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11. Soil densifications: a. occurs during the pile drilling b, causes elastic group settlement c. decrease soil properties d. increase pile resistance 12. Expansive soils a. are clays that undergo large volume changes. b. are generally low-plasticity soils settle suddenly. ©. are sand-sized particles deposited by wind. d. are mixed soils consisting of rock debris, sand, silt, clays, and boulders. 13. The ground water level rising to the surface will reduce the bearing eapacity by a. more than one- fourth b. more than one-half ¢. more than two-third d. more than three-fourth 14. In some projets, spread foundation may overlap each other or differential settlements may be intolerable. One solution is to use avretaining wall b.bored pil mat footing sheet pile 5. The Machlourain’s series of the function ( e° ) is axte2/24 b.xtx3BH... © 1453/31... di. 1+x2/2: 16. Bitumen: a. is used for pile coating to increase adhesion b. isa slurry to support the bored pile ¢. is needed to decrease negative skin friction d. isa clay mineral 17. A.20* slope ¢ of safety is great extent of sand, weighting (17 KN/m*) with (@ =40°), Then the tor a.3.2 b.23 ¢.0.43 0.031 18. The hydraulic conductivity of a sand at a void ratio of (0.8) is (0.047cm/sec). Then the hydraulic conductivity of this sand at a void ratio of (0.5) is a. 0.092 cm/sec b. 0.029 cm/sec ¢. 0.018 cm/sec d. 0.081 cm/sec 19. The efficiency factor of a pile group in sand is a0 bl 6.05 d2 l iversity of Baghdad Qualification Exam M.Se. Soil Mechanics & College of Engineering 2015/2016 Foundation Engineering Civil Engineering Dept. Date Aug. 13" 2015 ‘tone (60% Mark the correct choice 1, Two saturated soil samples have the same density and specific gravity must have the a. same consolidation —_b. same bearing capacity c. same porosity d. none of these 2. A pile (450 mm) in diameter and (15 m) long is driven into a clay (Cu=23.8 kPa, a=1, Yeu=19kN/m* and F.S=3), then the end load capacity is 4.286 KN b.34KN ©. 268 KN d.43 KN 3. The group symbol SM in the USCS chart refers to a. medium sand b. silty sand ¢. medium silt d. sandy silt 4, Lf the soil is isotropic then aay > Ke De Kem ha ee ky 4. none of these ¢ Shear test (d=100mm, h/d=2), the maximum applied torque was 190N.m. ‘Then a.=28kN/m? b= 82 KN/m? S2kNim? d= 25 kN/m? 6, A UU test was conducted on saturated clay, The cell pressure was (200kPa) and failure occurred under a deviator stress of (220kPa). Then (he undrained shear strength is a.100KP b,200kKPa —¢. 220kPa_—d. 110 Factors affecting compaction a, shear strength, soil type and void ratio, b. air content, soil type and yoid ratio . ¢. water content, soil type and compaction effort . 4. air content, soil type and compaction effort, 8, If the consistency index of soil equal zero, then a, the soil is very stiff b. the soil is very soft ¢. the soil is extremely d, none of these. 9, The group symbol A-4 in the / a. sand soil b. clay soil ¢, gravel soil 4, silt soil ASHTO method refers to 10. To solve the differential equation: d’y/dx’ + y.dy/dx =0, then assume a. v= dy/dx and dv/dx = d*yfdx? b. v= dy/dx and v,dv/dy = d?y/dx* c. v= dy/dx and v.dv/dx = d*y/dx* d, non of these ao Avag xy +y sinQy)] a 2xyysin(y) —b. Oxy . 2x+1 — d. 2x+sin(y) —_e. None of these is called series, 26. The series 3 a, Harmonic arithmetic €. geometric d. power _¢) None of these 27. The Lapalee transform of 9 jg a, BD tantly) e stan(lvs) de stants) @ None of these 28. Given y = sin? a. the domain of the function is 0<@ Pile foundation d- Sheet piling . The density 7. The effective stress at point A (ne water present) to be of the soil is found to be 18.1 kNum3 and dep'h of soil layer to be 7m. 2-226. 7kpa—b 100. Thpac 126-7Tkpa de ROGKPa Jwad toa deeper more stable layers of soil. dation ¢- Mat foundstion d- Pile foundation are used to rans hall 8. a+ Retaining walls Q20: Find the ultimate bearing capacity of « 1.