philippines has a defensive
naturalization laws; and/or offensive pact of
2. By special act of the legislature, alliance with the said foreign
often in favor of distinguished country; or
foreigners who have rendered ii. The said foreign country
some notable service to the local maintains armed forces in the
state; Philippine territory with the
3. By collective change of nationality consent of the Republic of the
as a result of cession or Philippines: Provided, that the
subjugation; Filipino citizen concerned, at
4. In some cases, by adoption of the time of rendering said
orphan minors as nationals of the service, or acceptance of said
State where they are born. commission, and taking the
 Derivative naturalization es effected: oath of allegiance incident
1. On the wife of the naturalized thereto, states that he does so
husband only in connection with its
2. On the minor children of the service to said foreign
naturalized parent country: And provided, finally,
3. On the alien woman upon that any Filipino citizen who is
marriage to a national. rendering service to, or is
 By marriage commissioned in, the armed
C. LOSS AND RE-ACQUISITION OF PHILIPPINE force of a country under any
CITIZENSHIP of the circumstances
 Citizenship is lost: mentioned in par. 1 and b,
1. By naturalization in a foreign country shall not be permitted to
2. By express renunciation of participate nor vote in any
citizenship; election of the Republic of the
Philippines during the period
of his service to, or required to take not only the Oath of Allegiance to the
commission in, the armed Republic of the Philippines but to also personally
forces of said foreign country. renounce foreign citizenship in order to qualify as a
Upon his discharge from the candidate of public office.
service of the said foreign  The use of foreign passport after
country, he shall automatically renouncing one’s foreign citizenship is a
entitled to the full enjoyment positive and voluntary act of
of his civil and political rights representation as to one’s nationality and
as a Filipino Citizen; citizenship; it does not divest Filipino
citizenship regained by repatriation but it
5. By cancellation of the certificate of recants the Oath of Renunciation required
naturalization to qualify one to run for elective position.
6. By having declared by competent  RA 9225, otherwise known as the Citizenship
authority, a deserter of the Philippine Retention and Reacquisition act of 2003,
armed forces in time of war, unless provides for the restoration or retention of
subsequently, a plenary pardon or the original citizenship of any natural-born
amnesty has been granted; and Filipino who has acquired citizenship in a
7. In case of a woman, upon her foreign country through naturalization
marriage, to a foreigner if, by virtue if proceedings, provided he takes the oath.
the laws in force in her husband’s
country, she acquires his nationality. It is further provided that the unmarried
 Philippines citizenship may be lost or child, whether legitimate or illegitimate or
reacquired in the manner provided by law. adopted, below eighteen years of age” shall
 Section 5(2) of the Citizenship Retention also acquire derivative citizenship upon
and Re-acquisition Act of 2003 provides taking of such oath by the parent after the
that : Those who retain / re-acquire effectivity of the law.
Philippine citizenship under this act shall D. DUAL CITIZENSHIP AND DUAL ALLEGIANCE
enjoy full civil and political rights and the  Dual citizenship was allowable but not the
subject to all attendant liabilities and dual allegiance. Citizenship requires
responsibilities under existing laws of the allegiance and dual citizenship requires dual
Philippines and the following conditions: allegiance. A citizen owes his total allegiance
(2) Those seeking elective public in the to his country but a dual citizen must share
Philippines shall meet the qualification for his allegiance to two or even more states,
holding such public office as required by which may even be in conflict with each
the Constitution and existing laws and, at other.
the time of the filing of the certificate of  Citizens of the Philippines who marry aliens
candidacy, make a personal and sworn shall retain citizenship, unless by their act or
renunciation of any and all foreign before omission, they are deemed, under the law, to
any public officer authorized to administer have renounced it.
oath.  Dual allegiance of citizens is inimical to the
national interest and shall be dealt with by
Twin Requirement: law.
1. Oath of Allegiance
2. Renunciation of Foreign E. FOUNDLINGS
Note: This is distinct from those considered dual PROTECTION ACT (RA 11767)
citizens by virtue of birth who are not required by
law to take the oath of renunciation as the mere filing  Natural-born citizens are those who are
of the certificate of candidacy already carries with it citizens of the Philippines from birth without
an implied renunciation of foreign citizenship. Dual having to perform any act to acquire or
citizens by naturalization , on the other hand, are perfect their Philippines citizenship.
 On the issue on whether or not foundlings individual, and imposing limitations on the
are considered as filipinos, the court ruled powers of government as a means of securing
that: the enjoyment of those rights. The Bill of
 In the first place, “having to rights is designed to preserve the ideals of
perform an act” means that the act liberty, equality and security “ against the
must be personally done by the assaults of opportunism, the expediency of
citizen. In this instance, the the passing hour, the erosion of small
determination of foundling status encroachments, and the scorn and decision of
is done not by the child but by the those who have no patience with general
authorities. Secondly, the object of principles”.
the process is the determination of i. Civil Rights- Those rights that belong
the whereabouts of the parents of to every citizen of the state or
the child. Lastly, the process is country, or, in a wider sense, to all its
certainly not analogous to inhabitants, and are not connected
naturalization proceeding to with the organization or
acquire Philippine citizenship, of administration of the government.
the election of such citizenship by They include the rights to property,
one born of an alien father and a marriage, equal protection of the
Filipino mother under the 1935 laws, freedom of contract, etc. They
Constitution. are rights appertaining to a person by
 The second principle is that a virtue of his citizenship in a state or
foundling is presumed born of community.
citizens of the country where he is ii. Political Rights- refers to the right to
found, contained in Article 2 of the participate, directly, or indirectly, in
1961 United Nations Convention the establishment or administration
on the Reduction of Statelessness. of government.
“A foundling found in the territory B. DUE PROCESS
of the Contracting State shall, in ➢ DUE PROCESS-No person shall be deprived
the absence of proof to the of life, liberty or property without due
contrary, be considered to have process of law, nor shall any person be
been born within the territory of denied the equal protection of the laws.
parents possessing the nationality Tees against the taking of life, property, or
of the State. liberty without due process under Section 1is
generally a limitation on the state’s powers in
relation to the rights of its citizens.


 Procedural Due Process-
 Serves as restriction on actions of judicial
A. PRIVATE ACTS AND THE BILL OF RIGHTS and quasi-judicial agencies of
Due process clause of the constitution is a  hears before it condemns, which proceeds
limitation on government powers. It does not upon inquiry and renders judgment only
apply to the exercise of private power, such after trial. It contemplates notice and
as the termination of employment under the opportunity to be heard before judgment
Labor Code. is rendered affecting one’s person or
The Bill of rights does not protect citizens property. In administrative proceedings,
from unreasonable searches and seizures by due process is satisfied when a person is
private individuals. notified of the charges against him and
The ste of prescription setting forth the given an opportunity to explain or defend
fundamental civil and political rights of the oneself. In such proceedings, the filing of
charges and giving reasonable 1. An impartial court or tribunal clothed
opportunity for the person so charged to with judicial power to hear and
answer the accusations against him determine the matter before it.
constitute the minimum requirement of 2. Jurisdiction must be lawfully acquired
due process. over the person of the defendant and
over the property which is the subject
 One of the requisites of due process matter of the proceeding.
compliance was that the decision must be 3. The defendant must be given an
rendered on the basis of the evidence opportunity to be heard- due process
presented at the hearing, or at least is satisfied as long as the party is
contained in the record and disclosed to accorded the opportunity to be heard.
the parties affected. (Ang Tibay vs Court of If it is not satisfied as long as the party
Industrial Relations) is accorded the opportunity to be
 Substantive Due Process- This serves as a heard. If it is not availed of, it is
restriction on government’s law and rule- deemed waived or forfeited without
making powers. The requisites are: violating the constitutional guarantee.
i. The interest of the public, in general, (Bautista vs Court of Appeals, GR No.
as distinguished from those of a 157219).
particular class, requires the  There are cases in which notice
intervention of the state. and hearing may be dispensed with
ii. The means employed are reasonably without violating due process.
necessary for the accomplishment of Among these are the cancellation
the purpose, and not unduly of the passport of a person sought
oppressive on individuals. for the commission of a crime.
(Suntay vs People, 101 Phil 833),
2. VOID-FOR VAGUENESS- holds that a law is the preventive suspension of civil
facially invalid if “men of common servant facing administrative
intelligence must necessarily guess at its charges, the distraint of property
meaning and differ as to its application.” A for tax delinquency; the padlocking
statute or act may be said to be vague when it of restaurants found unsanitary or
lacks comprehensible standards that men of of the theaters showing obscene
common intelligence must necessarily guess movies, and the abatement of the
at its meaning and differ in its application. nuisance per se.
 Such vague law is repugnant to the
Constitution in two respects: one, it 4. Judgment must be rendered upon
violates due process as it fails to afford lawful hearing- due process demands
persons fair notice of the conduct to avoid that the parties to a litigation be
and; second, it gives law enforcers informed how the case was decided
unbridled discretion in carrying out with an explanation of the factual and
provisions and, therefore, in effect, it legal reasons that led to the
becomes an arbitrary flexing of the conclusions of the court. (Insular Life
government’s muscle. Assurance Co. v. Young, GR No. 140964,
January 16, 2002)
PROCESS The essence of due process in administrative
proceedings is an opportunity to explain one’s side or
JUDICIAL DUE PROCESS- Judicial due process is a an opportunity to seek reconsideration of the action
process in which observed and applied in the judicial or ruling complained of.
body. Requisites are the following:
In Ang Tibay vs. CIR, 69 Phil 635, the court 2. Germane to the purpose of the law-
enumerated the requisites of the administrative due the distinctions which are the bases
process, as follows: for the classification should have a
a) The right to hearing, which includes the right reasonable relation to the purpose of
to present one’s case and submit evidence in the law.
support thereof; 3. Not limited to existing conditions only
b) The tribunal must consider the evidence 4. Applies equally to all members of the
presented; same class.
c) The decision must have something to
d) The evidence must be substantial a. Rational Basis Test- demands that
e) The decision must be rendered on the the classification reasonable relate to the legislative
evidence presented at the hearing, or at least purpose. It often applies in cases that involves
contained in the record and disclosed to the economics and social welfare, or to any other case
parties; not involving a suspect class.
f) The tribunal or any of its judges must act on b. Strict Scrutiny Test- Applies when
its or his own independent consideration of a legislative classification impermissibly interferes
the facts of the law of the controversy, and with the exercise of a fundamental right to operates
not simply accept the views of the to the peculiar class disadvantage of a suspect class.
subordinate in arriving at a decision, and; The government carries the burden to prove that the
g) The board or body should, in all controversial classification is necessary to achieve a compelling
questions, render, its decision in such a state interest, and that it is the least restrictive means
manner that the parties to the proceeding will to protect such interest. (Mosqueda, et.al. vs. Pilipino
know the various issues involved, and the Banana Growers. GR No. 189185, August 16, 2016)
reason for the decision. c. Intermediate Scrutiny Test-
Classifications based on gender or illegitimacy
Due process in a quasi-judicial proceeding receives intermediate scrutiny. To survive
before the COMELEC requires notice and intermediate scrutiny, the law must not only further
hearing. The proclamation of a winning and important governmental interest and be
candidate cannot be annulled if he has not substantially related to the interest, but the
been notified of any motion to set aside his justification for the classification must be genuine
proclamation. and must not depend on broad generalization.

EQUAL PROTECTION CLAUSE- no person or class
of persons shall be deprived of the same protection of
laws enjoyed by other persons or other classes in the
same place in like circumstances.

The constitution does not require absolute

equality among residents; it is enough that all
persons under like circumstances or conditions are
given the same privileges and required to follow the
same obligation.


