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Question 1

20 Points
There are three isotopes of oxygen (16O, 17O and 18O). For each of the three isotopes, list the number of
protons, neutrons, and electrons as well as the atomic number and atomic mass. Explain each answer.

Atomic Number = # protons (if the atom is neutral, it also equals # electrons) Atomic number =8
Atomic Mass = #protons + # neutrons

Oxygen, mass = 16 # protons =8 # electrons = 8 16 – 8 = 8 neutrons

Oxygen, mass = 17 # protons = 8 # electrons =8 17 – 8 = 9 neutrons
Oxygen, mass = 18 # protons= 8 # electrons =8 18 – 8 = 10 neutrons

Question 2
20 Points
What volume (mL) of 3.50 × 10-1 M hydrochloric acid can be neutralized with 305 mL of 0.600 M
sodium hydroxide? Include the balanced equation with your work. For full credit, you must not only
have the correct answer but show your step-by-step work to support your final answer.

HCl + NaOH → NaCl + H2O

1. Ma x Va = Mb x Vb
2. Ma x Va /Mb = Mb x Vb/Mb
3. Ma x Va /Mb = Vb
4. 0.600 M x 305 mL/0.35 M = 522.85 mL


Question 3
20 Points
What is the empirical formula of a compound that is 13.5% calcium, 10.8% oxygen, and 0.675%
hydrogen by mass? For full credit, you must not only have the correct answer but show your step-by-
step work to support your final answer.
1. Assume a 100g sample - 13.5 g C, 10.8 g O, 0.675 g H
2. mass → moles
3. mole: mole ratio to determine empirical formula
4. 13.5 g * 1 mol C / 12 g C = 1.125 mol C / 0.675 mol = 2
5. 10.8 g O * 1 mol O/ 16 g O = 0.675 mol O / 0.675 mol = 1
6. 0.675 g H * 1 mol H/ 1 g H = 0.675 mol H / 0.675 mol = 1
7. C2OH


Question 4
20 Points
Name the steps of the scientific method and apply them to an everyday problem you might solve using
the method. Be detailed with your answer and explain each step of your problem.
Steps of the scientific method
1. Collect the information
2. Formulate a hypothesis
3. Test the hypothesis
4. Formulate a theory
5. Repeatedly test the theory:

I attempt to make a cup of coffee using my Keurig coffee maker. I press the
6oz button but nothing happens.

Observation is that the coffee maker isn’t working.

Asked the question, “Why isn’t my Keurig working?”

Forming a hypothesis - My power outlet is tripped.

Prediction – If I reset the power outlet, my Keurig will work

Testing the prediction – I reset the outlet and my Keurig is working


Question 5
20 Points
Which of the items below would be considered the densest? (For full credit, you must not only have
the correct answer but show your step-by-step work for calculating density of each, in the units of
g/mL, to support your final answer. This includes any work required to convert units.)

a. A piece of wood with a volume of 2.5 L and a mass of 12.5 kg

D = 12.5 kg/2.5 L
D=12.5 kg/1 x 1000g/1 = 12,500g 2.5L/1 x 1000mL/1 = 2,500g
D = 12,500 g / 2,500 g = 5 g/mL

b. A ball with a volume of 139 mL and a mass of 93 g

D = 93 g/139mL = .67 g/mL

c. A tire with a volume of 2.12 L and a mass of 4.22 x 104 mg

D = 4.22 x 104 mg/1000g = .438 g 2.12L/1 x 1000mL/1 = 2120mL
D = .438g/2120mL = 2g/mL

d. A wire with a volume of 3.91 x 10-7 L and a mass of 7.93 x 10-1 ng

e. Change into kg (1ng = 1.0 * 10-12 kg) 7.93 x 10-1 ng = 7.93 x 10 -13 ng
f. Mass – 7.93 x 10^13 ng
g. D = Volume = 3.91 x 10^7 l = 2.48 x 10-6 kg/l 1 Kg/L = 1000 g / 1000mL = L1 g/mL
h. Therefore, the density = 2.48 x 10-6 g/m
e. A block of metal with a volume of 1350 mL and a mass of 1.29 x 103 g

D = 1.29 x 103g = 132 g / 1350mL

D = 0.09 g/mL

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