$m wide wall (strip ) footing placed in y depth embakunent to be 1.2m. The density of dic soil i> round w be mn angle to be 20°, Using Terzaghi's equation and assume (2 marks ) sandy soil kNim! and e=17.7,.Nq Ali Dhiaa marks) 07815382091 Theory of structures: (22 (13 masks) ialions to be satisfied for static equations of a plane Stuctures is: al b.2 ©2 d4 ‘it support on a simply supzorted beam of span( L). O.41 from the le& cupport is. 2.A load W is moved from The maximum bending moment at ated b.0.201 ©. O.24W1 d 0251 3. The deformation of a spring produced by a unit load is called: a. stiffness aS jlico Cy m ve line KOREK TELECOM (oS aaa sele VILE mt “GO aS ylitto Cy Mathematics :(6 marks) QI. Choose the correct answer: (5 Marks) |. A particle moves from the point A(-2,5) to the y-axis in such a way that Sy=3Ax. Ils new coordinates are; a. B(0,10) b. B(O1 1) ¢, B(1,-10) d_ B(11,0) di dex 4. The value of ar a5 b.2 da cosx dx $, The evaluation of if ate |B - sin® x a-ttsy4c git a 1 sete +2) b,-sinx + C Ome @ sete Q2: Find the domain for the function f(x) 2,2 mabe 1x20 (i Marks) Solved Problems in Soil Mechanics Soil Properties & Soil Compaction 14. (Mid 2006): A borrow material has a volume of 191,000 m’ and void ratio of 1.2. After compaction its new void ratio is 0.7. find the corresponding volume? Solution Givens: Vri = 191,000 m’ , ce =1.2 , Veo =??, e2 = 0.7 The main idea of this problem that the value of V, is constant. Befor compaction: Vri-Vs ey = 12 = eee — V, = 86818.18 m* After compaction: eo, = a 5 0,7 = eS 5 v2 = 147,590.9m' V. ve 15. (Mid 2006): The total volume of a soil specimen is 80,000 mm’ and it weighs 150 8681818 grams. The dry weight of the specimen is 130 grams and the density of the soil solids is 2680 K g/m’. Find the following: a) The water content. b) Void Ratio. ¢) Porosity d) Degree of saturation. ¢) Saturated unit weight f) Dry unit weight Solution Givens: Vr = 80,000 mm’, Mmoist = 150 gm , Mary = 130gm , ps = 2680 Kg/m’ a) Yow = Masiet Meer 5¢ 10094 = BO? * 100% = 15.38%/. Mary 130 A ard KOREK TELECOMIK. KOREK eS Ms @ Soil mecha ui in 21. Ina saturated soil deposit having a density of 22 kN/m?, the effect ‘stress on a horizontal plane at 5 m depth will be: eo a. 22 KN/m? 6.90 KN/m* ©. 60 KN/m? 110 N/m? 22. The porosity of a sample of sand was 54%, Pind the eritical hydeauli gradieny, if specific gravity of soil grins was 2.60 ei @, 0.376 6.0637 ©. 0.463 4.0.76 23. A fully saturated clay specimen is placed in a consolidometer and subjected to ‘a loading of 200 KN/m*. After a period of time it was found that the average pores w. pressure in the specimen was 70 kN/m’. the consolidation reached by then wa: entage of @.70 5.65 0.35 4,29 24, The net allowable bearing capacity (q as) of clay or plastic safety =3, to (load at the base of foot @ 9 vn B.q vncoatact/2 4 3 25. A flow net is drown for a weir. The total head loss is 6m. Number of pote drops is 10 and the length of flow path for the square is Im. the exit gradient is 2.0.6 6.0. 1.0 4.16 Advanced Eng. Math 26. The c olution of the di -quation (D.Eq.): x is 27, The solution of the first order differential equatio. x a) y=qe+e, 4) non of t 29. The orthogonal trajectories on the curves y= cx'are set of a) Lines b) circles ¢) ellipses d) non of these -anned by CamScanner (Total marks 15) (19) Foundat tion Engineering (3 marks) \ square foundation with |.5in* 1.5m, the soil supporting the foundation has c= 15.2 kNim, 7 = 17.8kN) e depth of foundation is one meter. (Ne =7.44, Ny 20", Nq 3.64).The allowable bearing capacity with factor of safety equal to 4 is: KN/m? —(B) 127.7 Nim? (C) (Ay 112, 37.7 kNém?