Persons or things ostensibly similarly situated may,
nonetheless, be treated differently if there is a basis
for valid classification. The requisites are:
1. Rests on substantial distinctions
PROBABLE Such facts and Such facts and
CAUSE circumstances circumstances which
antecedent to the would lead a
issuance of the warrant reasonable discreet and
that in themselves are prudent man to believe
sufficient to introduce a that an offense has been
cautious man to rely on committed and that the
them and act in objects sought in
pursuance thereof. (PP connection with the
vs Syjuco, 64 Phil 667) offense are in the place
sought to be searched.
Determinatio It is sufficient that the The judge personally
n of the judge “personally examine in the form of
probable determine” the existence searching questions
cause of probable cause. He and answers, in writing
personally by merely determines the and under oath, the
the judge probability, not the complainants and any
D. ARREST, SEARCHES, AND SEIZURES certainty, of guilt of the witnesses he may
accused and, in so doing, produce on facts
1) REQUISITE OF A VALID WARRANT he need not conduct a de personally known to
novo hearing. them, and attach to the
record their own sworn
Following the statements together
established doctrine and with any affidavits
procedure, the judge submitted.
 Personally evaluate Where the judge failed
the report and the to conform with the
supporting essential requisites of
documents taking the deposition in
submitted by the writing and attaching
fiscal regarding the them to the record, it
existence of was held that search
probable cause and, warrant is invalid, and
on the basis thereof, the fact that the
issue a warrant of objection thereto was
arrest; raised only during the
 If, on the basis trial is of no moment,
thereof, he finds no because the absence of
probable cause, he such depositions was
may disregard the discovered only after
prosecutor’s report the arrest and during
and require the the trial. (PP vs
submission of Mamaril, GR No.
supporting 147607, Jan 22, 2004).
affidavits of
witnesses to aid him
in arriving at a
conclusion as to the
existence of
probable cause.
After  Soliven vs The judge must strictly
examination, Makasiar comply with the
under oath or  The evidence constitutional and
affirmation, of offered by the statutory requirements
the complainant and his for the issuance of a
complainant witnesses should be search warrant,
and the based on their own including the need to
witnesses he personal knowledge personally examine the
may produce. and not on mere app;icant and the
information or witnesses through
belief. searching questions,
In PP vs Delos Reyes,  A search warrant may be said to particularly describe
the Supreme Court said the things to be seized when the description therein is
that it is axiomatic that as specific as the circumstances will ordinarily allow.
the examination must
be probing and
merely routinary, i. Subject of the Offense;
general, peripheral or ii. Stolen or embezzled property and other
perfunctory. If the
judge fails to determine proceeds or fruits of the offense;
probable cause by iii. Property used or intended to be used as
personally examining means for the commission of an offense.
the applicant and his
witnesses in the form of
Note: It is not necessary that the property to be
searching questions searched or seized should be owned by the person
before issuing a search against whom the warrant is issued; it is sufficient
warrant, it constitutes
grave abuse of
that the property is within his control or possession
discretion. (burgos vs Chief of Staff)
Particularity  Must particularly In PP vs Tee, it was held
of the describe the person that this requirement is CONDUCT OF THE SEARCH:
Description to be seized if it primarily meant to
contains the name/s enable the law  No search of a house, room or any of the
of the person/s to enforcers serving the premises shall be made except in the
be arrested. If the warrant to
presence of the lawful occupant thereof
name of the person (1) readily identify the
to be arrested is not properties to be seized or any member of his family, or in the
known, then a “john and thus prevent them absence of the latter, in the presence of
Doe” warrant may from seizing the wrong two witnesses of sufficient age and
be issued. items;
 A “John Doe” (2) leave said officers discretion, residing the same locality.
warrant will satisfy with no discretion Failure to comply with this requirement
the constitutional regarding the articles to invalidates the search (PP vs Gesmundo
requirement of be seized and thus
particularity of prevent unreasonable 219 SCRA 743)
description if there searches and seizures.  The police officers may use force in
is some description entering the dwelling if justified by Rule
persona which will  The purpose of
enable the officer to 126 of the Rules of Court.
this requirement is
identify the accused. to leave the
officers of the law
with no discretion
regarding what
should seize, to the a) When the Person to be arrested has
end of committed, is actually committing, or is
searches and attempting to commit and offense in his
seizures may not presence.
be made and i. A rebel may be arrested at anytime, with or
abuses may not be
committed. without a warrant, as he is deemed to be in
 General Warrants the act of committing the offense at any time
are proscribed and of day or night. However, even if in Parulan v.
 Scatter Shot Director of Prisons, kidnapping with serious
Warrant- the illegal detention is deemed a continuing
serach warrant crime, it can be considered as such only when
charged violations
of two special laws
the deprivation of liberty is persistent and
, and declared as continuing from one place to another.
null and void. (Francisco Larranaga vs CA, supra)
ii. It was held that when a police officer sees
the offense, although at a distance, or hears
the disturbances created thereby, and
proceeds at once to the scene thereof, he may  In number of cases, the Supreme Court
effect an arrest without warrant. held that the posting of a bail bond
iii. Hot Pursuit the arrest of the accused inside constitutes a waiver of any irregularity
his house following hot pursuit of the person attending the arrest. But under Sec. 26,
who committed the offense in flagrante was Rule 114, Revised Rules of Criminal
held invalid. Procedure, an application for, or
 A “buy-bust” operation is a valid admission to, bail, shall not bar the
inflagrante arrest. The subsequent search accused from challenging the validity of
of the person arrested and of the premises his arrest, provided that he raises the
within his immediate control is valid as an challenge before entering his plea.
incident to a lawful arrest. 3) WARRANTLESS SEARCHES
b) When an offense had just been committed a. When the right is voluntarily waived.
and there is probable cause to believe, based For a valid waiver of the constitutional right, it
on his personal knowledge of facts or of other must appear the following:
circumstances, that the person to be arrested A. A Right Exists
has committed the offense. A. B Person involved had
 Under this paragraph, two stringent knowledge, either actual or
requirements must be complied with, constructive, of the existence of such
namely: right
i.) an offense has just been committed, A. C The said person had an actual
and intention to relinquish the right. (De
ii.) the person making the arrest has Gracia vs Locsin)
probable cause to believe, based on his  The question whether consent to a search
personal knowledge of facts or of other was, in fact, voluntary, is a question of fact
circumstances, that the person to be to be determined from the totality of all
arrested had committed it. the circumstances: the age of the
 Hence, there must be a large measure of defendant, the presence of the coercive
immediacy between the time the offense police procedure, the defendant’s belief
is committed and the time of the arrest that no incriminating evidence will be
and the commission of the crime, a found, the nature of police questioning,
warrant of arrest must be secured. Aside the environment in which the questioning
from the sense of immediacy, it is also took place, and the possible vulnerable
mandatory that the person making the subjective state of the person consenting.
arrest has personal knowledge of certain It is the state that has the burden of
facts indicating that the person to be proving, by clear and convincing
taken into custody has committed the evidence, that the necessary consent was
crime. obtained and that it was voluntarily and
c) When the person to be arrested is a prisoner freely given (Caballes vs Court of Appeals,
who has escaped from a penal establishment GR No. 136292)
or place where he is serving final judgment or  In PP vs Gatward 267 SCRA 785, it was
temporarily confined while his case is held that when the accused checked in his
pending, or has escaped while being luggage as a passenger of a plane, he
transferred from one confinement to another. agreed to the inspection of his luggage in
d) When the right is voluntarily waived, then the accordance with the custom laws and
illegality of the arrest may no longer be regulations,a nd thus waived any
invoked to effect the release of the person objection to the warrantless search.
arrested. Appellant is estopped from b. When there is a valid reason to stop-and-
questioning the illegality of his arrest when frisk
he voluntarily submitted himself to the - The vernacular designation of the
jurisdiction of the court by entering a plea of right of a police officer to stop a
not guilty and by participating in the trial. citizen on the street, interrogate
him and pat him for weapons - A fishing vessel found to be violating
whenever he observes unusual fishery laws may be seized without a
conduct which leads him to warrant on two grounds:
conclude the criminal activity may 1. because they are usually equipped with
be afoot. In this case, the powerful motors that enable them to
policemen chanced upon the elude pursuit;
accused who had reddish eyes, 2. because the seizure would be an
walking in a swaying manner, and incident to lawful arrest.
who appeared to be high on e. Search of moving vehicles
drugs; thus, the search. - A warrantless search of a moving vehicle
- The Supreme Court said that for a is justified on the ground that it is not
“stop-and-frisk” situation, the practicable to secure a warrant because
police officer should properly the vehicle can be moved quickly out of
introduce himself and make initial the locality or jurisdiction in which the
inquiries, approach and restrain a warrant may be sought.
person who manifests unusual - A checkpoint may either be a mere
and suspicious conduct, in order routine inspection, or it may involve an
to check the latter’s outer clothing extensive search. For mere routine, the
for possible concealed weapons. search is normally permissible when it is
c. Where the search and seizure is an incident to limited to a mere visual search, where the
lawful arrest Sec. 12, rule 126 occupants are not subjected to a physical
- A person lawfully arrested may be or body search. When the vehicle is
searched for dangerous weapons or stopped and subjected to an extensive
anything, which may be used as proof of search , it would be constitutionally
the commission of an offense, without a permissible only if the officers conducting
warrant. the search had reasonable or probable
- Requisite: As a rule, the arrest must cause to believe, before the search, that
precede the search; the process cannot be either the motorist is a law offended or
reversed. Nevertheless, a search they will find the instrumentality or
substantially contemporaneous with an evidence pertaining to a crime in the
arrest can precede the arrest if the police vehicle to be searched.
have probable cause to make an arrest at f. Inspection of Buildings and other premises for the
the outset of the search. PP vs Nuevas, GR enforcement of fire, sanitary and building
No 170233, Feb 22, 2007 regulations. This is a basically an exercise of the
- Warrantless search and seizure can be police power of the State. These are routine
made without necessarily being preceded inspections which, however, must be conducted
by an arrest provided that the said search during reasonable hours.
is effected on the bases of probable cause.
- The warrantless search and seizure as an g. Where prohibited articles are in plain view.
incident to lawful arrest may extend - Objects in the “plain view” of an officer who
beyond the person of one arrested to has the right to be in the position to have that
include the premises or surroundings view are subject to seizure and may be
under his immediate control. PP vs presented as evidence. The “plain view”
Hindoy, GR No. 132662, may 10, 2002. doctrine is usually applied where the police
- To justify a warrantless search as an officer is not searching for evidence against
incident to a lawful arrest, the arrest must the accused, but nonetheless inadvertently
be on account of a crime having been comes upon an incriminating object. (PP vs.
committed. Musa, 217 SCRA 597)
d. Search of vessels and aircraft - Requisites:
o A prior valid intrusion based on the
valid warrantless arrest in which the
police are legally present in the - Objections to the legality of the search
pursuit of their official duties; warrant and to the admissibility of the
o The evidence was inadvertently evidence obtained thereby are deemed
discovered by the police who have the waived when not raised during the trial
right to be where they are; (Demaisip vs CA, 193 SCRA 373). In PP vs
o The evidence must be immediately Diaz, GR No. 110829, April 18, 1997, because
apparent; and of the failure of the accused to object to the
o Plain view justified the seizure of the admissibility of evidence obtained through an
evidence without any further search. unlawful arrest and search, it was held that
- An object is in “plain view” if the object itself the accused were deemed to have waived
is plainly exposed to sight. Where the object their right, and the trial court did not err in
seized is inside a closed package, the object is admitting the evidence presented.
not in plain view and, therefore, cannot be - However, even if the accused were illegally
seized without warrant. However, if the arrested, such arrest does not invest eye
package proclaims its contents, whether by witness accounts with constitutional infirmity
its distinctive configuration, its transparency, as “fruits of the poisonous tree”, thus, where
of if its contents are obvious to an observer, the conviction could be secured on the
then the contents are in plain view and may strength of testimonial evidence given in
be seized. (Caballes vs CA, GR No. 136292, Jan. open court, the illegality of the arrest cannot
15, 2002) be invoked to reverse the conviction (PP vs
h. Search and seizure under exigent and emergency Salazar, GR No. 99355, August 11, 1997).
circumstances - It does not necessarily follow that the property
- The military operatives had reasonable illegally seized will be returned immediately, it
ground to believe that a crime was being could remain in custodia legis.
committed , and they had no opportunity to - The property illegally seized may be used in
apply for a search warrant from the courts evidence in the case filed against the officer
because the latter were closed. responsible for the illegal; seizure.
Administrative warrantless Arrest causes: E. PRIVACY OF COMMUNICATIONS AND
o If you breach peace or if you are CORRSPONDENCE
planning to do so, you can be arrested
but only if it is absolutely necessary to 1. Private and Public Communications
do so. You will be freed as soon as you - The privacy of communication and
no longer represent a threat to public correspondence shall be inviolable except
security. upon lawful order of the court, or when
o If you disrupt a court hearing; public safety or order requires otherwise as
o If you are in a drunken state on the prescribed by law.
public highway; - Any evidence obtained in violation of this or
o In case of brawling; the preceding section shall be inadmissible
for any purpose in any proceeding.
o If you block traffic without
- Privacy of communication and
correspondence except upon lawful order of
o If you refuse to give your ID
the court, or when public safety or order
documents or if these are
requires. (Violation is inadmissible for being
Fruit of the poisonous tree)
o If you are in the country illegally.
2. When intrusion is allowed
- Evidence obtained in violation of Sec. 2, Art.
 Lawful Order of the court
III, shall be inadmissible for any purpose in  When the public safety requires it.
any proceeding (Sec. 3(2), Art. III), because it 3. Exclusionary Rule
is “ the fruit of the poisoned tree”.
- In Wenceslao Laurea, 148 SCRA 382, - There need not be total suppression; even
letters addressed by a lawyer ( of one of restriction of circulation constitutes
the parties to a case) addressed to an censorship (Grosjean vs American Press Co.)
individual Justices of the supreme Court  Freedom from Subsequent punishment
in connection with the performance of - Without the assurance, the individual
their judicial functions, become part of would hesitate to speak for fear that he
the judicial record and a matter of might be held to account for his speech or
concern for the entire Court- and thus, are that he might be provoking the vengeance
not covered by the Constitutional of the officials he may have criticized.
Guarantee. In PP vs Albofera, 152 SCRA However, this freedom is not absolute,
123, a letter written by the accused to a
and he may be properly regulated in the
witness which was produced by the
interest of the public such as :
witness during the trial is admissible in
 libel,
evidence; it was not the result of an
unlawful search, nor through an  Fair Comment- being that
unwarranted intrusion of invasion into which is true, or if false,
the privacy of the accused. It was expresses the real opinion of the
produced by the recipient of the letter author based upon reasonable
who identified the same, Besides, there is degree of care and on
nothing self-incriminatory in the letter. reasonable grounds.
- In Waterous Drug Corporation vs NLRC,  Obscenity- There is no perfect
GR No. 113271, October 16, 1997, the definition of “obscenity”, but the
Supreme Court said that the Bill of Rights latest word is that of Miller vs
does not protect citizens from California, which established basic
unreasonable searches and seizures made guidelines, to wit: (1) whether the
by private individuals. In this case, an average person, applying
officer of the petitioner corporation
contemporary standards, would
opened an envelope addressed to the
find that the work, taken as a
private respondent and found therein a
whole, appeals to the prurient
check evidencing an overprice in the
purchase of medicine. Despite the lack of interest; (2)whether the work
consent on the part of the private depicts or describes, in a patently
respondent, the check was deemed offensive way, sexual conduct
admissible in evidence. specifically defined by the
applicable state law; and (3)
F. FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND EXPRESSION whether the work, taken as a
➢ Freedom of speech, of expression or of the whole, lack serious literary,
press, or the right of the people to peaceably artistic, political or scientific
assemble and petition the government for value. No one will be subject to
redress of grievances. prosecution for the sale or
exposure of obscene materials
- POLITICAL SPEECH- speech “ both
intended and received as a contribution unless these materials depict or
to public deliberation about some issue,” describe patently offensive “hard
“fostering informed and civic minded core” sexual conduct.
deliberation.”  Criticism of Official Conduct-
authority for the rule that the
individual is given the widest
latitude in criticism of official
 Freedom from censorship or prior restraint conduct. However, in In Re: Atty.
Emiliano P Jurado Jr., the court
said that the publication that - There is no compelling and substantial
tends to impede, embarrass or state interest endangered by posting of
obstruct the court and constitutes the tarpaulin as to justify curtailment of
a clear and present danger to the the right of freedom of expression.
administration of justice is not - The regulation involved at bar is
protected by the guarantee of content-based. The tarpaulin content is not
press freedom and is punishable easily divorce from the size of its medium.
by contempt. (Diocese of Bacolod, et.al. vs COMELEC).
 Right of Students to free speech in
school premises not absolute.  CONTENT-NEUTRAL REGULATION-
While the campus journalism act includes controls merely on the incidents of
provides that a student shall not the speech such as time, place, or manner of
be expelled or suspended solely the speech.
on the basis of articles he or she
has written, the same should not
infringe on the school’s right to
discipline its students. 2. FACIAL CHALLENGE AND OVERBREADTH
 CONTENT BASED government from achieving its purpose by
RESTRAINT/CENSORSHIP- refers to “means that sweep unnecessarily broadly,
restrictions “based on the subject matter of reaching constitutionally protected as well as
the utterance or speech” unprotected activity.
- The regulation may be reasonably be - The essence of over breadth is that the
considered as either content-neutral or government has gone too far; its legitimate
content-based. Generally, compared with interest can be satisfied without reaching so
other forms of speech, the proposed broadly into the area of protected freedom.
speech is a content-based. As pointed out
by A and B, the interpretation of 4. TEST TO DETERMINE THE VALIDITY OF
COMELEC contained in the questioned GOVERNMENTAL REGULATIONS
order applies only to posters and
tarpaulins that may affect the elections
Whether the words are used in such
because they deliver opinions that shape circumstances and od such nature as to create
both their choices. It does not cover for and present danger that they will bring about
instance commercial speech. Worse the substantive evils that the State has the
COMELEC does not point to a definite right to prevent. The substantive evil must be
view of what kind of expression of non- extremely serious and the degree of
candidates will be adjudged as “election imminence extremely high before utterances
paraphernalia.” There are no existing can be punished.
bright lines to categorize speech as - The rule is that the danger created
election-related and those that are not. must not only be clear and present
The content of the tarpaulin is not easily but also traceable to the ideas
divorced from the size of its medium. expressed. In Gonzales vs COMELEC,
Content-based regulation bears a heavy 27 SCRA 835, the court said that the
term “clear” seems to point to a causal
presumption of invalidity, and this court
connection with the danger of the
has used the clear and present danger
substantive evil arising from the
rules as measure.
utterance questioned. While “present”
refers to the time element, identified
with imminent and immediate
danger(must not only be probable,
but very likely inevitable).
 No law shall be made respecting an
 DANGEROUS TENDENCY RULE: If the words establishment of religion or prohibiting the
uttered create a dangerous tendency of an free exercise thereof. The free exercise and
evil which the State has the right to prevent, enjoyment of religious profession and
then such words are punishable. It is worship, without discrimination or
sufficient if the natural tendency and the preference, shall forever be allowed. No
probable effect of the utterance were to bring religious test shall be required for the
about the substantive evil that the legislative exercise of civil and political rights.
body seeks to prevent.
particular conduct is regulated in the interest  Means that the State cannot set up a church,
of public order, and the regulation results in nor pass laws which aid one religion, aid all
an indirect, conditional, or partial religion, or prefer one religion over another,
abridgement of speech, the duty of the courts nor force nor influence a person to go to or
is to determine which of the two conflicting remain away from church against his will or
interests demands the greater protection force him to profess a belief or disbelief in
under the particular circumstances any religion, etc.
presented. It requires the court to take  This reinforces Sex. 6, Art.II, on the
conscious and detailed consideration of the separation of church and state. Recall other
interplay of interests observable in a given constitutional provisions which support the
situation. non-establishment clause, namely:
- Sec. 2(5), Art. IX-C(a religious sect or
denomination cannot be registered as
ASSEMBLY AND PETITION- The right to assemble is
a political party)
not subject to prior restraint. It may not be
- Sec. 5(2), Art. VI (no sectoral
conditioned upon the prior issuance of a permit or
representative from the religious
authorization from the authorities. However, such
right must be exercised in such a way as will not
- Sec. 29(2), Art. VI-prohibition against
prejudice the public welfare.
the use of public money or property
for the benefit of any religion, or of
any priest, minister, or ecclesiastic.
1. Exemption from taxation of properties, actually,
- COMMERCIAL SPEECH- has been defined as directly and exclusively used for religious purposes;
speech that does “no more than propose a
commercial transaction." 2. Citizenship requirement of ownership of educational
institutions, except those established by religious
- Freedom of assembly connotes the groups and mission boards;
right of the people to meet peaceably for
consultation and discussion of matters of 3. Optional religious instruction in public elementary
public concern. It is entitled to be and high schools: at the option expressed in writing by
accorded the utmost deference and the parents or guardians, religious instruction taught
respect. within regular class hours by instructors designated or
approved by the religious authorities of the religion to
which the children or wards belong without the
additional cost to the Government;
4. Appropriation allowed where the ministers or the right to travel be impaired except in the interest
ecclesiastic is employed in the armed forces, in a penal of national security, public safety or public health, as
institution, or in government-owned orphanage or may provided by the law.
➢ Liberty of abode and travel except upon
FREE EXERCISE CLAUSE lawful order of the court, national security,
public safety, or public health.
➢ Freedom of religion. No religious test shall be
 Liberty under the foregoing clause
required for the exercise of civil or political
includes the right to choose one’s
residence, to leave it whenever he pleases
and to travel wherever he wills.
a) Right to Believe  It is apparent that the right to travel is not
b) Right to act according to one’s belief, absolute. There are constitutional,
which is subject to regulation; statutory and inherent limitations
- RA 7716, insofar as the sale of regulating the right to travel.
religious articles, as well as their  The liberty of abode may only be
printing and publication, is subject to impaired by a lawful order of the court
VAT, is not unconstitutional. As the US and, on the one hand, the right to travel
Supreme Court held in Jimmy may only be impaired by a law that
Swaggart Ministries and Board of concerns national security, public safety
Equalization, the free exercise clause or public health. Therefore, when the
does not prohibit imposing a exigencies of times call for a limitation on
generally applicable sales and use tax the right to travel, the Congress must
on the sale of religious materials by a respond to the need by explicitly
religious organization. providing for the restriction in a law.

Limitations: Lawful order of the court.

CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTOR - Interest of National Security, public safety or
public health as may be provided by the law.
- If the burden is great and the sincerity of the
religious belief is not in question, adherence to - In Philippine Association of Service Exporters vs
benevolent neutrality accommodation approach Drilon, administrative order issued by the Secretary
requires that the Court make an individual of Labor temporarily suspending the deployment of
determination and not dismiss the claim outright. Filipino female domestic helpers abroad was upheld,
in view of the need to extend protection to female
3. TEST TO DETERMINE THE VALIDITY OF domestics who were most prone to exploitation and
GOVERNMENTAL REGULATION abuse by their foreign employes. In Marcos vs.
a) Clear and Present Danger Manglapus, 178 SCRA 760, the Supreme Court
b) Compelling State Interest sustained the refusal of the government to allow the
- In applying the test, the first inquiry is petitioner’s return to the Philippines, on the ground
whether respondent’s right to religious that it would endanger national security.
freedom has been burdened.The 2. WATCH-LIST AND HOLD DEPARTURE ORDER
second step is ascertain respondent’s
sincerity in her religious belief. - a lawful order of the court is a valid restriction on
the right to travel. Holding an accused in a criminal
H. LIBERTY OF ABODE AND RIGHT TO TRAVEL case within the reach of the courts by preventing his
- The liberty of abode and changing the same within departure from the Philippines must be considered a
the limits prescribed by law shall not be impaired valid restriction on the right to travel, that that he
except upon lawful order of the court.Neither shall may be dealt with in accordance with law.
- In Defensor vs Vasquez, the court further clarified which means the opportunity to inspect and
the foregoing principles: copy them at his expense. The exercise is also
subject to reasonable regulations to protect
i. The hold departure order is but an exercise of
the integrity of public records and to
respondent court’s inherent power to
minimize disruption of government
preserve and maintain the effectiveness of its
jurisdiction over the case and over the person
 Exceptions: The right does not extend to
of the accused;
matters recognized as privileged
ii. By posting bail, the accused holds herself
information rooted in separation of
amenable at all times to the orders and
powers, nor to information on military
processes of the court, thus, she may be
and diplomatic secrets, information
legally prohibited from leaving the country
affecting national security, and
during the pendency of the case; and
information on investigations of crimes
iii. Parties with pending cases should apply for
by law enforcement agencies before the
permission to leave the country from the very
prosecution of the accused.
same courts which, in the first instance, are in
the best position to pass upon such - In Re: Request for Live Radio Coverage of the Trial in
applications and to impose the appropriate the Sandiganbayan of the Plunder Cases against
conditions therefor, since they are conversant former President Joseph Ejercito Estrada, the Supreme
with the facts of the cases and the Court denied petitioner’s request to televise and
ramifications or implications thereof. broadcast live the trial of President Joseph Estrada
before the Sandiganbayan. The Supreme Court said
when the constitutional guarantees of freedom of the
➢ Recognition of the right of the people to press and the right to public information, on the one
information on public concern. Access to hand and the fundamental rights of the accused, on
official records, and to documents and papers the other hand, along with the constitutional power
pertaining to official acts, transactions, or of the court to control its proceedings in ensuring a
decisions, as well as to government research fair and impartial trial race against another,
data used as basis for policy development, jurisprudence dictates that that the right of the
shall be afforded to citizens, subject to accused must be preferred to win.
limitations provided by law.
Need for publication of laws reinforces this right
- In Tanada vs Tuvera, the Court said
that “Laws must come out in the open
-The right of the people to information on matters of in the clear light of the sun instead of
public shall be recognized. Access to official records, skulking in the shadows with their
and to documents and papers pertaining to official dark, deep secrets. Mysterious
acts, transactions or decisions, as well as to pronouncements and rumored rules
government research data used as basis for policy cannot be recognized as binding
development shall be afforded the citizen, subject to unless their existence and contents
such limitations as may be provided by law. are confirmed by a valid publication
intended to make full disclosure and
 In Chavez vs PEA and Amari, GR No. 133250, give proper notice to the people.
Jul. 9, 2002, it was held that the right to
information contemplates inclusions of J. EMINENT DOMAIN
negotiations leading to the consummation of
1. CONCEPT- Private property shall not be taken for
the transaction. Otherwise the people
public use without just compensation.
cannever exercise the right if no contract is
consummated, of if one is consummated, it
may be too late for the public to expose its 2. PUBLIC USE
defects. However, the right only affords
access to records, documents and papers,
 Just Compensation- full and fair immediately take the property pending
equivalent of the property subject of the court’s final determination of just
expropriation. It is ascertained on the compensation” and commence the
owner’s loss and not on the takers gain. implementation of the infrastructure
In Republic vs Judge Mupas, the Court project. (Evergreen Manufacturing
explained that prompt payment must be Corp vs Republic)
made to the property owner so that he
may derive income from both the
condemned property and its income-
generating potential. This is because the
property owner suffers the immediate
deprivation of both his land and its fruits
or income.
 Ideally, just compensation should be
immediately made available to the K. RIGHT TO ASSOCIATION
property owner so that he may derive The right of the people, including those employed in
income from this compensation, in the the public or private sectors, to form unions,
same manner that he would have derived associations or societies for purposes not contrary to
income from his expropriated property. law shall not be abridged.
However, if full compensation is not paid
for the property taken, then the State
must pay for the shortfall in the earning
potential immediately lost due to the
taking, and the absence of replacement SCOPE:
property from which an income can be
derived. Interest on the unpaid The right to form, or join, unions or
compensation becomes due as compliance associations, includes the right not to join or, if one is
with the constitutional mandate on already a member, to disaffiliate from the association.
eminent domain and as a basic measure of In Volkschel Labor Union v. Bureau of Relations, the
fairness. right of the labor union to disaffiliate from a labor
 The court noted that the just federation was held to be part of the right to
compensation contemplated in RA No. association.
8974 contemplates the completion of two LIMITATIONS
payments to the property owner, to wit:
(1) the initial payment of the amount Art. 245 of the Labor Code which makes
equivalent to the sum of 100% of the managerial employees ineligible to join, assist or
value of the property based on the form a labor union, does not violate Sec. 8, Art. III of
current relevant BIR zonal valuation and the Constitution.
the value of the improvements and/or The right is not absolute. In PP vs Ferrer, it
structures thereon, which is made upon was held that the Anti-Subversion Act does not
the filing of the complaint. (2) the violate this provision, because the purpose of the
payment of the difference between the statute was to outlaw only those organizations aimed
amount already paid and the just at the violent overthrow of the government, and that
compensation as determined by the court, the government has a right to protect itself against
which is made after the trial court’s subversion is a proposition too plain to require
decision becomes final and executory. elaboration.
Upon initial payment of the so called
provisional value of the condemned
property , the court shall issue a writ of
possession in order to provide the
government the "flexibility to
- No law impairing the obligation of contracts shall be -(2) No torture, force, violence, threat, intimidation,
passed. or any other means which vitiates the free will shall
be used against him. Secret detention, places, solitary,
incommunicado, or other similar forms of detention
- To fall within the prohibition, the change must not are prohibited.
only impair the obligation of the existing contract,
(3) Any confession or admission obtained in violation
but the impairment must be substantial. Moreover,
of this or Section 17 hereof shall be inadmissible in
the law must effect a change in the rights of the
evidence against him.
parties with reference to each other, and not with
respect to non-parties. (4) The law shall provide for penal and civil sanctions
for violations of this section, as well as compensation
- Impairment is anything that diminishes the efficacy
to and rehabilitation of victims of torture or similar
of the contract. There is substantial impairment when
practices and their families.
the law changes the terms of a legal contract between
the parties, either in the time or mode of the Miranda Rights applies only from the moment the
performance, or imposes new conditions, or investigating officer begins to ask questions for the
dispenses with those expressed , or authorizes for its purpose of eliciting admissions, confessions or any
satisfaction something different from that provided information from the accused.
in its terms.
- Any questioning initiated by law enforcement
LIMITATIONS officers after a person has been taken into custody or
otherwise deprived of his freedom of action in any
 POLICE POWER- Public welfare is superior
significant way.
to private rights.
- In Ortigas vs Feati Bank, the SC said - The rule begins to operate at once as soon as the
that a municipal zoning ordinance is a investigation ceases to be a general inquiry into an
police measure and prevails over a unsolved crime, and direction is then aimed upon a
restriction contained in the title to particular suspect who has been taken into custody
property. and to whom the police would then direct
 EMINENT DOMAIN interrogatory questions which tend to elicit
 TAXATION incriminating statements.

