Statement of Purpose For Legal Service Centre Application

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Statement of Purpose for Legal Service Centre Application

My name is Shantanu Singh, and I am currently a first-year student pursuing

BALLB at DSNLU. I am writing this statement to express my strong desire to join
the Legal Service Centre and outline the contributions I can make to this
esteemed committee.

The reason I wish to be a part of the Legal Service Centre is driven by my

passion for creating positive change in society. As a law student, I believe that it
is my responsibility to utilize my legal knowledge and skills to assist and
advocate for marginalized individuals. Through this committee, I see an
opportunity to create awareness among the less privileged in a moral, social,
and ethical manner.

I firmly believe that education is the key to empowerment, and I aspire to make
a profound impact on the lives of marginalized people by providing them with
legal awareness and guidance. By offering legal aid clinics and workshops, I aim
to bridge the gap between legal information and those in need. My
commitment to this cause is unwavering, and I am prepared to work diligently
to bring about positive change.

In conclusion, my objective is to serve the Legal Service Centre with utmost

dedication and compassion. I seek to create a lasting impact by empowering
the marginalized through legal awareness and support. I am eager to
collaborate with like-minded individuals and contribute my skills and
enthusiasm to the committee's noble mission. With this opportunity, I am
confident that I can grow both personally and professionally while positively
influencing the lives of those in need.
Thank you for considering my application, hoping for a positive response from
Shantanu Singh

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