—— (D) 187.5 kN/m? (20) dation Engineering (3 marks) For clayey layer with H = 8m, my = 40"10kN/m?, the total settlement of this layer is equal to 130mm occurred after 2 years, while the settlement occurred after 6 month is equal to 90mm. The degree of consolidation after 6 month is: (A) 10% (B) 50% (€) 60% (D) 90% (21) Foundation Engineering (3 marks) For square footing (2m*2m) carry vertical lo: (OOKN, the increase in vertical stress due to load at point on the depth 2m due to 2:1 method is: (A) 30 KN (B) 25 kN/m (C) 65 kN/ (D) 60 KN/m? (22) Foundation Engineering (1 mark) The expression used to calculate the bearing capacity of surface footing under vertical load on sandy soil is: (A) eNe (B) qNa (©) 0.54 BNy (D) cNe + 0.33 7 BNy (23) Foundation Engineering (1 mark} The countered in the SPT test is We BO (ON Wye (24) Foundation nerete building with L=25m, B=30m, for soil investigation, the No. of boring holes (3 (B)4 «os (25) Foundation Engineering (1 For steel building have 3 stores, the depth of boring holes should be (A) 3m (B) 5m (7m (D) 9m (26) Foundation Enj In the field can be fi neering (1 mark) (A) SPT test (B) CBR test (CCPL test (D) Plate-load test Foundation Engineer Foundation engini cided use piles foundation if the (A)D> B (B) D> 2B (€) D> 4B. (D) D> 6B JUALIATVS 04 $89.95 (9) $52. \ poset WYN 9E (GQ) AU/NA GTZ (9) sat 1-3 prog SEUTION F anned by CamScanner M) Soil Mechanies (mark cient of curvature for a well graded soil, must be betwee (4) 0.5 to 1.0 (8) (C)3.0t0.4.0 (D) 4.0 to 0 i¢s (1 mark he incorrect statement from the followin; (A) Compaction has no effect on the structure of a (B) Per neability decreases with increase in the y density of ‘ompacted soil (C)_A wet side compacted soil is more compressible than a dry side compacted soil Y side compaction soils swell more when given access to moisture Choose the c¢ rect statement from the followii (A)The dry density reduces by addition of water after attaining optimum moisture content (B) The tine joining the peak of three moisture content graphs obtained by using three compactive energies, is called line of optimum (C) Well graded coarse grained soils ca be compacted to a very high density as compared to fine grained soils (D) All the above, tures (Total marks 10) Given irrigation structure with the following properties The length of the horizontal floor (b) = 20m The depth of U/S and D/s piles (dj & d:) is 2.5m and 3.5m respectively The depth of water in U/S and D/S sides (yi & y2) is 3m and 2.75m respectively The pressure head (/,) under this floor at a distanice 15m from the b by using Bligh’s theory, where 4, = #a-“*) and H iw V/S water depth ~ D/S water depth (B) 0.09375 m (C) 1.125 m (D) 0.171875 m Engineering Analysis (Total marks 10) (43) Engineering Analysis (I marks) A square matrix all of whose elements except the main diagonal are zero is called (A) Null mat (B) Singular matrix (C) Diagonal matrix (C) Symmetric matrix (44) Engineering Analysis (mark) The Solution of a differential equation which is not obtain from the general solution is, known as (A) Particular solution (B) Singular solution (C) Complete solution (D) Auxiliary solution nned by CamScanner (45) Engineering Analy is (Lmark) (A) SLIF(O)] = £0 (By P(S) (C) SLUP(t (D) None of the above (46) Engineering Analysis (I mark) Inw ft follow approximate the cur (A) Euler's method (3) Modified Euler's method (C) Newton's method (D) Runge-Kutta method ring An lysis (3 marks) A) yee sins (B) y=e cos! (Cc) e sin! D) y =e” cos~ 48 ering Analysis (3 marks) x ‘ ; ‘ sins sin 0 when —y is an odd mult A sinx +1)cosy (B) « (cosx + Deos D cosx +1)sin y ail Ra ge Strength of Mate 49) Strength of Materials (1 mark, A) The fictitious shear (B) The fictitious moment 'C) The fictitious load (D) The fictitious deflect (50) Strength of Materials (I (ay EVES = wry (8) EL V(x) (C) ELE = Mix) (D) Nome of above dx dx ir anned by CamScanner sl of Materials (1 mark) oling is expressed b Wyte ern Gy te ekn (CT =24 Rn (D)None of above 1 Aye, = [6, -via, +0.) (B) ¢, = ple, -¥(6, +4,)] Ce zie, -vio, +a.) (D) None of above (53) Ste th of Materials (3 marks) beam loai (A) 18.2 kip-ft (B) 18.0 kip-ft (C) 17.6 kip-ft (D) 178 kip-ft For th d as shown in the figure A T beam supports th “oncentrated loads shown in the se the NA is 70 mm from the top and that Ina = 15.52x10° mm* The maximum value of P so that MPa and 6, <70 MPa. [ey +y sinQ)] = a. 2xy+ysin(y) —b. 2xy 2xt |. 2xtsin(y) —_ e. None of these ia fli 26. The series Dar > is called seri a. Harmonic —b. arithmetic ©. geometric d. power) None of these singe 2 is: 1 27. The Lapalee transform of a, be tan“'(/s) es stan“(1/s) de s?an/s) e. None of these 28. Given y = sin?