M. FREE ACCESS TO COURTS AND ADEQUATE - Include the practice of issuing an invitation to a
LEGAL ASSISTANCE person who is investigated in connection with an
offense he is suspected to have committed, without
- Free access to the courts and quasi-judicial
prejudice to the liability of the inviting officer for any
bodies and adequate legal assistance shall not be
violation of the law.
denied to any person by reason of poverty.
- Police Line-up is not considered a part of any
custodial inquest, because it is conducted before that
N. CUSTODIAL INVESTIGATION stage of investigation is reached (PP vs Bravo). In a
Police Line-up, the process has not yet shifted from
- (1) Any person under investigation for the the Investigatory to the accusatory stage, and it is
commission for an offense shall have the right to be usually the witness of the complainant who is
informed of his right to remain silent and to have interrogated and who gives statement in the course
competent and independent counsel preferably of his of the line-up.
own choice. If the person cannot afford the services
of counsel, he must be provided with one. These - An out-of-court identification may be made in a
rights cannot be waived except in writing and in the “show-up” (where the accused is brought face to face
presence of the counsel. with the witness for identification), or in a “police-
line up (where the suspect is identified by a witness
from a group of persons gathered for that purpose).
- Thus, any identification of an uncounseled accused assisted by counsel to avoid the
made in a police line-up or in a show-up after the pernicious practice of extorting false
start of custodial investigation is inadmissible in or coerced admissions from the lips of
evidence against him. (PP vs Escordial, supra) the person undergoing investigation.
- The lawyer, however, should never
prevent an accused from freely and
voluntarily telling the truth. (PP vs
 A person under normal audit investigation is Enanoria)
not under custodial investigation, because an - The duty of the lawyer includes
audit examiner can hardly be deemed to be ensuring that the suspect under
the law enforcement officer contemplated in custodial investigation is aware that
the rule. the right of an accused to remain
 The court administrator is not a law silent may be invoked at any time.
enforcement officer, an investigation - In PP vs Bolanos, where, while being
conducted by him does not constitute conducted to the police station on
custodial investigation within the board the police jeep, the accused
contemplation of the constitutional made an extrajudicial confession was
guarantee. the sole basis of the judgment of
 An investigation conducted by CSC involving conviction, it was held that the trial
fake eligibility is not custodial investigation. court committed a reversible error.
 An administrative inquiry conducted by the While on board the police jeep, the
employer in connection with an accused was deemed to have been
irregularity/anomaly allegedly committed by already under custodial investigation,
an employee. and should have been informed of his
 Counter-affidavit submitted by the rights.
respondent during preliminary investigation - In PP vs Espiritu, the right to counsel
is admissible in evidence, because does not mean that the accused must
preliminary investigation is not part of personally hire his own counsel. The
custodial investigation. constitutional requirement is satisfied
when a counsel is engaged by anyone
Note: Admission of the videotaped confession is acting on behalf of the person under
admissible such as made during the interviews and investigation, or is appointed by the
spontaneous statements, or those not elicited through court upon petition by said person or
questioning by the law enforcement officers, but given by someone on his behalf.
in an ordinary manner where the appellant verbally - Critical Pre-Trial Stages- Custodial
admits to having committed the offense, are Interrogation before or after charges
admissible. have been filed, and non-custodial
interrogation after the accused has
been formally charged, are considered
iii. To be informed of such rights
i. To Remain Silent - Contemplates the transmission of
- If the suspect refuses to give a meaningful information rather than
statement, no adverse inference shall just the ceremonial and perfunctory
be made from his refusal to answer recitation of an abstract constitutional
questions. principle.
ii. To competent and independent counsel iv. Rights cannot be waived except in writing
(preferable of his own choice) at all stages and signed by the person in the presence
of the investigation of his counsel
- It attaches upon the start of the - Any extrajudicial confession made by
investigation. It is intended so that the a person arrested, detained or under
person being interrogated must be custodial investigation shall be in
writing and signed by such person in Any extrajudicial confession made by a
the presence of his counsel or in the person arrested, detained or under
latter’s absence, upon a valid waiver, custodial investigation shall be in writing
and in the presence of any of the and signed by such person in the
parents, older brothers and sisters, presence of his counsel or in the latter’s
his spouse, the municipal mayor, the absence, upon a valid waiver, and in the
municipal judge, district school presence of any of the parents, older
supervisor, or priest or minister of the brothers and sisters, his spouse, the
gospel as chosen by him, otherwise, municipal mayor, the municipal judge,
such extrajudicial confession shall be district school supervisor, or priest or
inadmissible as evidence in any minister of the gospel as chosen by him,
proceeding. otherwise, such extrajudicial confession
v. No torture, force, etc., which vitiates the shall be inadmissible as evidence in any
free will shall be used. proceeding.

vi. Secret detention places, etc. are  Burden of Proof- The Burden of proving that
prohibited there was a valid waiver rest on the
vii. Confessions/admissions obtained in prosecution. Presumption of regularity
violation of rights are inadmissible in cannot prevail over presumption of
evidence innocence of the accused.
- There are two kinds of involuntary or
coerced confessions treated in this  What may be waived- The right to remain
section, namely: silent and the right to counsel, but not the
a. Coerced confessions, the product of right to be informed of these rights.
third-degree methods, such as,
torture, force, violence, threat, and 4. EXCLUSIONARY DOCTRINE- Confession or
intimidation; admission obtained in violation of Section 12 and
17, Art. III, shall be inadmissible in evidence.
b. uncounseled statements given  Confession must be made knowingly, freely
without the benefit of the Miranda and deliberately admission of the crime
Warning, which are the subject of prompted by truth and conscience,
par. 1 particularly on the facts given that could only
Note: The alleged infringement of the constitutional been known by the accused.
rights of the accused during custodial investigation is  Fruit of the Poisonous Tree- Once the
relevant and material only where an extrajudicial primary source is shown to have been
confession or admission from the accused becomes unlawfully obtained, any secondary or
the basis of conviction. derivatives evidence derived from it is also
Constitutional procedures on custodial investigation  Receipt of Seized Property inadmissible -
do not apply to the spontaneous statements not The receipts of the seized property signed by
elicited through questioning by the authorities, but the accused without the assistance of counsel
given in an ordinary manner whereby the accused and with the accused not having been
orally admitted having committed the crime. informed of his constitutional rights is totally
 Re-enactment of the Crime- Not being clear
3. REQUISITE OF A VALID WAIVER from the record that before the re-enactment
made by the accused, he had been informed
i. Must be in Writing and
of his constitutional rights, and that he had
ii. Signed by the Person in the presence of
validly waived such rights before proceeding
with the demonstration, the Sc declined to
uphold the admissibility of the evidence - In order to disqualify the judge on the ground of
relating to the re-enactment. bias and prejudice, the movant must prove such
 Res Gestae- Declaration of the accused bias by clear and convincing evidence.
acknowledging guilt made to the police desk
officer after the crime has been committed
may be given in evidence against him by the PLEA OF GUILT TO A CAPITAL OFFENSE
police officer to whom the admission was
made as part of the res gestae. - In PP vs Sta. Teresa, the court enumerated the
 Waiver of the exclusionary Rule- Failure of stringent constitutional standards impelled by
the accused to object to the offer in evidence, the dure process clause whenever the accused
the uncounseled confession was admitted in pleads guilty to capital offense, viz:
evidence. a) The court must conduct a searching inquiry
into the voluntariness of the plea and the full
comprehension of the consequences thereof;
b) Prosecution shall be required to present
evidence to prove the guilt of the accused and
the precise degree of his culpability;
c) Accused must be asked if he desires to
present evidence on his behalf and allow him
O. RIGHTS OF THE ACCUSED to do so f he so desires.
(Sec. 14, Art. III) 2. BAIL
1. CRIMINAL DUE PROCESS- In Meija vs Pamaran, - All persons except those charged with
enumerated the following ingredients of due process offenses punishable by reclusion perpetua
as applied to criminal proceedings: when evidence of guilt is strong, shall before
a) The accused has been heard in a court conviction, be bailable by sufficient sureties,
with competent jurisdiction; or be released on recognizance as may be
b) The accused is proceeded against under provided by the law. The right to bail shall not
the orderly processes of the law; be impaired even when the privilege of the
c) The accused has been given notice and the writ of habeas corpus is suspended. Excessive
opportunity to be heard; bail shall not be required.
d) The judgment rendered was within the - BAIL is the security given for the release of a
authority of the constitutional law. person in custody of the law, furnished by
him or a bondsman, conditioned upon his
UNREASONABLE DELAY IN RESOLVING appearance before the court as may be
COMPLAINT required by the ROC. The right to bail
- Failure of the ombudsman to resolve the emanates from the right to be presumed
complaint that had been pending for six years innocence.
clearly violates the constitutional command - Applies only when a person has been arrested
for the ombudsman to act promptly on and detained for violation of Philippine
complaints and the right of the petitioner to criminal laws. It does not apply to extradition
due process of law and to speedy trial. proceedings, because extradition court do
- In TAdtad vs Sandiganbayan, the court held not render judgment of conviction or
that unreasonable delay in the termination of acquittal. The decision was modified under
preliminary investigation by the Tanodbayan the Government of Hongkong vs Hon. Olalia.,
violated the due process clause. GR. No. 153675, the court furthermore held in
Mejoff vs Director of Prisons, in granting bail
IMPARTIAL COURT OR TRIBUNAL to the prospective deportee, held that under
the Constitution the principles set forth in the
- Critical component of due process.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights are
part of the law of the land. If bail can be
granted in deportation cases, considering that - All persons in custody shall
the UDHR applies to deportation cases, there (i) before or after conviction by the MTC,
is no reason why it cannot be invoked in MTCC, MCTC
extradition cases. (ii)before conviction by the RTC of an offense
- Consistent with the separate opinion of not punishable by death, reclusion perpetua
Justice Puno in Puruganan case, a new or life imprisonment
standard, “clear and convincing eviden”e",
should be used in granting bail in extradition
cases. - Upon conviction by the RTC of an offense not
punishable by death, reclusion perpetua or
life imprisonment, the court, on application,
e) When charged with an offense punishable by may admit the accused on bail.
reclusion perpetua (or higher) and evidence of - The court, in its discretion, may allow the
guilt is strong. accused to continue on provisional liberty
- It is the duty of the judge to determine if the under the same bail bond during the period
evidence of guilt is strong for the purpose of to appeal subject subject to the condition of
granting the bail. the bondsman.
- In PP vs Reyes, the Supreme court ruled that - If the penalty imposed is six years but not
where a person has been convicted by the more than 20 years , the accused shall be
trial court of 22 years which is classified as denied bail, or his previous bail granted shall
reclusion perpetua; and while the case is on be cancelled, upon showing by the
appeal, bail may be denied because the prosecution with notice to the accused of the
offense is punishable by reclusion perpetua following or similar circumstances:
and the evidence of guilt is strong. i) The accused is a recidivist, quasi-
- When accused is charged with an offense recidivist, or habitual delinquent , or
punishable by reclusion perpetua or higher, has committed the crime aggravated
the court must conduct a hearing on the by the circumstance of reiteration;
motion for bail that must be conducted by the ii) When the accused is found to have
judge to determine whether or not the previously escaped from legal
evidence of guilt is strong. Before the court confinement, evaded sentence or has
resolves the motion for bail, the prosecution violated the condition of his bail
must be given ample opportunity to present without valid justification;
all the evidence that it may wish to introduce iii) When the accused committed the
on the probable guilt of the accused, whether offense while on probation, parole, or
the motion is resolved in summary under conditional pardon;
proceeding or in the course of regular trial. iv) Flight risk;
- The hearing on petition to bail need not at all v) When there is tendency that during the
times precede arraignment because even pendency of the case, the accused
when the charge is a capital offense, if the might commit another crime.
court finds that the accused is entitled to bail
because the evidence of guilt is not strong, he
may be granted provisional liberty even 1) Financial Ability of the accused;
before the arraignment. 2) Nature and circumstances of the offense;
- The court’s order granting or refusing bail 3) Penalty for the offense charged;
must contain a summary of the evidence for 4) Character and reputation of the accused;
the prosecution. 5) Age, health, the weight of the evidence against
f) Right to Bail is not available to the military him;
- It does not violate the equal protection clause 6) Probability of appearing on the trial;
because there is substantial distinction on 7) Forfeiture of other bonds for him;
military and civilians. 8) Fact that he was a fugitive from justice when
9) pendency of other cases which he is under bond. Client is bound by the mistakes of his lawyer,
unless, the negligence or incompetence of counsel
is deemed so gross as to have prejudiced the
Every circumstances favoring the innocence constitutional right of the accused to be heard.
of the accused must be taken into account.
The proof against him must survive the test of
reason; the strongest suspicion must not be
permitted to sway judgment. The reason of this guarantee are:
Presumption of regularity on official duty
 To furnish the accused with such a
cannot prevail over presumption of
description of the charge against him as will
innocence, unless, if it is not the sole basis of
enable him to prepare for his defense;
 To avail himself of his conviction or acquittal
for protection against a further prosecution
for the same cause; and
 To inform the court of the facts alleged, so
o There must be more than one
that if may decide whether they are sufficient
in law to support a conviction.
o Facts from which the inferences are
derived are proven; REQUISITES: In order that the constitutional
o Combination of all the circumstances right of the accused to be informed of the nature
is such as to produce a conviction and cause of the accusation against him may not
beyond reasonable doubt. be violated:
The right can be invoked only be an
i. the information must state the name of
individual accused of a criminal offense; a
the accused
corporate entity has no personality to invoke
ii. the designation given to the offense of the
the same.
4 & 5. RIGHT TO BE HEARD and RIGHT TO iii. statement of the acts or omission so
COUNSEL complained of as act constituting the
The right to counsel proceeds from the iv. name of the offended party;
fundamental principle of due process which v. approximate time and date of the
basically means that a person must be heard commission of the offense; and
before being condemned. It is more than just the vi. place where the offense had been
presence of a lawyer in the courtroom or the committed.
mere propounding of standard questions and  The information must set forth the facts and
objections. It means that the accused is amply circumstances that have a bearing on the
accorded legal assistance extended by a counsel culpability and liability of the accused, so that
who commits himself to the cause of the defense the accused can prepare for and undertake
and acts accordingly. his defense.
The right to counsel during the trial is not subject  Every element of the offense must be alleged
to waiver, because even the most intelligent or in the complaint or information, because the
educated man may have no skill in the science of accused is presumed to have no independent
law, particularly in the rules of procedure, and knowledge of the facts that constitute the
without counsel, he may be convicted not offense charged. (PP vs Tabion, GR No.
because he is guilty but because he does not 132715)
know how to establish his innocence.
The accused cannot waive the right to counsel 7. RIGHT TO SPEEDY, IMPARTIAL AND PUBLIC
during the trial, and no valid waiver of the right TRIAL
to remain silent or to counsel can be made by a
person under custodial interrogation without the
assiatnce of counsel.
SPEEDY TRIAL- A trial free from vexatious, examination – are inadmissible because they are
capricious and oppressive delays. But justice and hearsay.
fairness, not speed are the objectives.
- Speedy trial means one that can be had as
soon after indictment filed as the prosecution can, - To secure the attendance of the witnesses and
with reasonable diligence, prepare for trial. the production of evidence.
- RA 8493 (The Speedy Trial Act) provides that - Subpoena is a process directed to a person
among others, that the arraignment of the requiring him to attend and to testify at the
accused shall be held within 30 days from the hearing or trial of an action or at any
filing of the information, or from the date of investigation conducted under the laws of the
the accused has appeared before the justice, Philippines, or for the taking of his
judge or court in which the charge is pending deposition.
whichever date last occurs. Thereafter, where - Requisites for compelling the attendance of
a plea of not guilty is entered, the accused the witnesses:
shall have 15 days to prepare for trial. Trial o Evidence is really material
shall commence within 30 days from o Accused is not guilty of neglect in
arraignment as fixed by the court. In no case previously obtaining the production
shall the entire trial period exceed 180 days of such evidence;
from the first day of trial, except as otherwise o The evidence will be available at
authorized by the Chief Justice of the the time desired;
Philippines. o No similar evidence can be
- The right to speedy trial, as well as other
rights conferred by the Constitution or
statute, any be waived except when otherwise 10. TRIAL IN ABSENTIA
expressly provided by law.
- Mandatory upon the court whenever the
accused has been arraigned, notified of dates
IMPARTIAL TRIAL- the accused is entitled to the
of hearing, and his presence is unjustified.
“cold neutrality of an impartial judge.
- Does not mean that the prosecution is
- Designed to preserve the integrity of the
thereby deprived of the right to require the
judiciary and more fundamentally, to gain
presence of the accused for purposes of
and maintain the people’s faith in the
identification by its witnesses which is vital
institutions they have erected when they
for the conviction of the accused.
adopted our constitution.
- Even after the accused has waived further
PUBLIC TRIAL- This is intended to prevent possible appearance during the trial, he can be
abuses which may be committed against the accused. ordered arrested by the court for non-
appearance upon summons to appear for
An accused has a right to a public trial, but it
identification purposes.
is a right that belongs to him more than anyone else,
- Thus, the presence of the accused is
where his life or liberty can be held critically in
mandatory on the ff circumstances:
balance. A public trial is not synonymous with
o During Arraignment and Plea
publicized trial; it only implies that the court door
o During Trial for identification;
must be open to those who wish to come, sit in the
o During promulgation of judgment
available seats, conduct themselves with decorum
and observe the trial process. unless for light offenses wherein the
accused may appear by counsel or
8. RIGHT OF CONFRONTATION- Right to cross representative.
examine complainant and witnesses. The testimony
of a witness who has not submitted himself to cross
examination is not admissible in evidence. The P. RIGHT TO SPEEDY TRIAL AND SPEEDY
affidavits of witnesses who are not presented during DISPOSITION OF CASES
trial—and thus, are not subjected to cross-
- All persons shall have the right to speedy - The constitutional right against self-
disposition of cases before all judicial, quasi- incrimination proscribes the use of physical
judicial or administrative bodies. or moral compulsion to extort
- Not limited to the accused in criminal communications from the accused and not
proceedings but extends to all parties in all the inclusion of his body in evidence when it
cases including civil and administrative cases, may be material. Purely mechanical acts are
and in all proceedings, including judicial and not included in the prohibition as the accused
quasi-judicial hearings. Thus, any party to a does not thereby speak his guilt, hence the
case may demand expeditious action on all assistance and guiding hand of counsel is not
officials who are tasked with the required. The essence of the right against
administration of justice. self-incrimination is testimonial compulsion,
- However, like the right to speedy trial, this that is, the giving off evidence against himself
right is violated only when the proceedings through testimonial act.
are attended by vexatious, capricious and - However, in case of extortion where the
oppressive delays, or when unjustified accused was compelled to submit himself for
postponements of the trial are asked for and urine test to determine the presence of drug
secured, or when without cause or justifiable substance on his body, the court ruled that
motive a long period of time is allowed to the lower court failed to show how urine
elapse without the party having his case tried. sample could be material to the charge of
- Unlike the right to speedy trial, this extortion. In the instant case, though
constitutional privilege applies only not petitioner was arrested for extortion; he
during the trial but also even when the case is resisted having his urine sample taken; and
already submitted for decision. finally, his urine was the only available
- In ascertaining whether the right to speedy evidence that was used as the basis for his
disposition of cases has been violated, the conviction for the illegal use of drugs.
following factors must be considered: - The court cannot condone drug testing of all
o The length of the delay; arrested persons regardless of the crime or
o Reason of the delay offense for which the arrest was made.
o Assertion or failure to assert such
right by the accused;
o Prejudiced caused by the delay. - The right is available not only in criminal
prosecutions but also in all other government
- If the delay is alleged to have occurred during proceedings, including civil actions and
the given periods, the burden is on the administrative or legislative investigation. It
respondent or the accused to prove the delay may be claimed not only by the accused but
was inordinate. If the delay is alleged to have also by the witness to whom a question
occurred beyond the given periods, the calling for an incriminating answer is
burden shifts to the prosecution to prove that addressed.
the delay was reasonable under the - The kernel of the right is not against
circumstances and no prejudice was suffered compulsion, but testimonial compulsion only.
by the accused as a result of the delay. The - A person cane be compelled to submit himself
determination of whether the delay is for fingerprinting, photographing and
inordinate is not through mere mathematical paraffin test, as there is no testimonial
reckoning but through the examination of the compulsion involved.
facts and circumstances surrounding the case. - The prohibition extends to the compulsion for
the production of documents, papers and
chattels that may be used as evidence against
Q. RIGHT AGAINST SELF INCRIMINATION the witness, except where the State has the
- No person shall be compelled to be a witness right to inspect the same such as the books of
against himself. accounts of the corporations, under the police
or taxing power.
- The privilege also protects the accused c) TO WHICH THE DEFENDANT HAD
against any attempt to compel him to furnish PLEADED
a specimen of his handwriting in connection - When the accused had not been arraigned,
with a prosecution for falsification. Beltran vs double jeopardy will not set in.
Samson, 53 Phil 570. - The grant of motion to quash, filed before the
accused makes his plea, can be appealed by
the prosecution because the accused has not
- The immunity granted to the witness may be yet been placed in jeopardy.
either a transactional immunity, such as that d) DEFENDANT WAS PREVIOUSLY
which may be granted by the Commission on ACQUITTED OR CONVICTED, OR THE CASE
Human Rights to any person whose testimony DISMISSED OR OTHERWISE TERMINATED
or whose possession of documents or other WITHOUT HIS EXPRESS CONSENT.
evidence is necessary or convenient to - Prior conviction, or acquittal, or
determine the truth in any investigation termination of the case without the
conducted by it or under its authority, which express consent of the accused is still
makes the witness immune from criminal required before the first jeopardy can
prosecution for an offense to which his be pleaded to abate a second
compelled testimony relates(Sec. 18(8), prosecution.
Article XIII); or use and fruit immunity, which - There is no double jeopardy where
prohibits the use if the witness’ compelled the accused was sentenced on plea
testimony and its fruits in any manner in bargaining approved by the court but
connection with the criminal prosecution of without the consent of the fiscal.
witness. - A judgment of acquittal, whether
- The rights against self-incrimination may be ordered by the trial or the appellate
waived, either directly or by failure to invoke court, is final and unappealable and
it, provided the waiver is certain and immediately executory upon its
unequivocal and intelligently made. Thus, the promulgation.
accused who takes the witness stand - When the ground for the motion to
voluntarily and offers testimony in his behalf dismiss is insufficiency of evidence.
may be cross examined and asked - The grant of the demurrer to evidence
incriminating questions on any matter he is equivalent to an acquittal, and any
testified to on direct examination. further prosecution of the accused
would violate the constitutional
R. RIGHTS AGAINST DOUBLE JEOPARDY proscription against double jeopardy.
1. REQUISITES AND LIMITATIONS Where the denial of the demurer to
evidence is appealed to the CA and the
REQUISITES: latter orders the dismissal of the
criminal case, this cannot now be
corrected because of the timely plea
- Double jeopardy does not attach in
of double jeopardy.
preliminary investigation;
- There is no double jeopardy if the
subsequent information charges the
- When it becomes manifest before the
accused with a different offense, even
judgment that a mistake has been made in
if it arises from the same act or set of
charging the proper offense, the first charge
acts. Prosecution for the same act is
shall be dismissed to pave the way for the
not proscribed; what is forbidden is
filing of the proper offense. The dismissal of
the prosecution for the same offense.
the first case will not give rise to double
jeopardy inasmuch as, in this case, it is clear S. RIGHT AGAINST INVOLUNTARY SERVITUDE
that the MTC did not have jurisdiction over
the rape case. - No involuntary servitude in any form shall
exist except as a punishment for a crime
whereof the party shall have been duly V. EX POST FACTO LAWS AND BILL OF
convicted. ATTAINDER
- Exceptions:
- No Ex- post facto law or bill of attainder shall be
o Punishment of a crime in whereof one
has been duly convicted;
o Service in the defense of the state; KINDS:
o Naval (merchant marine) enlistment;
- Every law that makes a criminal an action done
o Posse comitatus
before the passage of the law and which was innocent
o Return to work order in industries
when done, and punishes such action;
affected with public interest;
o Patria potestas - Every law that aggravates the crime or makes
- The requirement under the RH Law for it greater than it was when committed;
private and NGO health care providers to - Law that changes punishment, and inflicts
render 48 hours of pro-bon RH services does greater punishment than the law annexed to
not amount to involuntary servitude. Since, the crime when committed;
the practice of medicine is undeniably - Every law that alters the legal rules of
imbued with public interest that it is both the evidence,a nd receives less or different
power and duty of the State to control and testimony than the law required at the time of
regulate it in order to protect and promote the commission of an offense in order to
the public welfare. convict the offender;
- Every law which, assuming to regulate civil
T. RIGHT AGAINST EXCESSIVE FINES, AND CRUEL rights and remedies only , in effect imposes a
AND INHUMAN PUNISHMENT penalty or the deprivation of a right for
- Mere severity does not constitute cruel or something which when done was lawful.
unusual punishment. - Every law which deprives persons accused of
- To violate the constitutional guarantee, the a crime of some lawful protection to which
penalty must be flagrantly and plainly oppressive, they have become entitled, such as the
wholly disproportionate to the nature of the protection of a former conviction or acquittal,
offense as to shock the moral sense of or of a proclamation of amnesty.
U. NON-IMPRISONMENT FOR DEBTS - It is a legislative act that inflicts punishment
- No person shall be imprisoned for debt or without trial.
non-payment of poll tax.
- While the debtor cannot be imprisoned for
failure to pay his debt, he can be validly W. WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS, KALIKASAN,
punished in criminal action if he contracted HABEAS DATA AND AMPARO
his debt through fraud, as his responsibility
arises not from the contract of loan, but from
the commission of the crime. - The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus
- In PP vs Judge Nitafan, the SC ruled that BP shall not be suspended except in cases of
115 is a valid exercise of the police power and invasion or rebellion when public safety
does not violate this provision, because the requires it.
law does not seek to enforce a loan but to - Writ of habeas corpus is a writ issued by the
punish dishonesty and abuse of confidence in court directed to a person detaining another,
the handling of money or goods to the commanding him to produce the body of the
prejudice of another. Violation of trust receipt prisoner at a designated time and place, with
agreement is punishable as estafa which is the day and cause of his caption and
not an offense against property but against detention, to do, and to submit to, and to
public order. receive whatever the court or judge awarding
the writ shall consider in his behalf.
- This right may be accorded to a person findings of facts as regards claimed
sentenced to a longer penalty than was human rights violations involving civil
subsequently meted to another person and political rights.
convicted of the same offense. It may also be - The CHR findings of human rights
availed in unlawful denial of bail. violations are merely investigative in
character and not binding on the
SOCIAL JUSTICE AND HUMAN - The power to initiate an investigation
RIGHTS and to refer the matter to the Office of
the Ombudsman is within the power
of the CHR as an entity with its own
- The Congress shall give highest priority to the distinct personality.
enactment and measures that protect and
enhance the right pf all the people to human
dignity, reduce social, economic and political
inequalities, and remove cultural inequalities
by equitable diffusing wealth and political
power for the common good. To this end, the
State shall regulate the acquisition,
ownership , use and disposition of property
and its increments” (Sec. 1, Art. XIII). “The
promotion of social justice shall include the
commitment to create economic
opportunities based on freedom of initiative
and self-reliance.” (Sec. 2, Art. VIII)
- While the pursuit of social justice can EDUCATION, SCIENCE AND
have revolutionary effect, it cannot TECHNOLOGY ARTS, CULTURE AND
justify breaking the law. While the SPORTS
State is mandated to promote social
justice and to maintain adequate
social services in the field of housing, - The state shall give priority to
this cannot be interpreted to mean education, science and technology,
that “squatting” has been legalized. arts, culture and sports to foster
The State’s solicitude for the destitute patriotism and nationalism, accelerate
and the have-nots does not mean it social progress, and promote total
should tolerate usurpation of human deliberation and development
property, public or private. (Sec. 17, Art. III)


RIGHTS - Academic Freedom shall be enjoyed
- Full protection of labor in all institutions of higher learning.
A. C COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS Colleges, publicly- or privately-
- Composed of Chairman and four owned, if they offer collegiates
members who must be a natural born courses, enjoy academic freedom.
citizen of the Philippines and a TWO VIEWS
majority of whom shall be members
of the Philippines bar. a. From the standpoint of the educational institution:
The freedom of the university to determine “who
1. POWERS AND FUNCTIONS may teach; what may be taught, how it shall be
- The commission may investigate, i.e. taught; and who may be admitted to study.”
received evidence and making
oils, all forces of potential energy, fisheries,
b. From the standpoint of the members of the forests or timber, wildlife, flora and fauna,
academe: The freedom of the teacher or research and other natural resources are owned by
worker in higher institutions of learning to the State. With the exception of agricultural
investigate and discuss the problems of his science lands, all other natural resources shall not be
and to express his conclusion whether through alienated. The exploration, development,
and utilization of natural resources shall
publication or in the instruction of students, without
be under the full control and supervision
interference from political or ecclesiastical authority,
of the State. The State may directly
or from the administrative officials of the institution undertake such activities, or it may enter into
in which he is employed, unless his methods are co-production, joint venture, or production-
found by qualified bodies of his own profession to be sharing agreements with Filipino citizens, or
completely incompetent or contrary to professional corporations or associations at least sixty per
ethics. centum of whose capital is owned by such
citizens. Such agreements may be for a period
- In Camacho vs Coresis, the SC upheld not exceeding twenty-five years, renewable
the action of the Ombudsman for not more than twenty-five years, and
investigator in dismissing the under such terms and conditions as may be
administrative complaint against the provided by law. In cases of water rights for
professor on the ground of academic irrigation, water supply, fisheries, or
industrial uses other than the development of
water power, beneficial use may be the
measure and limit of the grant.
- The dominant Power of the State -
- The social interests in the community. II. PUBLIC TRUST DOCTRINE (See Maynilad vs Sec.
of DENR, GR No. 202897
- Public Trust Doctrine. It aims to put an
additional strain upon the duty of the water
industry to comply with the laws and
NATIONAL ECONOMY AND PATRIMONY regulations of the land.
- The doctrine speaks of an imposed duty upon
the State and its representative of continuing
supervision over the taking and use of
appropriated water.[64] Thus, "[p]arties who
I. REGALIAN DOCTRINE- acquired rights in trust property [only hold]
- All lands of the public domain, waters, these rights subject to the trust and,
minerals, coal, petroleum and other mineral therefore, could assert no vested right to use
oils, all forces of potential energy, fisheries, those rights in a manner harmful to the trust.
forests or timber, wildlife, flora and fauna, - In National Audubon Society v. Superior Court
and all other natural resources are owned by of Alpine County,[66] a California Supreme
the State. With the exception of agricultural Court decision, it worded the doctrine as that
lands, all other natural resources shall not be which –
alienated. [T]he state had the power to
- Thus, before any land may be classified from reconsider past allocation decisions even
the forest group and converted into alienable though an agency had made those decisions
or disposable land for agricultural or other after due consideration of their effect on the
purposes, there must be positive act from the public trust. This conclusion reflected the
Government. view that water users could not acquire a
- All lands not otherwise clearly appearing to vested property right in the water itself; they
be privately owned are presumed to belong merely obtained a usufructuary right to the
to the State. water.
- All lands of the public domain, waters, Academic literature further imparts
minerals, coal, petroleum, and other mineral that "[p]art of this consciousness involves
restoring the view of public and state case.
ownership of certain natural resources that
benefit all. [...]" The "doctrine further holds
that certain natural resources belong to all III. NATIONALIST AND CITIZENSHIP
and cannot be privately owned or controlled REQUIREMENT
because of their inherent importance to each - Co-production, joint venture or production
individual and society as a whole. A clear sharing agreements (for exploration,
declaration of public ownership, the doctrine development and utilization of natural
reaffirms the superiority of public rights over resources); Filipino citizens, or corporations
private rights for critical resources. It or associations at least 60% of whose capital
impresses upon states the affirmative duties is Filipino owned. Agreements shall nOT
of a trustee to manage these natural exceed a period of 25 years.
resources for the benefit of present and - Alienable Lands of Public Domain- Only
future generations and embodies key filipino citizens may acquire not more than 12
principles of environmental protection: hectares by purchase, homestead or grant; or
stewardship, communal responsibility, and lease not more than 500 hectares. Private
sustainability. Corporations may lease not more than 1000
- the public trust doctrine to evolve from a hectares for 25 years, renewable for another
mere principle to a resource management 25 years.
term and tool flexible enough to adapt to - In the grants of rights, privileges, and
changing social priorities and address the concessions covering national patrimony, the
correlative and consequent dangers State shall give preference to qualified
thereof. The public is regarded as the Filipinos. Filipinos should be preferred, and
beneficial owner of trust resources, and when the Constitution declares that a rights
courts can enforce the public trust exists in certain specified circumstances, an
doctrine even against the government action may be maintained to enforce such
itself. right.
- Via legislative act of police power, the - Franchise, Certificate or any other form of
enactment of the Clean Water Act thrusts the authorization for the operation of public
obligation onto the water concessionaires to utility:Only citizens of the Philippines, or
provide for a proper sewerage and septage corporations at least 60% of whose capital is
system that complies with environmental and Filipino-owned.
health standards to protect present and
future generations. The magnitude of this law
is highlighted by the trust relationship among IV. EXPLORATION, DEVELOPMENT, AND
the State, concessionaires, and water users, UTILIZATION OF NATURAL RESOURCES
which must reflect a universal intangible - All lands of the public domain, waters,
agreement that water is an ecological minerals, coal, petroleum, and other mineral
resource that needs to be protected for the oils, all forces of potential energy, fisheries,
welfare of the citizens. In essence, "[t]he forests or timber, wildlife, flora and fauna,
public trust doctrine is based on the notion and other natural resources are owned by
that private individuals cannot fully own trust the State. With the exception of agricultural
resources but can only hold them subject to a lands, all other natural resources shall not be
alienated. The exploration, development,
servitude on behalf of the public."[77] "States
and utilization of natural resources shall
can accomplish this goal more efficiently
be under the full control and supervision
through statutory regulation"[78] which was of the State. The State may directly
essentially done through the legislation of the undertake such activities, or it may enter into
Clean Water Act, and the urgency and co-production, joint venture, or production-
significance of which is now fortified by the sharing agreements with Filipino citizens, or
courts under the Public Trust Doctrine as corporations or associations at least sixty per
clamored for by the circumstances of this centum of whose capital is owned by such
citizens. Such agreements may be for a period in order to comply with the citizenship
not exceeding twenty-five years, renewable requirement.
for not more than twenty-five years, and - However, land sold to an alien which was
under such terms and conditions as may be later transferred to a Filipino citizen—or
provided by law. In cases of water rights for where the alien later become Filipino citizen
irrigation, water supply, fisheries, or —can no longer be recovered by the vendor,
industrial uses other than the development of
because there is no longer any public policy
water power, beneficial use may be the
measure and limit of the grant.
- - Exceptions to the rule:
o Hereditary Succession
V. ACQUISITION, OWNERSHIP AND o Natural Born Citizen of the
TRANSFER OF PUBLIC AND PRIVATE Philippines who has lost his
LANDS Philippine citizenship may be a
transferee of private lands, subject to
PUBLIC LANDS limitations provided by law.
- Lands of Public Doman are classified int  BP 185 provided that a
Agricultural, forest or timber, mineral lands natural born citizen of the
and national parks. Philippines who lost his
- Alienable Lands of the Public Domain is Filipino citizenship may be the
limited to agricultural Lands. transferee of private land up
- To prove that the land subject of an to maximum of 1,000 square
application for registration is alienable, an meters, if urban, or one
applicant must conclusively establish the hectare if rural, to be used by
existence of a positive act of the government him as his residence. BP 185
such as the presidential proclamation or an has now been amended by RA
executive order or administrative action, 8179 which has increased the
investigation reports of the Bureau of Lands maximum area of private land
investigator, or a legislative act or statute. which the former natural-
- The applicant must secure a certification born Filipino citizen may
from the government that the lands applied require to 5,000 sq.m. for
for are alienable and disposable. urban land and 3 hectares for
- Private Corporations or associations may not rural land.
hold such alienable lands of the public o Americans hold valid title to private
domain except by lease. land as against private persons.
- Remedies available to recover private lands
PRIVATE LANDS from disqualified alien.
- Rule: Save in cases of hereditary succession, o Escheat Proceeding
no private lands shall be transferred or o Action for reversion under Public
conveyed except to individuals, corporations Land Act. The director of Lands has
or associations qualified to acquire or hold the authority and specific duty to
lands of the public domain. conduct investigation alleged fraud in
- Aliens cannot acquire lands of public domain. obtaining free patents and the
- Land tenure is not indispensable to the free corresponding titles to alienable
exercise of religions profession and worship. public lands, and, if facts disclosed in
Thus, a religious corporation, controlled by the investigation warrant, to file the
non-Filipinos cannot acquire and own lands corresponding court action for
for even for religious use or purpose. Thus, reversion of the land to the State. But
for a religious corporation to acquire lands, it it is the State alone, which may
must appear that at least 60% of the faithful institute reversion proceedings
or its members are citizen of the Philippines against public lands allegedly
required through fraud and
misrepresentation pursuant to Sec. sovereign power of government to be exercised by
101 of the Public Land Act. Private him for the benefit of the public.
parties are without legal standing at Elements:
all to question the validity of (1) Created by law/ authority of law;
respondent’s title. (2) Possess a delegation of a portion of
o An action for recovery filed by former the sovereign powers of government,
filipino owner, the pari delicto to be exercised for the benefit of the
doctrine having been abandoned, public;
unless the land is sold to an American (3) Powers conferred and duties imposed
citizen prior to July 3, 1974 and the must be defined, directly or impliedly,
American citizen obtained title by the legislature or by legislative
thereto. authority.
(4) Duties must be performed
VI. CONCEPT OF ANCESTRAL DOMAIN independently and without the
(INCLUDING ANCESTRAL LANDS) control of a superior power other
than the law, unless they be those of
VII. PRACTICE OF PROFESSION an inferior or subordinate office
- The practice of profession in the Philippines created or authorized by the
shall be limited to Filipino citizens, save in legislature, and by it placed under the
cases prescribed by law. general control of a superior office or
(5) Must have a permanence or
Public Officer. A person wo holds a public office. It
includes :elective and appointive officials and
employees, permanent or temporary, whether in the
classified, unclassified or exempt service, receiving
compensation, even nominal, from the government.
- Official Relations are commenced by
appointment or by election.
Appointment: is the selection, by the authority with
the power, of an individual who is to perform the
functions of a given office.
Commission: the written evidence of the
Designation: the imposition of additional duties,
usually by the law, on a person already in a public
a. Permanent and Temporary
A. GENERAL PRINCIPLES  Permanent appointment is extended to a
person possessing the requisite
Public Office. The right, authority or duty, created qualifications, including the eligibility
and conferred by law, by which for a given period, required, for the position, and thus protected
either fixed by law or enduring at the pleasure of the by the constitutional guaranty of a security of
creating power, and individual is invested with some tenure.
o It implies the holding of the A. A For Regular Appointment:
appropriate civil service eligibility on o Nomination by the President
the part of the appointee, unless the o Confirmation by the Commission on
position involved requires no such Appointments
eligibility. o Issuance of the Commission;
 Temporary Appointment is an acting o Acceptance by the appointee.
appointment; it is extended to one who may - In the case of ad interim appointments, the
not possess the requisite qualifications or nomination, issuance of the appointment and
eligibility required by the law for the position, acceptance by the appointee precede the
and is revocable at will, without the necessity confirmation by the Commission on
of just cause or a valid investigation. Appointment.
Acquisition of the appropriate civil service A. B For Appointments which do not
eligibility by a temporary appointee will not require confirmation:
ipso facto convert the temporary o Appointment by Appointing
appointment into a permanent one; a new authority;
appointment is required. o Issuance of the commission; and
- In Romualdez III vs CSC, 197 SCRA 168, the o Acceptance by the Appointee
acceptance of the petitioner of a temporary
- In Lacson vs Romero, the SC held that
appointment resulted in the termination of
acceptance of the appointment by the
official relationship with his former
appointee is the last act that completes the
permanent position. When the temporary
appointing process.
appointment was not renewed, the petitioner
A. CWhere the appointment is to the career service
had no cause to demand reinstatement
of the Civil Service, attestation by the Civil
Service Commission is required.

b. Regular and Ad-interim

Appointment is essentially a discretionary
- Classification of this appointment can be used
power and must be performed by the officer
only when referring to the four categories of
whom it is vested according to his best lights,
appointments made by the President of the
the only condition being that the appointee
Philippines, which requires confirmation by the
should possess the minimum qualification
Commission on Appointments, viz:
requirements prescribed by law for the
1. Heads of the Executive Departments
2. Ambassadors and other public ministers
and consuls;
3. Officers from the AFP , from the rank of
the colonel or naval captain;
- May refer to endowments, qualities and
4. Officers whose appointments are vested
attributes which make an individual eligible
in the Philippines under the Constitution.
for public office, e.g. office; or May refer to the
 Regular Appointment. One made by the
act of entering into the performance of the
President while Congress is in session after the
functions of a public office, e.g., taking the
nomination is confirmed by the Commission on
oath of office.
Appointments, and continues until the end of the
- When used in the sense of endowments,
qualities or attributes, the individual must
 Ad Interim. One made by the President while
possess the qualifications at the time of
Congress is not in session, before confirmation by
appointment or election and continuously for
the Commission on Appointments, is immediately
as long as the official relationship continues.
effective, and ceases to be valid if disapproved or
o Loss of any of the qualifications
bypassed by the Commission on Appointments
during incumbency will be a ground
upon the next adjournment by the Congress.
for termination.
- When referring to the act of the entering into
the performance of the functions of the office,
failure of an officer to perform an act the person exercising immediate supervision over
required by law could affect the officer’s title him, are prohibited.
o Prolonged failure or refusal to take an
oath of office could result in forfeiture AUTHORITY OF PUBLIC OFFICERS- The authority
of office. The office of any official of public officers consists of those powers which are:
elected who fails or refuses to take his - Expressly conferred upon him by the act
oath of office within six months from appointing him;
his proclamation shall be considered - Expressly annexed to the office by the law;
vacant, unless said failure is for a - Attached to the office by the common law as
cause or causes beyond his control. incidents to it.
o An oath of office is a qualifying DOCTRINE OF NECESSARY IMPLICATIONS- all powers
requirement for public office. necessary for the effective exercise of the express
powers are deemed impliedly granted.