@ a. the domain of the function is 0<6@ we CDetest ob UU itest er CU test dh Allof the above The 1O.The minimum allowable factor of safety against sliding in the eave of ewntileyer retaining wall iy a20 who es 28 Hi The factor of safety oft infinite slope tna snd deposit iy 1.732. If the angle of shearing resistanee is 30" The safe slope ty: a 19.48" 784" Wat" 716 Rankine usoutnes thie csr soil andl retaining steueture tna frie nA there is sdrain «ls nom of these defied as 4 foundation which has slept lowe tan O.6 an. ie wRdDH Less units depth. depth less than Tm. ne of the aluve, ‘Trt Unhersty Msc Competition Sam College of Engineering Date 18/7/2016 Givi Engineering Department Time: 35 hes Yo35( sadn’ Ags) At) Q1) Choice he correct ansverof the filling 2 marks foreach branch): 1] The Oedometer test is used to determine: 6) Sor sheng ef sil soliton oper 2) Coefcon of unormay 4 Conheat of pommel 2 For steel building has 3 stories, the depth of boring holes should be: aim 3) Sm Zn oom 3 From the particle size destitution curve, if Dyo=0:36mm, Daa=2.38mm, Deo=4:8mm, the ‘coefficient of uniformity is: ay £33 dS oe) 2 D118 4] fs the fiek can be fined undrsned shear scengih from: 8) SPT test 8) CBR rest /CeCist =) Pateload test 5) Foundation engineer has desided to use the pile's foundation ithe: D> byD> 28 dest aD> 68 6) To caloulate bearing capacity of surface footing under venicl load on cohesionlss sail use the following expression = a Ne avg O52BN —— eNe+ 0.387 BN What is countered inthe SPT test? ae no as we 8] A concrete building with required, are: 1, B=30m, for soil investigation, the No, of boring holes 33 we os. 6 ‘Tit Unhersty M.Sc Competition Sam College of Engineering Date 18/7/2016 Givi Engineering Department Time: 3.5 hrs. 9] Hf excavation is being carried Yout ina soil wth porosity (n) = 0.85, and grain specific gravity Gs~ 265, the critical hydraulic gradient is: at m7 ©) 0927 gis 35, = yon oo 0580 268=1 a cen 10] During a fisld density test, i 18 50g of soil was excavated from a hole has a volume of ‘900cm! and the oven dried mass ofthe soil was 1630g, The moisture content i a) 1S 0) 22.2% o) 10.60% a) 8.67% Ws _ 1080— 1630 Gee = BRS x 100% = 13596 (QD) Amower the following equations (3 marks for each branch): 4} A square footing is 1.Sm 1 Sms, the soil is supporting the Footing has © = 20°, o= 15.2 kN 3178 kNim}. Deter Assume the depth of footing is one meter. (NC=17.69, the allowable bearing capacity with factor of sal AA, Ny=3.64) equals t0 6? qu=1.30NC+ qNq+0ANA+AeB = (19 4152 17.69) + (17.84 744) + (0.46 128 63.666 LS) = 5722 K/m2 = 822 43 ew m2 qatt = & = 22 bb] Determine the width (B) of rectangular footing (L=3m) curries vertical load of 660 KN 00 the ‘soil has an ultimate bearing capacity of 300 KNim’, we a factor of saety equals 103. Tikrit University M.Se Competition Exam College of Engineering Date 18/7/2016 Civil Engineering Department Time: 3,5 hrs, ah gal) Layla QI: Choose the correct answer (I mark foreach branch): 1] Stress Transformation Equation is: 2] Generalized Hooke's law is: a) io, -v(a,+9,)] ¥(0,+0,)1 » os, zl, -v(o,+0,)] | Now of abn 3] For Principal Stress: a) tan29, = = | m2, 2 = (@,-0,)/2 (@, +012 ©) tan 20, d) 126, (,-2,) (@,+6,) 4] For Cireular Area a tetart o hele oteter 2 6 & ‘Trt University M.Sc Competition Sam College of Engineering Date 18/7/2016 Givil Engineering Department Time: 3.5 hrs. C2610) Kung last (Ql: Choose the comet answer (I mark foreach branch: ay 11 The solation of, Fy iss H aoe 4) y=ae! +e" sean" +e | Myree st scconcsdsins 6) ysoooxt sing rms + sin @ None ofabore 2) Balers Formala is: cod +i bye =eas isin ) A wins 1eond 1) & wsind loos 3) A and B, are matrices, then (48)" is equal: aaa oat omar anima Tatecn cate w ome oe [fe] 5] The compe fom exponential form of Fourier sts: atonicet nivofert oO fd=See"* \ 4d fid-Tee = | = 6) The Laplace tastormation of is;

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