OFFICERS Ministerial- one the discharge of which by the officer
PROHIBITIONS: concerned is imperative and requires neither
1. Partisan Political Party- judgment nor discretion.
“ No officer or employee of the CSC shall
engage, directly or indirectly, in any electioneering or Discretionary- one imposed by law upon a public
partisan political campaign” officer wherein the officer has the right to decide how
and when the duty shall be performed; mandamus
2. Additional or Double Compensation- will not lie to compel the performance of a
“ No elective or appointive public officer or discretionary power. In Sharp International
employee shall receive additional, double, or indirect Marketing vs CA, the Sc said that while mandamus
compensation, unless specifically authorized by the will not lie to control the discretion, the writ may
law, nor accept without the consent of the Congress, issue to compel the exercise of discretion but not the
any present, emolument, office or title of any kind discretion itself.
from the foreign government”
3. Prohibition Against Loans:
“ No loan, guaranty, or other form of financial 1. General (Constitutional) duties of public officers:
accommodation for any business purpose may be To be accountable to the people; to serve them
granted, directly or indirectly, by any GOCC or with utmost responsibility, integrity, loyalty and
financial institutions to the President, V-President, efficiency; to act with patriotism and justice; and to
members of the Cabinet, the Congress, Supreme lead a modest life.
Court, the Constitutional Commissions, and the - Public Service requires integrity and
Ombudsman, or to any firm or entity in which they discipline. For this reason, public servants
have controlling interest during their tenure. must exhibit at all times the highest sense of
honesty and dedication to duty. By the very
4. Limitation on Laborers. Shall not be assigned to nature of their duties and responsibilities,
perform clerical duties. they must faithfully adhere to, old sacred and
render inviolate the constitutional principle
5. Detail or reassignment: No detail or reassignment that the public office is a public trust.
shall be made within three months before any - The administrative code of 1987 expressly
election without the approval of the COMELEC. prohibits public officers and employees from
entering into contracts involving the
6. Nepotism- All appointments made in favor of a expenditure of public funds unless an
relative of the appointing or recommending appropriate law authorizing the expenditure
authority, or of the chief of the bureau or office, or of required in the contract and a certification by
the proper accounting official and auditor with offenses punishable by removal or
that funds have been appropriated by law and suspension, viz:
such funds are available are attached to the (a) Preventive Suspension pending
contract. investigation;
2. To submit a declaration under oath of his assets, (b) Preventive Suspension pending appeal if
liabilities and net worth upon assumption of office and the penalty imposed by the disciplining
as often thereafter as may be required by law. authority is suspension or dismissal and, after
review, the respondent is exonerated under
3. To owe the State and the Constitution allegiance at Sec. 47 of the Administrative Code of 1987.
all times.
- It was then held that the employee has no
right to compensation during preventive
G. RIGHTS OF PUBLIC OFFICERS suspension pending investigation, even if he
a. RIGHT TO OFFICE is exonerated, because in order to be entitled
- The just and legal claim to exercise the to payment of back salaries, it is not enough
powers and the responsibilities of the public that an employee be exonerated of the
office. charges against him. In addition, it must be
b. RIGHT TO SALARY shown that his suspension is unjustified.
- Salary is the personal compensation to be - The preventive suspension of civil service
paid to the public officer for his services, and employees charged with dishonesty,
its generally a fixed annual or periodical oppression, grave misconduct or neglect t of
payment depending on the time and not on duty, is authorized by the Civil Service Law. It
the amount of the services he may render. cannot therefore, be considered “unjustified”
c. RIGHT TO PREFERENCE IN PROMOTION even if the later the charges are dismissed, It
- But the right does not prevail over the is one of the sacrifices which holding a public
discretion of the appointing authority. office requires for the public good.
f. RIGHT TO RETIREMENT PAY - If the penalty imposed by the disciplining
- Retirement laws are liberally construed in authority is suspension or dismissal and, after
favor of the retiree, because their objective is review, the respondent is exonerated, the
to provide the retiree’s sustenance and, civil service officer or employee is entitled
hopefully, even comfort, when he is no longer not only to reinstatement but also to back
has the capability to earn a livelihood. salaries for the period of preventive
- The well settled rule is that the money value suspension pending appeal.
of the terminal leave of a retiring employee - The Court has, time and again, held that an
shall be computed at the retiree’s highest illegally dismissed government employee
monthly salary. who is later ordered reinstated is entitled to
g. OTHERS back wages and other monetary benefits from
- Right to Reimbursement of expenses incurred the time of his illegal dismissal up to his
in the due performance of his duty. reinstatement. The policy of “no work, no
- Right to be indemnified against any liability pay” cannot be applied, for such distressing
which they may incur in the bona fide state of affairs was not of her own making.
discharge of their duties. - In CSC n=vs Gentallan, the SC ruled that as an
- Right to longevity pay illegally dismissed government employee
who is later ordered reinstated, the
H. LIABILITIES OF PUBLIC OFFICERS respondent is entitled to back wages and
a. PREVENTIVE SUSPENSION AND BACK other monetary benefits from the time of her
SALARIES illegal dismissal up to her reinstatement. This
- There are two kinds of preventive suspension is modified in Isabel Galang vs Land Bank,
of Civil Service Employees who are charged where the court said that an illegally
terminated civil service employee is entitled  Under a known and valid
to back salaries limited only to a maximum of appointment or election, but
five years back salaries from illegal the officer failed to conform to
termination up to his reinstatement. a requirement imposed by
- In BAsilotaosan vs Secretary, DECS, where the law,(eg. Taking the oath of
reinstatement was not in result of office)
exoneration but an act of liberality of the  Under a known appointment
Court of Appeals, the Claim for back wages or election, void because of
must be denied. the ineligibility of the officer,
or want of authority of the
I. IMMUNITY OF PUBLIC OFFICERS appointing or electing
J. DISTINGUISHED: DE FACTO AND DE JURE authority, or because of an
OFFICERS irregularity in his
appointment or election, such
ineligibility, want of authority
or irregularity being unknown
to the public.
 Under a known appointment
or election pursuant to an
unconstitutional law, before
the law is declared


Letter of Mrs. Ma. Cristina Roco Corona, AM No.
20-07-10-SC, January 12, 2021)
- A judgment of impeachment per se connotes
 One who has the reputation of being the mere removal from the post. Since, our
officer that he assumes to be, and yet is not a constitution expressly limited the nature of
good officer in the point of law. impeachment, its effects must consequently
 The acts of the de facto officer, insofar as they and necessarily be confined within the
affect the public, are valid, binding and with constitutional limits. Impeachment
full legal effect. The doctrine is intended not proceedings are entirely separate, distinct
for the protection of the public and and independent from any other actionable
individuals who get involved in the official wrong or cause of action a party may have
acts of persons discharging the duties of the against the impeached officer, even if such
public office. wrong or cause of action may have a
 Elements: colorable connection to the grounds for
o A validly existing public office which the officer have been impeached.
o Actual physical possession of the said - An impeached public officer whose civil,
office criminal, or administrative liability was not
o Color of title to the office: judicially established may be considered
 By reputation or involuntarily retired from service.
acquiescence, the public, - In this case the court ruled deems CJ Corona
without inquiry, relies on the to have been involuntarily retired from public
supposition that he is the service due to the peculiar circumstances
public officer that he purports surrounding his removal by impeachment,
to be. without forfeiture of his retirement benefits
and other allowances.
- Retirement is the termination of one’s own appropriate ii. Department heads
employment or career, especially upon examination is and officials of Cabinet
reaching a certain age or for health reasons. required; rank who holds office at
To retire is to withdraw from one’s position ii. Closed career the pleasure of the
or occupation, or to conclude one’s active positions, (e.g. scientific President and their
working life or professional career. or highly technical in personal and
nature) confidential staff;
- Retirement may be voluntary or
iii. Career Executive iii. Chairman and
Service members of commission
o VOLUNTARY when one decides upon ( Undersecretaries, and boards with fixed
one’s own unilateral and independent Bureau of Directors, term of office and their
volition to permanently cease the where the appointee is personal and
exercise of one’s occupation. required to possess the confidential staff;
o INVOLUNTARY when one’s appropriate Career iv. Contractual
profession is terminated for reasons Executive Service Personnel
outside the control and discretion of Officer eligibility.
the worker. IMPEACHMENT iv. Career Officers who
RESULTING IN REMOVAL FROM are appointed by the
v. Positions in the AFP
vi. Personnel in the
RETIREMENT. GOCC’s with original
L. THE CIVIL SERVICE vii. Permanent Laborers
1. SCOPE whther skilled or semi
- Embraces all branches, subdivisions, skilled or unskilled.
instrumentalities and agencies of the
Government, including government-owned and REQUISITES:
controlled corporations with original charters. Shall be made only according to merit and fitness
(Sec. 2(1), Art. IX-B). to be determined, as far as practicable and except
2. APPOINTMENTS TO THE CIVIL SERVICE appointments to positions which are policy
determining, primarily confidential or highly
CLASSES OF SERVICE technical, by competitive examination. ( Sec. 2(2),
Characterized by Characterized by
entrance based on merit entrance based on bases EXEMPT FROM COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION
and fitness to be other than those of the REQUIREMENTS:
determined, as far as usual test utilized for 1. POLICY DETERMINING
practicable by the career service, 2. PRIMARILY CONFIDENTIAL
competitive tenure limited a period
3. HIGHLY TECHNICAL- requires possession of
examinations or based specified by law, or
technical skill or training in a supreme or superior
on highly technical which is co terminous
qualifications, with that of the degree.
opportunity for appointing authority or
advancement to higher subject to his pleasur, or 3. PERSONNEL ACTIONS
career position and which is limited to the
security of tenure. duration of a particular  PROMOTION -movement from one position
project for which to another with increase of the duties and
purpose of employment responsibilities as authorized by law and
is made. usually accompanied by an increase in pay.
The positions included The officers embraced o NEXT IN RANCK RULE- Civil Service
are: are the following: Law provides that when a vacancy
i. Open Career Positions i. Elective officials and
occurs, employees next-in-rank
where prior their personal and
should be considered for promotion.
qualification in an confidential staff;
But the appointing authority still - Dishonesty - requires malicious intent to
exercise discretion and is not bound conceal the truth or make false statements;
by this rule, although he is required to otherwise the employee may only be held
specify the ”special reason or liable for negligence and not dishonesty.
reasons” for not appointing the - Conduct Prejudicial to the Best Interest of
person next in rank. the Service- defined as acts or omissions
o AUTOMATIC REVERSION RULE- All that violate the norm of public accountability
appointments involved in a chain of and diminish or tend to diminish the faith of
promotions must be submitted the people in the Judiciary, thereby
simultaneously for approval by the prejudicing the best interest in the
commission. The disapproval of the administration of justice. As long as it tarnish
appointment of a person proposed to the image and integrity of the public office.
a higher position invalidates the - Misconduct- unlawful behavior as well as
promotion of those in the lower gross negligence by the public officer.
positions and automatically restores - When an elected official refuses to
them to their former positions. recognize a legitimate operation of a
 APPOINTMENT THROUGH CERTIFICATION government agency and willfully
– issued to a person who has been selected intervenes to lead the said operation to
from a list of qualified persons certified by failure, grave misconduct is committed.
the CSC from an appropriate register of - Corruption
eligibilities and who meets all the - Unsatisfactory Conduct and Want of
qualifications prescribed for the position. Capacity
 TRANSFER- movement from one position to - Gross Negligence
another which is of equivalent rank, level or B. JURISDICTION
salary without break in service. - Heads and Ministries, agencies and
 REINSTATEMENT instrumentalities, provinces, cities and
 DETAIL municipalities have jurisdiction to investigate
 REASSIGNMENT and decide matters involving disciplinary
 REEMPLOYMENT action against officers and employees under
their jurisdiction.
M. ACCOUNTABILITY OF PUBLIC OFFICERS - The CSC has appellate jurisdiction, but it may
- The wrongful acts or omission of a public officer may also exercise jurisdiction over complaint filed
give rise to civil, criminal and administrative liability. directly with it, regardless of who initiated
An action of each can proceed independently of the the complaint. In such case, the Commission
others. may hear and decide the case or deputized a
- Relief from criminal liability does not carry with it department or agency to conduct the
relief from administrative liability. investigation.
- Cessation from office of a public official by reason of - No officer or employee of the civil service shall be
resignation or retirement neither warrants the removed or suspended except for cause provided
dismissal of the administrative complaint filed by the law.
against him while he was still in the service nor does
it render the said administrative case moot and PREVENTIVE SUSPENSION
REASONABLE DOUBT The proper disciplining Punitive in Character.
2. DISCIPLINE authority may The authority to
A. GROUNDS preventively suspend preventively suspend is
for 90 days any exercised concurrently
subordinate officer or by the Ombudsman, supplemented by the the other hand, are
employee under his pursuant to RA 6770; internal rules of dictated by the Rules of
authority pending an the same law authorizes procedure of the Court.
investigation if the a preventive suspension Congress, directs the
charge against such of six months.m course of impeachment
officer or employee proceedings.
involves dishonesty, The end result of an , when a quo
oppression, or grave impeachment proceeding warranto petition is
misconduct, or neglect is the removal of the granted, ouster from
public officer, and his or office is likewise meted,
in the performance of
her perpetual political but the Court can
duty, or if there are
disqualification from likewise impose upon the
reasons to believe that
holding public office. public officer additional
respondent is guilty of penalties such as
charges which would reimbursement of costs
warrant his removal pertaining to the rightful
from office. holder of the public office
Not a penalty but a and such further
measure intended to judgment determining
enable the disciplining the respective rights in
authority to investigate and to the public office,
charges against the position, or franchise of
respondent by all the parties to the
preventing the latter action as justice requires.
from intimidating or in
any way influencing
witnesses against him. In fine, a judgment of An action for quo
Can be ordered even impeachment per se warranto will likewise
without hearing. connotes mere removal proceed independently of
from the post. Since our the impeachment
Constitution expressly proceedings.
limited the nature of
impeachment, its effects
must consequently and
necessarily be confined
3. IMPEACHMENT VS QUO WARRANTO within the constitutional
limits. Impeachment
IMPEACHMENT QUO WARRANTO proceedings are entirely
Political Judicial separate, distinct, and
Congress is the petitions are instituted independent from any
prosecutor, trier and either by the Solicitor other actionable wrong
the judge General in behalf of the or cause of action a party
Republic of the may have against the
Philippines or by an impeached officer, even if
individual claiming the such wrong or cause of
public office in issue, action may have a
both of which petitions colorable connection to
are cognizable only by the grounds for which
the Supreme Court the officer have been
Impeachment quo warranto determines impeached.
proceedings seek to the legal right, title,
confirm and vindicate the eligibility, or
breach of the trust qualifications of the
reposed by the Filipino incumbent to the 4. THE OMBUDSMAN AND THE OFFICE OF THE
people upon the contested public office. SPECIAL PROSECUTOR
impeachable official
- The office of the ombudsman shall include the Office
The 1987 Constitution, as Quo warranto cases, on
of the Overall deputy, the Office of the Deputy of
Luzon, the office of the deputy of the Visayas, the supervision and control of the
office of the Deputy for Mindanao, the Office of the Ombudsman.
Deputy for the Armed Forces, and the Office of the
Special Prosecutor. The President may appoint other (4) The Office of the Special Prosecutor
Deputies as the necessity for it may arise, as shall, under the supervision and control
recommended by the Ombudsman. and upon the authority of the
Ombudsman, have the following powers:
- Section 8. The Ombudsman and his Deputies shall
be natural-born citizens of the Philippines, and at (a) To conduct preliminary
the time of their appointment, at least forty years investigation and prosecute
old, of recognized probity and independence, and criminal cases within the
members of the Philippine Bar, and must not have jurisdiction of the Sandiganbayan;
been candidates for any elective office in the
(b) To enter into plea bargaining
immediately preceding election. The Ombudsman agreements; and
must have, for ten years or more, been a judge or
engaged in the practice of law in the Philippines. (c) To perform such other duties
- The Ombudsman and his Deputies, as protectors of assigned to it by the Ombudsman.
the people, shall act promptly on complaints filed in
any form or manner against officers or employees of The Special Prosecutor shall have
the Government, or of any subdivision, agency or the rank and salary of a Deputy
instrumentality thereof, including government-owned Ombudsman.
or controlled corporations, and enforce their
administrative, civil and criminal liability in every case (5) The position structure and staffing
where the evidence warrants in order to promote pattern of the Office of the Ombudsman,
efficient service by the Government to the people. including the Office of the Special Prosecutor,
a. FUNCTIONS shall be approved and prescribed by the
Ombudsman. The Ombudsman shall appoint
The authority and responsibility for the exercise of all officers and employees of the Office of the
the mandate of the Office of the Ombudsman and for Ombudsman, including those of the Office of
the discharge of its powers and functions shall be the Special Prosecutor, in accordance with the
vested in the Ombudsman, who shall have Civil Service Law, rules and regulations.
supervision and control of the said office.
Section 15. Powers, Functions and Duties. — The
(1) The Office of the Ombudsman may Office of the Ombudsman shall have the following
organize such directorates for administration powers, functions and duties:
and allied services as may be necessary for
the effective discharge of its functions. Those (1) Investigate and prosecute on its own or on
appointed as directors or heads shall have the complaint by any person, any act or omission of
rank and salary of line bureau directors. any public officer or employee, office or agency,
when such act or omission appears to be illegal,
unjust, improper or inefficient.t has primary
(2) The Office of the Overall Deputy shall jurisdiction over cases cognizable by the
oversee and administer the operations of Sandiganbayan and, in the exercise of this
the different offices under the Office of primary jurisdiction, it may take over, at any
Ombudsman.t shall likewise perform such stage, from any investigatory agency of
other functions and duties assigned to it Government, the investigation of such cases;
by the Ombudsman.
(2) Direct, upon complaint or at its own
(3) The Office of the Special Prosecutor instance, any officer or employee of the
shall be composed of the Special Government, or of any subdivision, agency or
Prosecutor and his prosecution staff. The instrumentality thereof, as well as any
Office of the Special Prosecutor shall be an government-owned or controlled corporations
organic component of the Office of the with original charter, to perform and expedite
Ombudsman and shall be under the any act or duty required by law, or to stop,
prevent, and correct any abuse or impropriety (9) Punish for contempt in accordance with the
in the performance of duties; Rules of Court and under the same procedure
and with the same penalties provided therein;
(3) Direct the officer concerned to take
appropriate action against a public officer or (10) Delegate to the Deputies, or its
employee at fault or who neglect to perform an investigators or representatives such authority
act or discharge a duty required by law, and or duty as shall ensure the effective exercise or
recommend his removal, suspension, demotion, performance of the powers, functions, and
fine, censure, or prosecution, and ensure duties herein or hereinafter provided;
compliance therewith; or enforce its
disciplinary authority as provided in Section 21 (11) Investigate and initiate the proper action
of this Act: provided, that the refusal by any for the recovery of ill-gotten and/or
officer without just cause to comply with an unexplained wealth amassed after February 25,
order of the Ombudsman to remove, suspend, 1986 and the prosecution of the parties
demote, fine, censure, or prosecute an officer or involved therein.
employee who is at fault or who neglects to
perform an act or discharge a duty required by The Ombudsman shall give priority to complaints filed
law shall be a ground for disciplinary action against high ranking government officials and/or those
against said officer; occupying supervisory positions, complaints involving
grave offenses as well as complaints involving large
(4) Direct the officer concerned, in any sums of money and/or properties.
appropriate case, and subject to such
limitations as it may provide in its rules of Section 16. Applicability. — The provisions of this Act
procedure, to furnish it with copies of shall apply to all kinds of malfeasance, misfeasance, and
documents relating to contracts or transactions non-feasance that have been committed by any officer
entered into by his office involving the or employee as mentioned in Section 13 hereof, during
disbursement or use of public funds or his tenure of office.
properties, and report any irregularity to the
Commission on Audit for appropriate action; Section 17. Immunities. — In all hearings, inquiries,
and proceedings of the Ombudsman, including
(5) Request any government agency for preliminary investigations of offenses, nor person
assistance and information necessary in the subpoenaed to testify as a witness shall be excused from
discharge of its responsibilities, and to examine, attending and testifying or from producing books,
if necessary, pertinent records and documents; papers, correspondence, memoranda and/or other
records on the ground that the testimony or evidence,
(6) Publicize matters covered by its documentary or otherwise, required of him, may tend to
investigation of the matters mentioned in incriminate him or subject him to prosecution:
paragraphs (1), (2), (3) and (4) hereof, when provided, that no person shall be prosecuted criminally
circumstances so warrant and with due for or on account of any matter concerning which he is
prudence: provided, that the Ombudsman compelled, after having claimed the privilege against
under its rules and regulations may determine self-incrimination, to testify and produce evidence,
what cases may not be made public: provided, documentary or otherwise.
further, that any publicity issued by the
Ombudsman shall be balanced, fair and true; Under such terms and conditions as it may determine,
taking into account the pertinent provisions of the Rules
(7) Determine the causes of inefficiency, red of Court, the Ombudsman may grant immunity from
tape, mismanagement, fraud, and corruption in criminal prosecution to any person whose testimony or
the Government, and make recommendations whose possession and production of documents or
for their elimination and the observance of high other evidence may be necessary to determine the truth
standards of ethics and efficiency; in any hearing, inquiry or proceeding being conducted
by the Ombudsman or under its authority, in the
(8) Administer oaths, issue subpoena and performance or in the furtherance of its constitutional
subpoena duces tecum, and take testimony in functions and statutory objectives. The immunity
any investigation or inquiry, including the granted under this and the immediately preceding
power to examine and have access to bank paragraph shall not exempt the witness from criminal
accounts and records; prosecution for perjury or false testimony nor shall he
be exempt from demotion or removal from office.
Any refusal to appear or testify pursuant to the In all administrative disciplinary cases, orders,
foregoing provisions shall be subject to punishment for directives, or decisions of the Office of the
contempt and removal of the immunity from criminal Ombudsman may be appealed to the Supreme
prosecution. Court by filing a petition for certiorari within ten
(10) days from receipt of the written notice of the
- The Office of the Ombudsman shall have the order, directive or decision or denial of the motion
power to investigate any serious misconduct for reconsideration in accordance with Rule 45 of
in office allegedly committed by officials the Rules of Court.
removable by impeachment, for the purpose
of filing a verified complaint for impeachment, The above rules may be amended or modified by the
if warranted. Office of the Ombudsman as the interest of justice
may require.
- In all cases of conspiracy between an officer
or employee of the government and a private
person, the Ombudsman and his Deputies c. JUDICIAL REVIEW IN PENAL
shall have jurisdiction to include such private PROCEEDINGS
person in the investigation and proceed 5. THE SANDIGANBAYAN
against such private person as the evidence
may warrant. The officer or employee and the
private person shall be tried jointly and shall N. TERM LIMITS
be subject to the same penalties and liabilities - TERM- the period of time during which a
public officer has the right to hold the public
- office.
- TENURE- Period of time during which the
public officer actually held office.

Section 27. Effectivity and Finality of Decisions. —

(1) All provisionary orders of the Office of the
Ombudsman are immediately effective and executory.

A motion for reconsideration of any order, directive or

decision of the Office of the Ombudsman must be
filed within five (5) days after receipt of written notice
and shall be entertained only on any of the following A. GENERAL PRINCIPLES
grounds: - The branch of public law which fixes the
organization and determines the competence
(1) New evidence has been discovered which of administrative authorities and indicates to
materially affects the order, directive or the individual remedies for the violation of
decision; his rights.
(2) Errors of law or irregularities have been
committed prejudicial to the interest of the KINDS
movant. The motion for reconsideration shall - Statutes setting up administrative authorities
be resolved within three (3) days from filing: - Rules, regulations or orders of such
provided, that only one motion for administrative authorities promulgated
reconsideration shall be entertained. pursuant to the purposes for which they were
Findings of fact by the Officer of the Ombudsman - Determinations, decisions and orders of such
when supported by substantial evidence are
administrative authorities made in the
conclusive. Any order, directive or decision imposing
the penalty of public censure or reprimand, settlement of controversies arising in their
suspension of not more than one (1) month's salary particular fields.
shall be final and unappealable. - Body of doctrines and decisions dealing with
the creation, operation and effect of
determination and regulations of such  CONTINGENT LEGISLATION- rules and
administrative authorities. regulations made by an
administrative authority on the
B. ADMINISTRATIVE AGENCIES existence of certain facts or things
- Organ of government, other than a court and upon which the enforcement of the
other than a legislature, which affects the law depends.
rights of private parties either thru b) REQUISITE FOR VALIDITY
adjudication or rule making.  Issued under authority of the law
 Within the scope and purview of the
 Reasonable
 Publication in the official gazette or in
the newspaper of General Circulation.
- A body or agency is administrative where its
function is primarily regulatory even if it
conducts hearings and determines
controversies to carry out its regulatory duty.
- Proceedings partake of the character of judicial
requisites of administrative due process, as
- This is the exercise of delegated legislative
enumerated by Ang Tibay vs CIR,
power, involving no discretion as to what the
1. Right to Hearing;
law shall be, but merely the authority to fix
2. Tribunal must consider evidence
the details in the execution or enforcement of
a policy set out in the law itself.
3. Decisions must have something to support
- Power to make rules and regulations which
results in delegated legislation that is within 4. Evidence must be substantial;
the confines of the granting statute and the 5. Decisions must be based on the evidence
doctrine of non-delegability and separation of adduced at the hearing or at least
powers. contained in the record and disclosed to
- Administrative agencies may exercise quasi- the parties;
legislative powers only if there exists a law 6. Independent consideration of the facts and
which delegates these powers to them. the law of the case by the board or its
REGULATIONS 7. Decisions must be rendered in such a
 SUPPLEMENTARY OR DETAILED manner that the parties to the controversy
LEGISLATION- They are rules and can know the various issues involved and
regulations “to fix the details” in the the reasons for the decisions rendered.
execution and enforcement of a policy
 However, in administrative due process
set out in the law. They are in the
cannot be fully equated to due in the strict
nature of subordinate legislation, and
judicial sense. The standard of due process
designated to implement a primary
that must be met in administrative tribunals
legislation by providing the details
allows a certain latitude as long as the
element of fairness is not ignored; even in the
absence of previous notice, there is no denial
are rules ad regulations construing or
of due process as long as the parties are given
interpreting the provisions of a
the opportunity to be heard. (Adamson vs
statute to be enforced; they are
intended to clarify or explain existing
 In administrative proceedings, procedural
statutory regulations under which the
due process simply means the opportunity to
administrative body operates.
explain one’s side or the opportunity to seek a
reconsideration of the action or ruling  DOCTRINE OF EXHAUSTION OF
 “To be heard” does not men only verbal - Whenever there is an available
arguments in court; one may also be heard administrative remedy provided by law, no
through pleadings. judicial recourse can be made until all such
b.) ADMINISTRATIVE APPEAL AND REVIEW remedies have been availed of and exhausted.
 Where provided by the law, appeal from Thus, before a party is allowed to seek the
an administrative determination may be intervention of the court, he should have
made to a higher or superior availed himself of all the means of
administrative officer or body. administrative processes afforded him.If
 The appellate administrative agency may resort to a remedy within the administrative
conduct additional hearings in the machinery can still be made by giving the
appealed case, if deemed necessary. administrative officer concerned every
opportunity to decide on a matter that come
within his jurisdiction, then such remedy
should be exhausted first before the courts
c.) ADMINISTRATIVE RES JUDICATA judicial power can be sought.
 The Supreme Court said that decisions - Only those decisions of administrative
and orders of administrative agencies agencies made in the exercise of quasi-
upon their finality, have the force and judicial powers are subject to the rule of
binding effect of a final judgment within exhaustion of administrative remedies. Thus,
the purview of the doctrine of res where what is assailed is the validity of the
judicata.[ constitutionality of a rule or regulation issued
3) FACT FINDING, INVESTIGATIVE, LICENSING by the administrative agency in the
AND RATE FIXING POWERS (DETERMINATIVE performance of its quasi-legislative function,
POWERS) the regular courts have jurisdiction to pass
- ENABLING: to permit or allow something upon the same.
which the law undertakes to regulate, e.g.  DOCTRINE OF FINALITY OF
Grant or denial of licenses to engage in the ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION
particular business. - No resort to the courts will be allowed unless
- Directing: Illustrated in the power of the administrative action has been completed
assessment by the BIR. and there is nothing left to be done in the
- Dispensing: to exempt from general administrative structure.
prohibition or relieve an individual or - A party aggrieved must not merely initiate
corporation from a affirmative duty. the prescribed administrative procedure to
- Examining: also called the investigatory obtain relief, but must also pursue it to its
power; consists in requiring production of appropriate conclusion before seeking
books, papers, etc., the attendance of judicial intervention in order to give that
witnesses and compelling their testimony. administrative agency an opportunity to
decide the matter by itself correctly and
D. JUDICIAL RECOURSE AND REVIEW prevent unnecessary and premature resort to
- Where there is competence or jurisdiction
vested upon an administrative body to act
upon a matter, no resort to the courts may be ELECTION LAW
made before such administrative body shall
have acted upon the matter. Buts this rule
applies only where the administrative agency
exercises quasi-judicial or adjudicatory A. SUFFRAGE
Exercised by all citizens of the Philippines not Permanent List of Voters for the City or
otherwise disqualified by law, who are at municipality in which he resides.
least 18 years of age, and who shall have  It does not confer the right to vote, but a
resided in the Philippines for at least one condition precedent for the exercise of the
year, and in the place wherein they propose right to vote
to vote, for at least six months immediately  Registration is a regulation, not a
preceding the election. No literacy, property, qualification
or other substantive requirement shall be  The personal filing of applications of
imposed on the exercise of suffrage. registration of voters shall be conducted daily
The right to vote is not a natural right but is a in the office of the Election officer during
right created by the law. Suffrage is a regular office hours, but no registration shall
privilege granted by the State to such persons be conducted during the period starting 120
or classes as are most likely to exercise it for days before a regular election and 90 days
public good. (People of the Philippine Islands before a special election.
vs Coral)
1. QUALIFICATIONS AND DISQUALIFICATION OF  Grounds for deactivation are the same as the
VOTERS grounds for disqualification from suffrage.
QUALIFICATIONS: Additional grounds are the failure to vote in
two successive preceding regular elections as
1. Must be a filipino citizen
shown by the voting records; cancellation of
2. must not be disqualified by law;
registration as ordered by the court; and loss
3.Resides in the Philippines for at least 1
of filipino citizenship.
year and in the place where he proposes
 Reactivation of registration may be done
to vote for at least 6 months immediately
when a voter filed with the Election Officer a
preceding the election.
sworn statement of reactivation of his
 The congress shall provide a system for
registration in the form of an affidavit stating
securing the secrecy and sanctity of the ballot
that the grounds for deactivation no longer
as well as a system for absentee voting by
exist anytime but not later than 120 days
qualified Filipinos abroad.
before a regular election and 90 days before a
 Congress shall design a procedure for the
special election.
disabled and the illiterates to vote without
the assistance of other persons.
- Petition for Inclusion.(Sec. 34, RA 8189)
Any voters whose application for registration
1.1. Any person sentenced by final judgment to
has been disapproved by the Board or whose
suffer imprisonment of not less than one
name has been stricken out from the list may
year; but right is reacquired upon the
file with the court a petition to include his
expiration of five years after service of
name in the permanent list of voters in his
precinct at any time except 105 days prior to
1.2. Any person adjudged by final judgment
a regular election or 75 days prior to special
having committed any crime involving
election. It shall be decided within 15 days
disloyalty to the government or any crime
from date of filing.
against national security; but right is
- Petition for Exclusion. (Sec. 35, RA
reacquired upon expiration of five years
8189)Any registered voter, representative of
after service of sentence.
a political party or Election Officer may file
1.3. Insane or incompetent persons as declared
with the court a sworn petition for the
by competent authority.
exclusion of a voter from the permanent list
of voters, giving the name, address and
precinct of the challenged voter at any time
except 100 days prior to the regular election
 In order that a qualified elector may vote in
an election, he must be a registered in the
or 65 days prior to special election. It shall be - An immigrant or a permanent resident who
decided 10 days from the date of the filing. us recognized as such in the host country,
Common Rules Governing Judicial Proceedings in unless he/she executes, upon registration, an
Inclusion and Exclusion undertaking that he/she shall resume actual
 Petition for inclusion, exclusion or correction physical permanent residence not later than 3
of names of the voter shall be filed during years from approval of his/her registration.
officer hours. Such undertaking/affidavit shall also state
 Notice of the place and time of the hearing of that he/she has not applied for citizenship in
the petition; another country. (repealed by RA 10590 in
 Petition shall refer only to one precinct and 2012)
shall implead the Board as respondents; 5. DETAINEE VOTING
 No cost shall be assessed against any party in
these proceedings unless if it has been filed B. CANDIDACY
solely to harass the adverse party and cause - Candidate under the Automated Election
him to incur expenses; System now refers to “any person aspiring for
 Any voter, candidate or political party or seeking an elective public office who has
affected may intervene and present his filed his certificate of candidacy and who has
evidence; not died or withdrawn or otherwise
 The decision must be based on the evidence disqualified before the start of the campaign
presented; period for which he filed his certificate of
 Petition shall be decided and heard within 10 candidacy. Provided, that, unlawful acts or
days from the date of the filing. omissions applicable to a candidate shall take
- Jurisdiction is in the Municipal and effect only upon the start of the aforesaid
Metropolitan Trial Courts which shall have campaign period.
original and exclusive jurisdiction over all 1.) QUALIFICATIONS AND
cases of the inclusion and exclusion of voters. DISQUALIFICATIONS OF CANDIDATES
Local Absentee Voting. Process by which - Qualifications prescribed by the law are
qualified citizens of the Philippines abroad continuing requirements and must be
exercise their right to vote (Sec. 3a) possessed for the duration of the officer’s
active tenure. Once any of the prescribed
Overseas Absentee Voting- citizen of the qualifications is lost, his title to the office may
Philippines who is qualified to register and be seasonable challenged. (Frivaldo vs
vote under this Act, not otherwise COMELEC)
disqualified by law, who is abroad on the day - The Local Government Code does not specify
of election. any particular date when the candidate must
possess Filipino Citizenship.
COVERAGE - There is no hard and fast rule to determine a
- All citizen of the Philippines abroad, who are candidate’s compliance with the residency
not otherwise disqualified by law, at least 18 requirement since the question of a residence
years of age on the day of the elections, may is a question of intention. This
vote for President,V-President, senators and notwithstanding, jurisprudence has laid down
patty list representatives (Sec. 4) (Note: Only the following guidelines:
for these positions) o Every person has a domicile or
residence somewhere
DISQUALIFICATIONS: o Where once established, the domicile
- Those who have lost their Filipino citizenship remains until he acquires a new one;
in accordance with Philippine Laws; - Person can have but one domicile at a time.
- Whose who expressly renounced their (Jalosjos vs COMELEC)
Philippine citizenship and pledge alliance to a - Change of residence requires an actual and
foreign country. deliberate abandonment, because one cannot
have two legal residences at the same time. If is put on hold for the duration of the
no such proof of abandonment, the residence probation. Furthermore, the final discharge of
of origin should be deemed to continue. the probationer shall operate to restore him
all civil rights lost or suspended as a result of
DISQUALIFICATIONS his conviction, and to fully discharge his
i. Declared as incompetent or liability for any fine imposed as to the offense
insane by a competent for which the probation is granted.
authority ii. Those removed from office as a result of
ii. Sentenced by Final judgment administrative case
for subversion, insurrection, iii. Those convicted by final judgment for
rebellion, or any offense for violating the oath of Allegiance of the
which he has been sentenced Republic of the Philippines
to a penalty of more than 18 iv. Those with dual citizenship
months of imprisonment. - One is disqualified only if he is consciously or
iii. Sentenced by final judgment deliberately obtains “dual citizenship”, thus,
of a crime involving moral owing allegiance to two states.
turpitude. v. Fugitive from Justice in criminal and non-
- A petition for certiorari was filed by former political cases here and abroad.
Mayor Alfredo Lim who joined Rios Vidal - Includes not only those who flee after
theory that Estrada is disqualified to run and conviction to avoid punishment, but likewise
to hold public office, because ethe pardon those who, after being charged, flee to avoid
extended by President Gloria Arroyo failed to prosecution”
expressly remit the accessory penalty of vi. Permanent residents in foreign country or
perpetual disqualification. The Supreme those who have acquired the right to reside
Court ruled that “Estrada was granted an abroad and continue to avail of the same right
absolute pardon that fully restored all his civil after the effectivity of the Local Government
and political rights which would naturally Code.
include the right to seek public office. The vii. Those who are insane or feebleminded.
language used in the pardon extended to
Estrada was complete and unambiguous and ADDITIONAL GROUNDS FOR DISQUALIFICATIONS
unqualified, unfettered by Art. 36 and 41 of i. One who has given money or other material
the RPC. The phrase in the pardon which consideration to influence, induce or corrupt
declares that Estrada “is hereby restored his the voters or public officials performing
civil and political rights” substantially electoral functions
complies with the requirement of express ii. One who committed acts of terrorism to
restoration. enhance his candidacy
iii. One who spent in his election campaign an
DISQUALIFICATIONS UNDER THE LOCAL amount in excess of that allowed in this Code.
GOVERNMENT CODE (APPLICABLE TO CANDIDATES iv. One who has solicited, received or made
FOR ELLECTIVE OFFICE ONLY): contributions prohibited under Section 89
i. Those sentenced by final judgment for an (transportation, food and drinks), Sec. 95, Sec.
offense punishable by one year or more of 96, Sec. 97 and Sec. 104.
imprisonment and within two years after v. One who has violated the provisions of Sec.
serving sentence. 80(Campaign Period), Sec. 83( removal,
- In Moreno vs COMELEC, the court ruled that destruction or lawful propaganda), Sec.
probation is not a sentence but rather, a 86(regulation of propaganda through mass
suspension of the imposition of sentence. media)
Thus, during the period of probation, the vi. One who has violated the provisions of
petitioner is not disqualified from running in election offenses.
the public office, because the accessory 2.) FILING OF THE CERTIFICATE OF CANDIDACY
penalty of disqualification from public office a. Effect of filing
- Any person who files his certificate of and much less to a valid votes. Thus, the
candidacy shall be considered as a candidate “second placer” candidate is deemed to have
at the start of the campaign period for which garnered the highest number of vote and is
he filed his certificate of candidacy; Provided entitled to hold the corresponding elective
that, unlawful acts or omissions applicable to position.
a candidate shall take effect only upon a start - The withdrawal of the certificate of
of the afore stated campaign period; candidacy shall effect the disqualification of
Provided, finally, that any person holding a the candidate to be elected for the position.
public appointive office or position, including The withdrawal, for the purpose of reviving
active members of the armed forces, and the certificate of candidacy, must be made
officers and employees of GOCC, shall be within the period provided by law for the
considered ipso facto resigned from his or her filing of the certificate of candidacy.
office and must vacate the same at the start of - When a person files two certificate s of
the day of the filing of his or her certificate of candidacy for different offices, he becomes
candidacy. ineligible for neither position. He may
- Under the present law, no candidate can be withdraw one of his certificates by filing a
held liable for premature campaigning, sworn declaration with the COMELEC before
because “he shall be considered a candidate the deadline of the filing of the COC.
(only) at the start of the campaign period. c. Nuisance Candidates
- A candidate cannot be annulled on the sole - The Comelec may motu proprio, or upon
ground of formal defects in the certificate, verified petition of an interested party, refuse
such as lack of the required oath. to give due course to or cancel a certificate of
b. Substitution and Withdrawal of candidacy candidacy if it is shown that the said
- If after the last day for the filing of certificates certificate was filed:
of candidacy, an official candidate of a o To put the election process in
registered political party dies, withdraws or mockery or disrepute;
is disqualified for any cause, only a person o To cause confusion among the voters
belonging to and certified by the same by the similarity of the names of the
political party may file a certificate of registered candidates; or
candidacy for the office not later than the o By other circumstances or acts, which
mid-day of the day of the election. clearly demonstrate that the
- In case of valid substitution after the official candidate has no bona fide intention
ballots have been printed, the votes cast for to run for the office for which the
the substituted candidate shall be considered certificate has been filed, and thus,
votes for the substitute. prevent a faithful determination of
- Evidently, Sec. 77 requires that there be an the true will of the electorate.
“official candidate” before candidate - This denial or cancellation may be motu
substitution proceeds. In this regard the COC proprio of upon a verified petition of an
is the document which formally accords upon interested party”. But the COMELEC commits
a person the status of a candidate. grave abuse of discretion if it denies due
Considering that Sec. 77 requires that there course to or cancels a certificate of candidacy
be a candidate in order for substitution to without affording the candidate an
take place, as well as the precept that a opportunity to be heard.
person without a valid COC is not considered - The vote cast for a nuisance candidate
as a candidate, it necessarily follows that if a declared as such in a final judgment,
person’s COC had been denied due course particularly where such nuisance candidate
and/or is cancelled he cannot be validly has the same surname as that of the
substituted. legitimate candidate, are not stray but must
- In Aratea vs COMELEC, the court ruled that a be counted in favor of the latter.
cancelled certificate of candidacy void ab d. Duties of the COMELEC
initio cannot give rise to a valid candidacy,
- Subject to its authority over nuisance institutions legally in the business of
candidates and its power to deny due course lending money, and that the loan is
to or cancel a COC under Section 78, BP 881, made in accordance with laws and
the COMELEC shall have only ministerial duty regulations in the ordinary course of
to receive and acknowledge receipt of the the law;
COC. (Sec. 76 of BP 881) o Natural and juridical persons
- Instances when the COMELEC may go beyond operating a public utility, or in
the face of the certificate: possession of or exploiting any
o Nuisance Candidate natural resources of the nation.
o Petition to deny due course or to o Natural and juridical persons who
cancel a COC hold contracts or sub-contracts to
o A disqualification case based on any supply the government or any of its
of the grounds enumerated in Sec. 68, divisions, subdivisions or
BP 881, e.g. vote-buying, terrorism, instrumentalities, including GOCC’s.
overspending, etc., o Natural and juridical person who,
within one year prior to the date of
C. CAMPAIGN the election have been granted loans
- Refers to an act designed to promote the or accommodations in excess of
election or defeat of a particular candidate or P100,000.00 by the government or
candidates to a public office. any of its divisions, subdivisions or
1) PREMATURE CAMPAIGNING instrumentalities, including GOCC’s.
- Under section 80 of BP 881, it shall be o Educational institutions which have
unlawful for any person or any party to received grants of public funds
engage in election campaign or partisan amounting to no less than P100,000.
political activity except during the campaign o Officials or employees in the CSC or
period. member of the AFP.
- By virtue of Section 15, RA 8436, as amended o Foreigners and foreign corporations.
by RA 9369, which provides that “unlawful 3) LAWFUL AND PROHIBITED ELECTION
acts or omissions applicable to a candidate PROPAGANDA
shall take effect only upon the start of the said
campaign period. Section 82. Lawful election propaganda. - Lawful
2) PROHIBITED CONTRIBUTIONS election propaganda shall include:
- Contribution includes a gift, donation,
subscription, loan, advances or deposit of (a) Pamphlets, leaflets, cards, decals, stickers or
money or anything of value, or a contract, other written or printed materials of a size not
promise or agreement to contribute, whether more than eight and one-half inches in width and
or not legally enforceable, made for the fourteen inches in length;
purpose of influencing the result of the
elections, but shall not include services (b) Handwritten or printed letters urging voters
to vote for or against any particular candidate;
rendered without compensation by
individuals volunteering a portion or all of
(c) Cloth, paper or cardboard posters, whether
their time in behalf of a candidate or political
framed or posted, with an area exceeding two
party. feet by three feet, except that, at the site and on
- No contribution for purposes of partisan or the occasion of a public meeting or rally, or in
political activity shall be made directly or announcing the holding of said meeting or rally,
indirectly by any of the following: streamers not exceeding three feet by eight feet
o Public or private financial institutions, in size, shall be allowed: Provided, That said
Provided, however, that nothing streamers may not be displayed except one week
herein shall prevent the making of before the date of the meeting or rally and that it
any loan to a candidate or political shall be removed within seventy-two hours after
party by any such public or private said meeting or rally; or
(d) All other forms of election propaganda not for campaign and other political purposes
prohibited by this Code as the Commission may except as authorized in this Code under the
authorize after due notice to all interested parties rules and regulations promulgated by the
and hearing where all the interested parties were Commission pursuant thereto.
given an equal opportunity to be heard: Provided,
That the Commission's authorization shall be Any prohibited election propaganda gadget
published in two newspapers of general or advertisement shall be stopped,
circulation throughout the nation for at least confiscated or torn down by the
twice within one week after the authorization has representative of the Commission upon
been granted. specific authority of the Commission.

- Section 4, RA 9006, requires that print - In Badoy vs COMELEC, the prohibition of

advertisements donated to a candidate shall certain forms of election propaganda was
not be published without the written upheld as a valid exercise pf the police power,
acceptance of the said candidate, which “to prevent the perversion and the
written acceptance shall be attached to the prostitution of the electoral apparatus, of the
advertising contract and submitted to the denial of due process of law.”
Section 85. Prohibited forms of election propaganda. - Section 13, RA 7166, provides that for the
- It shall be unlawful: 1992 synchronized elections, the aggregate
amount that a candidate or registered
(a) To print, publish, post or distribute any political party may spend for election
poster, pamphlet, circular, handbill, or campaign shall be, as follows:
printed matter urging voters to vote for or
o For Candidates: P10 for President and
against any candidate unless they bear the
names and addresses of the printer and payor Vice President; and for other
as required in Section 84 hereof; candidates P3 for every voter
currently registered in the
(b) To erect, put up, make use of, attach, float constituency where he filed his
or display any billboard, tinplate-poster, certificate of candidacy; Provided that
balloons and the like, of whatever size, shape, a candidate without any political
form or kind, advertising for or against any party and without support from any
candidate or political party; political party may be allowed to
spend P5 for every such voter; and
(c) To purchase, manufacture, request, o For Political Party: P5 for every voter
distribute or accept electoral propaganda currently registered in the
gadgets, such as pens, lighters, fans of constituency or constituencies where
whatever nature, flashlights, athletic goods or
it has official candidates.
materials, wallets, shirts, hats, bandanas,
matches, cigarettes and the like, except that
campaign supporters accompanying a EXPENSES
candidate shall be allowed to wear hats - Every candidate and treasurer of the political
and/or shirts or T-shirts advertising a party shall, within 30 days after the day of the
candidate; election, file in duplicate with the office of the
Commissions, the full, true and itemized
(d) To show or display publicly any statement of all contributions and
advertisement or propaganda for or against expenditures in connection with the election.
any candidate by means of cinematography, (Sec. 14, RA 7166)
audio-visual units or other screen projections - No person elected to any public office shall
except telecasts which may be allowed as enter upon the duties of the office until he has
hereinafter provided; and filed the statement pf contributions and
expenditures herein required. The same
- (e) For any radio broadcasting or television prohibition shall apply if the political party
station to sell or give free of charge air time
that nominated the winning candidate fails to sub-par. 6, shall be disqualified from
file the statement required therein. continuing as a candidate, or if he has
- Except candidates for elective barangay been elected, from holding the office.
office, failure to file the statements or reports
in connection with the electoral contributions (3) FAILURE OF ELECTION, CALL FOR
and expenditures as required shall constitute SPECIAL ELECTION
an administrative offense for which the - In Joseph Sison vs COMELEC, the Supreme
offenders shall be liable to pay an Court said that under pertinent provisions of
administrative fine. BP 881, there are only three instances where
- This requirement covers even those who a failure of election may be declared, namely;
withdrew as candidates after having filed o The election in any polling place had
their certificates. not been held on the date fixed on
account of force majeure, violence,
D. REMEDIES AND JURISDICTION terrorism, fraud or another analogous
Before election Day: File at the COMELEC causes;
(Division) o The election in any polling place had
(1) PETITION TO DENY DUE COURSE been suspended before the hour fixed
OR CANCEL A CERTIFICATE OF by law for the closing of the voting on
CANDIDACY account of force majeure, violence,
- A verified petition seeking to deny due course terrorism, fraud or other analogous
or to cancel a certificate of candidacy may be causes;
filed by any person exclusively on the ground o After the voting and during the
that any material representation contained preparation and transmission of the
therein as required under Section 74 is false. election returns or in the custody or
The petition may be filed at any time not later canvass thereof, such as election
than twenty five days from the time of the results in a failure to elect on account
filing of the COC and shall be decided, after of force majeure, violence, terrorism,
due notice and hearing, not later than fifteen fraud or other analogous causes.
days before the election. (4) PRE-PROCLAMATION
Note: The misrepresentation should refer to CONTROVERSY
material information as to qualification or - For purposes of the election of the President,
disqualification of the candidate. Vice-President, senator and member of the
(2) PETITION FOR DISQUALIFICATION House of Representatives, no pre-
- Any candidate who, an action or protest in proclamation cases shall be allowed on
which he is a party is declared by final matters relating to the preparation,
decision of a competent court quality of, or transmission, receipt, custody and
found by the Commission of having: appreciation of election returns or certificates
o given money or other material of canvass, as the case may be, except as
consideration to influence, induce or provided in Section 30 hereof. However, this
corrupt the voters or public officials does not preclude the authority of the
performing electoral functions; appropriate canvassing body, motu proprio,
o Committed acts of terrorism to or upon written complaint of an interested
enhance his candidacy; person, to correct manifest errors in the
o Spent in his election campaign an certificate of canvass or election return
amount in excess of that allowed by before it.
this Code; - Parties adversely affected by a ruling of the
o Solicited, received or made any board of canvassers on questions affecting
contribution prohibited under Section the composition or proceedings of the board
89, 95, 96, 97 and 105; or may appeal the matter to the Commission
o Violated any of the Sections 80, 83, within 3 days from the filing thereof.
85,86, and 261, par. D,e,k,v and cc,
(5) ELECTION PROTEST through a Petition for review on certiorari
REQUISITES: under Rule 65 within 30 days from the
- Must be filed by a candidate who has filed a receipt of the decision.
Certificate of Candidacy and has been voted (6) QUO WARRANTO
upon for the same office. REQUISITES:
- On the grounds of fraud, terrorism, o Filed by a Registered Voter in the
irregularities or illegal acts committed before, Constituency
during and after the casting and counting of o On grounds of ineligibility or
votes. disloyalty to the Republic of the
o The purpose of the election protest is Philippines
to ascertain whether the candidate o Within ten(10) days from
proclaimed by the board of proclamation of the result of the
canvassers is the true and lawful election.
choice of the electorate. - The issue of eligibility of the officer-elect; the
- Within ten days from proclamation of the court or tribunal cannot declare the
result of the election. protestant or the candidate who obtained the
JURISDICTION 2nd highest number of votes as having been
1. ORIGINAL AND EXCLUSIVE elected. Unless the COC is cancelled, the
i. President/V-President-Supreme Court/PET candidate deemed not to have filed a valid
ii. Senator- Senate Electoral Tribunal COC at all, and thus, was never a candidate.
iii. Representative- HoR Electoral Tribunal (a) COMELEC
iv. Regional/Provincial/City- COMELEC - First at the Division(Regional Officials,
v. Municipal- Regional Trial Court Provincial Officials and City officials)
vi. Barangay- Municipal/Metropolitan Trial - an independent constitutional body charged
Court. with the exclusive power to administer and
enforce all laws and regulations relative to
2. APPELLATE the conduct of elections and other political
- Decisions of the RTC and MTC/Metc and exercises, such as plebiscites, initiatives,
MTCC, appeal shall be made exclusively to the referenda and recall.
COMELEC whose decision shall be final, - If a winner is already proclaimed, the
executory and non-appealable. COMELEC loses jurisdiction of the pending
o The decision of the RTC in election case and a remedy is to file an election
contest involving municipal officials contest (either quo warranto or electoral
may be appealed to the COMELEC protest) in the proper forum (Courts or
within 5 days from promulgation or electoral tribunals within 10 days from
receipt of a copy thereof by the proclamation.
adverse party. - If the proclamation is void, as it was illegal,
o But the COMELEC cannot deprive the based on erroneous tabulation or that due
RTC of its competence to order the process was not observed by the canvassing
execution of its decision pending board, there is no proclamation to speak of;
appeal, this being a judicial hence, COMELEC can continue to resolve the
prerogative and there being no law case.
disauthoriz.ing the same (b) SENATE ELECTORAL TRIBUNAL
- From decisions of COMELEC, appeal shall be - Senators
made through a Petition for Review on (c) HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
Certiorari under Rule 64 in rel. to Rule 65 of ELECTORAL TRINUMAL
the ROC, to be filed with the Supreme Court - Congressmen
within 30 days from receipt of the copy of the
- From the decision of the electoral tribunal
appeal shall be made to the Supreme Court
 A local government unit may be created,
A. PUBLIC CORPORATIONS divided, merged, abolished, or its boundaries
- Corporation is an artificial being created by substantially altered either by law enacted by
operation of law, having the right of Congress in the case of a province, city,
succession and the powers, attributes and municipality or any other political
properties expressly authorized by law or subdivision, or by ordinance passed by the
incident to its existence. sangguniang panlalawigan or sangguniang
- Public Corporation is the organized for the panlungsod, or by ordinance passed by the
government of a portion of the State. sangguniang panlalawigan or sangguniang
1. CONCEPT; DISTINGUISHED FROM GOCC’S panglungsod concerned in the case of a
Criterion to determine corporation is public: The barangay located within its territorial
relationship of the corporation to the State, i.e. if jurisdiction, subject to such limitations and
created by the State as its own agency to help the requirements prescribed in the LGC.
State in carrying out is governmental functions, then
a. QUASI-CORPORATIONS  No province, city, municipality or barangay
- Created by the State for narrow or limited purpose. may be created, divided, merged, abolished,
b. MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS (Province, or its boundary substantially altered, except
City, Municipality, Barangay, Autonomous regions in accordance with the criteria established in
in Muslim Mindanao and in the Cordilleras) the local government code and subject to
(1) ELEMENTS approval by a majority of votes cast in a
o Legal creation or incorporation- The law plebiscite in the political units directly
creating or authorizing the creation or affected.
incorporation of a municipal corporation. o Plebiscite requirement: No creation,
o Corporate Name- The name by which the division, merger, abolition or
corporation shall be known. substantial alteration of boundaries of
o Inhabitants- The people residing in the LGU shall take effect unless approved
territory of the corporation. by a majority of the votes cast in a
o Territory plebiscite called for the purpose in the
(2) NATURE AND FUNCTIONS: political unit/s directly affected.
 Very local government unit created or  Section 7, RA 7160: Based on verifiable
organized (under the LGC) is a body politic indicators of viability and projected capacity
and a corporate endowed with powers to be to provide services, to wit:
exercised with the conformity of the law. As o Income- must be sufficient, based on
such, it shall exercise powers as a political the acceptable standards, to provide
subdivision of the National Government and for all essential government facilities
as a corporate entity representing the and services and special functions
inhabitants of its territory (Sec. 15, RA 7610). commensurate with the size of its
Accordingly, it has dual functions, namely: population, as expected of the LGU
o Public of Governmental- it acts as an concerned. Average annual income for
agent of the State for the government two consecutive years:
of the territory and the inhabitants;  Municipality:2.5Million
o Private or proprietary- It acts as an  City:100 millions
agent of the community in the  Highly Urbanized City: 50
administration of local affairs. millions
 Province: 20 Millions
(3) REQUISITES FOR CREATION, o Population- total numbers of
CONVERSION, DIVISION, MERGER OR inhabitants within the territorial
DISSOLUTION jurisdiction of the LGU concerned.
 Barangay: 2,000 except Metro LGU shall specify the province, city,
Manila and other municipality or barangay with which the LGU
metropolitan political sought to be abolished will be incorporated
subdivisions or in highly or merged.
urbanized cities where the
requirement is 5,000 B. PRINCIPLES OF LOCAL AUTONOMY
 Municipality: 25,000 a. Sec. 25, Art. II: The state shall ensure the
 City: 150,000 autonomy of local governments.
 Highly Urbanized City: b. Sec. 2, Art. X: The territorial and political
200,000 subdivisions shall enjoy local autonomy.
 Province: 250,000
Note: The requirement of - The principle of local autonomy under the
population is not an indispensable 1987 Constitution simply means
requirement, but is merely an “decentralization”; it does not make the local
alternative addition to the governments sovereign within the state or an
indispensable income “imperium in imperio” (Basco vs Pagcor, 197
requirement. SCRA 52).
- The constitutional guarantee of local
o Land Area- it must be contiguous, unless autonomy refers to the administrative
it comprises two or more islands or is autonomy of local government units or, cast
separated by a LGU independent of the in more technical language, the
others, properly identified by metes and decentralization of government authority. It
bounds with technical descriptions and does not make local governments sovereign
sufficient to provide for such basic within the State. Administrative autonomy
services and facilities to meet the may involve devolution of powers, but subject
requirement of its populace. Area to limitations like following national policies
requirements are: or standards, and those provided by the LGC,
 Municipality- 50 sq. as the structuring of local governments and
kilometers the allocation of powers, responsibilities and
 City- 100 sq. kilometers resources among the different local
 Province- 2,000 sq. government units and local officials have
kilometers been placed by the Constitution in the hands
of Congress under Sec. 3, Art. X of the
- Division and merger shall comply with the - Without meaning to detract from that policy,
same requirements, provided that such Congress retains control of the local
division shall not reduce the income, government units although in a significantly
population or land area of the LGU or units reduced degree now than under our previous
concerned to less than the minimum Constitutions. The power to create includes
requirements prescribed; provided further the power to withhold or recall. True, there
that the income classification of the original are some notable innovations in the
local government unit or units shall not fall Constitution, like the direct conferment of the
below its current income classification prior LGU of the power to tax (Sec.5, Art. X) which
to the division. cannot now be withdrawn by mere statute.
- A local government unit may be abolished - Even as we recognize that the Constitution
when its income, population or land area has guarantees autonomy to LGU, the exercise of
been irreversibly reduced to less than the of local autonomy remains subject to the
minimum standards prescribed for its power of control by Congress, and the power
creation, as certified by the national agencies of general supervision by the President.
mentioned. The law or ordinance abolishing a
(judge Dadole vs COA, Gr. No. 125350, Dec. 3, expressly granted, those necessarily implied
2002). therefrom, as well as powers necessary,
o The president can only interfere in appropriate, or incidental for its efficient and
the affairs and activities of a LGU if he effective governance, and those which are
or she finds that the latter had acted essential to the promotion of the general
contrary to law. welfare. Within their respective territorial
o Like LGU, the Liga ng mga Barangay is jurisdictions, local government units shall
not subject to control by the Chief ensure and support, among other things, the
Executive or his alter ego. As the preservation and enrichment of culture,
entity exercising supervision over the promote health and safety, enhance the right
Liga, the DILG’s authority is limited to of the people to a balanced ecology,
seeing to it that the rules are encourage and support the development of
followed; it cannot lay down such appropriate self-reliant scientific and
rules itself, nor does it have the technological capabilities, improve public
discretion to modify or replace them. morals, enhance economic prosperity and
In this case, the most that the DILG social justice, promote full employment
could do was to review the acts of the among its residents, maintain peace and
incumbent officers of the Liga in the order, and preserve the comfort and
conduct of the elections to determine convenience of thei inhabitants.
if there was a violation of the Liga’s - Limitations to the General Welfare Clause:
constitution and By-Laws and its o Exercisable only within the territorial
implementing rules. limits except for protection of water
- Autonomy is either decentralization of o Must not be contrary to Constitution
administration or decentralization of power. and the laws. (Activities allowed by
- The Supreme Court held that Shari’a District law cannot be prohibited, only
Courts have no jurisdiction over real actions regulated.)
where one of the parties to the controversy is b. EMINENT DOMAIN
a non-Muslim. Shari’a District Courts - A LGU may, through its chief executive and
concurrent jurisdiction with civil courts over acting pursuant to an ordinance, exercise the
real actions “is applicable solely when both power of eminent domain for public purpose,
parties are Muslims”. or purpose, or welfare for the benefit of the
- The Regional Governor of the ARMM has the poor and the landless, upon payment of just
power to appoint officers in the region’s civil compensation, pursuant to the provisions of
service. However, if there is no regional law the constitution and the pertinent laws;
providing for the qualifications for the Provided, however, that the power of eminent
position at the time of the appointment. The domain may not be exercised unless a valid
appointee must satisfy the civil service and definite offer has been previously made
eligibilities required for the position in the to the owner and such offer was not accepted:
national government to be appointed in a Provided, further, that the LGU may
permanent capacity. immediately take possession of the property
upon the filing of the expropriation
D. LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNIT (LGU) proceedings and upon making a deposit in the
1. POWERS proper court of at least 15% of the fair
a. POLICE POWER market value of the property based on the
- The general welfare clauses is the statutory current tax declaration of the property to be
grant of police power to LGU. expropriated: Provided, finally, That the
- General welfare Clause: Every local amount to be paid for the expropriated
government unit shall exercise the powers property shall be determined by the proper
court, based on their fair market value at the o Adequate provision for the
time of the taking of the property. maintenance of public safety must be
- Additional limitations on the exercise of the made;
power of eminent domain: o Property may be used or conveyed for
o Exercised only by the local chief any purpose for which other real
executive, acting pursuant to a valid property may be lawfully used or
ordinance; conveyed, but no freedom park shall
o For public use or purpose or welfare; be closed permanently without
for the benefit of the poor and the provision for its transfer or relocation
landless; to a new site.
o Only after a valid and definite offer - Temporary closure may be made during an
had been ,made to, and not accepted actual emergency, fiesta celebrations, public
by the owner. rallies, etc.
c. TAXING POWER - In Pilapil vs CA: a municipality has the
- Fundamental principles governing the authority to prepare and adopt a land use
exercising of the taxing and other revenue- map, promulgate a zoning ordinance, and
raising powers of LGU.(Sec. 130, RA 7610) close any municipal road.
o Taxation shall be uniform in each e. LEGISLATIVE POWER
LGU. - Exercised by the local sanggunian.
o Taxes, fees, charges and other - The product of legislative action are :
impositions shall be equitable and ordinance or a resolution.
based as far as practicable on the ORDINANCES RESOLUTIONS
taxpayer’s ability to pay; levied and Laws and possess a Merely a declaration
collected only for public purposes; not general and of the sentiment or
unjust, excessive, oppressive or permanent opinion of a
confiscatory; and not contrary to law, character lawmaking body on
a specific matter and
public policy, national economic
are temporary in
policy, or in restraint of trade;
o The collection of local taxes, fees, Rights can be No rights can be
charges and other impositions shall in conferred conferred and
no case be let to any private person; inferred.
o The revenue collected shall inure The authority to be When the authority
solely to the benefit of, and be subject granted to a local is made through a
to disposition by, the LGU, unless chief executive to resolution, it shall
specifically provided herein; and enter into an not confer any right
o Each LGU, as far as practicable, evolve obligation binding to a person.
a progressive system of taxation. on the LGU must be
made pursuant to a
law or an ordinance.
- A LGU may, pursuant to an ordinance,
permanently or temporarily close or open
any local road, alley, park, or square falling
within its jurisdiction, provided that in case of
1. Must not contravene
permanent closure, such ordinance must be
to the Constitution and
approved by at least 2/3 of all the members
any statute
of the sanggunian, and when necessary, an
2. Must not be unfair or
adequate substitute for the public facility
shall be provided.
3. Must not be partial of
- Additional limitations in case of permanent
4. Must not prohibit but
regulate trade;
5. Must not be in court. (Municipality of Pililia Rizal
unreasonable; and vs CA).
6. Must be general in o To have and use corporate seal- LGU
application and may continue using, modify or change
consistent with Public their corporate seal; any change shall
Policy. be registered with the DILG.
Note: Ordinances enacted by the sangguniang o To acquire and convey real or personal
barangay shall, upon approval by a majority property-
of all its members, be signed by the punong o Power to enter into contracts-
barangay. The latter has no veto power. Requisites of a valid municipal
REFERENDUM  The LGU has the express,
f. CORPORATE POWERS implied or inherent power to
- LGU shall enjoy full autonomy in the exercise enter into the particular
of their proprietary functions and in the contracts;
management of their economic enterprises,  The contract is entered into by
subject to limitations provided in the code the proper department, board,
and other applicable laws. The corporate committee, officer or agent.
powers of LGU are: Unless otherwise provided by
o To have continuous succession in its the Code, no contract may be
corporate name; entered into by the local chief
o To sue and be sued- The rules is that executive on behalf of the LGU
the suit is commenced by the local without prior authorization of
chief executive, upon authority of the the sanggunian concerned.
Sanggunian, except when the City  The contract must comply with
Councilors, by themselves and as a certain substantive
representatives of or on behalf of the requirements;
City, bring the action to prevent  The contract must comply with
unlawful disbursement of public the formal requirements of
funds. (City Council of Cebu vs written contract, e.g., the
Cuizon) Statute of Frauds.
But the municipality cannot be o To exercise such other powers as are
represented by a private attorney. granted to corporations, subject to the
Only a provincial Fiscal or the limitations provided in the Code and
Municipal Attorney can represent a other laws.
province or city in a lawsuits. This is g. ULTRA VIRES ACTS
mandatory. The municipality’s - When a contract is entered into without
UTHORITY TO EMPLOY A PRIVATE compliance with firs (the LGU has the express,
LAWYER IS LIMITED TO SITUATIONS implied or inherent power to enter into the
WHERE THE Provincial Fiscal is particular contracts) and third (contracts
disqualified to represent it, and the must comply with certain substantive
fact of disqualification must appear on requirements,) the same is ultravires and is
record. The Fiscal’s refusal to null and void. Such contract cannot be ratified
represent the municipality is not a or validated. Ratification of defective
legal justification for employing the municipal contracts is possible only when
services of private counsel; the there is non-compliance with the second (The
municipality should request the contract is entered into by the proper
Secretary of Justice to appoint an department, board, committee, officer or
Acting Provincial Fiscal in place of the agent) and/or the fourth (The contract must
one who declined to handle the case comply with the formal requirements of
written contract, e.g., the Statute of Frauds.)
requirements. Ratification may be express of contract is ultra vires, the municipal corporation
implied. is not liable.
2. LIABILITY OF LGUs - A private individual who deals with a
RULE: LGU and their officials are not exempt municipal corporation is imputed
from liability for death or injury to persons or constructive knowledge of the extent of the
damage to property (Sec. 24, RA 7160) power or authority of the municipal
 ART. 2189, CIVIL CODE: The LGU is liable in corporation to enter into contracts;
damages for death or injuries suffered by - Ordinarily, therefore, the doctrine of estoppel
reason of the defective condition of roads, does not lie against the municipal
streets, bridges, public buildings and other corporation;
public works. - Doctrine of implied municipal liability- A
 ART. 2180 (Par. 6)Civil Code: The state is municipality may become obligated upon an
responsible when it acts through a special implied contract to pay the reasonable value
agent. of the benefits accepted or appropriated by it
 ART. 34, CIVIL CODE: The LGU is subsidiarily as to which it has the general power to
liable for damages suffered by a person by contract. The doctrine applies to all cases
reason of the failure or refusal of a member of where the money or other property of a party
the police force to render aid and protection is received under such circumstances that the
in case of danger to life and property. general law, independent of an express
contract, implies an obligation to do justice
LIABILITY FOR TORT with respect to the same.
- Despite the clear language of Sec. 24, R.A. 3. SETTLEMENT OF BOUNDARY DISPUTES
7610, that the LGU and their officials are not 4. VACANCIES AND SUCCESSIONS OF LOCAL
exempt from liability for death or injury to OFFICIALS
persons or damage to property, it is still
unclear whether liability will accrue when the PERMANENT VACANCIES
LGU is engaged in governmental functions. - A permanent vacancy arises when an elective
Supreme Court decisions, interpreting legal local official fills a higher vacant office, refuse
provisions existing prior to the effectivity of to assume office, fails to qualify, dies, is
the LGC, have come up with the following removed from office, voluntarily resigns, or is
rules on municipal liability for tort: permanently incapacitated to discharge the
o If the LGU is engaged in governmental functions of his office.
functions, it is not liable; If the governor or mayor- vice-mayor/governor
o If engaged is proprietary functions, shall succeed.
LGU is liable. If Vice-Governor/mayor- highest ranking
sanggunian member, and subsequent vacancy
LIABILITY FOR VIOLATION OF LAW shall automatically by the other sanggunian
- Where the Municipality closed a part of a members according to their ranking.
municipal street without indemnifying the Punong barangay- the highest ranking
person prejudiced thereby, the Municipality sanggunian barangay member, or in case of his
can be held liable for damages. permanent inability, the second highest ranking
- Lack of funds does not excuse the sanggunian or member.
Municipality from paying the statutory Sanggunian Member- filled by appointment by
minimum wage a month of its employees. The the President, through the Executive Secretary in
payment of minimum wage is a mandatory the case of sanggunian panlalawigan or
statutory obligation of a municipality. component cities; by the Governor in the case of
sanggunian panglungsod of component cities and
LIABILITY FOR CONTRACTS the sangguniang bayan; and by the city or
RULE: A municipal corporation, like an ordinary municipal mayor in the case of sangguniang
person, is liable on a contract it enters into, barangay upon recommendation of the
provided that the contract is intra vires. If the sangguniang barangay concerned. However,
except for the sangguniang barangay, only the may be, shall be filed in the COMELEC
nominee of the political party under which the through its office in the LGU
sanggunian member concerned had been elected concerned.
and whose elevation to the position next higher o Upon the lapse of the aforesaid
in rank created the last vacancy in the sanggunian period, the COMELEC or its duly
shall be appointed. authorized representative shall
announce the acceptance of
TEMPORARY VACANCY candidates to the position and
- When the governor, city or municipal mayor, thereafter prepare the list of
or punong barangay is temporarily candidates which shall include the
incapacitated to perform his duties for name of the official sought to be
physical or legal reason such as, but not recalled.
limited to, leave of absence, travel abroad and - The recall of an elective local official shall be
suspension from office, the vice governor, city effective only upon the election and
or municipal vice mayo, or the highest proclamation of a successor in the person of
ranking sanggunian barangay member shall the candidate receiving the highest number of
automatically exercise the powers and votes cast during the election on recall.
perform the duties and functions of the local 6. TERM LIMITS
chief executive concerned, except the power - Three years or such date as may be provided
to appoint, suspend, or dismiss employees by the law, except that of elective barangay
which can be exercised only if the period of officials. No local elective official shall serve
temporary incapacity exceeds thirty days. for more than three consecutive terms in the
- When the local chief executive is travelling same position (Sec. 42, RA 7610). The term of
within the country but outside his territorial office of the barangay officials and the SK
jurisdiction for a period not exceeding three shall be three years. No barangay elective
consecutive days, he may designate in writing local official shall serve for more than three
the officer-in-charge of the said office. consecutive terms in the same position,
5. RECALL Provided, however, that the term of office
- The termination of official relationship of an shall be reckoned from 1994 barangay
elective official for loss of confidence prior to elections.
the expiration of his term through the will of - The three-term limit on a local official is to be
the electorate. understood to refer to terms for which the
- It is exercised by the registered voters of a official concerned was elected. It is not
LGU to which the local executive official enough that an individual has served three
subject to recall belongs. (Sec. 69, RA 7610). consecutive terms in an elective local office.
- Recall process is initiated by the voters of the He must also have been elected to the same
LGU position for the same number of times before
- Recall of provincial, city, municipal or the disqualification can apply. (Adormeo vs
barangay official shall be initiated upon COMELEC).
petition by at least 25% of the total number - The three consecutive terms, refers to regular
of registered voters in the LGU concerned election for the same office following the end
during the election in which the local official of third consecutive term. Any subsequent
sought to be recalled was elected. election, like a recall election, is no longer
o A written petition for recall duly covered by the prohibition for two reasons:
signed before the election registrar or o Subsequent election like a recall
his representative, and in the election is no longer an immediate re-
presence of a representative of the election after three consecutive
petitioner and a representative of the terms;
official sought to be recalled, and in o The intervening period constitutes an
public place in the province, city, involuntary interruption in the
municipality or barangay, as the case continuity of service.
- If a latter treaty is contrary to a customary
rule that has the status of jus cogens, custom
will prevail.
- Jus Cogens (peremptory norm of general
international law) is a norm accepted and
recognized by the international community of
the States as a whole as a norm from which
no derogation is permitted and which can be
modified only by a subsequent norm of
general international law having the same

 A unilateral statement, however phrased
or named, made by a State, when signing,
ratifying, accepting, approving or
acceding to a treaty, whereby it purports
to exclude or to modify the legal effect of
certain provisions of the treaty in their
PART TWO: PUBLIC application to the State.
 Reservation may be allowed unless:
INTERNATIONAL LAW o The reservation is prohibited by
the treaty;
- International law is that it is a body of rules o The treaty provides that only
and principles of action which are binding specified reservation, which do
upon civilized states in their relations to one not include the reservation in
another. question, may be made;
I. SOURCES OF OBLIGATIONS o In cases not falling under sub-
- Sources are often classified into formal paragraphs (a) and (b), the
sources and material sources. Formal reservation is incompatible with
sources can refer to various processes by the subject and purpose of the
which rules come into existence. Material treaty.
sources, are not concerned with how rules WITHDRAWAL
come into existence but rather with the  Unless the treaty otherwise provides, a
substance and content of the obligation. reservation may be withdrawn at any time
A. TREATIES and the consent of a State which has accepted
- Determine the rights and duties of states just the reservation is not required for its
as individual rights are determined by withdrawal.
contracts. Their binding force comes from the  Unless the treaty otherwise provides, an
voluntary decision of sovereign states to objection to a reservation may be withdrawn
obligate themselves to a mode of behavior. at any time;
- They represent the most deliberate form of  Unless the treaty otherwise provides, or it is
commitment through which government otherwise agreed:
cooperates with one another.
o The withdrawal of a reservation obligations still to be performed. The change
becomes operative in relation to must have increased the burden of the
another State only when notice of it obligations to be executed to the extent of
has been received by the State; rendering the performance something
o The withdrawal of an objection to a essentially different from the originally
reservation becomes operative only undertaken.
when notice of it has been received by B. CUSTOMARY INTERNATIONAL LAW
the State which formulated the - Results from a general and consistent
reservation. practice of states followed by them from a
sense of legal obligation.
 A treaty may be terminated or suspended o Duration- can be either short or long.
according to the terms of the treaty or with In North Sea Continental Shelf Cases,
the consent of the parties. A treaty with a the court indicated that a short
definite period may also expire. duration, by itself, will not exclude the
 Three other important modes of terminating possibility of a practice maturing into
a treaty are material breach, impossibility of custom provided that other
performance and change of fundamental conditions satisfied such as been both
conditions (rebus sic stantibus). extensive and virtually uniform in the
sense of provision invoked- and
REBUS SIC STANTIBUS should moreover have occurred I such
 A fundamental change of circumstances a way as to show a general
which has occurred with regard to those recognition that a rule of law or legal
existing at the time of the conclusion of a obligation is involved.
treaty, and which was not foreseen by the o Consistency
parties, may not be invoked as a ground for o Generality of the Practice of State
terminating or withdrawing from the treaty 2. OBLIGATIONS ERGA OMNES
o The existence of those circumstances C. GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF LAW
constituted an essential basis of the - This has reference not to principles of
consent of the parties to be bound by international law but to principles of
the treaties; municipal law common to the legal systems of
o The effect of the change is radically to the world. They may, in a sense, be said to
transform the extent of the belong to no particular system of law but are
obligations still to be performed evidence rather of the fundamental unity of
under the treaty. the law.
 A fundamental change of circumstances may
not be invoked as a ground for terminating or D. APPLICATION OF INTERNATIONAL LAW BY
withdrawing from a treaty: DOMESTIC COURTS
o If the treaty establishes a boundary 1. MONISM
o If the fundamental change is the result - International law and municipal law belong
of a breach by the party invoking it to only one system of law.
either of an obligation under the -
treaty or of any other international 2. DUALISM-
obligation owed to any other party to - holds that international law and municipal law
the treaty. are essentially different from each other.
 In order that a change of circumstances may - For dualist, when international law and
give rise to a ground for invoking the municipal law conflict, municipal law must
termination of a treaty it is also necessary prevail.
that it should have resulted in a radical - The dualist are positivist with a strong emphasis
transformation of the extent of the on state sovereignty.
- Dualism also rules that when it comes to entry of - A community of persons more or less numerous,
international law into domestic sphere. permanently occupying a definite portion of
International law, unless it is made part of the territory, independent of external control, and
domestic system, has no role in the settlement of possessing an organized government to which the
domestic conflicts. great body of inhabitants render habitual obedience.
PART OF DOMESTIC LAW FOR “DUALIST” persons sufficient in number and capable
 Doctrine of Transformation of maintaining the permanent existence
 For international law to become of the community and held together by a
part of the domestic law it must common bond of law.
be expressly and specifically o TERRITORY- a definite territory in which
transformed into domestic law an entity exercises permanent
through the appropriate sovereignty.
constitutional machinery such as o GOVERNMENT- an institution or
an act of Congress or Parliament. aggregate of institutions by which an
 Doctrine of Incorporation independent society makes and carries
o The law of the nations, out those rules of action which are
wherever any questions necessary to enable men to live in a social
arises which is properly state, or which are imposed upon the
the object of its people forming that society by those who
jurisdiction, is here possess the power or authority
adopted in its full extent prescribing them.
by the common law, and it o CAPACITY TO ENTER RELATIONS WITH
is held to be part of the OTHER STATES/SOVEREIGNTY-
law of the land. independence from outside control.
- Is a species of monism in the reverse, GOVERNMENTS
asserting that municipal law has primacy
over international law in both international RECOGNITION OF STATES
and municipal decisions. - Recognition means the act of acknowledging
4. HARMONIZATION the capacity of an entity to exercise rights
- The process by which two or more states, belonging to statehood.
sometimes under the auspices of an interstate
or international organization, change their RECOGNITION OF GOVERNMENT
legislation relevant to some area of common - It means the act of acknowledging the
concern to conform their statutes and to capacity of an entity to exercise powers of
facilitate compliance and enforcement across governments of a state.
borders. - Recognition by other Powers is an important
- Domestic courts are bound to apply the local evidential factor in establishing proof of the
law. In international practice, however, courts existence of a government in the society of
are very rarely confronted with such a nations.
problem. The reason for this is that courts are - Non-recognition may have aided the
generally able to give to domestic law a succeeding government to come into power;
construction which does not conflict with but subsequent presentation of claims based
international law. on the de facto existence of the previous
government.. does not work an injury to the
II. INTERNATIONAL LEGAL PERSON succeeding government in the nature of fraud
or breach of good faith.
A. STATES - Once recognized, gains increased prestige and
- Recognition of government does not mean - Individuals are objects or at best
approval of the recognized government’s “beneficiaries” of international law. With the
method. Nor do diplomatic relations connote greater global awareness of human rights
approval; they are intended merely to secure individuals have now come to be recognized
convenience. as possessing albeit limited rights and
obligations in international law.
B. NON-STATE ENTITIES - Individuals possess international legal status.
o International organizations They have few obligations deriving from
o Insurgents customary international law.
o Liberation movements - As to corporations, state has jurisdiction over
o Individuals corporations organized under its laws. Many
states assert jurisdiction over corporations
C. INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS whose principal place of business or
o United Nations registered office is locate din their territories.
o General Assembly States have also sought to regulate
corporations organized or having their
principal place of business abroad when
o Trusteeship Council
these corporations are owned or controlled
o Secretariat
by nationals.
o International Court of Justice
o Other agencies III. JURISDICTION
o WHO - A state has absolute, but not necessarily
o FAO exclusive power to prescribe, adjudicate and
o IMF enforce rules for conduct that occurs within
o WORLD BANK its territory. For this reason, boundaries
o Regional Organizations should be determined.
o ASEAN - To have jurisdiction, occupation is not
- An organization that is set up by treaty enough; control must also be established.
among two or more states. It is different from - An aspect of territoriality principle is the
non-governmental organizations(NGO) which “effects doctrine”. A state has also jurisdiction
are set up by private persons. The constituent over acts occurring outside its territory but
document of international organizations having effects within it.
therefore is a treaty. - Though it Is true that in all systems of law, the
- Although International Organizations have principle of the territorial character of
personality in international law, their powers criminal law is fundamental, it is equally true
and privileges are by no means like those of that all or nearly all these systems of law
states. Their powers and privileges are extend their action to offenses committed
limited by the constituent instrument that outside the territory of the State which
created them adopts them, and they do so in ways which
- International organizations are governed by vary from State to State. The territoriality in
the “principle of speciality”, that is to say, Criminal
they are invested by the States which create 2. NATIONALITY PRINCIPLE
them with powers, the limits of which are a - Says that every state has jurisdiction over
function of the common interests whose its nationals even when those nationals
promotion those States entrust to them. are outside the state.
- One of the duties which the citizen owes
to his government is to support the
D. STATUS OF INDIVIDUALS AND CORPORATIONS administration of justice by attending its
courts and giving his testimony whenever - As the Las Palmas Case, infra, shows,
he is properly summoned. control over territory is of the essence of
- Each State has the right to decide who are a state. The exact boundaries may be
its nationals using either the principle of uncertain, but there should be a definitive
jus sanguinis or jus soli or naturalization core over which sovereignty is exercised.
laws. However, for a state to claim a - The traditional modes of acquisitions are:
person as a national, the state must have o Discovery and Occupation
reasonable connection or an “effective o Prescription
link” with that person. The consent of an o Cession
individual alone is not enough for him to o Conquest and subjugation
be recognized by other states as a o accretion
national of the state to which he claims to
- Effective Nationality Link- used to
determine which of two states of which a
person is a national will be recognized as
having the right to give diplomatic
protection on the holder of dual
- Persons who do not have nationality. They are
either de jure or de facto stateless.
Those who have lost Those who have
their nationality, if nationality but to
they had one, and whom protection is
have not acquired a denied by their state
new one. when out of the state.

- State may exercise jurisdiction over
conduct outside its territory that
threatens its security, as long as that
conduct generally recognized as criminal
by states in the international community.
- Because this principle gives states wide
latitude in defining the parameters of
their jurisdiction, the international
community has strictly construed the
reach of this doctrine to those offenses
posing a direct, specific threat to national


- Asserts that a state may apply law-
particularly criminal law- to an act
committed outside its territory by a
person not its national where the victim
of the act was its national.


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